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Page—1- Dr. PANJABRAO DESHMUKH KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, AKOLA SEMESTER END PRACTICAL EXAMINATION B.Tech. (Agri. Engg.) Semester + | VMI (New) [Term |: }1 ‘Academie Year |= | 202 CourseNo, | + | ELE-PE-482 [Title || Process Equipment Design Credits > | 3a) Day & Date |; |Monday & Time |] 10.00 to 12.00 | Total Marks | a 24/04/2023 Note: 1) Solve any FOUR questions 2) All questions carry equal marks 3)_Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary QI [In a counter flow type exchanger milk is being cooled by chilled water at 1°C. The milk is flowing| pt @ rate of 250 ke/hr and cooled from 35°C to 4°C. The flow rate of water is four times the flow rate of milk. If the overall thermal conductance of the exchanger is 510keal/hr-m?-°C and the Bpecific heat of milk is 0.93 kcal/kg-°C, estimate the cooler surface area. Q.2 During the evaluation of air screen grain cleaner with two screens the following were observed (@ The impurities present in feed were 6.5% Gi) The impurities present in clean grain were 0.5% ii) The outflow of blower contained 0.2% clean seed (iv) The overflow of the 1* screen contained 1% clean seed (v) The underflow contained 0.5% clean seed (Calculate the cleaning efficiency of the cleaner. Q.3 | Explain the Specific heat and Thermal conductivity of a naterial, Q4 [Give the brief guidelines for application of HACCP principles in any food processing plant, Q5 | Calculate the equilibrium moisture content of brinjal seed at relative humidity of 10¥% and femperature of 50°C using Henderson's equation. Give that constants ¢is 6.5 x 10° and nis1 [EEE ee Dr. PANJABRAO DESHMUKH KRISHI VIDYAPEETH. AKOLA SEMESTER END PRACTICAL EXAMINATION B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) Faculty [B. Tech. (Agi ‘Viti (New) ‘Course No. ELE-RES-482 Credit 3 Q+. Course Title : | Agricultural Waste & By- Day ‘Tuesday product Utilizati Academie Vear [+] 2022-23 Date 2570472023 Marks 40 Time (11.00 ¢013.00) 21s. Note: 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) Solve any four questions. 3) Draw neat sketch wherever necessary Q.1 Explain working of effluent treatment plant, Q.2 Explain biochar preparation process from agro residue. Q.3. Explain the process of bioconversion of agricultural residues. Q.4- Give the process of determination of temperature, pH, turbidity, and solid content of wastewater. Q.5 How will you estimate excess air for improved combustion of briquettes? SRICULTURAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, ‘0 Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola SEMESTER END PRACTICAL EXAMINATION B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) a T Reademie Vear: 2022-25 COLLEGE OF A Semester? VIE(NEW) Term = Course No, ELE-FMPE 481 Title Testing of Ageil. Equipment & Machinery Credits: 3142) Day & Date: Wednesttay, 26/04/2023 Time: 11:00-14.00 Total Marks? BP wns Tac Oe Note: 1. Solve ANY EIGHT questions. 2. All question earry equal marks. 3, Draw neat diagrams wherever ni QA Discuss in detail the laboratory testing of tillage Impl analysis test of soil engaging components. “ar jements and discuss the we Q.2 Write in detail the parameters to be measured required for rate of work for testing of tillage implements. 3 Explain in detail the parameters to be measured required for quality of work for testing of tillage implements. Discuss the procedure to be adopted for draft measurement of tractor mounted type implement with neat sketch. Write procedure of stationery calibration of seed cum fenilizer dill in laboratory. ing of sced-cum-fertilizer drill Explain in details the performance testing of planter. Discuss the performance tests of sprayer. Write component tests of sprayer- ax & Soe Write the complete procedure for field test of Qs Qo Discuss the performance parameters to be calculated of power thresher from the analysis of samples. Dr. PANJABRAO DESHMUKH KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, AKOLA SEMESTER END THEORY EXAMINATION B. Tech. (Agtil. Engg.) Semester: VIII (New) Term : I “Academie Year : 2022-2023 Course No. : ELE-PFE-482 Title + Process Equipment Design Credits 23+) Time : 10,00-13.00 hrs Total Marks : 80 Day & Date : MON 08.05.2023 Note: Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Qs Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 1. Solve ANY Eight questions from SECTION “A”. 2. All questions from SECTION “B” are compulsory. 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4, Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION “A” Discuss the working of shell and tube heat exchanger along with neat diagram In a counter flow type exchanger milk is being cooled by chilled water at 1°C. The milk is flowing at a rate of 250 kg/hr and cooled from 35°C to 4°C. The flow rate of water is four times the flow rate of milk. If the overall thermal conductance of the exchanger is 510kcal/hr-m?-°C and the specific heat of milk is 0.93 kcal/kg-°C, estimate the cooler surface area. Discuss the ideal and actual sereen along with the graphical representation of various flows ofa screen. During the evaluation of air screen grain cleaner with two screens the following were observed (i) The impurities present in feed were 6.5% i) The impurities present in clean grain were 0.5% ii) The outflow of blower contained 0.2% clean seed (iv) The overflow of the I" screen contained 1% clean seed (v) The underflow contained 0.5% clean seed Calculate the cleaning efficiency of the cleaner. the specific heat and thermal conductivity of a material, Expl Discuss the working of indented cylinder separator. Explain the various equilibrium moisture content (EMC) models. Explain the working of attrition mill along with nes ‘What are the advantages of good plant layout and explain the site selection for establishi fruit processing unit. ing Q.10 Explain the working of bucket elevator for loading and unloading of material along with neat iagram. Qu ) 2) 3) 4) 5) ) 2 8) Qn 1) 3) 5) oO) SECTION “B” Fill in the blanks The Of a product tells us about the amount of heat required to change the temperature of the product. The flat belt idlers are used for degrees. The may be defined as the ability of a screen in closely separating the feed into overflow and underflow according to its size, ‘The screw conveyor consists of a granular materials having an angle of repose of not less than. ‘trough in which a shaft is with spiral screw revolves, ‘The is commonly used in HTST units for heating the milk well below its boiling point. The disks are operated between hence the large capacity of attrition mills is large. Th }___ equation provides an equation for calculating the shell side heat transfer coefficient, The property of gaining or loosing of moisture as per the atmospheric conditions is known as Define the following terms Crushing efficiency 2) Terminal velocity EMC 4) Shear strain Thermal diffusivity 6) Sphericity Degree of grinding 8) Enthalpy Seo Dr. PANJABRAO DESHMUKH KRISHI VIDYAPEETH, AKOLA SEMESTER END THEORY EXAMINATION B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) Semester: VIII (NEW) Term : Il Academic Year: 2022-23 CourseNo. : ELE-REE-482 Title: Waste and By-Products Utilization Credits : 3@H ) + 80 Day &Date : Tuesday 09.05.2023 Time : 10.00-13.00 ‘Total Marks_? Note: 1. Solve ANY EIGHT questions from SECTION “A”. 2. All questions from SECTION “B” are compulsory. 3. All question carry equal marks. 4. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION “A” Zz Q.1 A Give the classifications of Waste. _*e Discuss about waste management concept in brief. Q2 41 Discuss in brief about different waste characteristics. _é Explain different densification techniques. 0.3 ac What is mean by briquetting? Give the advantages of briquetting “(State the advantages and disadvantages of oxidation ponds, Q.4 Which agro waste can be used for power generation? Explain in detail. Q.5 2 Explain about consumer's guidelines to be followed for reducing the effect of pesticide residues. _bGive the list of equipments used for estimation of pesticide effect and mention its function. 6° Which are the different methods used for disinfection of water? QT Which are the treatments used to treat waste water? Explain in brief. ax Differentiate between by-product and waste. Q9 2 Enlist and explain various parameters of effluent. b. Explain the different tests involved in bacteriological analysis of water. Q.10 Write a short note on (Any Two) AC Vermi composting peas . Tricking filters SECTION “B” 1 State True or False J Food processing wastes are those end products of food industries that have not been recycled or used for other purposes. “The water content of meat and vegetable waste lies between 70 and 95% by mass. 3. Effluent is an in-flowing of water or gas from a nateral body of water. 4. Itis estimated that about 11% of food products at the farm gate is lost, much due to spoilage. gas form. Hydrogen (H) is the major constituent of biomass. FA food industry produces a substantial amount of pollution especially in liquid and & 1 ‘The waste hierarchy refers to the "4 R s" reduce, reuse, recollect and recycle. Qa Define the following By-Product 2 3. Filtration 4. 5. Densification 6. 7. Chlorination 8& tere BOD and COD are common measurements to determine water quality. Pesticides Residues Flocculation ‘Waste management

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