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‘Clas lets tere tcceene | EN stan, ISH TEST 04—SENCOND SEMESTER CODE 111 ark the a letter - i m that of the 2G oF D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part t Sanecaecenen meats maha ot in pronase at he ord won testi SA i rome c= Covad oe Mark thee’, B. doctorate fgraduate D, kindergarten || -s@iher three in tue A: Bs C, oF Don your ansner shee Ge woe differs from the ction 3, cui pelon of ress imeach af the lowes uestion 4. thie 4 relic complex 4 Maneintindane Pepe (Staton sd Deanery 3 QuaNiBE Questions," “3 Cor Don your answer sheet indeate the ortega ey cach of the \ Suestion 22etons, os ts, nberil Citadel of Thang Long isa cultural complex comprising royal palaces and monument : ee ce graeme peasy A. When I read the amaif tit lsd she was leaving nec Cae Nottie (Bens when red the il” uestion 7. Eman D. Before I read the email {A appeared ™™# Thompson isthe most famous actor» ___on the stage here. sean 8 This mont, Tes fak Pesan seh iy school asking abou the direg PAE a sived man ees ms school students If School-leavers, onan Cer C. opinions D. choices: .. {he Bottles, Mike poured the drinks for everyone. A. to open B.Toh, a oct i Le ibaa Gis tea ‘o have opened C. Being opened @ Having opened : to Indieate tea semuenU school announcement and mark theletter A.B, cso D on nie AnsWer sheet to indicate the correct option that best Ils cach ofthe sense, Dlanks »- Halls will come to Life with Music Albert Hall and Royal Hall have disclosed their schedules for the upcoming season, with everything oy Classical music to stand up comedy acts and lots in betwee The ‘Smiths are set to make their debut at 100-year-old Albert hall on Jan 25, 2007. The venerable venue will (11) host Bi 17, Ron Ghanem on January 3, Terry Lightfoot on January 9, and folk superstar Judith Bachman on February 12, 13 and 14. wa At Royal Hall, in its classical series, American soprano Rosemary, Canadian Voigt, Soprano Lonathon Pierre, Canadian baritone Mel Finley, and Polish contralto CeorgePodles (12) ____on the bill. Question 10-A. over at Cup Fom@, | Question 11. A. besides also A of either 1 Question 12, A. is was Seg Dewere | Read the following advertisement/sehool announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on ‘our answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks Movies in the Park This fall Glenwood Springs Park will host a weekly Movies in the Park night for residents of Glenwood Springs. In cooperation with various local business sponsors including Paxton, Inc., and GS Mall, family-friendly movies (13) evety Friday night at the center of the park, Tickets are not (14) for these events because they are free to the public. id i Running from September through November, Movies in the Parke promises a line-up of fan and touching movies for the whole family. You are-encouraged (15)____ blankets and chairs ‘as well as picnic snacks. Movie starting times depend on sunset times, so iis advised to come eatly to secure your spot beforehand. Please visit our Web site at www.glenwoodsprings.org/movies to sec a schedule of upcoming films and a list of our local sponsors, ~ i i illbe shown C. was shown Dis shown a g Tarailebis “a C. various a valuable to bring at juestion 144. necessary rin ration 15. A. bring B. brought C. bringing ay wer sheet t0 Int he following questions. . ur ans : ark the Letter A Bs C07 PT graphietter it om sr acs oe ee ‘Question 16 tf ot Vi mqis more convenient i temational organisatic b Seca this has created more xe it joined different ay Jocal and international Secont'y bree. er Vietnam in cet Nami Iped Vie! i ve ining es? organizations ae ron aor snore aboTst Ot FONAGRE ° ultural exchan 7 itures. i ie rious € ening different CURUTES: | ay foreign tourists are nl, various cultural x ca better cHEREE OF SPO most popul ; has become one a-e-b-d-f f : the quality in education has also improved. Now dis Naan has a lot of education programmes which are as good as ee Seana pe bay varus an so gees advanced knowledge oF exchange eveaon Feared, los or private companies, depending on thir bites and ICEF, for example, has a lot of programmes to make sure question I a. Secon preferences. © ¢. Fist they get better health care now. UN! all children get vaccinated to avoid some diseases. i £ Young Vietnamese people have gained three main benefits of Viet Nam becoming a member of different international organisations. A. f-c—b-e-b-d C.f>a-b-e-c-d eee D_ D.f-e-a-c-b-d ark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct optic ee correct option that best fits each of —__and convenient than Many people are taking online courses because they're (18) tag m classes. For an eae to take an eet oa while working, an online course will JaaramlY fate ae ening mee ea ens tome wee ae For those advantages, many ig ° ra may sa ae repr hems for efeive onlin leaming? First, hey Bea Team how to use oa eet are 2c we Oa tl “Cybern ae ae Serpe a, ic, tt eng ea pce oF sve is tod one or more Question 18: A. much cost-saving to enable online learning Bre = 29s ere fewer cost-saving to enable online learning 7 Teaming Se ayes jie Dias ee B. her learning spaces Question 21. (&-Yhey can find resources and clearly a C ‘can find resources and. clearly understand aa Ctey on finding resources and clearly understand inst df ». can be found resources and clearly understand mae ey a be, Question 22. A. managing their time serious : . be manage ther time seriously Bama i ine ueston 23, Stns muy motivate yout make progess ne TaME hi time serious B. may motivate you to make progress. z z Comrie reene Ch . may not motivate you to make progress sswer sheet to indicate the correct tne following passage and mark the eter Ae 5 Gor Don your an ; best fits each of the numbered Blan ; dana Piece "he best example of marine invaded mest tag ffshore islands that is “Ha Long Bay is a group of offshor mikes ead ‘scenic beauty and biological in olds over 1,600 islands and se eae 8. limeste lars are a unique ‘natural feature of ic = en aa ce Vue ey cis so eo Long Bay isan exe) a year. tis uniely tat the mmber bas decreased cover the years co at the same ime Fg. As I had already seen the bout 3,000 other people in the Bay iv aly said that I was blown away by the wal bay the Bay lay Tyjden-today under avery common {28-. “The natural beauty of the Bay lay i furat landscape in China a couple of years before, I certs ee ee say big and Beautiful cave with three hollow chambers, We-saw so;ne ‘monkeys here t00, just igh to paddle a full circle in area. The ide eecave et ee ou as half an hur of ayaking~e0u © : views from L ressive than from the larger boat: you! tiny then and the peas ssa tof Thad a better Took at the water too, an oa oe hat Tsaw pollaion bY phistie Woating around. There is atin Tayer 0 Foil on the water in-some parts thous ("And then cero aN ere i Tin Tye oT our wa cried out well with good seafood 1 time to get bac for lunch and I had a saisfying day Question 24 . The attraction that Ha Long Bay ‘Aa large number o Fisk and islets B. the largest limestone region inthe world ts caves and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites oem he of enn ln uestion 25. the writer found that__- [A- he could see the peaks tise sharply infront of im “problem of pollution there was serious with plastic or.ather junk floating around Ge could see a thin layer of oil on the water in aftirele around the main area jas more impressed by the view from the kayak than by th from the boat estion 26. The writer was ‘eally frightened of visiting the Surprisind Cave J very impressed by the beauty of Ha Long Bay able to escape from an explosion in Ha Long Bay D. unable to see Ha Long Bay due to the fog (Question 27. The word “is” nthe first paragraph ft 2 A.cave B. groito ia Long Bay D. island uestion 28. The word “karst” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __. the common landseape found in China suitable for kayaking and boating an irregular lim estone region with undergroimd streams, and caves (ELE the explosive that can blow tourists away if they are not careful islets in Viet Nam and China a large num ber o fislands-ahe ‘ead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer for each question i z GAP YEAR In the professional or career world, a gap year isa year before going to‘college or university and after finishing high school or (29) ‘a year off before going into graduate school after completing a bachelor as an undergraduate. (30) this time, students may engage in advanced academic courses, ‘extra-academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college math courses, language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more. Gap years are Sometimes considered a way for students to become independent and learn a great deal of (31) prior to engaging in university life. “Australians and New Zealanders have a tradition of travelling overseas independently (32) young age. In New Zealand, this is known as “doing an OE” (Overseas Experience). Sometimes, an OE is fo one year, but often Australians and New Zealanders will remain oversea for thee to five ‘orking short-term in service industry jobs to fund their continuing travels. es years, with many W“ Question 29, calling 4B. going wing as Question 30, ring a B. When While Question 31 A-responsiple — (Byeson sh C.ireoponsile Question 32@A)at on Cin Question 33. distiblted BL used spent ‘Read the following passage and mark the eter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each ofthe questions : Math gti wchann ne act Ntoa tg car hundred years. Dewey was born in Vermont in 1859, and experience, individuality, and far play that shaped the charactér ofthe nineteenth-century Vermonter. He caevea hig own life as ycontinuously Teconstructive process-with experience and knowledge building to each other ‘By the 1930s, Dewey had simplified his theory of experience to is essence. As the intellectual leader ofthe progressive schools, he asserted that there was danger in rejecting shold uiless he new was rooted in a correct idea of experience. He’held that © : ‘Tieady knows and the stugtion at hand, Previous knowledge interacting with the present environment influences future experience. ee 1 reat) beloved tht experience could not be equated with education because all experiences are not necessarily educative. Experience is educative only when it contributes to the growthrof tie idividuat, but ‘ican be miseducative if it distorts the growth of future experience. It is the quality of experience that ‘matters. Thus, productive experience’s‘both the means and the goal of education. Furthermore, since cciication is & social process, truly progressive education involves the participation of the leamer in direting the learning experience. During his long life, Dewey lectured and published prolifically. These writings were influential both during his lifetime and after his death at the age of ninety-two. He viewed his whole life as an ‘experiment which would produce knowledge that would lead to the further experimentation. The range and diversity of Dewey's writings and his influence on society place him among American's great thinkers. ‘Question 34: What does the passage mainly discuss? A: John Dewey's theory of experience. (re educational methods of John Dewey. C. John Dewey’s professional growth progressive movement in education. cstion 35: The author implies that Dewey's Vermotrbackground provided him with en exellent eaeaoa limited the types of expeffences he had as a child inspired him to becomes philosopher D, contributed to his philosophy of experience ) Quéstion 36: The word iin paragraph 2 refers to__. ‘A. progressive civctdn Bt jeory of experience _C. the 1930s the old Question 37: According to Jon Dewey, the interplay between a person's previot knowledge and the resent situation is rus => Bea rejection ofthe old edkation correct idea of experience Question 38: The words*distorts” in paragraph 3 jx