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Example of Email Reply for Form 4 PKBS 1, 2024

To :
Subject : A Gift for A Foreign Friend
Hi, Hi Anis,
It has been a long time since I last heard
from you.
Need your help! Of course, I would really like to help you,
my friend.
I’m going back to London next month and I would suggest a local souvenir which will
thinking of buying a local souvenir for a foreign be suitable for your foreign friend. By
friend of mine. the way, is your friend a boy or a girl?
What can I bring back as a gift? In my opinion, you should buy a basket
made of rattan as a gift. This will make
him or her know more about Malaysian
Where can I buy it? You can buy it at a souvenir shop.
Especially the one in the Bazar Tok Guru
because it has lots of choices.
Also, I’m thinking of bringing back some local About the local snacks, my mum really
snacks too like dodol or durian chocolate! What makes delicious dodol. You can stop by at
do you think? my house to get it, free of charge.
Hope to meet you before you go back to

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