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Dear Natalie D.


Multiple times, I give my trust to someone just because they’re nice and I haven’t even known
them for that much. As soon as I give them my trust, I wish I can take It back. I’ve been used In
many toxic friendships for that same reason, one that transferred me like a stricken deer. As
soon as I read your book Five Total Strangers, I felt something change in me, the trusting part of

In sixth grade I moved here to Buffalo, NY, it was my first time in a middle school the first year
too. They talked about how I was a geek behind my back, what I wore, and how I acted. Even
though I gave them my trust, something inside of me told me “stop, something’s wrong and fishy
about these people.” During this time I felt like Mira when her parents told her to trust her gut
and if she thinks anything is wrong to do something. Just like Mira, I didn’t listen to my gut. Little
did I know that would have consequences just like Mira did.

I kept getting stabbed and stabbed over and over. It felt as deep and sharp as the knife they
found near Mira’s seat. In seventh grade I acknowledged my mistake and quit being friends with
them, that’s also when I read your book the second time. Every time I read it, I thought I knew
who the killer was little did I know I was wrong. Josh out of all people was the person I least
expected to be the killer. He was so kind and supportive of Mira. When I finished reading and
figured out that Josh did it, I recognized the power of your book.

I don't get stabbed in the back anymore because my trust standards are much higher than my
sixth-grade ones. I have a good friend group now thankfully, but even at times, they can also
hurt you. For example, I hate going to the gymnasium not because I am not athletic but because
it’s very challenging to find a partner. When I told my friend to be my partner, she sat down with
two others. She kept talking to them and told me to find another group, and that this was her
court. I got hurt that day but I realized that’s how life works. You need to learn to deal with it.

My mother has always been talking to me about how people act friendly sometimes because
they want something from you. Of course, I haven’t been in a scenario like that so I didn’t think
too much of it. As soon as sixth grade went by I understood
how powerful her words were. Fast forward one year to seventh grade when I read your book,
now I live with those words printed all over my brain at least a million times.

Now I am careful of whom I trust. Someone looks nice on the outside but their inside is as dark
as black. I learned another good lesson from your book, looks can deceive you. I don’t give
someone my full trust until I know everything about them inside and out. I have now understood
trust and how to make sure if someone is exactly what they seem. If they are not what they
seem, sweet as honey on the outside but as dark as black on the inside.Thank you for teaching
me how the world really works when it comes to trust.

Maryam Alobaidi, Grade 7

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