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Huswatun Hasanah 1, Karmila 2, Julia Dwi Mawarni 3,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi
Correspondence: *E-mail: , ,

comes from outside the student. The motivation that exists within students can be seen
through students' interest and attention to the lesson, students' high enthusiasm for
completing learning assignments, students' responsibility for the tasks given, as well
as students' reactions to the stimulus provided by the teacher. Apart from that,
learning motivation can also be reflected in the feeling of joy and satisfaction that
students feel when working on assignments given by the teacher. On the other hand,
students who do not have motivation to learn will be less enthusiastic and
irresponsible in completing the tasks given, because they do not have the
encouragement to carry out learning activities.
H 2 : Is there an influence of learning motivation on academic performance ?
3. Social support
Social support according to Dalton, Elias, and Wadersman (in Chaerani &
Rahayu, 2019) involves social, emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes in
personal relationships where individuals feel they have received help to adjust to the
problems they face. Ediati and Raisa (2016) stated that appropriate social support can
help someone meet their needs during difficult times, find effective ways to overcome
problems, and feel loved and appreciated, which ultimately increases their self-
confidence in living a better life.
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Social support is a real action provided by another person or someone who

receives the support. This refers to the satisfaction felt as attention, appreciation, or
help received from another person or group when needed (Sarafino & Smith, 2011).
H3: Is there social support for academic performance?
4. Psychological Well-Being of Students
According to Ryff (2013), psychological well-being is a dynamic
condition in which individuals have a positive view of themselves and others, are able
to make decisions independently, regulate behavior, create and manage an
environment that suits their needs, have a purpose in life, making their life more
meaningful. , and continue to strive to explore and develop themselves. Ryff and
Singer (2008) identified two factors of psychological well-being, namely psychosocial
factors which include emotional regulation, personality, personal goals, personal
values, coping strategies, and spirituality, as well as socio-demographic factors which
include age, gender, and socio-economic status. such as higher education, income, and
high position in work.
Research by Nurcahyo and Valentina (2020) on the psychological well-
being of students found 12 themes, including self-anxiety, self-adjustment, self-
confidence, connection through technology, self-regulation tactics, time flexibility,
family support, thesis inspiration, life lessons, life achievements, problems that must
be overcome, and creatively adaptive. The pandemic causes anxiety among students
who are completing their theses. To overcome this anxiety, students focus on solving
problems using technology. Even during the pandemic, students feel confident in their
ability to complete their thesis with strategy, persistence and effort. Completion of
this thesis contributes to achieving students' life goals.
H4: Is there student psychological well-being regarding academic performance?
5. Paformance Academic
According to Harris and Goodall (2008): Academic achievement refers to
the level of student achievement in academic areas, usually measured through test
scores or teacher assessments. They emphasize that academic achievement is
influenced by various factors, including parental involvement, school environment,
and student motivation. According to Anderman and Wolters (2006): Academic
achievement is the result of the teaching and learning process which reflects the extent
to which educational goals have been achieved. This involves various competencies,
such as understanding concepts, analytical abilities, and critical thinking skills.
According to Tinto (1993): Academic achievement can also be seen as the level of
student success in completing a particular educational program or course, which is
characterized by completion of assignments, active participation in class, and
achievement of expected learning outcomes.
According to Alex Sobur (2006), academic achievement refers to
achieving a level of success in achieving certain goals, which is obtained through
optimal learning efforts by a person. Winkel, in Nainggolan (2017), states that
academic achievement is proof of learning success or a student's learning ability to
carry out their learning activities according to the weight that has been achieved.
2. Research methods
1. Research Methods
This research uses quantitative methods as an examination approach.
According to (Creswell 2013) quantitative is a way of examining to focus attention
on the relationship between factors. The factors introduced can be estimated using
certain instruments so that information in the form of numbers obtained from
research results can be used for investigations using factual methodology. The

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purpose of quantitative exploration is to show the speculation put forward by the

analyst. The examination strategies used are irregular examination procedures,
collecting research information using instruments, investigating information using
quantitative examination with measurable-based information handling which aims to
briefly test speculation or conjectures that have been established. In this review,
experts use an overview strategy by distributing polls to respondents to understand
the qualities, ratings, behavior and perspectives of respondents. Polls are circulated
and collected via Google Structure. The information collection process was carried
out on 103 respondents.
The review method provides an outline of information patterns, rather
than offering in-depth clarification. Testing of information is carried out by looking
at Cronbach alpha to see the truth value, normal and standard deviation are used to
understand the impressive measurements, Pearson's correlation coefficient of the two
items is used to relate the factors and the T test for differences in directing the
factors, and half displays the primary condition from the box (PLS-SEM) for factors
that have a good impact. Next, in determining the test, the scientists used the G
Power application to dissect the strength of the sample.
For the survey limits in this exploratory examination, G Power was used to
determine the small enough size required, and the complete examination means
testing of 103 achieved a power of 0.93 . SEM-PLS is used to dissect information
and relies on SmartPLS Variant 4 on certain techniques. The initial step is to test the
estimation model to test the firm quality and legitimacy of the building. The next
step provides an assessment of the basic model that tests the direct relationship
between exogenous (autonomous) and endogenous (subordinate) factors (Hair,
Hollingsworth, Randolph, and Chong, 2017).
Tail(s) One Noncentrality parameter δ 3. 1916787

Effect size f² 0.0 3 Critical t 1. 7684792

α err prob 0.0 4 Df 100

Power (1-β err 0.9 2 Total sample size 103

Number of 6 Actual power 0.9 217076

2. Data Collection Instruments

The opinion poll instrument ready for this exam is structured into two
parts. At the beginning of the opinion poll, the expert asked members to fill in the data
section, the next section contains statements consisting of 34 of the 5 developments
taken by scientists, consisting of the Influence of the Learning Environment (4 things)
from research (Clarissa Almira Slsabila Majid 2023), Learning Motivation (5 things)
from research (Dewi Suciati 2022), Social Support (5 things) (Moh. Fajar
Noorrahman 2023), Psychological Well-being of Students (5 things) (Yopi Putri
Ramadani 2023) and Academic Performance (5 things) (Sarah Diah Hartati 2022),
everything is estimated on a Likert scale in general, firmly agree, agree, impartial,

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differ and strongly disagree. Furthermore, the poll was generally recognized by
3.1 Research result
3.1.1 Description of Research Data
Table 1 describes research data
Variable Demographics Frequency (N- Percentage
Age < 20 (1) 87 84.4
> 20 (2) 16 15.5
Total 103 100.0
Gender Male (1) 28 27.1
Female (2) 76 73.7
Total 103 100.0
Study Program Educational 16 15.5
/Prodi Administration
Others (2) 87 84.4
Total 103 100.0
Force 202 0-2022 (1) 87 84.4
202 3 (2) 16 15.5
Total 103 100.0
Table 1 is an interesting factual result, where from socioeconomics we can see that
instructors are partitioned based on sufficient age, namely: <20 (87/84.4%), >20 (16/15.5%).
Then it was also separated based on gender, namely male gender (28/27.1%) and female
gender (76/73.7%), then study programs/study programs in educational administration
programs (16/15.5% ) and p (87/84.4%), as well as the class of 2020-2022 (87/84.4%) and
then the class of 2023 (16/15.5.8%).
3.1.2 Data Analysis
PLS-SEM is used because it has good prescient capabilities, apart from that it is
used for the process of examining information and speculative proposals using Brilliant PLS
programming (Hair et al., 2017). This exploration uses a PLS-SEM strategy to develop a
model that describes the relationship between factors that influence learning achievement.
Experts see that educational organizations are confusing systems, but progress is influenced
by several factors (Mital, Moore, and Llewellyn, 2014) and, therefore, several factors
influence learning success variables. To obtain a good inspection configuration in SmartPLS
4, valid instruments are used so that the instruments can measure what they are supposed to
measure (Hair, Matthews, Matthews, and Sarstedt, 2017). The legitimacy testing process in
this exploration uses a strategy of combining legitimacy and discriminant legitimacy with the
help of SmartPLS 4. The initial step is to enter rough information in the CSV comma-

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delimited Succeed design. After the rough information is placed, the following stages of
checking the information can be carried out. Table 2 Depiction of Poll Measurements,
stacking factors, VIF, AVE and Cronbach (Joe F. Hair, Howard, and Nitzl, 2020)
Construct Statement Mean Loadi VIF Ave Compo Cronb
ng site ach's
Influence of Studying on 0.653 0.676 1,586 0.549 0.864 0.859
Learning campus often
Environment affects focus
(X1) Study
Often disturbed 0.800 0.771 2,021
by physical
Often have 0.829 0.819 2,177
difficulty asking
for help
Feeling 0.830 0.817 2,629
overwhelmed by
interactions with
Study groups 0.824 0.780 2,594
often disturb the
Organizations 0.745 0.742 1,717
often influence
the learning
Social Support Get advice from 0.804 0.804 2,317 0.636 0.908 0.903
(X2) friends

Get support 0.718 0.718 1,990

from family, to
get enthusiasm
for learning

Get motivation 0.861 0.861 3,673

to learn from

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Get correct 0.862 0.862 3,628

direction from
Get attention 0.843 0.843 2,787
from peers
Get a way out 0.737 0.737 1,977
from peers when
you are down
Get enough 0.742 0.742 2,045
support from
Learning Feel motivated 0.679 0.686 1,609 0.529 0.854 0.850
Motivation (Z1) to achieve

Feel motivated 0.660 0.653 1,808

in the learning
Get enthusiasm 0.807 0.808 2,287
for learning
from peers

Get 0.670 0.668 1,652

from lecturers

Feel a strong 0.720 0.725 1,687

urge to learn
Experiencing a 0.797 0.795 2,301
decrease in
enthusiasm for
Read textbooks 0.745 0.742 1,662
taught by course

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Student Feel mentally 0.668 0.667 1,568 0.551 0.869 0.863
Psychological strong and
Well-Being (Z2) psychologically
Feeling 0.698 0.699 1,886
dissatisfied in
the learning
Can control 0.848 0.848 2,543
yourself when
you feel bad
Trying to be 0.683 0.683 1,634
better, to
support the
learning process
Feel like you can 0.765 0.765 2,238
develop and
learn seriously
Feel happy with 0.738 0.737 1,748
life now
Feeling excessive 0.782 0.783 2,107
stress when tasks
pile up
Academic Often gets up 0.852 0.852 2,715 0.584 0.888 0.879
Performance after
(Y) experiencing
difficulties in the
Always be 0.645 0.645 1,623
confident in your
Feel confident in 0.835 0.835 2,542
your ability to
take part in
activities within
the organization
Attend 0.788 0.788 1,953

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rs about
increasing self-
confidence in
Often involved 0.772 0.772 2,180
in organizations
Feeling that the 0.675 0.675 1,680
burden is
heavier than
Feel that you 0.758 0.758 1,782
have gained
knowledge and
experience in the
academics you
have completed

From the table above, it can be seen that seen from the mean score, the highest mean level (
8.6 ) is on the social support variable , and at the second level, namely on the academic performance
variable (mean 8.5 ) and the lowest is on the academic performance variable (mean 6.4 ).

3.1.3 Evaluation of the Confirmatory Composite Analysis (CCA) Measurement Model

Step 1: Standardized loadings must have a minimum value of 0.708 and the associated
t-statistic must be more than ±1.96 to be significant in a two-tailed test at the 5% level (Hair,
Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2011). T-statistics in PLS-SEM are obtained through a bootstrap
procedure (Hair, Sarstedt, et al., 2012). As an alternative, Wood (2005) introduced the use of

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confidence intervals in PLS-SEM. Confidence intervals for indicator loadings can be used
similarly to t-statistics, and intervals that do not include zero are statistically significant. The
advantage of confidence intervals is that a dichotomous approach in significance testing can
be avoided, and authors can consider other methods to identify practically significant
indicator loadings by using confidence intervals (Cohen, 1994). Data is generated using
SmartPLS 4 to display loading of all items. Table 2 and Figure 1 summarize the loadings of
the 24 items. “ Academic Performance ” ( AP2 ; 0.645 ) has the lowest score, while “ Social
Support ” ( DS4 ; 0.8 62 ) has the highest score.
Step 2: Squaring the individual indicator loadings provides a measure of the amount
of variance shared between the individual indicator variable and its associated construct. This
is referred to as indicator reliability (Hair, Black, et al., 2019).
Step 3: Construct reliability can be measured using two methods: Cronbach's alpha (α) and
Composite Reliability (CR). These two criteria should have a value above 0.70. Because
indicators do not have equal reliability, weighted composite reliability is more accurate than
Cronbach's alpha and therefore CR should be assessed and reported (Hair et al., 2019). It
should be noted that internal consistency reliability, including Cronbach's alpha and
composite reliability, can be too high. If reliability reaches 0.95 or higher, this indicates that
the individual items measure the same concept and are therefore redundant. Redundancy
indicates that indicators measure the same concept and therefore do not capture the diversity
necessary for multi-item construct validity (Hair, Risher, et al., 2019). Table 2 shows the
Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values which are more than 0.70 for all constructs,
indicating good values. The Cronbach's alpha value for the learning environment influence
variable is 0.8 59 , social support 0.903 , learning motivation 0.850 , student psychological
well-being 0.863, and academic performance 0.879 . The composite reliability value for the
learning environment influence variable is 0.864 , social support 0.908 , learning motivation
0.854 , student psychological well-being 0.869, and academic performance 0.888.
Step 4: Convergent validity can be measured by Average Variance Extracted (AVE).
AVE is calculated by calculating the average indicator reliability of a construct and
measuring the average variance shared between the construct and its individual indicators.
The criteria for AVE is that the value must be 0.5 or higher. An AVE value greater than
0.500 indicates convergent validity. The variable "Learning Motivation" shows the lowest
AVE value, namely 0.5 29 , explaining 5 2 % of the variation. Meanwhile " Social Support "
obtained the highest AVE of 0.636 , which represents 63 % of the variation. Therefore, the
AVE values support convergent validity.
Step 5: Discriminant validity measures the uniqueness of a construct and is
demonstrated when the variance shared within a construct (AVE) exceeds the variance shared
between the constructs. The method used is heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations
(HTMT) (Henseler, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2015). Cut scores such as 0.85 and 0.90 are used to
interpret HTMT results. Franke and Sarstedt (2019) recommend additional significance
testing with confidence intervals to assess the HTMT ratio and discriminant validity. All
HTMT values in Table 4 are less than 0.900, indicating significant differences. In the
SmartPLS 4 application, discriminant validity was tested using the cross-loading, Fornell-
Larcker Criterion, and Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) methods (Henseler et al., 2015).
Table 3 Fornell-Larscher Criterion
Paformanc Social Student Learning Influence of
e Support Psychological Motivatio learning
Academic Well-Being n (Z1) environmen
t (X1)
(Y) (Z2)

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Academic 0.764
Performance (Y)
Social Support (X2) 0.788 0.797
Student 0.862 0.774 0.742
Psychological Well-
Being (Z2)
Learning 0.827 0.836 0.842 0.727
Motivation (Z1)
Influence of 0.736 0.682 0.776 0.804 0.741
Environment (X1)
The discriminant validity criteria indicated by Fornell-Larcker and their loading and
cross-loading criteria. The off-diagonal value shown in table 4 is the relationship between
each variable, while the diagonal value shows the square of the average AVE, which
illustrates that the AVE value for each variable is higher than the AVE value for other
variables. This shows that the square root of AVE is higher than the relationship between the
variables below. Thus, if the root mean square for each variable is higher than the
relationship between other variables, then discriminant validity can be considered good (Hair
et al., 2011) and worthy of research. The results of testing on discriminant validity carried out
in this study used the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio technique as in table 4 below.
Table 4 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)
Paformanc Social Student Learning Influence of
e Support Psychological Motivatio learning
Academic Well-Being n (Z1) environmen
t (X1)
(Y) (Z2)
Performance (Y)
Social Support (X2) 0.877
Student 0.900 0.875
Psychological Well-
Being (Z2)
Learning 0.900 0.900 0.900
Motivation (Z1)
Influence of 0.836 0.771 0.889 0.900
Environment (X1)
The test results for discriminant validity in this study used the Heterotrait-Monotrait
Ratio (HTMT) technique, as shown in table 4. Several experts stated that the cross-loading
and Fornell-Larcker criteria were less sensitive in evaluating discriminant validity. HTMT is
a recommended alternative for discriminant validity evaluation, where a multi-trait and multi-
method matrix is used as a measurement basis. The HTMT value should be less than 0.9 to

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ensure discriminant validity between two reflective variables (Henseler et al., 2015). Based
on the data in the table above, it can be concluded that all values are less than 0.9, so the
research instruments used can be considered valid.
3.1.4. Structural Model Evaluation or Structural Model Assessment
Step 1: Evaluation of structural model results relies heavily on the concepts and
characteristics of multiple regression analysis. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the
constructs of the structural model to determine whether high multicollinearity is a problem.
Structural models that experience high multicollinearity can influence the value of the beta
coefficient by increasing or decreasing its value and/or changing the sign of the coefficient.
As with formative construct indicators, VIF values can be examined. If the VIF values are
below 3.0, then multicollinearity is most likely not a problem. Another approach is to
examine bivariate correlations between construct scores. If the bivariate correlation is greater
than 0.50, multicollinearity may affect the size and/or sign of the path coefficient. If
multicollinearity turns out to be a problem, the suggested solution is to create higher-level
constructs by combining separate constructs into conceptually similar and theoretically
supported lower-level constructs (Cenfetelli & Bassellier, 2009). In this study, collinearity
was measured using the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and the results are presented in Table
2 in the data analysis. The table shows that no VIF value exceeds 5.0, which means
multicollinearity is not a problem in this study (Hair et al., 2017). Thus, based on analysis
using VIF, this research shows that there is no multicollinearity problem between the
variables used.

Step 2: Once multicollinearity is not an issue, is to check the size and significance of
the path coefficients. This step allows the researcher to test the hypothesized relationships
between the various constructs. Path coefficients are standardized values, ranging from +1 to
−1, although they rarely approach either extreme, especially in complex models with many
independent constructs. The closer the path coefficient value is to 0, the weaker its ability to
predict the dependent (endogenous) construct. Conversely, the closer the absolute value is to
1, the stronger the ability to predict the dependent construct. Based on the image shown
previously, the hypothesis model describes the partial influence of each research variable,
incl influence of learning environment, social support, learning motivation, student
psychological well-being, academic performance. To evaluate the structural model, this
research data was analyzed using the bootstrapping method with 103 sub-samples. The

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structural model for the seven research hypotheses was proven to be significant at the 7%
significance level (Table 5).
Table 5 Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results
Hypothesis Path P
Coefficient value
H1: Is there an influence of social support on academic 0.192 0.0 37 Supported
performance ?
H2: Is there an influence of learning motivation on 0.213 0.0 75 Supported
academic performance ?
H3: Is there an influence of the learning environment 0.040 0.522 Supported
on academic performance ?
H4: Is there a relationship between students' 0.505 0.000
psychological well-being and their academic
Step 3: As in multiple regression models, the metric most often used to assess the
predictions of a structural model is R2, known as the coefficient of determination. It is a
measure of in-sample prediction for all endogenous constructs. This means that this
prediction only measures the predictive ability for the data sample used in calculating the
results, and the R2 value cannot be generalized to the population (Rigdon, 2012; Sarstedt et
al., 2014). The minimum value of R2 is 0, although it rarely reaches that low. As in multiple
regression, the more independent variables (constructs) in the structural model, the higher the
R2 value, provided that the independent variables are truly related to the dependent variable
construct. The maximum value of R2 is 1, but values this high are rare. When evaluating the
R2 measure of a structural model, researchers should review similar studies in the relevant
empirical literature and use those results as a guide, provided the research context is not too
different. Additionally, some scientific disciplines also consider adjusted R2, which
systematically adjusts the R2 value downward based on sample size and number of predictor
constructs. As in multiple regression, adjusted R2 is useful when researchers include too
many non-significant predictor constructs in the structural model (Hair et al., 2017). For
example, if the R2 value is 0.75, 0.50, and 0.25, then this indicates that the model has a
strong, medium, and weak level of power in explaining the variability of endogenous
variables (Sarstedt et al., 2017). The study by Hair et al. (2020) provides R2 value criteria of
0.67, 0.33, and 0.19 which can generally be interpreted as strong, medium, and weak levels of
strength. In this research, measurements using the coefficient of determination (R2) are
presented in Table 6 below. The data in Table 6 shows that learning achievement has a
moderate determination test, while academic fatigue has a weak determination test.
Therefore, based on the measurement results in this study, the academic performance variable
has a strong level of power in explaining its variability .

Table 6 R Square.
R Square R Square Adjusted
Academic Performance (Y) 0.792 0.783
Step 4: The second measure to assess the predictive ability of the structural model is
the effect size, which provides an estimate of the predictive contribution of each independent
construct in the model. To calculate this measure, each predictor construct is systematically
removed from the model (SmartPLS 4 does this automatically) and a new R2 is calculated

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without that predictor. Then, R2 with predictors in the model is compared to R2 without
predictors in the model. The difference between these two R2 values indicates whether the
deleted construct is a significant predictor of the dependent construct (Hair et al., 2017).
Effect sizes, referred to as f2, were categorized as small, medium, and large. Values between
0.02 and 0.15 are considered to have little effect; values between 0.15 and 0.35 are
moderately influential; and values above 0.35 have a large influence (Cohen, 1988). Effect
size is also considered a prediction metric in samples. The f2 value is shown in Table 7
below. The results in Table 7 show that the influence of the learning environment has a small
influence on academic performance, while learning motivation has a moderate influence on
academic performance, while social support and students' psychological well-being have a
large influence on academic performance.
Table 7 Effect Size (F2)
Learning Student Influence of Social Paformance
Motivation Psychological learning Support Academic
(Z1) Well-Being environment (X2)
Influence of 0.005
Environment (X1)
Learning Motivation 0.035
Student 0.294
Psychological Well-
Being (Z2)
Support Social (X2) 0.049
Academic (Y)
Step 5: Metrics The third method used to assess predictions is the Q2 value, which is
also known as blindfolding (Geisser 1974). Some experts consider this metric to be an out-of-
sample predictive assessment, and so far it is. However, this metric is not as powerful as
PLSpredict, which will be explained in the next step. In interpreting Q2, values greater than
zero are meaningful, while values below 0 indicate a lack of predictive relevance.
Additionally, Q2 values greater than 0.25 and 0.50 represent moderate and large predictive
relevance of the PLS-SEM model, respectively. Redundancy cross-validation test (Q2) or Q-
square test was used to evaluate the predictive significance of the model. If the Q2 value > 0,
this indicates that the model has accurate predictive capabilities for certain variables.
Conversely, if the Q2 value <0, it indicates that the model does not have significant
predictive value (Sarstedt et al., 2017). In this study, measurements using cross-validated
redundancy (Q2) are shown in Table 8.
Table 8 Q 2 Square
RMSE MAE Q²_predict
Paformance Academic (Y) 0 .585 0 .445 0.671

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This research has the main objective to comprehensively identify and evaluate various
factors that play a role in influencing student learning achievement at FKIP Jambi University.
The research sample consisted of 101 student respondents who were selected
representatively. In this research, the researcher describes in detail the influence of each
variable studied, namely the influence of the learning environment (X1), social support (X2),
learning motivation (Z1 ) , student psychological well-being (Z2) and academic performance
(Y). . There are three hypotheses proposed to answer the research questions, and the results
show that all of these hypotheses have a significant influence.
The researcher provides a detailed explanation of each suspicion related to the research
question, examines the relationship between the variables that have been identified, and tests
the level of relationship. Below is a summary that includes the six assumptions tested in this
H1: Is there an influence of social support (X1) based on research results that there is a
significant influence on academic performance (Y). Research on the influence of social
support on academic performance has been widely carried out. Social support is often
considered important in improving student academic performance. Rauhul Khotimah &
Nurus Sa'adah (2021) in their research stated that social support can increase student learning
motivation. Support from family, friends and lecturers has proven to be significant in helping
students overcome academic challenges and improve learning outcomes. In research,
Papilaya and Huliselan (2016) found that good social support can increase students' academic
resilience, helping them persist and succeed amidst high academic pressure. O'Neill, Slater,
& Batt (2019), discussed that students who receive adequate social support have lower levels
of academic stress and better psychological well-being. Rayle & Chung (2007) revealed that
social support not only reduces academic stress but also increases feelings of self-importance
among first-year students, which in turn improves their academic performance. Overall, these
studies confirm that social support is a key factor in improving students' academic
performance by reducing stress and increasing learning motivation.
H2: Is there an influence of learning motivation on academic performance? The
influence of learning motivation on academic achievement is a topic that has been widely
researched by experts in the field of education. The following are several studies that discuss
learning motivation regarding academic performance. According to Deci and Ryan (1985) -
Self-Determination Theory (SDT), this research shows that intrinsic motivation (motivation
that comes from within the individual) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from
outside the individual) have a significant influence on academic achievement. Deci and Ryan
found that students who were intrinsically motivated tended to have better academic
achievement compared to those who were extrinsically motivated. In Schunk, Pintrich, and
Meece's (2008) book, "Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications,"
Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece argue that learning motivation plays an important role in
improving academic achievement. They emphasized that motivational strategies, such as goal
setting, self-efficacy, and hope for success, contribute positively to students' academic
achievement. Eccles and Wigfield (2002), in their research highlighted the Expectancy-Value
Theory model, which states that students' academic achievement is influenced by their beliefs
about how well they can do a task (expectancy) and the value they place on the task (value).
Their research showed that students who had high expectations for success and rated the
assignment as important showed better academic performance. In his research by Pintrich
(2003), Pintrich found that learning motivation is directly related to academic achievement
through the use of effective learning strategies. High motivation encourages students to use
more complex cognitive and metacognitive strategies, which in turn improves their
understanding and academic performance. Zimmerman (1990) - Self-Regulated Learning,
examines how students' ability to regulate themselves in learning (self-regulated learning)

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affects their academic achievement. Learning motivation is an important component of self-

regulated learning, and students who can regulate their own motivation tend to have better
academic achievement. Research by Ryan and Deci (2000), in "Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions" shows that intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation play an important role in the educational context. They found that learning
environments that support student autonomy tend to increase intrinsic motivation and
academic achievement. In the research of Vansteenkiste et al. (2006), found that when
students were motivated to learn by intrinsic goals (e.g., the desire to understand the
material), they tended to demonstrate better academic achievement compared to students who
were motivated by extrinsic goals (e.g., getting good grades or awards). According to Social
Cognitive Theory (1997), according to this theory, self-confidence (self-efficacy) is an
integral part of learning motivation. Students who believe in their ability to succeed in
academic tasks are more likely to demonstrate high academic achievement. These studies
show consistency in the findings that learning motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, has a
significant influence on student academic achievement. Learning motivation not only
influences students' effort and persistence in learning, but also the strategies they use to
understand and master academic material.
H3: Is there an influence of the learning environment on academic performance? The
following is some research from experts regarding the influence of the learning environment
on academic achievement. According to Ramdhan Witarsa and Finda Firmala Jelita (2018)
from IKIP Siliwangi found that a problem-solving based learning environment increased
student achievement in science learning (Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ). In Siti
Aminah's opinion, she emphasized that a supportive learning environment has a significant
effect on student learning achievement, including aspects of facilities, classroom atmosphere,
and support from teachers and parents (Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ).
Research at SMA Negeri 1 Sewon Bantul shows that a good learning environment is
positively correlated with student learning achievement in accounting subjects (Directory of
Open Access Journals – DOAJ). These studies show that a good and supportive learning
environment can improve student academic achievement.
H4: Is there a relationship between students' psychological well-being (Z2) and their
academic performance (Y)? Several studies have discussed the relationship between students'
psychological well-being and their academic performance. Here are some key findings from
relevant research: According to a meta-analysis by Parker et al. (2018): This study shows that
higher psychological well-being tends to correlate positively with better academic
achievement. They found that factors such as emotion management, social support, and stress
coping abilities significantly contribute to better academic outcomes. Study by Auerbach et
al. (2021): This research highlights that psychological well-being plays a crucial role in
determining academic performance. Students who reported lower levels of anxiety and
depression showed higher academic performance. The study emphasizes the importance of
mental health services at universities to support students' psychological well-being. Research
by Howell et al. (2019): Howell and colleagues found that higher psychological well-being,
which includes life satisfaction and positive emotions, is associated with increased academic
motivation and engagement in learning activities. They also noted that students with good
psychological well-being are better able to cope with academic pressures. Study by
Komarraju et al. (2020): This research examined the impact of social media use on students'
psychological well-being and academic performance. The results show that excessive social
media use can increase anxiety and depression, which in turn can lower academic
performance. However, moderate use for academic purposes can provide social support that
helps improve well-being and academic achievement. Research from the American
Psychological Association (APA): According to the APA, students' ability to effectively

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manage their emotions positively correlates with better academic performance. This research
indicates that students with good emotional regulation skills can better cope with academic
stress, leading to better academic outcomes. Overall, there is a consensus in the literature that
students' psychological well-being affects their academic performance. Better well-being can
enhance motivation, engagement, and stress-coping abilities, all of which contribute to better
academic outcomes (MDPI) (American Psychological Association).
This study aims to identify and evaluate various factors influencing the academic success
of Universitas Jambi students. In this research, the proposed hypotheses include social
support (X2), learning motivation (Z1), students' psychological well-being (Z2), the influence
of the learning environment (X1), on academic performance (Y). Based on the analysis of
103 respondents selected representatively, the study shows that three variables, namely social
support, learning motivation, and the influence of the learning environment, have a
significant impact on students' academic performance.
The research results show that social support, from family, friends and lecturers has a
significant influence in improving student achievement. Social support helps reduce
academic stress and improves psychological well-being, which ultimately has a positive
impact on academic performance.
Furthermore, intrinsic and extrinsic learning motivation also have a significant influence
on student academic achievement. Intrinsic motivation that comes from within the individual
is proven to be more effective in improving academic achievement than extrinsic motivation.
The findings of this research are supported by the findings of Deci and Ryan (1985), Schunk,
Pintrich, and Meece (2008), and Eccles and Wigfield (2002) who emphasize the importance
of motivation in learning.
A conducive learning environment, including adequate facilities, comfortable classroom
arrangements, and support from lecturers, plays a significant role in enhancing students'
academic performance. The findings of this study support the findings of Ramdhan Witarsa
and Finda Firmala Jelita (2018), as well as Siti Aminah, which show that a good learning
environment positively correlates with improved academic performance.
Furthermore, the literature indicates that good psychological well-being can increase
motivation, engagement, and the ability to cope with academic pressure, all of which
contribute to better academic outcomes.
Overall, the results of this study indicate that social support, learning motivation, the
learning environment, and the psychological well-being of students are key factors that
significantly influence the academic performance of students at the University of Jambi.
These four factors not only contribute individually but also interact with each other to create
optimal learning conditions for students. The findings of this study provide important insights
for students to understand the factors that affect their academic performance and can serve as
a foundation for developing strategies to improve students' academic performance in the

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