Schrijvers 2016

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Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

DOI 10.1007/s11367-016-1063-3


Developing a systematic framework for consistent

allocation in LCA
Dieuwertje L. Schrijvers 1,2 & Philippe Loubet 3 & Guido Sonnemann 1,2

Received: 20 February 2015 / Accepted: 11 February 2016 / Published online: 10 March 2016
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract the LCA goal asks for a consequential approach, substitution

Purpose Multifunctionality in life-cycle assessment (LCA) is is applied, for which three methods are identified: the end-of-
solved with allocation, for which many different procedures life recycling method and the waste mining method, which are
are available. Lack of sufficient guidance and difficulties to combined in the 50/50 method. We propose to merge these
identify the correct allocation approach cause a large number methods in a new formula: the market price-based substitution
of combinations of methods to exist in scientific literature. method. The inclusion of economic values and maintaining a
This paper reviews allocation procedures for recycling situa- strict separation between attributional and consequential LCA
tions, with the aim to identify a systematic approach to apply are considered to increase realism and consistency of the LCA
allocation. method.
Methods Assumptions and definitions for the most important Conclusions and perspectives We identified the most perti-
terms related to multifunctionality and recycling in LCA are nent allocation procedures—for recycling as well as co-
given. The most relevant allocation procedures are identified production and energy recovery—and expressed them in
from literature. These procedures are expressed in mathemat- mathematical formulas and schemes. Based on the underlying
ical formulas and schemes and arranged in a systematic frame- objectives of the allocation procedures, we positioned them in
work based on the underlying objectives and assumptions of a systematic and consistent framework, relating the proce-
the procedures. dures to the LCA goal definition and an attributional or con-
Results and discussion If the LCA goal asks for an attribu- sequential approach. We identified a new substitution method
tional approach, multifunctionality can be solved by applying that replaces the three existing methods in consequential LCA.
system expansion—i.e. including the co-functions in the func- Further research should test the validity of the systematic
tional unit—or partitioning. The cut-off approach is a form of framework and the market price-based substitution method
partitioning, attributing all the impacts to the functional unit. If by means of case studies.

Keywords Allocation . Consistency . End-of-life recycling .

Multifunctionality . Product environmental footprint .
Responsible editor: Mary Ann Curran
Recovery . Substitution
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s11367-016-1063-3) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
1 Introduction
* Guido Sonnemann Recycling of a product can have a positive influence on the
environmental impact during its life cycle. Similarly as with
the production of co-products, recycling leads to interactions
Université de Bordeaux, ISM, UMR 5255, 33400 Talence, France
with other product systems and makes the product under study
CNRS, ISM, UMR 5255, 33400 Talence, France multifunctional (Guinée 2002; European Commission 2010).
Bordeaux INP - ENSCBP, ISM, UMR 5255, 33607 Pessac, France To enable the comparison with mono-functional processes in
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 977

life-cycle assessment (LCA), the functional unit should be change in demand for a product. Only the processes affected by
isolated from the additional functions related to the co-prod- the change are considered and marginal data are used (Tillman
ucts—i.e. the system’s co-functions. Allocation has however 2000; Weidema 2003; European Commission 2010; UNEP/
always been one of the most debated issues in LCA, which SETAC Life Cycle Initiative 2011). Besides the attributional
leads to the need for guidance on how to model recycling in and consequential approaches that are considered in this review,
LCA for different products groups. Solving multifunctionality a third approach has been developed: the decisional approach
problems is often referred to as ‘allocation’, while this term is (Frischknecht and Stucki 2010). This approach, which is illus-
also used for the more specific method of ‘partitioning’. We trated by Guiton and Benetto (2013), allows to calculate a new
will therefore use the term ‘partitioning’ to refer to partitioning distribution of environmental impacts and benefits from the per-
of impacts between co-products (Heijungs and Guinée 2007). spective of, for example, a company, based on contractual agree-
ISO standard 14044:2006 provides a stepwise procedure to ments. The decisional approach could be considered as the at-
apply allocation. The first solution for multifunctionality is tributional approach for a hypothetical situation and is therefore
subdividing the unit process into mono-functional processes not included as a separate approach in this review. The purpose
or expanding the product system to include the additional of the LCA study indicates how systems are modelled, including
functions of the co-products in the functional unit, which is which allocation procedure is applied (Tillman 2000; UNEP/
illustrated by Heijungs (2013). If partitioning can however not SETAC Life Cycle Initiative 2011).
be prevented by these solutions, the inputs and outputs of the All possible combinations of modelling methods can be
system are partitioned between the co-products reflecting un- found in past LCA studies, due to difficulties to identify the
derlying physical relationships or, if these provide no basis for appropriate modelling approach and the processes that are
partitioning, other relationships, e.g. economic value, which avoided due to recycling. In some studies, multifunctionality
could be interpreted as the revenue of a product. This proce- is not completely recognized, while in other studies incompat-
dure is also applicable to recycling situations, although ible methods are combined or choices of datasets are made
partitioning can be avoided in the case of closed-loop inadequately and lacking justification (Laurent et al. 2014).
recycling by avoiding primary material. The number of Sometimes, the choice of attributional or consequential LCA
recycling loops should be considered as partitioning criterion as well as the choice of partitioning based on physical or
as well (ISO 2006a). economic criteria is based on the preference of the LCA prac-
In a critical review, Zamagni et al. (2008) collected argu- titioner, instead of the LCA goal (Thomassen et al. 2008;
ments of numerous critics indicating the limitations of the ISO Pelletier et al. 2015). Besides, the need is expressed to include
standard. Different approaches could be suitable for different the number of recycling loops in current methods (Finkbeiner
LCA goals and decision contexts, and the feasibility of the 2013; Allacker et al. 2014). Recently, Pelletier et al. (2015)
methods is not taken into account. Researchers have different underlined the need for a systematic and principled basis to
interpretations of the ISO standard, regarding the most useful solve multifunctionality in LCA. This is necessary to enhance
steps in the procedure, the applicability of system expansion the consistency, representativeness and comparability of sim-
and the identification of a relevant partitioning criterion ilar LCA studies (Pelletier et al. 2015). However, Pelletier
(Zamagni et al. 2008). The lack of consensus in this field asks et al. focus on co-production and do not mention
for a unifying theory to give adequate guidance on allocation multifunctionality due to recycling. Although co-production
in LCAs with different purposes (Curran 2007). Tillman and recycling can be regarded as equivalent (see below),
(2000) already proposed a distinction between retrospective, recycling situations are not always treated as such.
accounting or cause-oriented LCAs—which are now known Therefore, we consider it useful to make this link explicit.
as attributional LCAs—and prospective, effect-oriented LCAs This paper reviews allocation procedures for recycling
studying the effects of changes, i.e. consequential LCAs. situations, with the purpose to identify a systematic
Attributional LCAs are conducted to learn about existing im- and consistent approach to apply allocation to all
pacts, to identify areas for improvement or to make market multifunctionality problems, considering different LCA
claims (Tillman 2000). The status quo of the actual or fore- goals. Although consistent guidance is sometimes
casted supply chain, use and end-of-life chain is represented interpreted as ‘strict guidance allowing for limited flexi-
by actual values or average market data. If attributional LCAs bility’ (Manfredi et al. 2015), we use the term consistency
would be conducted on all products and services in the world, as being coherent, following logical reasoning. We ad-
the sum of these LCAs would represent all the observed en- dress the recent understanding of the difference between
vironmental impacts worldwide (UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle attributional and consequential approaches by applying a
Initiative 2011). Attributional modelling is most widely ap- strict separation between the two modelling methods,
plied in LCA (De Camillis et al. 2013). The consequential based on our interpretation on what these approaches im-
approach is applied to obtain information on the direct and in- ply and which is in line with Tillman (2000), Weidema
direct changes in the environmental impact due to a decision or a (2001), the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (2011),
978 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

De Camillis et al. (2013) and The International EPD® flow. UNEP (2011) assimilates the recycled content to the
System (2013). Besides, we also take reuse, data types recycling input rate and proposes a reference flow of ‘primary
and the number of recycling loops into account, as pro- plus secondary material input’. This enables to assess how
posed by Allacker et al. (2014). First, the definitions and much primary production has been avoided by using second-
assumptions as applied in this review are explained. Then ary materials. The end-of-life recycling rate is here defined as
the most important allocation procedures are clarified and the amount of recycled material that is collected at the end of
expressed in mathematical formulas. In conclusion, a life divided by the available material after the use phase, cor-
framework is developed, showing the relation between responding to the collection rate by Baumann and Tillman
LCA goals and the allocation procedures based on their (2004). The rate is determined before losses due to transport
underlying objectives. to the recycling facility and further recycling procedures. The
end-of-life recycling rate here also represents the amount of
material that is sent to an energy recovery facility. Co-
2 Methods production is represented by the end-of-life recycling rate as
the amount (e.g. kg or MJ) of the produced co-product relative
This section first describes the assumptions and definitions to the amount of the material needed for the functional unit
that are used in this review. Then the method of selection (i.e. the reference flow (ISO 2006b)).
and analysis of allocation procedures is explained.
2.1.3 Closed-loop recycling, open-loop recycling
2.1 Assumptions and definitions and downcycling

2.1.1 Recycling, energy recovery and co-production If the recycled material that is made available at the end of life
is used as a material input in the same product system, a closed
According to the EU Waste Framework Directive and the material loop is formed and a closed-loop allocation procedure
Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (European is applied. When the material is used in a different product
Commission 2011), recycling of materials has the preference system, e.g. because the properties of the material have
over energy recovery. In LCA studies, energy recovery is often changed, open-loop recycling is applied. An example for this
considered separately from recycling. However, recycling as is energy recovery after incineration of plastic waste where the
such is not always the most environmentally friendly option electricity is used in another product system. We consider no
for a material. In some situations, energy recovery could lead relevant methodological difference between recycling and re-
to higher environmental benefits (Bringezu and Bleischwitz use, which can take place in a closed or open loop. Co-
2009). This could depend on the impacts of the recycling pro- production could be regarded as open-loop recycling as well.
cess, the quality losses that take place upon recycling and the Downcycling can take place in closed-loop and open-loop
second application of the recycled material, as well as the re- recycling. This often applies to recycled polymers or paper
covery efficiency and the incineration technology (Merrild et al. fibres. Primary material cannot be avoided in every applica-
2008). Similarly, the difference between a recycled product and tion due to shorter polymer chains or fibre lengths, but in a
a co-product can be very small. If a waste stream is transformed mixture with primary material the amount of the latter can be
into a useful material input for a subsequent life cycle, this reduced. However, generally a substitution of 100 % is as-
waste stream could be regarded as a co-product from the previ- sumed because the substitution ratio is not always known
ous life cycle. There is therefore no need to consider allocation (Laurent et al. 2014). If downcycling is not acknowledged, it
for co-production and recycling as separate allocation problems does not stimulate the production of high-quality secondary
(Weidema 2001; Guinée 2002). Applying different allocation material. This could lead to a degradation of the recycled
procedures for co-products and recycled products even leads to material pool (Koffler and Florin 2013). Downcycling can
inconsistencies in the system and should be avoided (Weidema be incorporated by combining the end-of-life recycling rate
2013). Therefore, in this review, we apply a single allocation with a quality-correction factor. Ideally, this correction factor
procedure to co-products, recovered energy and recycled prod- represents to what extent the inherent properties of the mate-
ucts and materials. The term ‘recycling’ in this paper could rial are lost, using the limiting factor as quality parameter
therefore be replaced by ‘co-production’ or ‘recovery’. (European Commission 2013). If this cannot be easily deter-
mined, the market price ratio of the recycled material and the
2.1.2 Recycled content and end-of-life recycling rate substituted primary material could be used as indicator
(European Commission 2010, 2013). We interpret the
Recycling is measured by the recycled content (RC) and the quality-correction factor as the amount of primary material
end-of-life recycling rate (RRE). The recycled content is the that can be replaced by recycled material (European
input of recycled material or co-product divided by a reference Commission 2010). Finkbeiner (2013) argues that a quality-
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 979

correction factor can be adjusted by the LCA practitioner to recycling, recovery and co-production. In the development
give desirable results. To avoid this, product-specific informa- of a consistent approach, preference is given to allocation
tion on how to determine the quality of a material could be procedures that treat these situations equally. After identifica-
given in Product Category Rules. Koffler and Florin (2013) tion of the most pertinent allocation procedures, other alloca-
and Ligthart and Ansems (2012) stress the importance of find- tion procedures that are found in literature are as much as
ing the correct point of substitution, i.e. the material process- possible categorized by the identified fundamental perspec-
ing stage at which the market price is determined. This is also tives. Finally, a framework is developed that summarizes the
mentioned in the ILCD Handbook, where this point is referred results and allows for the identification of the most appropriate
to as the true joint process. To calculate the market price- allocation procedure.
based quality-correction factor, the market price ratio must
be determinable and stable (Koffler and Florin 2013). In any
case, a sensitivity analysis should be done on the quality- 3 Results
correction factor.
In this section, an overview is given of the methods that are
2.2 Review method most often used to model recycling in LCA and the context in
which they are applied. The allocation methods are represent-
The starting point of the review is the categorization made by ed by mathematical formulas in Table 1. These formulas cal-
Tillman (2000) and the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative culate the total inventory of the life cycle under study—ex-
(2011): (1) the impacts of a product system are shared with the cluding the use phase and distribution—per unit (e.g. mass) of
recycled product, i.e. partitioning in attributional LCA and (2) the reference flow. Section S1 in the Electronic
recycling avoids impacts elsewhere, which is the substitution Supplementary Material shows how these formulas calculate
method in—following the aforementioned categorization— the inventory for each life cycle in an open-loop recycling
consequential LCA. Based on scientific literature dedicated system as described by Ekvall and Tillman (1997). The for-
to allocation, as well as reasoning and argumentation used in mulas are schematically represented by Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
official guidelines, the most relevant allocation procedures are 6. The figures represent an open-loop recycling system and
identified. Allocation procedures are considered to be relevant show which processes are modelled by each life cycle. The
if they have been referred to by recent official guidelines (e.g. focus is put on the ‘current life cycle’ (see Fig. 1). Both pri-
the PEF Guide (European Commission 2013), the ILCD mary and recycled materials are modelled as inputs in the
Handbook (European Commission 2010), PAS 2050 (BSI current life cycle. At the end-of-life, part of the material is
2011), BPX 30-323-0 (AFNOR 2011), and the Greenhouse transported to a recycling facility and recycled in a subsequent
Gas Protocol (WRI and WBCSD 2011)), or if they have been life cycle, and the rest is treated as waste.
considered in recent comparative studies (e.g. Thomassen et
al. (2008), Dubreuil et al. (2010), Frischknecht (2010) and 3.1 Attributional LCA
Allacker et al. (2014)). Comparisons with interpretations from
older references are done as well (e.g. Ekvall and Tillman In attributional LCA, the additional functions related to the co-
(1997), Ekvall (2000) and Baumann and Tillman (2004)), to products can be included in the functional unit by applying
show the development of the interpretation of the methods. system expansion, the impacts can be partitioned over the co-
The allocation procedures are expressed in mathematical for- products or the cut-off approach is applied. Multiple recycling
mulas and schemes, which enables the identification of the loops can be relevant for system expansion and partitioning,
core differences and the fundamental perspective of each al- which is further explained below.
location procedure. The formulas calculate the inventory (Etot)
of one product life cycle in an open-loop recycling system, 3.1.1 System expansion
and they can consistently be applied to each subsequent life
cycle without double counting or omission of processes, To solve multifunctionality, subdivision or system expansion
following the approach of Allacker et al. (2014) and the should be applied according to the ISO 14044 procedure.
European Commission (2013). Although the total inventory With system expansion, the functional unit is expanded to
of a product life cycle also includes, among others, the LCI of include the co-functions of the process or product (Heijungs
the use phase and distribution, these data do not require an 2013). Data on actual suppliers or average market data are
allocation procedure and are therefore, for clarity, omitted used in attributional LCA (UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle
from the equations in Table 1. The formulas, which are mostly Initiative 2011). In case of recycling, the new functional unit
based on literature references, are modified to include all rel- comprises both the life cycle that produces and the life cycle
evant factors, such as the material quality. Focus is put on the that consumes the recycled material. This is illustrated in ISO/
consistency between different multifunctionality problems: TR 14049 (ISO 2012). In this review, we divide the act of

Table 1 Mathematical expression of allocation procedures for recycling, co-production and energy recovery in LCA (references in text)

LCA approach Allocation method Mathematical representation

Attributional LCA Partitioning for open-loop recycling 1a. Etot = [Ev + Ed − RC * (Ev − Etot(n − 1) * Fn − 1) − RRE * (Ed − (ERRE + ERC)RRE)] * 1/(1 + RRE * C * F)
Partitioning for closed-loop recycling 1b. Etot = (Ev + Ed) * (1 – RRE) + (ERRE + ERC) * RRE
Cut-off approach 2a. Etot = Ev + Ed − RC * (Ev – ERC) − RRE * (Ed − ERRE)
2b. Etot = Ev + Ed − RC * Ev − RRE * (Ed − (ERRE + ERC)RRE)
Consequential LCA End-of-life recycling method 3a. E tot ¼ E v * 1−RC 1−QQRC þ E d −RRE* E *v *QQRRE * þ E d −ðE RRE þ E RC ÞRRE
v v

3b. Etot = Ev + Ed − RC * (Ev – ERC) − (RRE – RC) * (Ev – ERC) − RRE * (Ed − ERRE)
Waste mining method 4. Etot = Ev + Ed − RC * (Ev + E*d − (ERRE + ERC)RC)
50/50 method 5. E tot ¼ E v * 1−RC 1−QQRC * þ E d −ðE RRE þ E RC ÞRRE
þ E d − 12 RC* E v *QQRC þ E *d −ðE RRE þ E RC ÞRC − 12 RRE* E *v *QQRRE
v v v

Etot refers to the total inventory that is attributed to one product life cycle in the (open-loop) recycling system—excluding the use phase and distribution. In case of downcycling, QRC and QRRE are the
quality of the secondary product and Qv and Q*v the quality of the substituted primary product. If unit conversion takes place, e.g. kg to MJ, this factor represents the calorific value and energy conversion
losses. Note that QRC =Qv and QRRE =Q*v differ from C due to the fact that the first refer to a specific avoided primary material, while the latter only refers to the conversion efficiency to a valuable material in
Etot = life cycle inventory (LCI) (per unit of analysis) due to the material in the functional unit
E totðn1Þ = LCI (per unit of analysis) attributed to the functional unit of the primary product (or co-function) in the previous life cycle (or in the previous allocation occasion, e.g. if allocation first is applied to
the co-products in a cradle-to-factory gate study and subsequently to the primary and recycled co-product)
E v = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the extraction and processing of primary (virgin) material (including processing inefficiencies)
E *v = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the extraction and processing of the substituted primary material in the subsequent life cycle (including processing inefficiencies)
E d = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the final waste treatment of the reference flow (E d = 0 in a cradle-to-factory gate study)
E *d = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the avoided disposal of waste in the previous life cycle
E RC = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the recycling or recovery processes that are related to the recycled content (including LCI of material losses during the recycling process)
E RRE = LCI (per unit of analysis) due to the recycling or recovery processes that are related to the end-of-life recycling rate (including LCI of material losses during transport)
RC = recycled content (recycled, recovered or co-produced material input divided by the total material input)
RRE = end-of-life recycling rate ((1) recycled or recovered material collected at the end-of-life divided by the available material after the use phase or (2) amount of co-product produced per amount of
material needed for the functional unit)
C = conversion efficiency of the recycled material or co-product into a valuable product (e.g. (1) from plastic waste (kg) to recycled, ready-to-use polymers (kg) or (2) from plastic waste (kg) to electricity
F = relative economic value between the recycled or recovered material or co-product and the primary material (e.g. (€/MJ of electricity) / (€/kg of primary plastic)). If no economic allocation is applied:
F n1 ¼ relative economic value between the recycled/recovered material or co-product and the primary material that were produced in the previous life cycle. If no economic allocation was applied: F = 1
QRC =Qv = quality-correction factor that indicates the amount of primary material that is replaced in the current life cycle by the recycled content
QRRE =Q*v = quality-correction factor that indicates the amount of primary material that can be replaced in the subsequent life cycle by the recycled, recovered or co-produced material
ðE RC þ E RRE ÞRC = recycling activities related to the consumed recycled material or co-product
ðE RC þ E RRE ÞRRE = recycling activities related to the produced recycled material or co-product
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 981

based on the recycling process. It is however possible that

the practitioner of the LCA of the product that produces the
recycled material already claimed a reduced impact, by attrib-
Fig. 1 Legend corresponding to Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8
uting part of the impact of the primary product to the recycled
product. Environmental impacts then get ‘lost’ between prod-
system expansion—when the functional unit is increased to uct life cycles. This is prevented by including the previous or
include the co-functions—and the act of substitution—i.e. the the subsequent life cycle of the product in the functional unit.
subsequent reduction of the functional unit by removing the In some cases, e.g. open-loop recycling, it can be compli-
co-functions—into two separate steps (Heijungs 2013). These cated to apply system expansion: the added functions can be
steps are referred to as ‘system expansion’ and ‘system reduc- multifunctional as well, there is no alternative production
tion’ in the ILCD Handbook (European Commission 2010). route or it can be difficult to determine the avoided process
Although ISO 14041:1998 and ISO 14049 (2012) use the (Heijungs and Guinée 2007; Zamagni et al. 2008). Many LCA
term ‘system expansion’ for both actions (Heijungs and studies focus on a certain product or process which makes
Guinée 2007; Weidema 2014), ISO 14044 only refers to the large functional units undesirable. When system expansion
addition of functions—not the subtraction (Heijungs 2013). is not applicable, partitioning of the impacts can be applied.
For the sake of clarity and consistency, we apply a strict sep-
aration between the actions of system expansion and substitu-
tion. System expansion can be applied in attributional LCA, 3.1.2 Partitioning
while substitution is not always perceived as correct, as it
takes place over time and therefore falls outside the scope of In the partitioning approach, which is often called allocation
the snapshot that attributional LCAs provide (UNEP/SETAC (Heijungs and Guinée 2007), the inputs and outputs of the
Life Cycle Initiative 2011; De Camillis et al. 2013; The system are partitioned over the multiple functions according
International EPD® System 2013). The impacts related to all to a partitioning criterion. This criterion can be mass, energy
global products do not add up to the worldwide impacts if content, market price, etc. As a result, both the primary and the
substitution is applied (Heijungs 1997), which is the ideal recycled or co-product carry a share of the impacts related to
application of attributional modelling according to its defini- material extraction, material processing, recycling and waste
tion by the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (2011). treatment. Elaborate guidance on the identification of the pro-
Substitution is however widely applied in attributional cess that requires partitioning (the true joint process), and
LCAs. For example, waste incineration with energy recovery choosing the appropriate partitioning criterion, is given in
is often modelled as substitution of conventional electricity the ILCD Handbook (European Commission 2010).
production. The avoided impacts of the conventional produc- Originally, partitioning aimed to distribute the impacts
tion are in this case subtracted from the life cycle under study. of the primary production, the recycling processes and the
This could be condoned if a different definition for attribution- final waste treatment over all the life cycles that use the
al LCA is applied than the one used in this review. material, as these processes are shared by several products
System expansion is a good approach to ensure that all in the open-loop recycling system (Ekvall and Tillman
environmental burdens and credits are taken into account. A 1997; Baumann and Tillman 2004). This approach re-
practical example is given in Section S2 of the Electronic quires knowledge about all the subsequent life cycles.
Supplementary Material. System expansion can also be ap- More recently, final waste treatment of the recycled
plied for materials that are recycled multiple times, which is material has not been considered as a process that re-
explained in Section 3.1.3. It is important that recycling is quires partitioning in open-loop recycling (European
modelled in a consistent way over the consecutive life cycles. Commission 2010; Weidema et al. 2013). Weidema
If a product contains recycled material from a different et al. (2013) consider recycled material as a co-product
product life cycle, i.e. open-loop recycling, it is tempting in the Overview and Methodology document of ecoinvent
to consider the associated impacts to be zero, or only 3. In this guideline, waste treatment that takes place in

Fig. 2 Schematic representation of partitioning in an open-loop recycling system

982 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the cut-off approach in an open-loop recycling system

the life cycle under study is partitioned between the co- relationship cannot always be identified, and economic values
products and the recycled materials that are produced in (or revenues) are often the drive behind certain activities
the same life cycle. This approach allows for an equal (Guinée et al. 2004), which makes market data relevant for
treatment of recycled material and co-products, which is environmental impacts. This is further reviewed and explained
pursued in this review. Assumptions about the final waste by, among others, Ardente and Cellura (2012), Klöpffer and
treatment process that is most likely to take place after Grahl (2014) and Pelletier et al. (2015). Pelletier et al. (2015)
several cycles of open-loop recycling are uncertain and have identified that physical partitioning often is applied to
require a level of speculation, which we consider outside keep the natural science basis and physical realism of the
the scope of an attributional LCA. Therefore, the LCA study intact. However, Weidema and Schmidt (2010)
partitioning approach as applied in ecoinvent 3 is consid- show that mass and energy balances do not stay intact if
ered to enable most consistency in the application of al- partitioning is applied. Economic partitioning is applied by
location in attributional LCA. practitioners who aim for a ‘fair’ distribution of impacts, fol-
The partitioning method as adopted in this paper is repre- lowing socioeconomic causality and incentivizing certain be-
sented by Eq. 1a in Table 1 and in Fig. 2. It should be noted that haviours (Pelletier et al. 2015). Similar to the choice between
the LCA practitioner who focuses on the first life cycle of the attributional and consequential LCA, Pelletier et al. suggest to
system (i.e. the ‘previous life cycle’) partitions the inventory choose between a physical or socioeconomic rationale de-
only between the first and the second life cycle. However, the pending on the LCA goal (Pelletier et al. 2015).
inventory of the second, i.e. current, life cycle is partitioned Another approach to partitioning is to estimate the share of
between the current and the subsequent, i.e. third, life cycle. As impacts that is attributed to the co-product, using the conven-
the inventory of the second life cycle is partly established by tional production process for this co-product as a proxy
processes that took place in the first life cycle, these processes (De Camillis et al. 2013; Guiton and Benetto 2013; Pelletier
are indirectly shared with the third life cycle as well. However, et al. 2015). Majeau-Bettez et al. (2014) refer to this approach
knowledge of the third life cycle is not necessary for the LCA as ‘alternate activity allocation’, which corresponds to the
practitioner that focuses on the first life cycle. ‘commodity-technology construct’ in input-output analysis.
ISO 14044 prescribes a preference for partitioning For each co-product, a single (monofunctional) alternative
reflecting physical relationships over economic partitioning. primary production route must be identified (Majeau-Bettez
Physical relationships are relevant when the ratio between the et al. 2014). This co-product will always carry the impacts
co-products can be varied (ISO 2012). However, a physical associated with its alternative primary production process.

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of the end-of-life recycling method in an open-loop recycling system
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 983

Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the waste mining method in an open-loop recycling system

The remaining impacts of the product system under study— Criticists of the partitioning method argue that the
which can be negative—are subsequently allocated to the partitioning criterion is arbitrary or subjective, which can in-
functional unit. Although a different rationale is applied, the fluence the LCA results (Heijungs and Guinée 2007; De
results are similar to applying substitution. However, in the Camillis et al. 2013). However, Heijungs and Guinée (2007)
commodity-technology construct, the alternative production argue that the partitioning method does not pretend to repre-
route could be identified based on ‘technological similarity’ sent facts; it is an artificial solution to an artificial problem, i.e.
(Majeau-Bettez et al. 2014). This is not necessarily the mar- solving multifunctionality.
ginal process, which would have been chosen in the case of
substitution. If multiple alternative production systems could 3.1.3 Multiple recycling loops in attributional LCA
be used as a proxy, the results might be poorly representative
for the actual situation (Heijungs and Guinée 2007; Pelletier Some products are suitable to be reused or recycled over and
et al. 2015). It might not always be possible to identify alter- over again. This is for example the case for metals, solvents
native processes that provide the same product (Pelletier et al. and glass. Allocation can be quite straightforward if the ma-
2015). Besides, we follow the interpretation of attributional terial is used in a genuine closed loop (Vigon et al. 1993).
LCA of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (2011), who Baumann and Tillman (2004) show the relationship between
state that ‘The systems analysed ideally contain processes that the number of life cycles (i.e. trip number) and the average
are actually directly linked by (physical, energy, and end-of-life recycling rate per life cycle:
service) flows to the unit process that supplies the func-
tional unit or reference flow’. As the alternative produc- i. N ¼ 1=ð1−RREÞ
tion route for the co-product is not directly linked to the
functional unit, this partitioning perspective is not fur- Where N is the number of life cycles in which the material
ther considered in the systematic and consistent ap- is used. System expansion is applied by redefining the func-
proach for allocation. tional unit to include the total number of uses of the material.

Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the 50/50 method in an open-loop recycling system

984 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

Other inputs and outputs must be adjusted to this new func- also be made when the term RRE in Eq. 1b is expressed as
tional unit. The average inventory per life cycle can be calcu- 1 − 1/N (see Eq. i).
lated with Eq. 1b in Table 1 (based on European Commission
(2010)). 3.1.4 Cut-off approach
It can be more complex if the material is recycled via a
product independent recycled material pool (see ISO 14049 The cut-off approach, or the ‘recycled content approach’, is
(2012)). In this case, it could be difficult to determine how applied when the second function of the recycled product is
often the consumed recycled material has been recycled be- not included in the analysis and only the products and pro-
fore and what burden it should carry. Equation 1a of Table 1 is cesses directly related to the functional unit are responsible for
then difficult to apply, as this equation refers back to the pre- environmental burdens (Ekvall and Tillman 1997). Potential
vious life cycle. Equation 1a of Table 1 can then be represent- co-functions (due to recycling, energy recovery or the
ed as follows: production of co-products) leave the system boundaries as
‘burden-free’ outputs. In this approach, the environmental im-
1−ðb*RC* F Þn
ii. Etot ðnÞ ¼ b*ða−RC*Ev Þ* þ a*bnþ1 *RCn * F n pacts of extraction and processing of a product are attributed
1−b*RC* F
to the first life cycle, i.e. the life cycle where recycled material
is produced. If a product is recycled at the end-of-life stage, no
& a ¼ E v þ ð1−RREÞ*E d þ RRE*ðE RRE þ E RC ÞRRE impacts for waste management are considered. The impacts of
1 the recycling process are attributed to the second life cycle
& b¼
1 þ RRE*C* F (Frischknecht 2010). The formula representing this approach
(Eq. 2a in Table 1) is based on BSI (2011), ISO (2013) and
Allacker et al. (2014). This formula is visualized in Fig. 3.
Where n indicates the (estimated) number of previous life The cut-off method corresponds to the ‘polluter pays’ method
cycles—i.e. n = 0 in the life cycle where the material is used as described in the general programme instructions for The
for the first time. This equation can be applied under the condi- International EPD System (2013) and Modules A to C in the
tions that (1) it can be assumed that the inventory related to the CEN standard EN 15804 (CEN 2012). ISO/TS 14067 refers to
primary production process, the recycling process and waste this approach as ‘process subdivision’ (ISO 2013), which makes
treatment in the previous life cycles are identical to the inventory the method compatible with ISO 14044. Attention should be paid
of these processes in the current life cycle and (2) assumptions to the system boundaries: often the boundaries are set at the scrap
can be made regarding the average recycled content and end-of- yard or recycling facility (attributing transport to the first life
life recycling rate in the previous life cycles (for example market cycle) (Vogtländer et al. 2001; Peuportier et al. 2011; WRI and
averages). After a certain number of recycling loops E tot con- WBCSD 2011; ISO 2013; The International EPD® System
verges to a value, which can be calculated by the following: 2013). Alternatively, the system boundaries are set at the process
that generates a positive market value (Guinée et al. 2004), or
iii. lim E tot ðnÞ ¼ b*ða−RC*Ev Þ=ð1−b*RC* F Þ collection is attributed to the second life cycle (Frischknecht
2010). Note that the location of the system boundaries in Fig. 3
An example of the application of Eqs. ii and iii is given in is only one possible interpretation.
Section S3 of the Electronic Supplementary Material. The inven- In the cut-off approach, recycling could lead to a lower impact
tory per life cycle after several recycling loops (Eq. iii) corre- of a product due to a reduced consumption of primary materials
sponds to the inventory per life cycle in case of closed-loop (for the consumed recycled material) or reduced waste manage-
recycling (Eq. 1b) when RC ¼ RRE and C ¼ 1. This means ment (for the produced recycled material). No consideration is
that no quality loss can take place or that this quality loss is taken given to the potential extra function that the recycled material
into account in the calculation of the end-of-life recycling rate. could fulfil outside the current system boundaries, i.e. the moti-
Neugebauer and Finkbeiner (2012) propose the ‘multi- vation to use a certain material due to its recyclability is not
recycling approach’ to calculate the average LCI for a material reflected. We could therefore argue that the cut-off approach does
that can be recycled multiple times. For the case of steel, six not consider recycling to be a multifunctionality problem. If the
life cycles are assumed, based on the life span of steel and an recycled material has a market value of zero after the recycling
approximated average life time of a steel product. The inven- process ðE RC Þ, and if this defines the system boundaries (i.e.
tory of 1 t of primary steel, its waste treatment and the according to Eq. 2b in Table 1), the cut-off approach corresponds
recycling process for 5 t of steel are divided by the number to (economic) partitioning where 100 % of the impacts are attrib-
of life cycles. From Eq. i, it appears that six life cycles would uted to the functional unit of the previous life cycle and 0 % to the
give a RRE of 83.3 %. Implementing this rate in Eq. iii (and recycled or co-product. This is also the result of Eq. ii where
assuming RRE = RC) results in the same impact per life cycle F = 0. We consider the cut-off approach therefore as a special
as using the multi-recycling approach. This conclusion can case of partitioning.
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 985

The cut-off method represents good environmental behaviour material. This is based on the assumption that, when recycled
in the case of a lacking market for the recycled material or material is used as an input, this material cannot be used in
avoiding (problematic) waste production and is therefore often another application and primary material must be used there
used in environmental labelling of products (Dubreuil et al. (Ekvall 2000). This assumption is valid when all the recycled
2010). Atherton (2007) argues that modelling according to the material is currently used and the use of recycled material is
cut-off approach could lead to market distortions. If the recycled constrained by the supply of recycled material.
material is already fully used, an increase of the recycled content The inventory of the functional unit can be calculated accord-
for a certain product could lead to a decreased use of recycled ing to Eq. 3a in Table 1, based on BSI (2011), the European
material elsewhere. The new application of the recycled material Commission (2013), Wolf and Chomkhamsri (2014) and
is not necessarily more environmentally beneficial, e.g. if trans- Allacker et al. (2014). Note that the quality-correction factor for
portation distances are increased (Atherton 2007). the recycled content is necessary to calculate the amount of pri-
mary material that would actually have been used without the use
3.2 Consequential LCA of recycled material. For example, if 100 kg of recycled material
is used as material input, this does not necessarily mean that the
In consequential LCA, both direct and indirect consequences of a increased consumption of primary material in other life cycles
decision should be considered, as indirect consequences can equals 100 kg as well. If 100 kg recycled material could replace
sometimes offset the direct consequences or enhance the impact 70 kg of primary material, the quality correction factor QQRC would
reduction (European Commission 2010). There are therefore ide-
be 0.7. The primary material consumption is now modelled for
ally no system boundaries; all activities affected by the decision
only 70 kg. The formula is represented by Fig. 4. System expan-
are included (De Camillis et al. 2013). Whether or not indirect
sion cancels out the negative term of ‘avoided primary produc-
consequences are included in the analysis can lead to big differ-
tion’ by the primary production that is modelled in the subse-
ences in the outcome of the LCA (Merrild et al. 2008). Ekvall
quent life cycle. Therefore, double counting and omission of
and Weidema propose how the processes that should be included
processes are avoided. The avoided primary material and the
in an LCA including open-loop recycling can be determined
100 % primary material in the subsequent life cycle should refer
(Ekvall and Weidema 2004). Impact partitioning is not possible,
to the same material (Wolf and Chomkhamsri 2014). For exam-
as co-functions and by-products are part of the consequences and
ple, if primary plastic is replaced by recycled aluminium, both
therefore contribute to the impact of the functional unit
life cycles should refer to either (avoided) primary plastic or
(De Camillis et al. 2013). System expansion is applied similarly
(avoided) primary aluminium.
as in attributional LCA, although in consequential LCA, it is
This method is also known under the names avoided
followed by substitution: due to the co-functions of the process,
burdens (Heijungs and Guinée 2007), recyclability
the conventional alternatives to fulfil these co-functions and their
substitution (European Commission 2010) or closed-loop
associated impacts are avoided. The inventory of the avoided
approximation (BSI 2011). In the standard EN 15804 (CEN
processes is therefore subtracted from the inventory of the func-
2012), the life cycle is divided in Modules A to D. In Module
tional unit. For system expansion and substitution in consequen-
A to C, the cut-off approach is applied. However, Eq. 2a is
tial LCA, data is used from marginal processes (European
transformed into Eq. 3b by including Module D, crediting for
Commission 2010; UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative 2011).
the net production of recycled material (Peuportier et al.
We identify three substitution methods: the end-of-life recycling
2011), which is calculated by subtracting the recycled content
method and the waste mining method, which are combined in the
50/50 method. We propose the ‘waste mining method’ as a new from the end-of-life recycling rate. This number can therefore
name for this method, as no clear denomination has been found be negative. When E v and E*v are equivalent and the quality-
in literature. correction factor is 1, rearranging the terms leads to Eq. 3a, i.e.
the end-of-life recycling method.
3.2.1 The end-of-life recycling method In the end-of-life recycling method, a material stewardship
approach is applied (Atherton 2007): material is ‘borrowed’ if
Substitution is most often associated with the end-of-life it can be recycled afterwards. It does not matter if the material
recycling method. This method has been described by, among is conserved in nature or in the technosphere (Frischknecht
others, Atherton (2007), Frischknecht (2010), Worldsteel 2010); the environmental impacts are minimized by the net
Association (2011), WRI and WBCSD (2011), Leroy et al. conservation of material (PE Americas 2010). This method
(2012), Ligthart and Ansems (2012) and Eurofer et al. corresponds to the allocation approaches that consider man-
(2013). Benefits are attributed for producing recycled materi- made materials as valuable resources; material lost as waste must
al, due to the fact that the production of primary material in the be replaced (Ekvall and Tillman 1997; Baumann and Tillman
future is avoided. The consumed recycled material does not 2004). Frischknecht (2010) considers this method as risk-seek-
give environmental credits and carries the burdens of primary ing, as the environmental impacts are postponed to the future.
986 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

However, this could depend on the representation of the results: (Worldsteel Association 2011). Originally, the 50/50 method
If the actual primary production is fully modelled and the future was proposed to share the impacts of primary production and
avoided emissions are separately mentioned, the results might be final waste treatment between the first and the last life cycle of the
easier to accept than if only the net results are shown and the material. The recycling process was shared 50/50 between the
impacts of the primary production are already reduced by the producer and the consumer of the recycled material (Baumann
expected avoided future emissions. and Tillman 2004). Ekvall (2000) proposes the 50/50 method as
a simplified consequential approach to calculate the indirect ef-
fects of open-loop recycling. He argues that recycled material
3.2.2 The waste mining method
replaces primary material as well as other recycled material.
This is based on the assumption that increased recycling leads
It is not always beneficial to produce recycled material, for ex-
to a decreased market price of the recycled material, which
ample in a non-existent or shrinking market for this material
makes recycling in other life cycles by other actors in the market
(Weidema 2001; European Commission 2010). Increased pro-
less interesting, resulting in increased waste treatment in other life
duction of recycled material could lead to decreased recycling in
cycles. Ekvall proposes a recycling formula based on the price
other life cycles, where the material is now treated as waste
elasticities of supply and demand of the recycled prod-
(Ekvall 2000). In that case, the net consumption of recycled
uct, of which the 50/50 method is the result of the
material should be promoted and credited for, which is done by
assumption that the price elasticity of supply equals
the ‘waste mining method’. This method has been described in
the price elasticity of demand (Ekvall 2000). Frees
the ILCD Handbook, by Weidema (2001) and NCASI (2012),
(2008) argues that the 50/50 method is not representa-
but it has not been picked up by other guidelines. There is no
tive for recycled aluminium, as the supply of recycled
clear definition for this method in literature yet. The direct oppo-
aluminium should be considered inelastic. The 50/50
site of the end-of-life recycling method is often considered to be
method would assume environmental benefits due to
the cut-off method (also referred to as ‘the recycled content meth-
the consumption of recycled material, while in this case,
od’ or ‘the 100-0 method’ (BSI 2011)). Therefore, to avoid con-
these benefits do not actually take place. The 50/50
fusion, we propose ‘the waste mining method’ as a new defini-
method is considered as a last-resort ‘quick-and-dirty’
tion. The method can be represented by Eq. 4 in Table 1 (based
allocation method by Guinée (2002). AFNOR (2011)
on the 50/50 method from the PEF Guide (European
recommends to use the 50/50 method for materials for
Commission 2013)) and the scheme in Fig. 5. In the waste min-
which there is a lack of supply or demand, e.g. plastics. The
ing method, recycling leads to credits outside the product
50/50 method is proposed as mandatory formula by the PEF
system by avoided waste management in the previous
Guide (European Commission 2013) to be used for all mate-
life cycle. The recycled material that is used as an input
rial types. The differentiation of material markets by AFNOR
in the life cycle carries the burden of the recycling
was perceived ‘too complex to be directly used’ (Galatola and
process. Impacts related to waste treatment in the pre-
Pant 2014).
vious life cycle are subtracted from the system. No envi-
Finkbeiner (2013) criticizes that the 50/50 method could
ronmental benefits are given for the production of recycled
never lead to a landfilling term of zero, even with 100 %
material. Instead, waste management is modelled as if the
recycling. When the end-of-life recycling rate is 100 %, it is
end-of-life recycling rate were zero. The results of the method
not certain that the demand is high enough to consume this
correspond to the approach that considers final waste manage-
amount. This risk can be taken into account by sharing the
ment as a consequence of primary material extraction (Ekvall
credits with the subsequent life cycle. When all the recycled
and Tillman 1997; Östermark and Rydberg 1995).
material is eventually consumed, all the avoided landfilling is
credited for (50 % in the current and 50 % in the subsequent
3.2.3 The 50/50 method life cycle). If recycled material is both consumed and pro-
duced in a products’ life cycle, the environmental impacts
Where in the substitution approach either the production of pri- and benefits calculated by the 50/50 method are equal to the
mary material in the next life cycle is avoided (Eq. 3a) or avoided results produced by either the end-of-life recycling method or
waste management in the previous life cycle is credited for the waste mining method.
(Eq. 4), in the 50/50 approach, the credits and burdens due to
recycling are shared with both the previous and the subsequent 3.2.4 Market price-based substitution
life cycle. This results in Eq. 5 in Table 1 and Fig. 6, based on
AFNOR (2011), Peuportier et al. (2011) and the European The end-of-life recycling method and the waste mining method
Commission (2013). This method could be considered as a com- cannot both be applied to the same material in the same decision-
promise that can be applied when it is not known whether the use making context. This would lead to impact gaps when two con-
or the production of recycled material should be promoted secutive life cycles are modelled, i.e. when system expansion is
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 987

applied. Although this is solved by using the 50/50 method, the

current application of this method in the PEF Guide disregards
the implications identified by Ekvall (2000) and AFNOR
(2011)—that only for certain materials both the consumption
and the production of recycled material leads to environmental
benefits. Besides, the allocation factor of 50 % can be regarded as
arbitrary. To decide which substitution method should be used in
the LCA, it is important to know what the avoided process is. In
the case of open-loop recycling and downcycling, where the
recycled material loses its inherent properties and/or the quality
of the material is reduced, special attention should be paid with
the determination of the avoided process (Weidema 2001).
Guidance on this is given in the ILCD Handbook (European
Commission 2010). The market price ratio A between the
recycled product and the substituted primary product is used as
a representative indicator for the avoided process: a high market
price ratio indicates that the market for the recycled product is
growing and that the material is of sufficient quality or there is
demand for other reasons, e.g. a ‘green image’. A low market Fig. 7 Identification of the avoided process for additional supply or
price ratio indicates an excess of the recycled material, a low demand of a recycled material for different market price ratios. * If the
material is already (partly) disposed of as waste. Based on Weidema
quality or a limited demand due to other reasons, e.g. the mate- (2001) and European Commission (2010)
rials are not considered to be good substitutes, or a bad image
(Bouman et al. 2000; European Commission 2010; Plastics
Recyclers Europe 2012). Figure 7 indicates the avoided process treatment in the previous life cycle. ISO 14067 (2013) describes
in case of an additional supply of recycled material (i.e. end-of- a procedure for economic partitioning where the production of
life recycling rate) and an additional demand (i.e. recycled con- recycled material is credited for by the share of A, and the con-
tent) for different values of A. From Fig. 7, we can conclude that sumed recycled material by (1 − A). Based on these approaches,
the end-of-life recycling rate leads to environmental benefits for we propose a new substitution formula that replaces the factor of
recycled materials with a market price similar to the avoided 50 % in the 50/50 method by the factors (1 − A) and A. Note that
primary material. The environmental impacts should then be A does not replace the quality-correction factor. Although the
calculated with the end-of-life recycling method. For recycled quality-correction factor could be represented by the market price
materials with a market price below the primary equivalent, the ratio as well, it is preferentially represented by the quality deter-
use of recycled material leads to reduced environmental impacts mining physical property of the material. The quality-correction
and the waste mining method should be applied. The ILCD factor indicates to what extent recycled material can replace pri-
Handbook presents this perspective as the ‘recyclability substitu- mary material in case of downcycling, while the factor A indi-
tion method’, although no formula is given. The recyclability cates how the recycling benefits should be shared between the
substitution method is in other documents interpreted as a form previous and the current or the current and the next life cycle. The
of the end-of-life recycling method (e.g. Wolf and Chomkhamsri mathematical representation of the market price-based substitu-
(2014); Allacker et al. (2014)), disregarding avoided waste tion method is as follows:

iv. E tot ¼ Ev * 1−RC 1− RC þ E d −ð1−ARC Þ * RC * Ev * RC þ E*d −ðERRE þ ERC ÞRC
Qv Qv
− ARRE *RRE * E *v * RRE þ Ed −ðE RRE þ ERC ÞRRE

Where ARC is the market price ratio between the consumed Fig. 8, where example values are chosen for ARC and ARRE. A
recycled material and the avoided primary material in the cur- low value of A indicates an excess supply of, or limited de-
rent life cycle, and ARRE the market price ratio between the mand for, the recycled material (European Commission
produced recycled material and the avoided primary material 2010), and results in a representation of the waste mining
in the subsequent life cycle. The equation is represented by method. In this case, it could be argued that an increased
988 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the market price-based substitution method

supply of recycled material avoids partly primary material, but take place (e.g. increased impacts due to transport of a heavier
mainly recycled material from other life cycles, where now product, or a higher impact related to the waste treatment of
waste treatment is increased (see Ekvall (2000)). A high value recycled materials (Ekvall and Tillman 1997)), these effects
of A indicates a growing market for the recycled material, should also be shared between the producer and the consumer
resulting in the formula of the end-of-life recycling method. of the material. In ecoinvent 3, this is solved by adding these
A value of A between 0 and 1 divides the impacts and benefits indirect effects to the inventory of the producer of the material
due to recycling between the producer and the consumer of the (Weidema et al. 2013). It might be difficult to identify all the
recycled material, as in the 50/50 method. If the market price (indirect) effects that take place in the subsequent life cycle of
ratio is <1, even though there is sufficient demand for the a material. We could make the simplifying assumption that the
material, this could indicate that extra processing steps are market price is correlated to the (environmental impact of the)
needed or that the use of the recycled material leads to indirect recycling efforts and the indirect downstream effects. With
effects in the next life cycle. If downstream indirect effects this assumption, the simplified formula would be as follows:

v. E tot ¼ Ev * 1−RC 1− þ E d −ð1−ARC Þ * RC * Ev * þ Ed þ RC*ðERC þ E indirect Þ
Qv Qv
− ARRE *RRE * Ev * * þ E d þ RRE*ERRE

Where Eindirect refers to the inventory due to indirect down- long-term analysis can show whether the current technology
stream effects. However, it should be noted that not all indirect level is able to produce a sufficient quality of the recycled
effects are relevant for the user of the recycled material. This material and whether a recycling infrastructure is economical-
means that they might not be taken into account in the market ly feasible. Equation iv stimulates the constrained production
price. Therefore, instead of using market prices as a proxy, in of high-quality recycled materials while encouraging the con-
all cases, it is preferable to model the actual (downstream) sumption of low-quality recyclates that require extensive
effects as they take place. sorting, until economically viable infrastructure is well-
Following the same reasoning as Ekvall (2000), Eq. iv is a established.
consequential method to calculate the long-term effects of an
action, facilitating decision-making. According to the termi- 3.3 Development of a systematic framework
nology of Frischknecht (1998), on the very long term, the
availability of all recycled materials is constrained by the pro- Building forth on the frameworks as proposed by Tillman
duction of primary materials, and only the increased produc- (2000) and Pelletier et al. (2015), we propose a systematic
tion of recycled material leads to environmental benefits. On framework for consistent allocation in all multifunctionality
the long term, capital investments are considered in the anal- situations in Fig. 9. This figure shows how the methods that
ysis; however, these investments are restricted by currently are expressed in mathematical formulas in Table 1 are posi-
available technologies (Frischknecht 1998). Therefore, a tioned relative to each other. The framework is applicable to
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993 989

Fig. 9 Systematic framework for

consistent allocation in LCA

co-production, recycling and energy recovery. The LCA goal The (indefinite) number of recycling loops can be taken
indicates whether attributional or consequential LCA is ap- into account when partitioning is applied, while no explicit
plied. In attributional LCA, ideally system expansion is ap- notion of this is made in the end-of-life recycling method.
plied by including all the co-functions in the functional unit, However, in the end-of-life recycling method, all benefits
represented by average market data. If this is not practical, due to recycling are modelled in the producing life cycle.
impacts are shared among the co-functions by partitioning. These benefits are therefore not ‘attached’ to the recycled
The cut-off approach is considered as a specific form of material and do not propagate in future life cycles.
partitioning where 100 % of the inventory is attributed to the Therefore, multiple recycling loops are not relevant in the
life cycle under study and 0 % to the co-function. In conse- end-of-life recycling method. In fact, the partitioning method
quential LCA, the direct and indirect effects of multifunctional for open-loop recycling with no change in inherent properties
production and consumption are calculated by substitution. after an indefinite number of recycling loops and the end-of-
Three different substitution methods are identified, which life recycling method give the same results in two situations
are merged in the market price-based substitution method. In in both cases only when C ¼ QRRE =Q*v ¼ 1 and Ev ¼ E *v :
consequential LCA, marginal data are used to represent the
substituted process. & RC ¼ RRE
& RRE ¼ 1= 1 þ E v −ðE RRE þ E RC ÞRRE =E d
4 Discussion
More generally, from the mathematical comparison of the
In this review, we aimed to identify a consistent and system- equations in Table 1, we can conclude that all methods de-
atic approach towards allocation in LCA, by considering the scribed in this paper lead to the same results in the scenario of
underlying objectives of each allocation procedure. These ob- closed-loop recycling where the recycled content is equal to
jectives are often disregarded, which results in mixing of at- the end-of-life recycling rate and no quality loss takes place.
tributional and consequential approaches. For example, in We propose a new substitution formula, including the mar-
several studies either the cut-off method or partitioning is ket price ratio between the recycled and the substituted prima-
compared with the end-of-life recycling method (Atherton ry material to calculate the effects of recycling. The market
2007; Dubreuil et al. 2010; Frischknecht 2010). The alterna- price ratio is used as an indicator for (indirect) effects that take
tive substitution method, i.e. the waste mining method, has not place due to the increased production or consumption of a
been considered in these comparisons. The framework of recycled or co-produced material. These effects include a re-
Fig. 9 shows that such comparisons should be avoided, as duced production or use elsewhere and indirect downstream
the methods serve different LCA goals. effects. Ideally, all effects are known and are modelled as they
990 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:976–993

take place. It should be emphasized that the market price ratio product categories, e.g. in Product Category Rules. This
is only used as a proxy for these effects. Not everybody agrees is however beyond the scope of this paper.
with using market data in LCA studies (e.g. Pelletier and Allacker et al. (2014) formulated criteria that an allocation
Tyedmers (2011)). Prices for recycled materials are often not method should meet. We assess our proposed framework by
stable and influenced by governmental policies (Vogtländer these criteria as well. The framework is comprehensive, as the
et al. 2001). However, companies use economic estimations recycled content, the end-of-life recycling rate, virgin materi-
already for the decision to recycle or to valorize waste streams. al, waste disposal as well as co-products and energy recovery
These economic values could be used for environmental anal- are considered by the underlying methods. Both open-loop
yses as well. Werner et al. (2007) recognize that the market and closed-loop recycling are accommodated, where reuse
characteristics of a material are part of an adequate life cycle can be considered to be analogous to recycling and energy
model. Also Guinée (2002) considers that the inclusion of recovery and co-production are regarded to be similar to
market prices in LCA adds realism. Guinée et al. (2004) give open-loop recycling. The recycled content and virgin material
further guidance in the determination of the economic values. input are distinguished when the use of recycled material ac-
The market price substitution formula shows similarities tually leads to a reduced environmental impact. This condition
with the method developed by Ekvall (2000), which is based enables ‘physical realism’, because the use of recycled mate-
on price elasticities. Although price elasticities could be used rial does not always lead to a reduction of waste disposal or
to quantify several indirect effects (Ekvall 2000), the use of avoided primary material (e.g. when all recycled material is
price elasticities has limitations. Price elasticities are used to already used). Although the framework does not explicitly
represent negative feedback mechanisms; however, positive distinguish recyclability and energy recovery rates, both ac-
feedback mechanisms exist as well. The increased use of a tivities are covered by the framework and treated equally,
material can inspire other consumers to use this material as leading to environmentally relevant information. Credits for
well, increasing the demand even further (Ekvall and avoided material or energy and other substitution effects are
Weidem a 200 4). If sup ply an d demand i ncrease consequential by nature and are included accordingly.
simultaneously, the empirically identified price elasticities do Changes in inherent properties and downcycling are taken
not predict the indirect effects in a representative manner. into account by the quality-correction factor and are implicitly
Furthermore, price elasticities refer to the supply and covered by the partitioning criterion in the open-loop
demand of a certain product, e.g. recycled plastic, but do not recycling procedure in attributional modelling. Although a
relate to other products, e.g. primary plastic. Ekvall and physical correctness of flows at product level causes double
Weidema (2004) assume that recycled material only competes counting on a system level, life-cycle assessments of similar
with virgin material or recycled material of the same type. goal definitions and LCA approaches can be done consecu-
Increased consumption of the recycled material then directly tively while maintaining physical correctness. Finally, consis-
influences the consumption and production of the primary tency for a wide range of application is enabled by providing
equivalent or similar recycled material. However, this is one framework for all LCA types while at the same time
not necessarily the case. An increased consumption of differentiating between LCA goals. LCAs with similar goal
recycled plastic might not substitute primary plastic, but definitions, e.g. either benchmarking or decision-making, are
might substitute a completely different material, for ex- modelled according to the same approach and provide com-
ample paperboard as packaging material. Besides, if the parable information. Attributional and consequential LCAs
market prices of both the recycled and the primary ma- are executed for different reasons and different types of infor-
terial increase, it could indicate an overall increased de- mation are generated. A comparison between these LCAs
mand for the material, regardless its production source. does not provide meaningful results. It can therefore be con-
In this case, direct substitution does not take place. cluded that the framework in this review enables LCA model-
Nevertheless, the application and the implications of ling of recycling and co-product allocation in a systematic and
Eq. iv—for example, the consequences of a value of consistent manner.
A > 1—must be further investigated with case studies. In this paper, several assumptions are made that could be
The market price of recycled material is often connected subject to discussion. We interpreted ‘partitioning’ as splitting
to the price of primary material (Frees 2008; Plastics the inventory across the co-products based on a common prop-
Recyclers Europe 2012), and a relation between the mar- erty of the co-products. Other interpretations are possible as
ket price, the recycling effort and the demand for the well, e.g. the alternate activity allocation technique (Majeau-
material has been suggested (Plastic ZERO 2013; Bettez et al. 2014). It should be further investigated which
Koffler and Florin 2013). However, if the market price interpretation is more appropriate in which situation.
ratio appears not to be a representative indicator of the Recently, the discussion has intensified on whether attribution-
market situation as proposed in the ILCD Handbook, al or consequential modelling is preferred for policy making
typical values for A could be determined for several (e.g. by Plevin et al. (2014b), Suh and Yang (2014), Dale and
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order linear recurrence relation. Finally, we thank Bo Weidema and the European Commission (2011) Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe.
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