Rachna Sharir - Ii

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10 marks
1. Explain anatomy of nose with applied aspect.
2. Explain central nervous system in detail.
3. Anatomy of the both kidneys ( Vrukka ) with applied anatomy.
4. Anatomy of lungs with applied anatomy. Explain brachial plexus in detail.
5. Explain garbhaashaya in detail.
6. Explain cerebrum in detail with diagram.
7. Description of cranial and spinal nerves and their plexuses.
8. Describe the Anatomy of Stomach and Small intestine with its applied aspect
9. Describe the Anatomy of Yakrut (Liver) in detail with applied anatomy.
10. Describe the Anatomy of the Agni asaya (Pancreas) in detail with applied anatomy.
11. Describe the Anatomy of the Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland
12. Describe vermiform Appendix situation, position, Blood supply and clinical Anatomy.
13. Write about eye elaborately Ayurvedic and Modern.
14. Write the cerebellum and fourth ventricle.

5 marks
1. Write a note on bronchial tree.
2. Write short notes on pharynx.
3. Explain pituitary gland.
4. Explain tongue (Jihwa ).
5. Explain femoral triangle.
6. Write a note on sciatic nerve.
7. Write about CSF circulation.
8. Write about Inguinal canal.
9. Explain oesophagus.
10. Explain facial nerve with applied anatomy.
11. Describe Retina.
12. Explain ceacum.
13. Explain seminal vesicles and ejaculatory duct.
14. Explain ducts of biliary.
15. Difference between jejunum and ileum.
16. Explain about trachea.
17. Explain surface anatomy of abdomen and clinical importance
18. Describe ear.
19. Explain cervical vertebra.
20. Explain peritoneum and peritoneal viscera.
21. Explain the diaphragm.
22. Explain cerebro-spinal fluid.
23. Explain sebaceous gland.
24. Describe about anal canal.
25. Write about small and large intestine.
26. Write about Popliteal fossa.
27. Explain Larynx.
28. Explain Meninges with applied anatomy.
29. Male reproductive organs - Description.
30. Vrushana (Testis).
31. Thymus gland.
32. Limbic system and Pons.
33. Fallopian tube.
34. Medra (Penis).
35. Pleeha (Spleen).
36. Surface anatomy of Thoracic and abdominal viscera.
37. Mutrasaya (Urinary bladder).
38. CNS classification.
39. Trigeminal nerve and its branches.
40. Unduka puccha (Appendix).
41. Grahani (Duodenum).
42. Phuppusa avarana kala (Pleura).
43. Vagus nerve.
44. Oral cavity.
45. Stana (Breast).
46. Astila granthi (Prostate gland)
47. Ovaries.
48. Pitta asaya (Gall bladder).
49. Talu (hard and soft palate).
50. Explain the ureter.
51. Rectum Sheath.
52. Write the coeliac Trunk.
53. Supra renal gland.
54. Write the sensory receptors.
55. Write about the Thalamus.

2 marks
1. Define sulci & gyri with example.
2. Write about accessory nerve.
3. Write about ear ossicles.
4. Write about parathyroid gland.
5. Define porta hepatis.
6. Types of Cranial nerves.
7. Diagram of tongue.
8. Composition of CSF.
9. Name the Salivary glands.
10. Name endocrine glands in the human body.
11. Explain parts of stomach with applied anatomy.
12. Explain Pons.
13. Explain grey and white matter.
14. Describe cochlea.
15. Explain surface anatomy of heart.
16. Explain ventricles of brain.
17. Explain about auricle.
18. Explain about retina.
19. Differentiate female urethra.
20. Explain parathyroid.
21. Explain Median nerve.
22. Explain structure of skin.
23. Explain extra ocular muscles.
24. Write the names of the nine regions of the abdomen.
25. Write about epididymis.
26. Write bony labyrinth.
27. Define biliary apparatus.
28. Mention muscles of eye.
29. Write papillae of tongue.
30. Write facial muscles.
31. Define lacrimal duct.
32. Write about blood supply of lungs.
33. Explain Scrotum.
34. Diagram of pancreas.
35. Mention muscles of tongue.
36. Explain lens.
37. Diagram of uterus.
38. Write blood supply of spleen.
39. Grahani.
40. Taenia coli.
41. Kosta.
42. Difference between Right and Left Lung.
43. Draw the Hepatobiliary tree.
44. Ligaments of uterus.
45. Layers of Scrotum.
46. Name the clockwise position of the Appendix.
47. Parotid gland.
48. Ducts of the Pancreas.
49. Nasal septum.
50. Ventricles of the brain.
51. Muscles of the eye ball.
52. Appendix.
53. Parts of the stomach with diagram.
54. Ligaments of Liver.
55. Ostha (Lips).
56. Mutra asaya.
57. Functions of CSF.
58. Parotid gland.
59. Nerve supply of Septum Nose.
60. Write the Surface marking of parietal Pleura.
61. Write the Hiltons Line and its importance.
62. Vas deferens.
63. Write the Trigone of Urinary bladder.
64. Draw the diagram Hesselbach’s Triangle.
65. Write the components of deep cardiac plexus.
66. Write the spinal nerves.
67. Write the layers of the scrotum.
68. Greater omentum.
69. Write the segments of the kidney.
70. Pudendal nerve.
71. Write the trigone of urinary bladder.
72. Explain the parts of pancreas with neat diagram.
73. Explain uterus.
74. Write about ligaments of liver.
75. Write about pudental nerve.

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