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Lesson 6

Voter Citizenship Education

• It is the means by which people choose their officials for
definite and fixed periods.

• A formal group decision making process by which a

population chooses an individual or multiple individuals
to hold public office.

What is election?
The two (2) types of electoral exercises are:

a) regular elections (national, local, barangay, ARMM, SK)

b) special elections (plebiscite, referendum, initiative,


What are the different types of

electoral exercises?
Suffrage is the human right to vote to which, in the
Philippines, is embodied in three documents:

a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

b) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;
c) The 1987 Philippine Constitution.

What is the right of suffrage?

a) Citizens of the Philippines;
b) Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of
c) A resident of the Philippines for one year and in the city
or municipality wherein he/she proposes to vote for at least
six months before the elections.

Who are qualified to vote in

Philippine elections?
a) Filipino citizen abroad
b) Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of
c) Immigrants with affidavit to resume residence in the
d) Permanent residents with affidavit of intent to resume
residence in the Philippines.

Who are qualified to vote under the

Overseas Absentee Voting Law?
a) Persons sentenced to be imprisoned for not less than one
b) Persons who committed rebellion, sedition, violation of
the anti-subversion and firearms law, or any crime against
national security or disloyalty to the government
c) Insane or incompetent persons

Who are disqualified by law to vote

in Philippine elections?
National and 2nd Monday of May every 3rd year
Local starting 1992
Presidential and Every six (6) years
Vice Presidential
Barangay and SK Every three (3) years during the last
Officials Monday of October starting 2007
ARMM Every three (3) years from March
BARMM Every three (3) years during the
second Monday of May

How often are the elections held?

a) Before elections
Register during the period allowed for voter registration.
Be informed of the issues, platforms, and personalities of the
political candidates.
Set specific guidelines in choosing government leaders in terms
of the candidate’s social affiliations and interests, competence,
lifestyle, and performance records.
Conduct/participate in public debates that would inform citizens
and gain the commitment of the candidates to integrate, foremost,
the interests and welfare of the citizen in their program of
What are the actions points for citizen-voters
in exercising the right of suffrage?
b) During elections
Vote according to your conscience
Protect the integrity of your own vote from any other undue
Volunteer in organizations that work for clean and peaceful
Watch out for instance of cheating in the elections and inform
authorities and the rest of the electorate of such activities.

What are the actions points for citizen-voters

in exercising the right of suffrage?
c) After elections
Be vigilant in the counting and canvassing of votes
Attend consultations and public hearings, and participate in
local special bodies.
Legislate advocacy – process where citizens talk with
lawmakers and other implementers in the government to ensure
that the concerns and welfare of the general public are included
in the discussion and making of laws.

What are the actions points for citizen-voters

in exercising the right of suffrage?
c) After elections
Be vigilant in the counting and canvassing of votes
Attend consultations and public hearings, and participate in
local special bodies.
Legislate advocacy – process where citizens talk with
lawmakers and other implementers in the government to ensure
that the concerns and welfare of the general public are included
in the discussion and making of laws.

What are the actions points for citizen-voters

in exercising the right of suffrage?
d) The Election process:
Registration day
Revision day
List of votes
Casting of votes
Counting of votes
Preparation of election returns and other reports
Distribution of election returns
Proclamation of winning candidates

What are the actions points for citizen-voters

in exercising the right of suffrage?
e) Citizen-voter participation in Political affairs

Initiation and Referendum

Sectoral Representation
Local Special Bodies
Absentee Voting System

What are the actions points for citizen-voters

in exercising the right of suffrage?
Lesson 7
Drug Education
Republic Act 9165
 Act instituting the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act

Republic Act 6425

 Knows as the Dangerous Act of 1972

 Serve as guide in the implementation of dangerous

drug prevention and control in the country.

Legal Bases for Drug Education

Drug Education
 It is a planned provision of information, resources and skills
relevant to living in a world where psychoactive substances
are widely available and commonly used for a variety of
both medical and non-medical purposes.

 It is a substance that affects the function of living cells,
used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the
occurrence of diseases and disorders and prolong the life
of patients with incurable conditions.
Drug Education
 It is a planned provision of information, resources and skills
relevant to living in a world where psychoactive substances
are widely available and commonly used for a variety of
both medical and non-medical purposes.

 It is a substance that affects the function of living cells,
used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the
occurrence of diseases and disorders and prolong the life
of patients with incurable conditions.
Drug abuse
 overuse of a drug without due regard to accepted medical

Drug dependence
 compulsive behavior brought about by drug abuse

Drug user
 Another term for “drug addict”
 Refers to an individual who is dependent on a certain
drug or drugs
Common signs of drug abuse

1. Change in attendance at work or school

2. Change from normal capabilities (work habits, efficiency, etc.)
3. Poor physical appearance, including in attention to dress and
personal hygiene
4. Constant wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times (for
instance, indoors or at night not only to hide dilute or constricted
pupils but also to compensate the eyes’ inability to adjust to
sunlight). Marijuana causes bloodshot eyes
5. Unusual effort made to cover arms in order to hide needle marks
6. Association with known drug abusers
7. Stealing items that can be readily sold for cash (to support a drug
8. Change in mood, depending on the drug taken
1. Alcohol Liquor
 Dangerous chemical substance that triggers the nervous
system and damage vital human organs.
Effects of Alcohol Use
• Feeling of relaxation and loss of inhibition
• Sense of excitement
• Disrupted motor activity
• Deep intoxication
• Dilated superficial blood vessels
• Warning consciousness
• Loss of self-control

Classification of drugs and their effects

2. Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa)
 Annual plant that grows wild in many temperate parts of
the world.
Effects of Marijuana Use
• Throat intoxication and coughing
• Increased heartbeat and pulse rate
• Reddening of the eyes, dizziness, bodily incoordination
• Sleepiness and decreased physical activity
• Possible chronic bronchitis and asthma
• Feeling of excitement and friendliness
• Distortion of time and space perception
• Disturbance of brainwave activity

Classification of drugs and their effects

3. Stimulants
 Used to increase mental activity, relieve fatigue, increase
alertness and offset drowsiness.
Effects of Stimulants Use
• Feeling of being stronger
• extended wakefulness
• include irritability, anxiety and fear
• loss of appetite
• can cause mental retardation to unborn babies
• loss of interest towards work
• Schizophrenia
• injecting can lead to various infections

Classification of drugs and their effects

4. Cough syrups
 Over the counter cold/cough preparation
Cough syrups Use
• for nasal decongestion
• for allergic, asthma and nocturnal cough
• Cough suppressant
• Anti-tussive effect

Classification of drugs and their effects

5. Depressants
 Known as “downers” which act on the nervous system
promoting relaxation and sleep.

Effects of Depressants
• Relief of anxiety and excitement
• Reduce mental and physical activity
• Decreased in breathing

Classification of drugs and their effects

6. Barbiturates
 Used to reduce frequency of convulsions in epileptics.

Effects of Barbiturates
• Decreased in breathing
• Deepening unconsciousness

Classification of drugs and their effects

7. Hallucinogens
 It produces changes in mood and behavior
 Disorient the sense of direction, distance and time of a

Effects of Hallucinogens
• Increased heartbeat and pulse rate
• Elevated blood pressure
• Increased activity of the body
• Enlarged pupil of the eyes
• Increased body temperature
• Paleness of the skin and body

Classification of drugs and their effects

8. Tranquilizer
 Used to treat nervous disorders, calm psychotic patients.

Effects of Tranquilizer
• Physical weakness and sleepiness
• Induced mental and psychological dullness
• Calms the nerves
• Relieves tension and anxiety
• Overdose can lead to coma

Classification of drugs and their effects

9. Inhalants
 An inhalator through the nose to experience intoxication.

Effects of Inhalants
• Unsteadiness and restlessness
• Drunkenness with depression
• Irritability
• Losing emotional control
• Irritation of the throat and nasal passages

Classification of drugs and their effects

The most common reason why drugs are abused are as follows:

For relief from problems – personal, family, school or work

To experience its effect on the mind and body
To ease depression, boredom, pain or misery
Giving in to pressures from “peers” or other drug users
For curiosity, due to misinformation from acquaintances
For security feelings – with drugs, they have self-confidence

What are the reason behind these drugs?

a) Improvement in family relations
b) Direct and sincere action on the part of the government
c) Clear and noticeable reforms in the environment and economy
d) Strict enforcement of drug laws
e) Establishment of a dedicated judiciary
f) Complete crackdown against drug pusher and syndicates
g) Instituting heavy penalties for drug-related crime and serious
drug violators

Some of the preventive measures

for drug abuse
• Formulate a “drug policy”
• Initiate “Drug Awareness” programs

• Conducting an anti-drug campaign
• Building a drug rehabilitation centers
• Planning a community action program
• Organizing worthwhile and constructive activities

Roles of school and the community in

preventing drug abuse
As responsible youth of today, be strong and always remember:

S - steadfast personality
T – trustworthy in words and actions
R – respectable in relating with others
O – open-minded in facing situation
N – noble character
G – gusty actions and ideals

Roles of youth in preventing drug abuse

Ten (10) ways to say NO to Drugs

1. be vocal, just say NO to drugs and mean it.

2. Project an image of a clean living for yourself.
3. Get into sports.
4. Choose your friend and influence them positively.
5. Get involved into community-based activities.
6. Join organizations or youth club or form your interest group (church,
school or social)
7. Learn how to manage stress.
8. Join seminars on anti-drug abuse prevention.
9. Talk to your family, listen to the problems of your siblings.
10. Enhance your talents and skills by taking part on workshops,
trainings or seminars.

Roles of youth in preventing drug abuse

• Proper usage of medicines and its dosages
• Develop in their children the correct drug attitude
• Advice their children on their choice of friends
• Inculcate the basic knowledge about drug abuse
• Must face the problem and seek professional help if they
discovered their children are into drugs
• Must create a happy family life

Roles of parents in preventing drug abuse

• Maintain good physical and mental health
• Use drugs properly
• Understand your own self
• Develop your potentials
• Learn to relate effectively with others
• Seek professional help
• Develop strong moral and spiritual foundation in life

What are some pieces of helpful and

timely advice for these problems?

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