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Corey and Oats in..

Nightmare on Carnaby Street.

NOTE: This is a special Corey and Oats adventure which is a rock music themed horror comedy
one with a supernatural slasher element to it, it is a nod to Scooby Doo and Guess Who with
this story’s guest stars being The Rolling Stones (the surviving members anyway). Also
features nods to slasher movies and horror in general including the names of the women in one
scene (e.g Buffy being named after the character Buffy Summers, Angela being named after
Angela Franklin and/or Angela Baker, Clarice is named after Clarice from Silence of the Lambs)
and nods to Stones songs.


Corey: A Covid microbe who is best friends with Oatsie the horse, he is a former villain from
Microbe City who learns a lot about the world through adventures he goes on with his friend and
he is fiercely protective of his friends.

Oats: Oats or ‘Oatsie’ is an adorable equine that loves all things pink and pretty, he’s always in
a positive mood and loves to dance, he has a fondness for cookies and pastries and he loves to
wear dresses and dresses in drag, he tends to be very shy and timid but is very caring and
lovable especially with those he loves.

Mel: Melanie ‘Mel’ Sanders is a superpowered anthro koala who they live with at Nile Road, she
can shapeshift and also is super-strong.

The Rolling Stones: A band that needs no introduction, as part of the classic rock universe they
get up to adventures of their own including ones where they battle demons, this version of the
band has numerous supernatural connections and abilities…Keith can sense when demons or
monsters or other supernatural beings are near and is psychic and also can survive pretty much
anything (as demonstrated when Jack Slash tries to slaughter him with his powers), Ronnie can
create sound based energy spells, and Mick can not only see Charlie Watts’s spirit but also can
speak to him and other ghosts (and also can transform himself into different supernatural
versions of himself depending on the scenario)

Jack Slash: A slasher style villain that was portrayed by Mick in a series of in-universe horror
movies, he is a half-monster musician who was nearly burned alive by angry parents because
they thought his work was satanic, he made a deal with dark supernatural forces and became
who he is today to get revenge on them. His name is a play on words of Jumpin Jack Flash. He
is depicted as looking like a possessed/dark version of Mick.
Angie: One of the girls that is one of the survivors in the ‘Jack Slash’ franchise…she is
portrayed as a socially awkward sort who comes out of her shell to save her friends from Jack’s
demonic minions. Named after the song of the same name.

Clarice: The scientific genius of the survivor group. Named after Clarice from Silence of the

Bianca: The fashionista, named after Bianca Jagger.

Buffy: The rebellious badass of the survivor group, named after Buffy Summers.

Ruby: The misfit of the group who in the first ‘Jack Slash’ is revealed to be psychic, she is
named after Ruby Tuesday and also a little bit inspired by Ruby from ‘The Hills Have Eyes’.

Angela: The reclusive goth of the survivors who is Lydia Deetz inspired, she gets her name from
Angela Baker from Sleepaway Camp and Angela Franklin from Night of the Demons.


Horror movies are like rollercoasters, they have ups and downs but also have another aspect in
common…they are basically like confronting death without having to die yourself and one genre
of horror that seems to have the most fans is the slasher genre, whether or not you are a horror
fan, you cannot deny that seeing a man getting chopped up by a chainsaw wielding mad-man is
never going to get around. Icons like Jason, Leatherface, Freddy and Chucky are the rockstars
of the horror world. Our two heroes Corey and Oats were in their house at Nile Road when Mel
heard that there was a special mission that had been chosen just for them.

They were watching In Search Of Darkness II which was a documentary about 80’s horror
movies and they were really getting into it and learning a lot about horror. ‘We really must check
those movies out.’ ‘ Yeah, they sound awesome.’ Mel entered the room. ‘Boys, we’ve got
another case and another adventure.’ ‘Awesome, what kind?’ ‘There have been a lot of
mysterious deaths and this looks like a job for you two.’

“Excellent, come on. Let’s go.”

“How are we going to do that?”

Oats galloped into the bedroom and got something out of the bed box, something that
resembled a Spirit Halloween sticker sheet, he unraveled the sticker sheet which contorted into
a path which lead to a path-way which looked like it belonged to a cursed garden center as they
followed the path-way and arrived in London. Corey and Oats looked over and saw what
appeared to be a pair of dead bodies near the music studio that was across the street, one dead
body had been impaled on a guitar stand and another had a mark on their neck which indicated
that someone had tried to slit their throat.

“This has all the markings of a slasher.”

‘Yeah, only instead of dumb teenagers being stalked by a killer with a hook hand, it’s a microbe
and a horse.’ ‘Yeah, we’re much better protagonists than your typical slasher protagonists.’
‘Come on, let’s go and see if we can figure out the killer’s plan.’ The duo headed through down-
town, noticing all the masked dancers that popped up and also noticing the dead bodies on the
side of the road, that’s where they saw a demonic creature that looked like a monstrous
leopard-man, the leopard-man looked like it was going to attack them but before he could do
that…that’s when he was sent flying onto the other side of the road by a bus.

“That was a close one.”

“Yeah, we almost got attacked.”

The bus stopped and Corey examined the bus and instantly recognized the bus because of the
logo which was of a pair of lips and a large tongue…’The Rolling Stones.’ ‘Yeah, that’s their
bus…wonder what they are doing here.’ The door of the bus opened and Sir Mick Jagger and
Keith Richards stepped out. ‘This is the right location. But I don’t see our shop anywhere.’
‘Keith, are you sure you got the right address?’

“Now you know I wouldn’t mess this up on purpose.”

“You have a point there, but we’re kind of lost…when you think about it.”

‘Can we help you?’ Oats asked as he trotted over to them. ‘That would be nice of you, thank
you.’ He used some magic to help fix the tire that had gone flat due to the crash from earlier
that they witnessed. ‘No problem, my name is Oatsie. I know who you guys are. You’re Mick,
Keith, and Ronnie from the Rolling Stones. My mommy loves your music. Oh dear, there I go
again.’ ‘Aaaaw, you’re oddly adorable.’
“We’re here to solve a case.”


“There have been a slew of deaths in this part of town and the reports all say it’s connected to
this killer named Jack Slash. Do you guys know of him?”

‘Well yes, we do as a matter of fact.’ Mick added. ‘Jack Slash was a serial killer/horror
character I created and played as in several movies in the monster world. He has now become
a real living killer out there using his dark powers to go after people who deemed his music to
be Satanic.’ ‘Something tells me this guy would get along with Jason and Freddy.’ A scene
materialized in front of Corey and Oats along with Mel, the scene showed a rockstar named
Jack Slash at a concert and it also showed a group of parental groups that disapproved of
Jack’s music.

The scene showed Jack making a pact with a dark supernatural entity who granted him powers,
as it showed him nearly being burned by the angry parents. ‘The parent groups deemed Jack’s
music to be evil and Satanic and they thought something ought to be done about him, they
thought Jack was no good. And upon nearly being burned alive…he vowed revenge.’ ‘Typical
slasher villain behavior.’ Mick explained the origin of the character and also suggested that the
group stick together as opposed to splitting up.

Corey and Oats nodded as they helped Mick, Keith and Ronnie navigate through the city before
stopping at the store that they owned. That’s where they saw a demonic figure, Corey noticed
the demonic figure was holding a guitar, looking like a twisted nightmare version of Mick if Mick
was possessed by Sammi Curr, he rolled out of the way as dark blasts of lightning were shot off
the guitar…’That’s him, that’s Jack!’. Jack Slash tried to attack the duo but Oats used some
magic to deflect the dark powers.

In addition to this, Jack attempted to get at Mel but Corey got in the way. Jack cackled madly as
a group of women named Angela, Buffy, Angie, Ruby, Clarice, Bianca, and Jamie attempted to
fight him off and he swiped at Corey. Corey of course wasn’t afraid as he fought off the shadow
demons that were swooping around him.

The group raced through the city as Jack used his powers to hypnotize a group of people and
make them into half-demonic beings with piercing yellowish eyes. Corey had been to England
before but even he had to admit it was pretty awesome to fight demons with the most iconic
rock band ever. Mick of course used his agility to dodge several dark energy blasts that Jack
was shooting out from his fingers and his guitar.

Jack looked over at Keith and attempted to take him out, striking him with his long sharp
fingernails in hopes of scratching him or getting him wounded but Keith’s wounds healed up all
by themselves, Keith got up and played a few blasts of his guitar. ‘I cannot be killed, it’s a
natural fact.’ Ronnie looked over as Charlie’s ghost materialized and helped out with the battle,
as they sensed the presence of other supernatural beings.

As they did Corey made a microphone and guitar manifest in front of him and he performed a
song as they raced through the city, dodging Jack’s attacks and fighting off demons. Mick
picked up a microphone and joined in.

‘Fallen angels into the street

It's an empty dance

And so incomplete

The hallow voices which spread a cry

For the devil's night

There's a reason why

You tried before, but you can't buy a clue

No matter what you do

The darkest side of the night

Burns like a fire

For the wasted lives’

The group ran all over and eventually decided to fight together and performed a selection of
song spells, the group of female survivors even joined in, providing backup vocals as the song
was being played and Oats and Corey rocked out together with the band.

‘And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!

On the darkest side!

Neon shadows that point the way, never lead you out, it's a game they play

The madness comes and the madness goes

It's a simple world

But it's all they know

You try to fix it but there's nothing you can do

You just gotta see it through

The darkest side of the night

Burns like a fire

For the wasted lives.’

Oats galloped around, performing moves that were like Mick’s as he showed just how talented
he was as a singer, and Corey handled several of the demons as Mel used her powers to cast
a spell to protect herself and to protect them from the demons. However, one demon reached
for Angie and dove down her throat, possessing her in the process. Angela and Buffy used
their combined skills to fight off the demons as a few masked dancers circled around Bianca
and Clarice. Oats performed a few spinning moves and kicks with his ballet moves, he packed
quite a punch as he proved how powerful he could be. Mel transformed into a half-angel
version of herself and performed some holy magic that weakened some of the demons.

A couple of gruesome demons were swarming the group and people were being transformed
and corrupted by Jack’s magic, with some demon forms that looked to be very much in the
category of Body Horror, one of the transformed victims had spikes growing out of his shoulder
blades, one had a few lesions on their back, and a couple even had a mouth of teeth that looked
like they belonged to a deep sea fish.

‘And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!

On the darkest side!

In this city, you give and they take

You reach the limit, you bend, and then you break

And there's no escape!

There's no escape!


The darkest side of the night

Burns like a fire

For the wasted lives

And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!

On the darkest side!

The darkest side of the night

Burns like a fire

For the wasted lives

And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!

On the darkest side!’

They managed to fight off the demons but before they could get to Jack, Jack teleported away
and reappeared backstage in the band’s dressing room, Corey and Oats hurried over to help
Mick..’I should have told Keith to remember the combination to unlock the door.’ ‘Sorry about
that..I was too busy thinking of what might happen to us if this was to ever happen.’ ‘Got
anything we could use to break it down?’ ‘Well..i’ve got this guitar. It’s one of my prized
possessions, but I don’t mind it being used in this situation.’

Corey snatched a guitar off the wall and tossed it to Mick, who began hacking through the front
of the door with the guitar, which formed a large hole in the middle of it, he peered his head
through and exclaimed….’Heeeeeeeeeeere’s Mick! What? I’ve always wanted to do that.’ Mick
looked over at Jack and the two of them had a guitar magic battle. For a while it seemed that
Mick was winning up until Jack decided to try and gain an unfair advantage by possessing
him…Mick panicked for a little bit before turning into a couple of different monster variants of
himself including a version that was a werecat that looked like the one from the Michael Jackson
video Thriller. Mick didn’t get corrupted entirely though as he managed to perform one song
spell that eventually broke him free of the possession.

Oats sighed with relief…for a couple of seconds back there he was afraid Mick had turned evil,
which luckily wasn’t the case. Thinking quickly, he played a song on the guitar which sent Jack
flying onto a backdrop which opened up to reveal a pit of flames. Jack levitated for a while
before ultimately landing on the pit and bursting into flames as a couple of blasts from Corey’s
guitar finished him off but before he burst into flames and exploded, he gave a tremendous
horrifying roar and a shout of…’Rock n roll never dies and never shall I. I will be back again, you
can count on that. Because to me, killing is a gas. I am Jumpin Jack Slash, and I slash, slash,

“Whew…that was quite the ending.”

“Do you think we’ll see the last of him?”

‘Well, he’s a slasher villain…he’s bound to come back to life eventually. You know how slasher
villains are, they always come back for me.’ ‘And when he does we’ll be ready.’ ‘Indeed we will.’
Corey looked over at Mick for a minute. ‘Are you alright? Jack possessed you for a while back
there and I thought you were corrupted by his dark powers.’ ‘I am quite alright, by the way, you
guys were really helpful, thank you for helping us solve this case.’

“No problem.”
‘Hey Oats, did you and Corey ever consider becoming musicians? Because you have some
amazing skills.’ ‘Thanks for the offer, Keith. But we are already musicians, it’s just we have our
band at home. And we’re very supportive of them.’

Oats whinnied as he hugged Mick and danced with him for a bit, doing his own equine spin on
his signature moves. Corey decided it would be a good idea to pick up a souvenir and that’s
when he went to the Rolling Stones shop and bought himself and Oats and Mel some special
Stones merchandise.

“That sure was one rocking adventure.”

“That most certainly is true.”

‘I have a feeling we’ll meet again…and in more places than one.’ ‘Yeah you’re right.’ ‘But for
now, let’s go home. Come on, let’s go.’ Corey, Mel and Oats said goodbye to their musician
friends as they hopped aboard their own floating tour bus and they flew all the way from London
to back home in Nile Road. When they arrived at Nile Road, Corey went into the room he and
Oats slept in and put some of the things he had brought for himself and his friends on display.
Throughout the afternoon and evening they partied and had fun.

They had some delicious food for dinner, and they had a wonderful night…they told all of the
other microbes about the adventure and Corey explained everything. Trump Cat had just
woken up from his nap when he heard the music, but he woke up and decided to join in. After
celebrating all night, they decided to have a bit more fun all by themselves and had their own
rock concert. When it was time for bed, they all snuggled up and had sweet dreams as their
bed contorted into a tour bus and they dreamed about being rockstars in their own band, a band
called ‘Oatsie and the Microbes’.

And thus with that our latest adventure comes to an end, but stay tuned for more…stay tuned
for the 2022 Halloween spookactular episode, Oats and the Unicorn Princess, The Unicorn
With The Sweetest Heart, and Oats’s Magical Flower Garden. And many more adventures to

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