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1. Illustrate the various modes of 8254 Timer.

2 What is key Bouncing?

3 List the features of 8051 microcontroller
4 Classify the addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller.
5 What is Synchronous Data Transfer
6 Mention the functions of the pins PSEN and EA of 8051.
7 Name the Timers, Interrupts used in PIC Microcontroller
8 Write any four special features of PIC Microcontroller.
9 Distinguish between CISC and RISC.
10. Explain the various operating modes of 8051 timer and special function registers associated
with timer/counter
11. Explain the Block diagram of 8259 Interrupt Controller
12. Mention the instructions of PIC microcontroller and their functions
13. Draw the architecture and list the major functional elements of PIC Microcontroller
14. Write a program for 8051 microcontroller to run the stepper motor in clockwise direction for
60 deg. Assume suitable step angle 16.

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