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| quantity Of each of the contents in 1 ig of allow ee | souison Total quantity of attoy = 4 kg = 10004 | Quantity of copper in it = 39% of 1000 g | 32 | 1000 x “2 gy — 35 | (100% Je = 520 Quantity of zine in it = 40% of 1000 g 40 ={1000 x 4°), - ( 100 )s 4008 the quantity of nickel in it = (1000 — (320 + 400)} g EXAMPLE 2, monthly income? Sluion Suppose her total monthly income is % 100. Then, money spent on house rent = % 30. Balance money = @ (100 - 30) = 70. 60 Money spent on household expenses = 60% of 70 (00 *70)= % 42. Savings = % (70 - 42) =% 28. If she saves % 28, then her monthly income = @ 100, % 22500. 100 If she saves 6300, then her monthly income = st oe 6300 Hence, Mrs Saxena’s total monthly income is 7 22500. Alternative method Let her total monthly income be @ x. Money spent on house rent = (30% of 7 x) =2[e<33)-« a EXAMPLE 3. Solution EXAMPLE 4. Solution EXAMPLE 5. Solution X —— 1500. Hence, Mrs Saxena's total monthly Income Is % 22! A basket contains 350 eggs. If 12% of the eggs are TNC how many eggs ay, good enough to be sold. Percentage of rotten eggs = 12%. Percentage of saleable eggs = (100 -12)% = 88%. ‘Total number of eggs = 350 Number of saleable eggs = 88% of 350 88 =(350x |= 308. (950%; ) Hence, the number of eggs good enough to be sold is 308 Mr Narayan saves 20% of his salary. If he receives % 14500 per month as his | salary, find his monthly expenditure. Total monthly salary = & 14500. Percentage of monthly saving = 20%. Percentage of monthly expenditure = (100 ~ 20)% = 80% monthly expenditure = 80% of = 14500 = 2(14500x 5° )= x 11600. 100 Hence, Mr Narayan's monthly expenditure is € 11600. In an examination, 96% of the candidates passed and 50 failed. How many candidates appeared? Let the number of candidates appeared be x. Percentage of those who passed = 96%. Percentage of those who failed = (100 - 96)% = 4%. Number of failures = 4% of x. 4% of x = 50 > ( xx}=50 00 > x (50x79? 1250. Hence, the number of candidates appeared is 1250. Pereentage — meted een anernative ™ BIANPLE. solution Alternative method EXAMPLE, Solution Alternative m ‘ee M45, Let the number of “Andidates appearee b ‘red be ‘Then, the number of candida, whe ea Number of faitures = (19g _gg "Passed = 9 If there are 4 cs f fatlures, then totat Humber of candig, Ifthere are 50 f eg 0 failures, then (otal number z nber of Candidates - {100 *50 |= 1250. Hence, the number of oa ‘1 i ‘ared is 1250. 115% of the workers j SiN @ factory are 5 272, find the total n mber op at Ses ana the number of male workers is Let the total number of workers be oe Percentage of females Percentage of males Number of males = 85% of x = 279 85 MOO saga 100 272-00 ( x = | 320. + the total number of w > x Hence, Let the total number of workers be 100. Then, the number of female workers = 15. Number of male workers = (100-15) = 85 If the number of males is 85, total number of workers = 100. W the number of males is 272, total number of workers ( : y . SPizra) sap Hence, the total number of workers in the factory is 320. A number is increased by 10% and then the increased number is dec reased by 10%. Find the net increase or decrease per cent. Let the number be x. Increased number = 110% of x -( Lx )_ (Lx 90 )_ 9: Decreased number = 90% (io) (53 *100 | 100 00x - 99x) _ 100 100 Net decrease = (x Net decrease % nethod Let the number be 100. Increase in it = 10%. ° Increased number = (100 +10) =11 EXAMPLE 8. Solution EXAMPLE 9, Solution EXAMPLE 10. Solution EXAMPLE 11 Solution EL Hence, the net decrease is 1%. nat per cent Should the The salary of an officer is increased by 25%: By w ney salary be reduced to restore the original salary? Let the original salary be 100. Increase in it = 25%. Salary after increase = % (100 + 25) = = 125 _225 ‘To restore the original salary, reduction = © (125 - 100) =* Reduction on % 125 = 7 25. Reduction % -( 2 x 100 Js = 20%. 125 Hence, the required reduction on new salary is 207% / [Xs income is 25% more than that of B. How many per cent is B's Income less thay that of A? Let B's income be & 100. Then, A's income = % 125. If As income is % 125, then B's income = 7 100. 100 If As income is @ 100, then B's income = & (155*10° ‘Thus, if A's income is % 100, then B's income is = 80. Hence, B's income is less than that of A by 20%. The value of a machine depreciates 5% every year. If the present value of the machine is % 100000, what will be its value after 2 years? ‘The present value of the machine = & 100000, ‘The decrease in its value after 1 year = 5% of = 100000 oI =%{—- 5000 (0910000 | ‘The depreciated value after 1 year = % (100000 ~ 5000) =% 95000. ‘The decrease in its value after 2nd year = 5% of 95000 5 = %| —x95000 |= 50. (00 x 95 } 247! The depreciated value after 2 years = % (95000 — 4750) = = 90250. Hence, the value of the machine after 2 years = = 90250. The population of a town increases 8% annually, If its present population © 142560, what was it a year ago? One year ago, let the population be x. Annual increase = 8%. present population = ( x 108) _ 27x 100} 25 Hence. one year ago, the population was 132000. pes Inthe new budget. the price of petrol has risen by 20%. By how much per cent ” must a motorist reduce his consumption of petrol so that his expenditure on it does not increase? uuion Let the earlier consumption of petrol be 100 litres and let ils price be & 100, - New price of 100 litres = 2 120 Now, € 120 can fetch 100 litres. 100 \ % 100 can fetch {1° «100 | titres - 259 jitres \120, 3 The reduction in consumption ={ 100 — 20 Vm = 50 = 162% \ 3 ; suet Find the percentage of pure gold in 22-carat gold. if 24-carat gold ts 100% pure gold. salution In 22-carat gold, pure gold is 22 parts out of 24 parts. percentage of pure gold in it =| 2 «100 |% 22 %=91 2 %, Hence. 2 carat gold is 91% pure EXERCISE 108 Rupesh secures 495 marks out of 750 in his annual examination. Find the percentage of marks obtained by him The monthly salary of a typist is 15625. Ifhe gets an increase of 12%, find his new salary. The excise duty on a certain item has been reduced to % 760 from ¥ 950. Find the reduction Per cent in the excise duty on that item 96% of the cost of a TV is % 10464, What is its total cost? 70% of the students in a school are boys and the number of girls is 504. Find the number of boys in the school. An ore contains 12% copper. How many kilograms of the ore are required to get 69 kg of copper? 36% of the maximum marks is required to pass a test. A student gets 123 marks and is declared fail by 39 marks. Find the maximum marks. 8. Afruit-seller had some apples. He sells 40% of them and still has 420 apples. Find the 4 Humber of apples he had originally. * Tha examination, 72% of the total examinees pz 1, (otal number of examinees. ‘d. If the number of failures is 392, find 1 J deducting a commission of 5%, a moped costs € 15200. What is its gross value’ {hitPowder contains 75% of nitre and 10% of sulphur, and the rest of it is charcoal. Find "amount of charcoal in 8 kg of gunpowder, Chalk of tk contains 3% of carbon, 10% of calcium and 12% of oxygen. Find the amount in grams, “Sch of these substances in 1 kg of chalk. Q, Pre 148, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Mathematies for Class 7 find the number Sonal went to school for 219 days in a full year. If her attendance 1s 75% days on which the school was open. 3% commission on the sale of a property the property? In an election, there were two candidates A and B. The constituency was 60000 and 80% of the total votes were polle were cast in favour of A, how many votes were received by B? ‘The price of a shirt is reduced by 12% in a discount sale. If tts p! its original price. ‘The price of a sweater is increased by 8%. If its increased p original price. After spending 80% of his income and giving 10% o} % 46260 left with him. Find his income. ‘number is increased by 20% and the increased number is decrease increase or decrease per cent. ‘The salary of an officer is increased by 20%. By what percentage shou reduced to restore the original salary? ‘A property dealer charges commission at the rate of 2% on the first ¥ 200000. 1% on the next 2 200000 and 0.5% on the remaining price. Find his commission on the property has been sold for = 540000. Nikhil’s income is 20% less than that of than that of Nikhil's? John's income is 20% more than that of Mr Thomas less than that of John? The value of a machine depreciates 10% was its value 1 year ago? ‘The value of a car decreases annually by 2 what will be its value after 2 years? ‘The population of a town increases 10% ann will be its population after 2 years? Due to an inerease in the price of sugar by 25%. Py how much per cent must a householder decrease the consumption of sugar S° that there is no increase in the expenditure on sugar? amounts to % 42660. What is the total value «f total number of voters in th ‘d. If 60% of the polled votes resent price is @ 1186 rice is 2 1566. find the f the remainder in a charity, @ man has .d by 20%. Find the ne Id the new salary be ‘Akhil. How much per cent is Akhil's income more Mr Thomas. How much per cent is the income of every year. If its present value is € 387000. wha! 0%. If the present value of the car be 450000 ally. If its present population is 60000. what 4 eee eae

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