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Climate Change

In average, there are twenty typhoons that pass through the Philippines. This is
because of the country’s geographical location. It is near the Pacific Ocean where most
typhoons originate. Because of climate change, typhoons are more destructive compared to
the previous ones. The water in the ocean increases in temperature that results to more
destructive typhoons when combined with other conditions of the weather.
The climate change affects humanity and all living things. Due to its effects, we
experience intense increase in temperature. Personally, the extreme hot weather
conditions affect me a lot. I got easily exhausted especially when I am working for my
academic tasks. I had no choice but to always use the air conditioning unit at home. As a
result, we have higher energy consumption and a great increase in our monthly electrical
bill. The climate change also results to heavy down pour which causes a lot of brown – outs.
This affect me a lot since I need to always be on line for my studies and passing of
scholastic requirements.
One of our family’s source of living here in the province is planting rice. Because of
the climate change, we harvest less than before. The drought during summer causes our
crops to wither while the extreme rain causes them to get drowned thus we lost our profit,
worse, lost also the money spent for the crops.
But as a Filipino known for resiliency, our family is finding ways to adapt to the
challenge of climate change. We invested in other businesses which are not greatly affected
by the weather conditions. We also practice “buy only what we need” policy. This practice
helped us to bounce back financially for the lost we had in our farms. Also, we changed
some of our ways of living like cutting on other expenses to have more budget for energy
consumption since it is really a necessity to use the air conditioning units nowadays. But
we make sure to use it wisely like having schedules especially during the time of the time
when it is not that humid or hot, we turn it off. Our family is also a nature – advocate and
we believe that nobody can battle the effects of climate change except for us, human.
Because of this, we started practicing the 3R’s, reduce, re – use and recycle because we
know that it will not only save the environment but also will lessen our expenses.
In our locality, our local officials have started some project to minimize the worst
effects of climate change. Since strong typhoons are brought by this environmental change,
the local disaster units are implementing a no – casualty policy during this catastrophe.
Citizens are informed about what to do when such situations happen. Evacuation sites are
always ready. The Department of Public Works and High Ways in our province is digging
up the rivers and removing silts on the riverbed to avoid the worst case scenario
experienced before because of floods when many houses and establishments were

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