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1 Hindu law Introduction, Concept of Hindu, Sources of Hindu Law –

Modern and Ancient

2 Hindu law Two Principal Schools of Hindu Law, Application of Hindu Law
3 Hindu law Concept & Nature of Marriage, Evolution of the Institution of
Marriage and Family
4 Hindu law Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Matrimonial Remedies -
Maintenance and Alimony
5 Hindu law Customary Practices and legislative provisions relating to
dowry prohibition
6 Hindu law Meaning of Hindu undivided family, Mitakshara Joint Family -
Formation and Incidents
7 Hindu law Property under both Schools, Karta: His Position, Powers,
Privileges, and Obligations
8 Hindu law Partition and Reunion
9 Hindu law Inheritance and Succession, Historical perspective of
traditional Hindu Law relating to Inheritance
10 Hindu law Hindu Succession Act, 1956, Stridhan- Woman’s Property
11 Hindu law Recent State and Central Amendments to Hindu Succession
Act, Gifts and Testamentary Succession – Wills
12 Hindu law Law relating to Hindu Minority and Guardianship, Kinds of
Guardians; Duties and Powers of Guardians
13 Hindu law Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956; Maintenance:
Traditional Rights and Rights under Hindu Adoption &
Maintenance Act 1956
14 Hindu law amily Courts Act, 1984: Salient Feature; Constitution of Family
Court; Jurisdiction; Powers; Appeals & Revisions
15 Hindu law Emerging Trends: Counseling, Role of NGO’s, Lok Adalats in
Settlements of Disputes relating to marriage and Divorce
16 Hindu law Uniform Civil Code (Article 44 of the Indian Constitution)
17 Environmental Law Meaning and Concept of Environment, Environment Pollution
18 Environmental Law Ozone depletion, Global Warming Climate Change, Causes
and effects of Environment degradation
19 Environmental Law Ancient Indian approach towards Environment Protection,
International Environmental Regime
20 Environmental Law tockholm Declaration on Human Environment, 1972; United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development 1992
21 Environmental Law Role of UNEP for the Protection of Environment, Kyoto
Protocol 1997, Biodiversity Convention 1992
22 Environmental Law The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981, The
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974
23 Environmental Law The Environment (Protection) Act 1986, Noise Pollution
Regulations and Control Rules, 2000
24 Environmental Law Laws relating to Preservation Conservation and Protection of
forest and wild life, Biodiversity Act - Salient features and
authorities under the Act
25 Environmental Law Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules, 1989;
Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules 2000
26 Environmental Law Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rules 1998,
Common Law Remedies- Trespass, negligence
27 Environmental Law Theories of strict Liability and absolute Liability, Sustainable
Development, Intergenerational Equity
28 Environmental Law Polluter Pays Principle, Precautionary Principle, Doctrine of
Public Trust, National Green Tribunal
29 Environmental Law Relevant Provisions of Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of India and
Article 51A (g)
30 Environmental Law Right to wholesome environment, Right to development, Role
of Indian Judiciary in the evolution of environmental
31 Company Law Origin and development of Company Law in India, Meaning,
Features, and Kinds of Companies
32 Company Law Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporation, Formation of
Company: Registration and Incorporation
33 Company Law Promoters- Meaning, duties and liability, pre-incorporation
Contracts, Prospectus -Meaning and contents
34 Company Law Liabilities and Remedies for misrepresentation, Memorandum
and Article of Association: Meaning, importance and Content
35 Company Law Alteration of Memorandum & Article of association, Binding
force of Memorandum and Articles of Association
36 Company Law Doctrine of Ultra vires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice,
Doctrine of Indoor Management, Doctrine of Lifting the
Corporate Veil
37 Company Law Shares – Definition, Types, Dematerialized shares (DEMAT),
Allotment and Statutory restrictions
38 Company Law Transfer and transmission of shares and buy back of shares,
Debentures – Definition, Kinds, remedies of debenture
holders, Fixed and Floating charges
39 Company Law Concept of Insider Trading, Management of Company,
Concept of Corporate Governance and CSR
40 Company Law Directors– Types, Position, Qualification, Disqualification,
Appointment and Removal, Powers, Duties, Civil and criminal
Liability of Directors
41 Company Law Other Key Managerial persons (KMPs), Meetings – Kinds,
Essential Elements of Meeting, Voting
42 Company Law Protection of Minority rights, Rule in Foss vs.
Harbottle with Exceptions, Prevention of Oppression and
43 Company Law Winding up of Company -Meaning, Voluntary Winding-up,
Grounds for compulsory winding up
44 Company Law Appointment, Powers and Duties of Liquidator,
Amalgamation, Take over, Mergers
45 Company Law NCLT, NCLAT, SFIO, Regional Directors, ROC: Functions and
46 Political Science nternational Relations - Meaning, Theories – Realism,
Idealism, Game theory; Role of International Law in IR
47 Political Science National Power - Elements, National Interest – Kinds,
Methods for promotion
48 Political Science Foreign Policy – meaning, objectives, determinants; Indian
Foreign Policy - Major policies; Relation with US, USSR, China,
South Asia
49 Political Science War; Cold war and New cold war – impact on International
Relations, Détente – impact, factors that promoted, non-
alignment - meaning, relevance; Arms race, Arms trade,
50 Political Science Diplomacy – Types, Immunities and Privileges of diplomats,
United Nations – origin, objectives, principles, organs –
General Assembly, Security Council, ICJ - Function
51 Legal philosophy Applied Ethics - Legal Ethics and Medical Ethics: Nature and
Scope of Applied Ethics, Primary duties of lawyers; Lawyers as
Professionals: Some moral issues
52 Legal Philosophy Problems before Legal ethics, Medical ethics – Development
and Principles
53 Legal Philosophy State Responsibility and Punishment: The ethics of
punishment: Retributive, preventive and reformative aspects
of punishment; the ethics of capital punishment
54 Legal Philosophy What justifies punishment by the State, When is State’s
paternalistic interference into lives of citizens justified – Seat
belt laws, helmet rules, laws against suicide, sexual conduct
between consenting adults in private, law’s restriction on the
sale of guns, cigarettes, intoxicating drinks etc.
55 Legal Philosophy Ethical Issues in Matters of Life and Death: Abortions,
Surrogacy: Altruistic and Commercial, Euthanasia: Active and
56 Legal Philosophy Moral/Ethical Considerations in Some Matters: Organ
Transplant and Organ Donation, Live-in relationship
57 Legal Philosophy Equality: Equality – concept, basis and implication, Sexual
differences and sexual equality, Forms of human diversity and
58 Legal Philosophy Transgenders and the problem of exclusion, Persons with
disability and the problem of exclusion

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