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Licensor, the

Relyinq on the atoresdid representations & assurances of tte

Demi.ed Premises to se!
Licensee has aqreed () take on leave and license tthe
conditions and in the manner as
un its sad Branch on the terms and
appearing hereinafter



TERM: Premises
hereby qrants to the Licensee a license of the Demised
The Licensor 22nd May
period of 9 years commencing from store opening date i.e.
for a
2022 and expiring on 21st May 2031.
by giving 3
Agreement may be renewed at the option of the Licensee of the
months' notice in writing in advance to the Licensor before expiry
(two) and
However, the said renewal, if any shall be on such terms
mutually agreed to by and between the Parties hereto.
conditions as may be


pay the Licensor in the first seven working days from the
The Licensee shall license fee of Rs. 6S,000(Sixty Five
this Agreement fixed
date of execution of account mentioned in this agreement
thousand only) per month in respective
applicable and TDS as applicable hereinafter referred to as "License
GST not
the initial 3 (three) years i.e.
It is hereby agreed between the Parties that for
Licensee shall pay the
from (22 nd May 2022 to 21st May 2025), the
aforementioned License Fees. After initial period of 3 years from the date of
shall be increased byl5%
store opening, in every three years LICensee Fees
over existing Licensee Fees payable. the
The Licensee shall in addition to the monthly license fee be liable to pay
electricity charges and the water charges tor the electricity and water
consumed in the Demnised Pre mises as per separate meters installed for the
purpose. All other payments in respect of the Demised Premises both present
and future such as municipal taxes, cess, charges and any other outqoings
including deposits as may be required by any local authority or utility
providers, society or owners association autgoings including non- occupancy
charges for the DDenised Premises shall be borne and payable by the Licensor
All paynments by the Licensee shall be subject to deductior of tax at source as
applicable and the amounts shall be credited to the bank account of the
Licensor as intormed to the icensee.

Provided however the Licensee shall not be liable to pay rent for the period
during which the Licensor shall carry out necessary mod1fiations to the
Demised Premnises to make the Demised Premises ready 1or use and
OCcupation by the licensee as per the requirements of the Licensee. The
Licensor shall grant to the Licensee a rent free period of 60 days or store
opening whichever comes earlier from date of keys handover (fit Out period
calculation will be starting from the scope of work will be completed by the
licensor and handover the keys to the licensees) to enable the Licensee to
make the Demised Premises ready for operations. The Licensor has at the
Licensor's cost made arrangements for a power load of 7.5 KW.

Upon execution of this Agreement, the Licensee shall deposit an amount of Rs.
1,95,000 (Rupees One Lac Ninety five Thousand only ) (equivalent to first
three month's rent) hereinafter referred to as the" Security Deposit" with the
Licensor towards security for the handover of vacant possession of the
Demised Premises to the Licensor upon termination or expiry of this
Agreement. SecurityDeposit shall be deposited by Licensee in following
First installment of Security Deposit equivalent to 1 month of Rs. 65.000
(Rupees Sixty five thousand only) at the time of signing the Letter of inte nt
equivalent to One month basic amount.
Second installment of Security Deposit Security Deposit equivalent to 2 months
of Rs. 130,000 (Rupees One lac thirty thousand only) after rent agreement

One Month Advance rent i.e. Rs. 65,000 (Rupees Sixty Fve thousand
oniy) is
payable at the time of store opening and the differential rent for that
particular month will be payable as per the number of oerational days.
On earlier termination thereof for any reason whatsoeve the Security Depos
shall be refunded by the Licensor to the Licensee and in case the Licensee opts
for and spe ifically instructs the Licensor lo adjust the License fees, if any,
payable by the Licensee for the notice period from and out of the Se curity
Deposit, the Licensor shall refund the balance amount of deposit against
simultaneous handover of vacant possession of the Demised Premises.
The Licensor agrees that upon failure on the part of the Licensor to refund the
Security Deposit in the manner as mentioned above, the Lice nsor shall pay
interest @l8% per annum on the amount of Security Deposit to be refunded to
the Licensee from the due date of payment till re fund of the Security Deposit.
During this period till refund of Security Deposit, the Licensor hereby
authorizes the Licensee to retain the possession of the Demised Premises
along-with all facilities and amenities provided by the Licensor to the Licensee
without any liability to pay fee, charges whatsoever till the Security Deposit
along-with accrued interest is paid/ refunded to the Licensee. The Licensee
shall be entitled to the se rights without prejudice to any other rights, options
and remedies available to it under the applicable laws.
To receive the monthly License Fee of Rs. 65,000 (Sixty Five Thousand Only )
GST not applicable , taxes as applicable, from the Licensee as applicable on
the due dates for each month in addition to the Security Deposit payable on
execution of this Agreement.
To retain the Security Deposit till the handing over of vacant possession of the
Demised Premises on expiry of this Agreement or earlier termination thereof
by the Licensee.

To enter upon the Demised Premises during the term of this Agreement for
inspecting / repairing the state and condition thereof at al reasonable
business hours with 48 hours prior written intimation to the Licensee.

The Licensor shall be entitled at any time

to sell and /or transfer the Licensor's during the term of this Agreement
rights in
person or persons ouly after prior intimation ofthe60DDemised Premises to any
days to the Licensee in
witing and nsuCh event the icensor shall ensurc that the propective ne
owner of the Demised PremiseS confirms the license on the satne terns and
conditions and shall also ensure that the entire Security Dep0si dep0sited by
the Licensee with the Licensor under this Agreement is handed ovet by the
Licensorto the prospective new owner at the time of sale of th: Demised
Premises, and the said new owner will also acknowle dge to the Licensee the
receipt of the entire Security Deposit from the Licensor and the new owners
liabilityto refund the same to the Licensee simultane ous with the handing
Over of vacant possesSion of the Demised Premises.

The Licensor agrees, undertakes, cove nants and declares:
The Licensor has the necessary authority to execute this Agreement and
further warrants and represents to the Licensee that the Licensor has a cle ar,
free and marketable title to the Demised Premises free from encumbrances
and the said Demised Premises is in the physical and juridical possession of
the Licensor. No notice has been received by the Licensor pertaining to
acquisition or requisition of or in any matter pertaining to the Demised
Premises or any part thereof and there are no proceedings instituted by or
against the Licensor or against any of the Licensor's predecessors in title in
respect of the Demised Premises and pending in any Court of Law.

The Licensor has not entered into any agreement for sale /transfer/lease/leave
and license of the Demised Premises or entered into any agreement othervwise
in favour of any third party or parties or any other agreement of any nature
whatsoever in respect of the Demised Premises or any part thereof so as to
prejudice its right to give the Licensed Premises on leave and license basis to
the Licensee.

The Licensor has paid all the outgoings and other charges including the fees.
maintenance charges, non-oCcupancy charges etc., municipal rates, cesses.
taxes, assessrnents, dues, duties and all charges whatsoever payable in
respect of the Demised Premises to all concerned Government.
Semi-Government, local and public bodies and authorities up to the date of
execution of this Agreement and shall hereafter throughout the continuance of
this Agreement and any Ienewal/s thereol coninue to pay al
such fees, rates.
assessments, dues, Juties, cesses, taxes, charges, other
outqoings and arty
further increase/s thereof without demur to the
iespect of the respectiv: authorities5 i1
Demised Premises.
The Demised has been constructed as per plars
duly approved by
the Municpal Authorities and/or such other authorities required under
applicable law from time to time without making any alteration and for
deviation there from and all necessary approvals, licenses, sanctions,
permissions and No Objection Certificates required to be obtained from all
concerned Government bodies/ authorities necessary for the commercial
usage of the Demised Premises to carry on the Licensee's business have been
obtained and are valid and subsisting and have not expired. The Licensor
agrees to apply for any further permissions and/or approvals that are require
to be obtained for the purpose of carrying on the Licensee's business from th
if the
Demised Premises at the cost of the Licensee and will assist the Licensee
Licensee so desires, in getting the approvals/permissions.
enter upon and be in
The Licensor gives to the Licensee the exclusive right to
posseSSion of the Demised Premises and unrestricted
right to the Licensee
providers, contractors.
(including its employees, customers, visitors, service
employees of affiliates, dealers and all others connected wvith the
the Demised Premises 24 hour
Licensee fromn time to time) to use and access
term of this Agreement without ar
a day and every day of the year during the any of the Licensor's
hindrance or obstacles on the part of the Licensor or

enter into any arrangene

The Licenso; shall not incur any debt or liability or
contract in respect of tne Demised Premises and shall not do or omit to d
or the Licensor's
reason whereof
any act, matter, deed or thing whereby or by
Premises is prejudiced or
right of occupation in respect of the Demised whatsoever and that the
adversely affected or extinguished in any manner
herein shall become vo
license qranted in respect of the Demised Premises
to the interests of the
or voidable or be affected in any manner, adverse
Licensee or cancelled or revoked or

The Licensor shall carry out, all themajor repairs to the Demised Premises
such as recifying the l:akage, roof &
neriod of beng notttied by the Licensee if it proofing, etc. wthin a reasonable
is on the
exDenses ot the same will be borne by Licensee if anypart o' Licensor and the
le akege, wear and tear
is happened because ot the
Licensee or any of its
The Licensor shall ensure that no one will sell anything by
putting any kind ot
tents, or temporary setup or vehicle in front of the Demised Premises

The Licensor shall at its own cost provide the following facilities to the
Licensee as per their requirements and specifications:

Property with flooring with vitrified double charge flooring 32 32 inch size.
ivory colour:
7.5 KWN 3 phase electriC Connection,
Dedicated parking slot with concrete blocks;
Façade for signage made by black mat finish ACP Sheet
Wall punning at both floors:
Staircase withrailing(Granite finish with toughened glass railing )
False ceiling with POP at both floors;
Frameless toughened glass (spider fitting) with doors and handles.
Shutter with central lock.
Washroomwith lavatory and supporting fittings
Ground Floor celling from front with centre column remove as per company
drawings etc.

The Licensor hereby authorizes the Licensee to do all such acts, things, deed
and matters which will be required to be done for the purpose of carrying or
the Licensee's legitimate business and if required shall sign required

The Licensor may at the Licensor's cost insure the Demised Premises
The Licensee on paying the monthly icese fee on the dur dates, in the
manner hercm provided and on ohserving and performing the covenants,
conditions ad stupulatos heein cotained, shall be perrntt d unirnpeded
Use and ocupation of the Demised Premises for the purpoe of its on
business and tor no other purposes during the tem of this Acreernent,
without any let, obsruCion, eviction, interruption and/or disturbance, claim
and demand vhatsoever by he Licensor or any person or pet5ons lawfull/ or
equitably claiming by. from, under or in trust for it.
all furiiture, tittings
The Licensee shall be at liberty to fix or install or bring
conditioners, shelves, screens, racks, etc. into th: said Demised
inciuding air
or earlier termination o
Premises with liberty to remove the same on expiry
Currency of this Agreement.
this Agreement or any time during the
such interior work lke civil,
The Licensee shall be entitled to carryout
computer syste m cabling, office automation, air conditioning and to
electrical, same wherever it is required
permission and licenses for the
procure required
own cost. The Licensee also reserves the right to carry out installation.
at its
inspection, repairs and maintenance work on communication all its equipment, includingthe
units and the equipment as
generators, the air conditioning
required, and the Licensor shall permit access to the Licensee/its
and when
employees/agents/workmen/contractors to carry out the aforesaid activities
same. The Licensor shall
whenever the Licensee chooses to carry out the
getting all necessary
extend full support and cooperation to the Licensee in
mentioned activities
approvals and permissions for carrying out the above
provided that the Licensee shall not carry out any structural changes
Premises wvithout the
changes in the e xternal elevation of the said Demised
prior written permission of the Licensor.

The Licensee may at the request of the Licensor, may make the payment of
any the statutory dues and /or penalties, if any, payable by the Licensor durin
the tenure of this Agreement in respect of the Demised Premises, if the same
is remaining unpaid for more than 15 days from the date of receipt of the
demand notice /s from the statutory/Government authorities or within the tim
specified therein, whichever is less, and inform the Licensor ir writing about
Such payments made by them. The Licens or shall reimburse all such payme
to the Licensee immediately on eceipt of the into nation .thut
the paynert
of any amount by the l icensee on behalf of the icensor. I: tte event, the
Licensor fails to rennburse the same within / days from the date of intimatior.
the Licensee reserves the ight to recover the amount patd with interest by
adjusting the same against the monthly fee to be paid by the Licensee to the

Upon earlier termination or expiryof this Agreement., the Licensee shall be

absolutely entitled to remove and take away all the items of work, things.
articles, equipment's, installations put up by the Licensee pursuant to the
renovation work done by the Licensee in the Demised Premises and hand oVer
to the Licensor the Demised Premises on as is where is basis upon
simultaneous refund of the Security Deposit as mentioned hereinabove.
Provided however in the event the Licensor does not refund the
the vacant
Deposit (the Licensee being ready and willing to handover
shall be entitled to retain
possesSion of the Demised Premises). the Licensee facilities and amenities
Premises along-with all
the poSsession of the Demised
liability to pay fee.
provided by the Licensor to the Licensee without any
along-with accrued interest IS
charges whatsoever till the Security Deposit
paid/ refunded to the Licensee.
identity/brand signage on the
The Licensee shall be entitled to install its own
front façade of the Licensed Premises.

The Licensee agrees, undertakes, covenants and declares that:

The Licensee shall upon execution of this Agreement pay the Security Deposit
to the Licensor and during the term of this Agreement regularly pay to the
Licensor the monthly License Fee due and payable at the time and in the
manner aforesaid:

To pay water as per actual basis and electricity charges for units actually
consumed by the Licensee in the Demised Premises as recorded in the meter
installed by the Licensor for that purpose. Any additional deposit payable
Electricity authority for the increased usage shall be paid by the Licensor
water and electricity meters elC., as
applicable to the Deised Premises are
kept and maintaned in good and substantial
repair, order and condition:
That the entraICe, doot ways and passage etc., ead1ng to the
Premises are kept sufficiently clean, liqhted, safe and in s obstantial repar and
good order and condition.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Licensor hereto has set his/het,its hands to these
presents ar.d the Licensee have caused the same to be executed in a mannr
appearing hereinafter, the day, month and year first here nabove written

By the within-named LICENSOR

By the hand of it's


By the within-named LICENSEE
By the hand of
Authorized Official
In the presence of:



AADHAR CARD NO. 2683 3599 3889
AADHAI: CARD NO, 767B 8847 6386
Please lurn over/h|y8 Vott
The Licensee will ensure that all the
requisite rules, requlatons and laws
applicable to the Denised Prenises are duly conformed to and/or cornpfied
with at all times.
The Licensee shall en.ure that upon expiry of this
Aqreenet or on the soon:
termination thereof, the vacant possession of the Demised Premises shall be
handed over to the Licensor against simultaneous refund of the Secur tty
Deposit by the Licensor to the licensee.

The Licensee shall permit the Licensor or any authorized person or persons
deputed by the Licensor during the term of this Agreement at reasonable
business hours with prior written notice if the Licensor desires to enter upon
the Demised Premises for inspecting/repairing the state and condition thereoi
The Licensee shall during the period of this Agreement at its own costs.
charges and e xpenses carry out all internal repairs and maintenance tO the
Demised Premises and keep the Demised Premises in good condition. The
Licensee agrees not to do or permitted to be done anything in the Demised
Premises which may be or become a nuisance to the Licensor or other
oCcupiers of the adjoining premises: all the interior decoration, electrical,
computer system, cabling, office automation, air conditioning etc. in the
Demised Premises shall be adequately insured by the Licensee at its own cOst.

The Licensor will indemnify and keep indemnified the Licensee against al/ any
claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, losses, fines and penalties
and/or liabilities andjor legal proceedings, arbitrations, Suits of whatsoever
nature arising after the commencement of this Agreement in relation to the
Demised Premises on account of:
Any defect in title or actions, claims, suits and proceedings relating to the tile
of the Licensor to the Demised Premises or non-availability of any
If for whatsoever reasons the Licensee's right to peaceful occup ation of the
Demised Premises for carryingon legitimate busine ss is ob structed/denied or
the Licensee is put to any loss, financial or otherwise:
Which materially prejudices the Licensee's rights under this Agreement and
which is not in any ma nner attributable to any act o omission ot the Licensee
The licensee will ndemnity and keep
clamand /or liabilities and/o any sut indemn1fied thc Liren.or aGainst any
and for leqal
not exceeding the agregate annual license fee if it proceocing for an 3noun
arises a ter the
commencement of this Agreement directly due to the neqig:nce or defauit ir
use and occupation of the Demised Premises by the
If during the term of this Agreement, any third party claim or liab1lty
or arises on the Licensor and /or the Licensee. then the Licensor and/or the
Licensee, whosoever is primarily liable to such claim or liabi ity, will defend th
same at its own cost and e xpense and bear and pay and discharge the sarne
provided such claim or liability has arisen in the course of the term of this
Agreenment in good faith and in the normal course of business and not due to
negligence of either Party. The Licensor agrees not to take up any defense,
claim or stand contrary to the defense or stand or claim taken or made or to
be takenor made by the Licensee and vice-versa provided further it any sucn
claim or liability has arisen or accrued as aresult of willful misconduct or
gross negligence of the Licensor or the Licensee as the case may be, then and
in that event, the Party made liable to ray such claim will be entitled to recover
the same from Party responsible for the act of willful tnisconduct or gross
negligence and the Party responsible for the act hereby agrees to indemniy
and keep indemnified tt.e Party suffering a loss as a result of its willfu!
misconduct or gross negligence.


This agreement may be terminated at the optionof the Licensee by giving a

minimum of three months' notice in writing in advance te the Licensor after
completion of 24 mornths lock in period:
If the License Fee pavable in respect of the Demised Premises is in arrears for
a period of3 (three) consecutive morths or more, the Licenscr shall give a
nctice in wrting to the Licensee for remedying the said breach within a perrod
of 30 (thirty) gays from the date of receipt of such notice. It the breach s not
remedie dby the Lice nsee in terms of such notice then upor the expiry of thp
30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of such notice, the Licensor shali be
entitled to lerminale this Agreement and the Licensee shall vacate and
handover vacant possesion of the Demised Prenises on the expiry of 30
(thirty) days from the tennation of this Agreement. fORCE MAJEJRE
In case the Demised Premises or any part thereof is destoyed or danaged by
force majeure evernt, such as fire, riot and civil commotio, eneny action and
such like, not within the control of the Parties hereto, so as io be wholly or
partialy unfit for the use of the Licensee then the License Fee hereby reserved
ot proportionate part thereof, according to the damage sustained shall cea5e
to be payable from the time of such destruction or damage until the said
portion of the Demised Premises shall be restored by the Lcensor to the same
position it was in before the happeningof the force maje ure event. In case ot
lockdown imposed by government authority the rent of shon gives wil be upto
S0% of total rent by lessee The Licensor shall after such restoration, be bound
to put the Licensee, if opted for by the Licensee, in possession of the Dernised
Premises and the period of the License shall be extended by such time as the
said De mised Premises were not available for use by the Licensee due to the
damage as above. However if the damages is caused to the Demised Premises
or the Demised Premises is destroyed due to negligence on the part of the
Licensee or its Affiliates or the ir employees, visitors/ agents/ workmen the
costof such restoration shall be payable by the Licensee and the Licensee
shall also be liable to continue to pay the fee of the Demised Premises during
the period the restoration is carried out by the Licensor to the Demised


Any notice/letter required to be served by one Party to another in pursuance

of this Agreement shall be served upon the other, in writing, at the respective
address as mentioned herein below:

In case of the Licensor:

Mr. Vidhya Jain

Ward no. 23 Raghunath Ganj near JainTemple,
Murwara,Katni M.P. 483501
In Case of Licensee
403, Suniket Apartment,
Shri Nagar Lxten:ion,
Khajrana Main R0ad,
Indore. M.P
In the event of change ot addres5 mentioned
hereinabove, either Party shal
informthe other Party promptly about the same.


NAME OF BANKBank of Baroda
A/C NUMBER19720100014653
A/C TYPESaving


The Licensor & Licensee shall bear and pay the stamp duty and registration
charges in the ratio of S0%: 50% each. Each Party shall bear and pay
The Licenso
professional fees of their respective legal advisors and architects.
Licensee shall keep the
shall keep the original copy of the Agreement and the
duplicate copy of the Agreement.


Agreement constitutes the

The Parties hereto confirm and declare that this
agreement between them, and supersedes all earlier understandings
writings arrived at by and between the m, whe ther oral or written,
and additions, alterations or
concerning the subject matter hereof, and no
the same are reduced t
modifications hereto shall be valid or binding, unless
writing and are signed by the Parties
The prOViSions of this
agreed by and Aareementshall be governed by the laws of
between the Parties hereto that the
alone shall have jurisdiction j,e. Katni to competent COurts at Katn
arising out of this Agieement. entertain any proceedings or dispute
The Parties hereto auree that if at any tinme, any of the terms,
and/or provisions of this Agreement is/are declared invalid or unenforceable
to any extent under the applicable laws or under directions or orders of any
judicial or other competent authority, the validityor enforceability of the
remaining terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall not be
impaired and this Agreement shall continue to be valid to the fullest extent
permitted by law, construed as if it had been executed without such invalid or
unenforceable terms, conditions and provisions.

Description of Demised Premises:

Commercial Premises constructed on land bearing Dun Market .Old Jawahar

Lal NehruWard,Mauja,Bargawn Jabalpur Road katni M.P.together with
earmarkedcar parking spaces for the vehicles of the Licensee and its
nominees and bounded by:

Towards the East Jabalpur Main Road

Towards the West Land of Mr.Dan
Towards the North Shop no.9 of Mr. Biju Tiwari
Towards the South Property Of Mr.Dan

Dimension of Demised Premises:

Floor- -Dimension --Total carpet area

Ground Floor- ---Front :23 Ft, Depth: 30 Ft, Height: 10 Ft.

-690 Sq Ft.
Mezzanine Floor Hront 23t, Depth 30 it, Heght 7 .
690 Sq Ft
Total area 1380 Sq.Ft.
The right to use the common toilet blocks in the building in cormmon with the
other occupants of the said building.
The right to put up aAntenna of approximately 2ft. dia neter or/arcd 5metor
pole antenna on the terrace of the said building for the (xclusive use fthe
Licensee and the right of access to the said terrace for the purpose of putr;
up the said Antenna and for the purpose of mainte nance and repair etC.
The tight to install an outdoor condenser unit of Air conitioner to ne
operated 24 houis a day without any extra cost/ charges for the same for
exclusIVe use of Licensee and /or its nominees and/or a 5signs.
The right to provide space for Generator set within the premises in the
building or al a place mutually decided by the Licensor and the Licensee
The right to put up afascia of approximately feet by feet on the face ot tne
building (with a projection to make it visible from the street) and a traffic
stopper outside the premises or on top of the building.
The right to free and exclusive access to the said earmarked car parkina
spaces and ensure none including the Licensor, the owners of other units
the said building, tenements or occupiers thereof or members of start
servants, employr es, workers and all persons having bus1ness th suc ctne
occupants are allowed to use the earmarked car parking spaces
To make arrangements for 24 hour water and 7.S KW electricity supi hee
phase connection to Demised premises throughout the icense perod and a
cost and expenses towards cabling, transformers, secuity devostet. for t
sane shall be hor ne by the ticensor.
Atual consurption of whih electricity will be recorded in the separate
electrty me'ers stalled by the Licensor tor the Demved Premses
The frensor also undetukes to extend full o opertion and asSstance
inluding assistnre maqung a NOC hom the Soiety Bulders, to the
Iicensre as and v.en any exta ol ot powve suppiy s requred by it tor
Carying 0ut its 0pettio.

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