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Format for Annual Progress Report

1. Project title : Hospital Based Cancer Registry in India at

Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam

2. PI (name & address) : Dr. Shah Alam Sheikh, Professor, Department of

Pathology, Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam

3. Co-PI’s (name & address) : Dr. Ajit Kr. Dey, Associate Professor, Department of
Community Medicine, Silchar Medical College, Silchar,

4. Date of start : 01.07.2020

5. Duration of reporting period : 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024

6. Detailed progress of the work and activities carried out during the period : Attached

[As per format in Appendix attached]

7. Interim modification of objectives/methodology (with justifications) [if any]: None

8. Work that remains to be done under the project, as applicable: Data entry for the year 2024

9. Publications- journals, books.: No

10. Participation in local / state/ national level health program/ activities (with details) related to this
i. Organized two cancer awareness programmes among the nursing students and pharma
students of this region.
ii. P.I. and other staff of the registry attend the workshops and training programmes on
various issues organized by NCDIR, ICMR, Bengaluru time to time.

11. Any amendment/ changes made to overcome any barriers/challenges:

To move our state government to make cancer as a notifiable disease.

Date: 21.06.2024 Signature

Name of PI: Dr. Shah Alam Sheikh

Designation: Professor of Pathology
Affiliation: Silchar Medical College
Silchar, Assam, India


1. Objectives:

The objectives of Hospital Based Cancer Registry are as follows:

a. To collect authentic cancer data, both incidence & mortality, of Silchar Medical College, Silchar.
b. To do active follow-up of collected cases.
c. To get an idea on magnitude & burden of occurrence of new cancer cases of Silchar Medical
College, Assam.

2. Area, population, number of potential sources:

The Hospital Based Cancer Registry at Silchar Medical College, Silchar is recording all the new cancer data of
Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam.

The population of Cachar District is as follows:

Total Population Male Population Female Population

19,51,833 9,91,278 9,60,555

The Hospital Based Cancer Registry at Silchar Medical College, Silchar is collecting cancer data from various
potential sources or departments, such as Surgery, Pathology, Medicine, O & G, ENT, Orthopedics,
Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Radiology, pediatrics etc. Among these departments, the maximum number
of data is being collected from more than five departments comparison to other sources.

3. Hospital details, participating departments, and departments mapped for data collection;
Process of data collection, collection, entry:
The Silchar Medical College & Hospital was established in the year 1968. It remains the only referral hospital in
the southern part of Assam and so, is the sole custodian of health care system of the entire Barak Valley. Being
situated in a very strategic geographic location, it also renders its services to the ailing community of the
neighbouring states like Mizoram, North Tripura, West Manipur and South Meghalaya. The total area of the
campus is 620 bighas of land. Presently the hospital is having total number of 1256 beds (692 teaching beds and 564
service beds).
Cancer incidence data are being collected from each clinical department of Silchar Medical College, Silchar such
as Pathology, Medicine, Surgery, ENT, O & G, Ophthalmology, Radiology, Dermatology, Orthopedics etc. The
collected data are entered in the prescribed software online and submitted to NCDIR, Bengaluru year-wise after
making necessary checks. The process of data collection and entry is shown by a diagram below:

Data collected from Data Entered in Software Data

all the Departments of HBCR online after making submitted to
SMCH necessary quality checks NCDIR

The cancer data of HBCR is already submitted upto the year 2023 and addition of more data, if found, of same
duration will be submitted accordingly. The online entry of data of 2024 has already been started.
4. Meeting held stakeholders (hospitals/sources of registration, nodal person in sources):

Periodic interactions or meetings are being conducted with the personnel, in-charges and staff members of
each and every department of Silchar Medical College atleast once in a month. Sometimes, the meetings
are being organized multiple times in a month based on the problems or barriers during data collection.
This helps us to reduce or solve the problems in collection of cancer data for smooth and hazardless data

5. Training held (Hospitals/ Sources of registration)- Induction/ refresher; numbers in each


Training programmes are also being conducted for those personnel/staff members who are transferred from
other sections or recruited as a fresh candidate in the record sections of all our sources. Conduction of such
programmes varies year to year depending upon the above mentioned situation. On an average, 2 - 3
training programmes are being conducted every year for the fresh/new personnel/staff members of

6. Information, Education, Communication (IEC) material: -----

7. IEC approval, validity: ----

8. Follow-up methods, coverage, gaps:

Routine follow-up of cancer cases is done in our registry by using different methods. Among these methods, face
to face interactions, visiting of medical records and telephonic interactions are most common followed by home
visit if required. For more active follow-up, a meeting has been organized with the ASHA (Accredited Social
Health Activist) workers and created a group with them. The ASHA workers are working in the grass root level
and well-known to each and every households of their area of operation. They are really very much helpful for
the active follow-up of cases effectively.

Previously, problems have been faced due to lack of adequate address and proper telephone number for follow-
up. In telephonic follow-up, the patients and attendants have not been traced due to change of telephone number
or non-functioning of telephone number. Presently, we have reduced these problems by keeping adequate
address and multiple telephone numbers.

9. Evaluation/feedback of field works / data quality/monitoring:

To maintain the quality of data, various checks are done after entering the data into the prescribed software
online. In addition, the activities of staff members are monitored on regular basis to solve the problems of data
collection, entry etc. for getting quality data.

10. Gaps in data collection and transmission Completeness of data quality corrections:

Earlier as per our requirement, the adequate or sufficient cancer data were not maintained in some departments.
Gradually, we have become successful to make the staff members of departments motivated to keep adequate
and full information as per our requirement. But, collection of number of cases increases in the potential sources
year by year.

After collection, the data are being analyzed and made various quality checks thoroughly including duplicate
check & matching before final submission of data.
11. Staffing for study/registry – Number of staff engaged in the project. Any vacancies during the
reporting period with an explanation:

There is no staff members allotted for the HBCR project, the existing staff members of PBCR are carrying out
the work of HBCR along with the functions of PBCR.

Principal Investigator
PBCR-Cachar District
Dept. of Pathology
Silchar Medical College
Silchar, Assam

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