Assignment No.1

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Assignment 1
Submitted By :
Mareera Rizwan – 70136596
Naymal Arshad – 70136498
Saira Asif - 70136277
Sawaira Ashfaq - 70135863
Submitted To : Dr. Saira Farhan
Program: MBA (Semester 3)
Date of Submission: 15th November, 2023

Industry Analysis

The ultimate option for power backup during a blackout is a portable generator. The frequency of
power outages has increased significantly. One reason for this is due to the onset of climate
change which has been accompanied by an increase in occurrences of natural calamities such as
floods, dust storms, and even earthquakes. Furthermore, the deteriorating power infrastructure
increases the susceptibility of Pakistan's grid system to unforeseen and recurrent power outages.
The portable solar power generator is an ideal companion for your outdoor adventures such as
hiking. picnicking, or camping. After the Covid- 19 lockdown, we've all developed an
appreciation for the awe-inspiring blue sky and luscious greenery of the grasslands. A portable
power supply can be a valuable companion when spending free time with loved ones. as it
enables easy access to electronic devices such as laptops. microwaves, phones, TVs,
refrigerators. and more, even when away from conventional power sources.
A conventional option in Pakistan, preceding the introduction of portable backup power
generators. is the generator powered by diesel fuel. Although it produces excessive noise and is
not a sustainable source of energy. Undoubtedly. the absence of noise is a crucial aspect in
certain fields such as medical and natural wildlife conservation. The knowledge and
consciousness about the use of sustainable solar energy is steadily increasing throughout
Pakistan. As a collective effort in Pakistan, we are striving to combat the challenges of global
warming and other ecological issues.

A growing number of individuals have come to acknowledge the benefits of renewable energy
sources. The greater the consciousness levels, the more likely individuals are to opt for solar
energy as their primary power source.

Potential Demand

Pakistan's portable solar generator market is experiencing rapid growth, thanks to strong
government backing, a surge in commercial activity surrounding renewable energy, and a boost
in investments toward developing reliable renewable energy infrastructure in the area. The
International Energy Agency has anticipated that China, India and Pakistan will be the major
producers of solar energy in the coming years. The increasing uptake of portable solar power
generators is attributed to their ability to decrease the reliance on non-renewable energy sources
like fossil fuels. Compared to traditional power generation methods, they are less expensive to
sustain. A portable solar power generator is deemed as a viable energy source for minimal usage
when disconnected from the grid. These power generators derive energy from the sun and
furnish electricity. Our compact solar-powered generators function as versatile portable power
stations. equipped with rechargeable batteries that can charge via solar energy. a traditional AC
wall outlet. or even a cigarette port.

Key Success Factors

Following are the major potential obstacles which we have to overcome in order to become
successful in the Pakistani industry given below:
Product Cost

In our project product cost is the main problem. Pakistan is a developing country, so here cost is
a great factor. Thus we can't ignore this factor at any cost However the biggest obstacle is to
overcome the high costs of Lithium-lon batteries.

Autocracy Problem (Political Instability)

Autocracy problem means different types of political problems. Political collaboration can hinder
our service of power supply. Each government tenure has its own policies for imports and
exports which means either it'll be an obstacle or an opportunity for our company.

Other Problems

In this section all miscellaneous problems of Pakistan will highlighted here such as shortage of
skilled labor. labor wages issues, work-life balance issues, increasing transportation costs due to
rising fuel costs, variation of costs due to high inflation etc. These factors are also falls under the
category of obstacles for our company.

Slower Energy Generation

Solar generators are not the best option when you need instantaneous power. If your battery runs
out of power, you have to wait for it to recharge to get power to your appliances and devices,
which can vary depending on the weather conditions. With a traditional generator, you simply
need to add more fuel to generate additional power.

Lower Energy Storage

Solar generators aren't ideal if your power demands are too high. For instance, during a power
outage, your generator may not be sufficient to operate all devices and appliances in your house.

In most cases, they are best for operating a few devices at a time, such as lighting. kitchen
appliances, or a mini refrigerator.

Company Description

Auto-Power is a new entrant in the Pakistani industry that is being established to fulfill the
arising need of electricity in the country due to its shortage. The company aims to provide a
renewable energy-generated product, 'Solar Inverter' to its customers at an affordable price range
to move from a traditional to a non-traditional and innovative product.

Company Name


Mission Statement

To offer a dependable and long-lasting power solution for individuals on the move, regardless of
their location across the Pakistan.

Products Offered

The rechargeable battery-operated generator that we offer is a portable power backup generator.

With an AC outlet. a DC carport. and USB charging ports. these devices provide the ability to
keep all of your devices charged, ranging from smartphones and laptops to CPAP machines and
appliances such as mini coolers, electric grills. and coffee makers. etc. and others. Along with
that following are the list of products which we will offer in the market are given below:

• Portable Solar Power Backup Generators (Mighty & Compact Gem Series)

• Portable Solar Panels

• Accessories

• Refurbished Products

Market Analysis

Pakistan needs more portable solar inverters because they have power outages often. People,
companies, and industries are starting to like portable solar inverters because they are a reliable
and affordable option in the long run instead of using regular energy sources.

Market Segmentation

The market for portable solar power backup generators can be divided into various categories
including battery type. power rating, distribution channel. and geographical location. The
classification of the portable solar power generator industry based on battery type can be
categorized into two major types namely lead-acid and lithium-ion. The majority of our solar
generators utilize lithium-ion batteries as a means of storing electrical energy. Despite being
pricier than lead-acid batteries, they come with a range of advantages. Lithium-ion batteries
generally weigh only around half to two-thirds of lead-acid batteries of comparable size.
Lithium-ion batteries possess the ability to recharge at a quicker pace in comparison to lead-acid
batteries. The portable solar power generator market can be segmented based on its power rating,
with categories including those capable of producing up to 500W and those with an output of up
to 1 kW. The portable power station industry is categorized into two segments based on their
sales channel, which are online and offline. Furthermore, the market analysis encompasses a
comprehensive examination of all territories within Pakistan. At present, the distribution of
goods is mainly carried out by electronics retailers, e-commerce platforms, and direct sales
channels within the market.

Numerous esteemed e-commerce platforms such as Daraz. pk and in Pakistan offer a
diverse selection of portable solar inverters from various makers.

Target Market

A business identifies a specific group of individuals towards whom it aims to direct its marketing
and advertising strategies. known as the target audience. It is crucial to recognize your target
audience as attempting to sell to everyone is not feasible. Concentrating on a particular group
enables us to gain a deeper insight into their desires and requirements, allowing us to develop
content and promotional materials that effectively attract them. Focusing on a particular
demographic enables you to monitor and evaluate our performance and achievements in a more
efficient manner. To put it briefly. comprehending our intended viewers entails three phases.
namely: becoming aware, contemplating, and making a choice. By gaining insight into the
developmental stages of our desired audience, we have the ability to produce tailored material
that specifically resonates with them.
• If our target audience is in the awareness stage, they are just beginning to learn about their
problem. They don't know much about portable solar power backup generator yet, but they are
interested in learning more. At this stage, our goal should be to educate them about solar and its

• If our target audience is in the consideration stage. they are starting to compare different
portable solar power backup generator options. They know that they want, but they are not sure
which company to go with. At this stage, our goal should be to show them why we are the best

• If our target audience is in the decision stage, they have already decided that they want and they
are ready to make a purchase. At this stage, our goal should be to help them finalize their
decision and make the purchase.

Competitors Analysis

At present. our local market has no rivals for our company. since we exclusively provide
portable solar power backup generators. In fact, we will have support from both the government
and the Pakistan Solar Association, which means we can avoid any issues.

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