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Part A: MCQs

1. The law applies to all factories employing _______ workers.

a. 5 or more
b. 10 or more
c. 100 or more
d. 150 or more

2. Adolescents means a person who has completed his _____ but has not has not
completed his ______ year.
a. fourteenth, sixteenth
b. sixteenth, eighteenth
c. fifteenth, twentieth
d. fifteenth, seventeenth

3. Manufacturing process means any process

a. for making, altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing or packaging
b. for pumping oil, water or sewage
c. for generating , transforming or transmitting power
d. all above

4. Any such factory in which manufacturing processes are ordinarily carried on for more
than ___________ in the year
a. one hundred n eighty days
b. one hundred n eighty hours
c. one hundred n twenty days
d. one hundred n twenty hours

5. Power to Apply Provisions applicable ____________ , or worked one day in year.

a. where five or more workers are working
b. where ten or more workers are working
c. where hundred or more workers are working
d. where one fifty or more workers are working

6. Factories (amendment) Ordinance, 1972 occupier shall send a written notice to the
inspector with in _____ days.
a. with in 10 days
b. with in 20 days
c. with in 30 days
d. with in hour

7. Certified surgeon can allow other registered __________ to perform tasks outlined in
the Act.
a. medical inspector
b. medical chief inspector
c. medical practitioner
d. none above them

8. In the case of a factory in existence on the date of the commencement of the Labour
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1972; then space is
a. At least three hundred and fifty cubic feet
b. At least five hundred and fifty cubic feet
c. At least two hundred and five cubic feet
d. At least three hundred and five cubic feet

9. Emergency lighting of special points in work-room and passages to function

automatically in case of a failure of the ordinary electric system.
a. of the ordinary magnetic system
b. of the ordinary electric system
c. of the ordinary electric potential system
d. of the ordinary solar energy system

10. The formation of shadows to such an extent as to cause eye strain or risk of accident to
any worker.
a. fatigue
b. asthenopia
c. eye strain
d. headache

11. In every factory wherein _____are ordinarily employed, provision shall be made for
cooling the drinking water during the hot weather by effective means and for distribution
thereof and arrangements shall also be made for
a. more than five hundred and twenty workers
b. more than two hundred and fifty workers
c. more than one hundred and fifty workers
d. more than three hundred and five workers
12. Whosoever spits in contravention of sub-section (3) shall be punishable with a fine not
exceeding one hundred rupees.
a. two hundred rupees.
b. one hundred rupees.
c. three hundred rupees
d. four hundred rupees

13. Each worker in a factory shall be provided with a ‘Hygiene Card’ in which during the
[months of January and July every year entries] shall be recorded after examination by
appointed factory doctor to the effect that the worker.
a. months of January and august every year entries
b. months of February and December every year entries
c. months of June and July every year entries
d. months of January and July every year entries

14. In every factory wherein not less than five hundred workers are ordinarily employed the
occupier or manager shall employ such number of welfare officers, having such

a. than four hundred

b. than fifty hundred
c. than five hundred
d. than two hundred

15. In the case of a factory in existence on the date of the commencement1 of the Labour
Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1972; then space is
a. At least three hundred and fifty cubic feet
b. At least five hundred and fifty cubic feet
c. At least two hundred and five cubic feet
d. At least three hundred and five cubic feet

16. Emergency lighting of special points in work-room and passages to function

automatically in case of a failure of the ordinary electric system.
a. of the ordinary magnetic system
b. of the ordinary electric system
c. of the ordinary electric potential system
d. of the ordinary solar energy system

17. The formation of shadows to such an extent as to cause eye strain or risk of accident to
any worker.
a. fatigue
b. asthenopia
c. eye strain
d. headache

18. In every factory wherein ……..are ordinarily employed, provision shall be made for
cooling the drinking water during the hot weather by effective means and for distribution
thereof and arrangements shall also be made for

a. more than five hundred and twenty workers

b. more than two hundred and fifty workers
c. more than one hundred and fifty workers
d. more than three hundred and five workers

19. Whosoever spits in contravention of sub-section (3) shall be punishable with a fine not
exceeding one hundred rupees.
a. two hundred rupees.
b. one hundred rupees.
c. three hundred rupees
d. four hundred rupees

20. Each worker in a factory shall be provided with a ‘Hygiene Card’ in which during the
[months of January and July every year entries] shall be recorded after examination by
appointed factory doctor to the effect that the worker.
a. months of January and august every year entries
b. months of February and December every year entries
c. months of June and July every year entries
d. months of January and July every year entries

21. In every factory wherein not less than five hundred workers are ordinarily employed the
occupier or manager shall employ such number of welfare officers, having such

a. than four hundred

b. than fifty hundred
c. than five hundred
d. than two hundred

22. In every factory - every hoist and lift shall be

a. of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength.
b. Installed with protective wall pads.
c. incorporate safety mechanisms such as brakes and governors to prevent free-falling.
23. In every factory, every fixed vessel, sump, tank pit or opening in the ground or in floor
which by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents, is or may be a source of
danger, shall be either.
a. away from working site.
b. securely covered or securely fenced.
c. both
24. No portable electric light of voltage exceeding _______shall be permitted in any factory
for use inside any confined space.
a. 62 volts
b. 24 volts
c. 120 volts
25. Suitable _________, reviving apparatus and belts and ropes shall in every factory be kept
ready for instant use beside any such confined space.
a. Goggles
b. Gloves & masks.
c. breathing apparatus
26. The Provincial Government may make rules prohibiting the admission to any specified
class of factories, or to specified parts thereof, of ______ who cannot be lawfully
employed therein.
a. Handicapped people
b. Children
c. Women
27. before the fastening of any joint of any pipe connected with the part of the fastening of
the cover of any opening into the part is loosened, any flow of the gas or vapour into the
part or any such pipe shall be ____________.
a. Covered
b. Moved to another location
c. effectively stopped

28. No person in any factory shall enter or be permitted to enter any confined space until all
practicable measures have been taken to remove any fumes which may be present.
a. Irritants
b. Fumes
c. Mists

29. After an accident occurred in the factory, the injured person is prevented from resuming
his work for _____ hours.

a) 24 hours

b) 72 hours

c) 48 hours

d) 38 hours

30. According to the Act, what powers were added to make health and safety rules related to
shelter during rest?
a. Rooms for children
b. Certificate for stability

c. Hazardous operations

d. All of the above.

31. According to the Act, no factory workee shall be allowed or required to work for more
than ____ hours per day.
a. 9 hours
b. 12 hours

c. 6 hours

d. 8 hours

32. Any proposed change in the system of work will nnecessitatea change in the notice shall
be notified to the _______ in duplicate before the change in made.

a. Manager
b. Supervisor
c. Inspector
d. Provincial government

33. No women shall be allowed to work except between ____ and ____ .

a. 8amand2pm
b. 6amand7pm
c. 9amand3pm
d. 9amand4pm

34. All the adult workers in the factory are not required to work on the same time, the
manager should classify groups according to _____________ .
a. Worker’s qualification
b. Equally no. Of employees in 2- shifts per day.

c. Worker’s age

d. Nature of the work.

35. Provided that no substitution shall be made which will result in any worker working for
more than_____ Days consecutively, without a holiday for a whole day.

a) 10 days

b) 15 days

c) 20 days

d) 7 days

36. When does the ensuing day begin for a worker who works a shift that extends over
a) At midnight
b) When the worker's shift begins
c) When the worker's shift ends
d) At noon

37. Who does the restriction regarding adult workers and working in multiple factories apply
a) Only workers under a certain age limit
b) All workers, regardless of age
c) Only workers in specific industries
d) Only workers with certain job titles

38. How long must a worker have completed continuous service in a factory to be eligible for
a) 6 months
b) 9 months
c) 12 months
d) 18 months

39. How long is the holiday period that a worker is entitled to after completing twelve
months of continuous service?
a) 7 consecutive days
b) 10 consecutive days
c) 21 consecutive days
d) 14 consecutive days

40. What happens if a worker entitled to holidays is discharged by the employer before being
allowed the holidays?
a) The worker forfeits the entitlement to holidays
b) The employer must allow the holidays immediately
c) The employer must pay the worker an amount as per section 49-C for the holidays
d) The worker can take legal action against the employer

41. What type of pay does a worker receive during sick leave?
a) Full pay
b) Half pay
c) No pay
d) Double pay

42. What is the maximum number of hours a child can work in a factory on any day?
a) 4 hours
b) 5 hours
c) 6 hours
d) 7 hours

43. Punishable on the second conviction with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
______ months

A) 1 month
B) 1 year
C) 6 months
D) 10 years

44. PENALTY FOR OBSTRUCTING INSPECTOR shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to _______ rupees.

A) Five thousand
B) Ten thousand
C) Twenty thousand
D) 50 thousand

45. Penalty of using false certificate shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
_______ rupees

A) One Thousand
B) Seven Thousand
C) Ten Thousand
D) Eleven Thousand

46. Control of rules made by Local Governments shall be published in the Official ______

A) Gazzette
B) Newspaper
C) Broadcast
D) Radio

47. Factory notice should be displayed at or near the _________

A) Manager office
B) Main enternece
C) Security Room
D) Working Area

48. Manager of a factory who fails to display the notice shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to _______ rupees
A) Two Thousand
B) Three Thousand
C) Five Thousand
D) Six Thousand

49. _________ may make rules requiring occupiers to submit such returns

A) Prime Minister
B) Federal Government
C) Provincial Government
D) Director


1. No child who has not completed his fourteenth year shall be allowed to work in any factory.

2. There is no time limit for children's to work in factory.

3. Where an Inspector is of opinion -

(a) that any person working in a factory without a certificate of fitness it a child or an adolescent,
(b) that a child or adolescent working in a factory with a certificate is no longer fit to work in the
capacity stated.

4. In case of any contravention the manager and occupier of the factory shall each be
punishable with fine which may extend to twenty thousand rupees.
5. Under section 44 any person will be paid any extra pay to which he is entitled under the
provisions of section 47.

6. Any person is not paid any extra pay to which he is entitled under the provisions of section 47
7. In case of contravention if both the manager and the occupier are convicted, the aggregate of
the fines inflicted should exceed the amount of 20 thousand rupees
8. Whoever smokes, or uses a naked light or causes or permit any such light to be used in the
vicinity of any inflammable material in a factory shall not be punishable with fine
9. If a child over the age of six years is found inside any part of a factory in which children are
working, he shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to be working in the factory
10. The act of government factories shall apply to all factories including factories wholly or
partly owned or controlled by the Government, Federal Government or any other Government.


1.Factory means any _________, where 10 or more workers are working

2.Working during a different period of the day, each set is called ______.

3. Any medical certificates issued by authorised practitioners will only be valid for

4.Any officer nominated by the government shall be an _______ for his district.

5. The walls and roofs shall be of such material and so designed that such ______ shall
not be exceeded.

6. The Provincial Government may, in respect of all factories in which humidity of the air
is artificially __________.

7. At least ___________ cubic feet of space in the case of a factory built after the
commencement of the Labour Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1972.
8. A sufficient number of cups or other drinking vessels, unless the water is being
delivered in an _______.

9. Workers and no such point shall be situated within _________of any washing place,
urinal or latrine, unless a shorter distance is approved in writing by the Chief Inspector.

10. Enclosed latrines and urinals shall be provided separately for _________workers.

11. If in any factory any part of the plant or machinery used in a manufacturing process
is operated at a pressure above ____________, effective measures shall be taken.

12. The Provincial Government may make rules prescribing the __________ which may
be lifted, carried or moved by adult men, adult women, adolescents and children
employed in factories or in carrying on any specified process.

13. In any factory no person shall enter or be permitted to enter any chamber, tank, vat,
pit, pipe, flue or other _______ in which dangerous fumes are likely to be present.

14. in any factory any____________ produces dust, gas, fume or vapour of such
character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition, all practicable
measures shall be taken to prevent any such explosion.

15. before the fastening of any joint of any pipe connected with the part of the fastening
of the cover of any opening into the part is loosened, any flow of the gas or vapour
into the part or any such pipe shall be effectively stopped by a ______.
Answer Key
Part A MCQs

Q. # Answer Q. # Answer Q. # Answer Q. # Answer Q. # Answer

1 b 11 b 21 c 31 a 41 b
2 d 12 b 22 a 32 c 42 b
3 a 13 d 23 b 33 b 43 c
4 a 14 c 24 b 34 d 44 c
5 a 15 a 25 c 35 a 45 a
6 c 16 b 26 b 36 c 46 a
7 c 17 c 27 c 37 b 47 b
8 a 18 b 28 b 38 c 48 c
9 b 19 b 29 c 39 d 49 c
10 c 20 d 30 d 40 c

B True/False

Q. # Answer
1 T
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 T
7 F
8 F
9 T
10 T

Part Fill in the Blanks


Q. # Answer
1 Premises
2 Relay
3 3 months
4 Inspector
5 temperature
6 increased
7 five hundred
8 upward jet.
9 twenty feet
10 male and female
11 atmospheric pressure
12 maximum weights
13 confined space
14 manufacturing process
15 stop-valve

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