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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science & Engineering (EEE)

Semester: Spring 2024, B.Sc. in CSE (Regular)

Final Term Group Assignment

Course Name: Electrical Drives and Instrumentation
Course Code: EEE-205 (CSE); Section: D5; Batch: Day
Course Teacher: Sourav Barua, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE
Student Details
Student Name-01 Md. Rajuan Hossen
Student ID 221002100
Student Name-02 Md. Sagor Howlader
Student ID 221002102

(i) Don’t write anything behind the cover page. Attach assignment question paper (if provided) with
complete assignment before submission.
(ii) Don’t copy your assignment from anyone. If the answers of two or more student were found same,
marks will be deducted from both students.
(iii) Check deadlines before submission. Late submission will be allowed only by corresponding course
instructor for valid reason.
(iv) Hand writing should be legible and avoid spelling mistakes.
(v) Incomplete Assignment will not be accepted, and marks can be deducted for incomplete submission.

[For Teachers Use only: Don’t Write Anything inside this box]
Assignment status
Marks: ………………………… Signature: ……………………
Comments: ……………………. Date: …………………………

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