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Routine Preventive Maintenance Records

For IDC 38 - Mini Camp

Date: Location/Room No. : Next inspection Date:

# Description: Yes No Recommended Action
1 Inspection of Wire Connections and Main Cables:
1.1 Is it secure at both ends?
1.2 Are any inner wires visible?
1.3 Is it frayed, damaged or broken in any way?
1.4 Are there any taped joints?
Is outer sheath gripped where it enters
1.5 the plug ,Sockets equipment ?
2 Inspection of Electrical Sockets:
2.1 Is it securely connected to the appliance cable?
2.2 Are any of the pins bent?

Is there any visible evidence of overheating such

2.3 as blackening of pins or burn marks on the casing?
2.4 Are the wires attached to the correct terminals?
2.5 Are the terminal screws tight?
3 Inspection of ACs Switches and Connections:
3.1 Is it securely connected to AC cable?
Is there any visible evidence of overheating such
as blackening of connection point or burn marks
3.2 on the casing?
3.3 Are the terminal screws tight?
4 Inspection and Maintenance of Plugs Switch
4.1 Plug switch stuible for the equipment Plug
4.2 Are the wires attached to the correct terminals?
4.3 Are the terminal screws tight?
Is there any visible evidence of overheating such
as blackening of connection point or burn marks
4.4 on the casing?
5 Inspection of Residual Current Devices (RCDs):
5.1 Are RCD push-button test responses?
Has an RCD test (tripping) been performed within
5.2 the last six months?
6 Inspection and Maintenance of Earthing Systems
Are the mantioned location connected
6.1 to the earthing system
6.2 All grounding connections are secure and intact?
Are grounding electrode resistance value
7 Fire Extinguisher and Fire Alarm Devices
7.1 Is the Fire Extinguisher available and inspected ?
Are the smoke detectors clean and
7.2 working properly?
Inspected by: Verified by

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