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Module -1

E- Commerce and it’s Technological Aspect

Scope of E-commerce
1. Marketing ,sales and sales promotion
2. Pre-sales ,subcontract and supply
3. Financing and insurance
4. Commercial transaction –ordering , delivery and payment
5. Product service and maintenance
6. Co-operative product development
7. Distributed co-operative working
8. Use of public and private services
9. Business to administration
10. Transport and logistic
11. Public procurement
12. Accounting and financial management
13. Legal advice
14. Automatic trading of digital goods- games

Electronic data Interchange

1. Reduce document re-keying
a) Reduce labour costs
b) Elimination human keying errors
c) Faster document processing
d) Instant document retrieval
e) Remove reliance on the postal service
2. Eliminate paper
a) Stationary and printer consumable costs
b) Document storage cost
c) Lost document
d) Postage cost
3. Reduce lead times and stockholdings
a) Electronic trading document can be delivered far quickly than paper
b) By suing EDI for forecasting and planning foe required orders
c) Companies receiving advance shipping and planning notes for active
d) It can be must faster, again reducing lead time and spending up
4. Increase quality of trading relationship
a) Electronic trading document when printed are easier to read than
fax copies
b) Accurate document help ensure accurate supplies
c) Batches of electronic document ore usually orderly numbered
5. Competitive edge
a) EDI makes attractive to deal with customer
b) Leading retailing all relay on EDI for placing orders

Internet commerce
1.Online retail (B2B)

2. electronic payment and digital payment

3. Online market place

4. mobile commerce

5. online banking and financial services

6. digital marketing

7. subscription services

Nature of Electronic commerce

1) Marketing
2) Management
3) Computer science
4) Accounting and auditing
5) Consumer behavior and psychology
6) Finance
7) Marketing information system
8) Economic
9) Biological ethics

Types of E-commerce
1) Business to business
2) Business to consumers
3) Customers to business
4) Consumer to consumer
5) Business to administration
6) Consumer to administration
7) Peer to peer

Function of E-commerce
1) Electronic banking
2) Electronic shopping
3) Marketing and advertising
4) Producing customer services
5) Online travel research
6) Online trading
7) Video conferencing

Signification of E-commerce
1) Global research
2) Cost efficiency
3) Increased competition
4) Data driven insight
5) Job creating economic growth
6) Integrating and digital technology

Module -2
Consumer oriented E-commerce

Traditional retailing
1) physical stores
2) In person shopping experience
3) Human interaction
4) Immediate gratification
5) Payment option
6) Visual merchandising
7) Local presence

Benefits of E-retailing
1) Global reach
2) 24/7
3) Convenience and flexibility
4) Wider product selection
5) Personalization
6) Cost efficiency
7) Target marketing
8) Customer review and feedback

Key success factor

1) User- friendly website design
2) Mobile optimization
3) Secure and trustworthy transaction
4) Effective search and navigation
5) Compenhence product information
6) Multiple payment option
7) Fast and reliable shipping
8) Customer support and communication
9) Retail and refund policy
10) Personalization
11) Marketing and promotion

Models of E-retailing
1) Business to consumer
2) Business to business
3) Consumer to consumer
4) Consumer to business

E- Services
1) Automated teller machine
2) Internet banking
3) Mobile banking
4) Tele banking
5) Electronic fund transfer
6) Standard instruction
7) Online mutual fund investment
8) Smart card

Web – Enabled services

1) Search engines
2) Social media platforms
3) E-mail services
4) Cloud storage services
5) Online banking
6) E-commerce platforms
7) Streaming services
8) Online learning platforms

Matching services
1) Online dating platforms
2) Professional match makers
3) Speed dating events
4) Matrimonial websites
5) Niche matchmaking services
6) Astrology based match making
7) Event based match making
8) Executive match making services

Information selling on the web

1) E-books
2) Online courses
3) Webinars and workshop
4) Membership site
5) Subscription news letters
6) Digital download
7) Consulting and coaching services
8) Stock photography
9) Software and apps
10) Online assessment

Module -3
Electronic data interchange

Benefits of electronic data inter change

1) Reduce labour cost
2) Elimination of human keying error
3) Faster document processing
4) Remove reliance on the postal services

EDI technology
1) Data standardization
2) Data mapping
3) Communication protocols
4) Translation software
5) Integration of ERP systems
6) Security measures
7) Audit trails and reporting

Needs of Electronic payment system

1) Convenience
2) Speed of transaction
3) Accessibility
4) Security
5) Record keeping
6) Global transaction
7) Reduced cash handling
8) Automated recurring payment

Types of payment system

1) Credit card
2) Debit card
3) Charge cards
4) Smart cards

Uses of Electronic Payment system

1) Retail transaction
2) E-Commerce
3) Bills payment
4) Peer to peer
5) Subscription services
6) Government payment
7) Business to Business
8) Contactless payment

Protocols used in Electronic payment system

1) Transport layer security

2) Tokenization
3) EMV
4) Payment card industry data security standard
5) ISO 20022
6) Open banking APIs
7) ACH
8) Fast and secure payment
9) RTP
10) Block chain

Components of the SET protocol

1) Digital certificate
2) Public key instruction
3) Triple DES encryption
4) Transaction Integrity
5) Electronic wallet
6) Payment devices
7) Merchant Authentication
8) Transaction
i) Different types of credit card payment
1) All purpose of credit card
2) Earn while you spend
3) Add on cards
4) Zero liability
ii) Value plus credit card
1) Any time any were
2) During the some banks offer up to 5% cash back
3) Category
4) Grocery
5) Cash Advance
6) Revolving credit facility
7) Interest free credit card

(iii) Gold credit card

1) Attractive rewards points

2) Reward points reduction
3) Revolving credit facility
4) Free add on coin
5) Interest free credit card
6) Zero liability

Important of digital cash

1) Security
2) Anonymity
3) Portability
4) Transferability
5) Divisibility
6) User friendly

Module -4
Security in E-commerce Threats in computer System
Characteristics of Virus
1) Republication
2) Payload
3) Activation trigger
4) Concealment
5) Spread Mechanism
6) Modification of files

Types of cyber Crimes

1) Hacking
2) Cracking
3) Fraud on the internet
4) Bulleting boards
5) Credit card fraud
6) E-mail scans

Network security
1) Firewalls
2) Intrusion detection system
3) Virtual private Network
4) Network segmentation
5) Access control list
6) Security information
7) Encryption

Elements of Encryption
1) Encryption Alogrithn
2) Encryption keys
3) Key length
4) Plaintext
5) Clip her text

Type of firewalls
1) Packing Filtering firewalls
2) Circuit –level gateway firewall
3) State full inspiration firewall
4) Application level gate way firewall
5) Next- generation firewall

Network firewall
1) Packet Filtering
2) State inspection
3) Proxy services
4) Network address services
5) Application layer filtering

Application layer firewall

Feature of next generation firewall
1) Deep pack inspection
2) Intrusion prevention
3) Application control
4) User identity management
5) Virtual private network

Proxy services

1) Proxy services functionality

2) Anonymity and privacy
3) Access control and content filtering
4) Caching
5) Security
6) Land balancing
7) Content modification

Types of proxy services

1) Forward proxy
2) Reverse proxy
3) Open proxy
4) Transport proxy
5) Anonymous proxy
6) Distorting proxy
Module -5
Ethical issue in E-commerce
1) Web tracking
2) Cyber – Squatting
3) Web spoofing
4) Privacy invasion
5) Intellectual property Theft and copyright trolls
6) Email spamming

Social issue in E-commerce

1) Digital inclusion
2) Job displacement
3) Import on local business
4) Cultural implication
5) Social isolation
6) Youth and online influences
7) Digital addiction
8) Online harassment

Political issue in E-commerce

1) Regulatory compliance
2) Taxation policies
3) International trade agreement
4) Censorship and context restriction
5) National security and data localization
6) Trade barriers and protectionism
7) Intellection property protection
8) Political stability and economic conduction
9) Digital Sovereignty

A model of organizing the issue

1) Legal and regular frame work

a) Regular compliance
b) Taxation policies
c) Intellectuals property protection
d) Data privacy and security regulation
2) Economic and market control
a) Job description and transformation
b) Impact on local business
c) Globalization and fair trade
d) Trade barrier
e) Economic conduction and consumer confidence
3) Technological challenge
a) Security concerns
b) Digital addiction
c) Ethical use of AI and automation
d) Net neutrality
e) Cross-border data transfer
4) Social and cultural impact
a) Digital inclusion and accessibility
b) Cultural implication
c) Social isolation
d) Consumer behavior and materialism
e) Youth and online influences
5) Environment and sustainability concerns
a) Environmental impact
b) Sustainability of packing and logistics
c) Carbon footprint of E-commerce
Basic ethics of concepts
1) Ethical principal
2) Integrity
3) Respect for others
4) Fairness
5) Caring and compassion
6) Social responsibility
7) Sustainability

Analyzing ethical Dilemmas

1) Identify the dilemma
2) Gather information
3) Identify stake holders
4) Consider ethical pricipales
5) Evaluate consequences
6) Personal values
7) Make a decision
8) Monitor and reflect

Candidate ethical principal privacy

1) Consent
2) Minimization
3) Transparency
4) Security
5) Purpose limitation
6) Data accuracy
7) Accountability
8) Data subject rights
9) Data portability
10) Non –discrimination
Information collection at E-commerce
1) Personal information
2) Account information
3) Transaction data
4) Device information
5) Geolocation data
6) Cookies and tracking
7) User behavior and interaction data
8) Communication data
9) Surveys and feedback
10) Social media integration
11) Marketing adversiting data
12) Security data
13) Third party integration

Concept of privacy
1) Information privacy
2) Physical privacy
3) Autonomy and decision –making
4) Communication privacy
5) Location privacy
6) Financial privacy
7) Medical privacy
8) Biometric policy
9) Social policy

Legal protection

1) Human right protection

2) Civil liberties protection
3) Property right protections
4) Employment and labor protection
5) Consumer protection
6) Legal protection
7) Family and domestic relation protections
8) Griminal justice protection
9) Financial protection
10) Environmental protections

Types of intellectual property protection

1) Patents
2) Copyrights
3) Trade marks
4) Trade secrets
5) Trade dress
6) Geographical indications
7) Plant variety protection
8) Integrated circuit layout design protection
9) Database rights
10) Traditional knowledge

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