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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Abstergo Employee of the Kill Bonuses

End Bonuses

Month Guide Action Bonuses

A gameplay guide by TheLastSurvivorD and Langy900 • Published 28th July 2014 • UpdatedTeam
28th August

Welcome, this is a specific guide on how to get the trophy, Abstergo Employee of the Month. In this guide, all of the bonuses are listed
along with what ability is required, and basically how to do it all.

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Welcome, this is a guide that will attempt to help you in obtaining the di/cult and annoying trophy
in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Abstergo Employee of the Month, or like most people say,
AEOTM. I will show you each of the 3 types of bonuses, what is needed to achieve them, and how
to achieve them. First of all...
For this trophy, Gaming Sessions are your best friend. Click here to set one up.
This game does have a list of all the bonuses that can be achieved. To see them (assuming
you are in the multiplayer menu), go to Progression and then select Bonus Description.
Select any of the 4 types of bonuses and it will show you the name of it and the XP you'll get
for performing it. However, the game does not keep track of what bonuses you have
performed, so you're going to have to do that yourself. Have a checklist and list down all of
the bonuses, and when you perform them, (when you perform them, the bonus and the
reward will show at the middle of the screen. Correct me if I'm wrong.) mark them off. This
way you'll know which bonuses you have left do. Here is a spreadsheet you can use to track
your progress. Credit for mentioning it goes to SkyesUnholy.
Just to tell you, since it happened to me once, if you perform a bonus and you lost
connection, when happens sometimes, or if you decide to quit after performing the bonus, it
will not count. You have to stick around until the game is over for it to count. PS3 1 1 18 41
61 Trophies • 1,545 Points
You need to be at Level 29 to perform all of the bonuses due to some requiring you to use an
ability. At level 29, you unlock poison, and once you get there, you'll be able to perform all of RELATED GUIDES
the bonuses.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Trophy Guide
If you are boosting, I'd recommend changing the map to Rome. When I was boosting, me Welcome! This trophy guide will help you get all of the
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and my partners always went to the fountain as we all knew how to get there, but its your
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After the fall of Borgia in Rome, Leonardo da Vinci was
End bonuses are not required for the trophy. kidnapped by an underground cult. It is your job to…

It is extremely important that all (or at least one person) has a mic. This will cause better
coordinating. If you are the person with the mic, talk and say what to do at the time. Either
have a mic, or type what bonus is next in a chat room.

See the different sections below for more detailed information and help, and good luck!


Below is a list of the kill bonuses. There are 15 kill bonuses in total and some may take a lot of
luck to get without boosting, so it is recommended to make a Gaming Session.

# Kill Bonus Description How to Do It for

When close to your target, just hide in groups and

Kill your haybales, and then exit your hiding spot. When you
target with see your target, run towards them. This will
#1. Discreet 2
high increase your detection meter and you will enter
pro&le. high pro&le. Kill them before a chase begins. After
that, you'll get this bonus.

When close to your target, just hide in groups and

Kill your haybales, And then exit your hiding spot. Instead of
#2. Silent target with running, walk towards them. This will increase the 2
low pro&le. detection meter a bit. Kill them and you'll get this

Kill your
See Overachiever for a easy way to get this in
#3. Incognito target with 2
the Introductory Session.
no pro&le.

Kill your This might be a bit confusing. There are multiple

target from ways to get this, as you can be hanging from a
#4. Acrobatic an ledge and kill your target below, or kill your target 2
acrobatic by assassinations them from a higher point. (Air
position Assassination/Aerial Kill)

You'd be lucky to get this playing normally, so just

Kill your
boost this. Have your boosting partner on the edge
#5. Drop kills target from 2
of the building. After that, hang on the ledge and
a ledge
simply kill them.

Perform a See Overachiever for a easy way to get this in

#6. Focus 2
focus kill. the Introductory Session.

Kill your
See Overachiever for a easy way to get this in
#7. Hidden hidden in a 2
the Introductory Session.
group, on a
bench, or in
a haystack.

When the match starts, run to your target and then
the &rst kill
#8. First Blood when you get close, either walk up to your target 2
of the
and kill him.

Kill the
Templar This might be a tad annoying. If you are playing
who killed normally, then when you die, your target might be
#9. Revenge you last the person who killed you. When you get close to 4
before them, hide in groups or haybales, and then simply
anyone walk towards your target and kill them.

Somehow I always get this bonus when I play a

match. There is no really good strategy to getting it
Kill your
by plsying normally, but it is a lot easier boosting.
target with
Simply have your pursuer and your target close to
#10. Poacher each other, then kill your target. Same thing applies 3
if you are boosting, though, if your killer is your
less then
target, simply tell them that they're your target (via
10m away.
chat room or mic). Simply kill them and this bonus
is yours.

Kill your
when they
Like some of the other kill bonuses, this is di/cult
are close
to get playing normally, so simply boost. Change
to killing
#11. Savior the mode to Alliance. Meet up at a point in the 3
your target.
map. Because your target is close to their target,
(They are
you can easily get this. Simply kill your target.
10m away
from their

Kill your
In order for your target to be on the ground, they
need to be stunned. Simply follow your target and
#12. Grounded while he is 3
when he gets stunned, run near them and &nish
on the
them off. You can also boost to get this.

There is a low chance you can get this playing

Kill your normally, and you will need the hidden gun, which is
target in unlocked by reaching Level 11. Equip it before the
#13. Mid air the air with match starts. When you see your target, target 2
the hidden him/her. When they jump, &re. Or you can boost
gun. this. Just tell your boosting partner to jump when
ready. Target them and when they jump, &re.

To get this, you must &rst get the Poison ability by

Kill your
reaching level 29, then equip it. When you are close
#14. Poison target with 2
to your target, try hiding then slowly walk up to
them and poison them.

To get this, you must &rst by the Poison ability by

reaching level 29, then equip it. This is nearly
impossible to get playing normally, so simply
boost. Unlike the other kill bonuses, you're going to
kills your
need 4 other players. Play Wanted also. First, have
#15. Intercepted one person kill there targets. They will be in the 5
lead, therefore they will have more then one
before he
pursuer. Then meet up somewhere in the map and
poison has
poison the person leading. Immediately after you
poison them, simply have another player kill the
target before they did.


The end bonuses are not required for the trophy, but I decided to put them here anyway.

# End Bonus Description

#1. Podium Finish 3rd, 2nd, or 1st in a match.

#2. Average Kills Have the best kill/death ratio in a match.

#3. Survivor Die the least in a match.

#4. Untouchable Nevr die in a match.

#5. Good Start Your team has &nished &rst in the &rst round.

#6. Team Win Your team has won the session.


Action bonuses are tied with Kill bonuses being the hardest, just because of the variety bonuses.
See the Extreme Variety boosting method below the table.

# Description How to Do It for

Stun your pursuer

Simply press to stun. Smoke bombs will
#1. Stun with the Stun 2

Escape a pursuer
#2. Escape See Ahead of the Curve 2
while in a chase.

Double Escape 2 pursuers

#3. See Ahead of the Curve 3
Escape while in a chase.

Triple Escape 3 pursuers

#4. See Ahead of the Curve 5
Escape while in a chase.

When your pursuer has lost sight of you, hide

in a haybale. They'll surely come to where you
Escape your
Close are, but they won't know where you are. After
#5. pursuer less than 2
Call the timer stops, you'll get the bonus. A perk
10m away.
that'll help is Fast Getaway (unlocked at level

Peform an escape
and a kill, one after
#6. Chain See Fast Learner 3
another, in less
than 10s.

Cause your pursuer When being chased by a pursuer, hide in a

to kill a decoy or a crowd of lookalikes. It'll be very hard for your
civilian disguised pursuer to pick you out, so high chance is that
#7. Lure 2
as you while next they'll kill a lookalike. Or get the ability
to you. (with a full Morph (unlocked at level 14) to turn everyone
compass) around you into lookalikes.

Earn 5 different
#8. Variety bonuses. Look below to see the boosting method. 2
(Excluding End)

Earn 10 different
#9. bonuses. Look below to see the boosting method. 2
(Excluding End)

Earn 15 different
#10. bonuses. Look below to see the boosting method. 3
(Excluding End)

Extreme Variety Boosting Method

If you're the host, do a player match, change the game mode to Alliance (unlock it &rst), and then
go on the "Create Group" option. You should be marked as the leader in the &rst slot, with their
being 7 other slots. However, you won't be needing 4 slots. Invite the other 2 players in the chat
room. If you aren't the host, then simply accept the host's invitation.

Now, everyone should be on a team by themselves. A mic and/or chat room is very important to
have while boosting this. Remember, coordination is key.
​If you or somebody else has a mic, then that person has to tell everyone else what bonus is
next to perform, and where to go. This saves a lot of time, which time is very crucial.
Or if nobody has a mic, make a chat room (which you should've already made). That way, you
can quickly type what bonus is next to achieve.

Before you start, make sure you have the Hidden Gun + Poison as your abilities, and Resistance +
Fast Getaway as your perks.

Now, there are 25/27 bonuses (I'm excluding Co-op and End bonuses). Out of 25, these are the
ones I recommend you do. (See each bonus to see how to do them.)
Chain (Target/Pursuer) - Perform an escape and a kill, one after another, in less than 10s.
Close Call (Target) - Escape your pursuer less than 10m away.
Discreet (Pursuer) - Kill your target with high pro&le.
Escape (Target) - Escape a pursuer while in a chase.
First Blood (Pursuer) - Perform the &rst kill of the session.
Focus (Pursuer) - Perform a focus kill.
Grounded (Pursuer/Target) - Kill your target while he is on the ground.
Hidden (Pursuer) - Kill your target while hidden in a group, on a bench, or in a haystack.
Incognito (Pursuer) - Kill your target with no pro&le.
Lure (Target) - Cause your pursuer to kill a decoy or civilian disguised as you while next to
you. (with a full compass)
Mid air (Pursuer) - Kill your target in the air with the hidden gun.
Poacher (Pursuer/Target) - Kill your target with another pursuer less then 10m away.
Poison (Pursuer) - Kill your target with poison.
Silent (Pursuer) - Kill your target with low pro&le.
Stun (Target) - Stun your pursuer with the stun button.

Ok, so like I said before, coordination is key when boosting Extreme Variety, so make sure you do
this fast. Little mistakes can easily melt your chances.


The team bonuses are the shortest and can be done in a single match, which is required to get the
trophy Role Model. First, here are the bonuses required and the Role Model boosting method.
(Note: Nothing is required to do these bonuses.)

Number Description How to Do It

Kill a target locked by your teammate. (Or Vice Look below for how
#1 Co-Op Kill
Versa) to do it.

Stun a pursuer locked by your teammate. (Or Look below for how
#2 Co-Op Stun
Vice Versa) to do it.

Kill a target who has been chased by your Look below for how
#3 Diversion
teammate. (And not You) (Or Vice Versa.) to do it.

Stun a pursuer who is chasing your teammate. Look below for how
#4 Rescue
(And not you.) (Or Vice Versa.) to do it.

Your team kills two targets in a row in less than Look below for how
#5 Multi-Kill
10 seconds. to do it.

Your team stuns two targets in a row in less Look below for how
#6 Knockout
than 10 seconds. to do it.

Role Model Boosting Method

First, you'll need 4 people to do this, and the best way to &nd people is....Yep, you guessed
correctly. Here.

First, if you're the host, go to Private Matches and change the mode to Manhunt. Then create the
group. You should be in a chat room. Invite the people in the chat room. If you aren't the host, then
simply accept the invitation.

Now, to avoid confusion, I'm going to label each player with a color and with a letter from A to D.
Players A and B are the pursuers, while C and D are the targets, then vice Versa the 2nd round.
Player A
Player B
Player C
Player D

First, all players have to meet at one point that is easy to &nd on the map.
First, Player A has to &rst lock onto Player C, then Player B kills Player C, which will get you
the bonus, Co-Op Kill.
Player B steps away from Player A, then Player A chases Player D in high pro^le so a chase
begins. Then Player B simply kills Player D, which will get you the bonus, Diversion.
Next part is simple. Player A and Player B kill one of the targets at the same time, which will
get you the bonus, Multi-Kill.
​In the next round, like last time, all players meet at the same point on the map.
First, Player A has to &rst lock onto Player C, then Player B stuns Player C, which will get you
the bonus, Co-Op Stun.
Player B steps away from Player A, then Player D chases Player A in high pro^le so a chase
begins. Then Player B stuns Player D, which will get you the bonus, Rescue.
Next part is simple. Player A and Player B stuns one of the pursuers at the same time, which
will get you the bonus, Knocked Out.

The trophy will unlock after the match is &nished.

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