2022 9-12 题库 P1 9.7定稿

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How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
Children in my country celebrate their birthdays by inviting friends and relatives to their
homes. They love to cut the cake and play indoor games at birthday parties.

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

For my last birthday, I went on a two days trip to Kasauli with my family members. We went
sightseeing and enjoyed a lot during that trip. My parents even kept a surprise party planned
for me there.

What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

On my birthdays, I like to receive handmade gifts such as cards, photo albums, etcetera. Also,
I really love to receive storybooks as gifts.

Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and the present?
Yes, in the past I used to invite my friends at home for a birthday party and my mother would
cook food for us. But for the last two or three years, I like to go to a restaurant or cafe for
parties with my friends

What is the weather usually like in your hometown?
Well, the weather in my hometown is moderate, and people usually enjoy this whether they
don’t face any problem related to changing whether they are happy to live there.

What’s your Favourite weather?

Well, my favourite weather is cold weather because in cold weather I try my different
cardigans and blazers and I enjoy sunshine more. I can eat a variety of vegetables also.

Do you like the weather in your hometown?Well, the weather in my hometown, as I already
told you that it is neither cold nor warm. But people feel very happy in this weather basically
they go outside in the morning and in the evening and enjoy living there.

Do you like wet weather?

Yes, of course, I like that weather. Basically, I like it throughout the year, but it happens very
rarely when the weather is wet. I enjoy this weather by eating fritters with a cup of coffee.

Do you prefer wet or dry weather?

As I already told you that I love wet weather, especially downpours. I love making paper
boats and raindrops when fall on the plants make me elated.
Do you likes snacks?
I love snacks. I think they are the best way to escape that small hunger that creeps in every
few hours. A light and healthy snack helps me feel refreshed.

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What kind of snacks are popular in your country?

I guess people in my country usually like heavy snacks. So, one can find them eating samosa
that is stuffed potato or stuffed chapatis. People also like having tea with either pakodas or

Do you think eating snacks is healthy for your health?

I think it all depends on what you are eating. So, if one is eating fruits in between the meals,
I think it is fine. Also, some people don’t take full meals but rather prefer eating small meals
more number of times. So, in that cases eating healthy snack is your way out.

How often do you eat snacks?

I love eating snacks. One can find me going in search of it every hour or so. My room is usually
filled with lots of fruits and juices because I think they are really important if one needs to feel
healthy in today’s era of rush.

How do you choose what snacks to eat?

I like eating fruits and carry them with me or keep them in store for need. So, I would eat
them raw or make a fruit chat out of them or juice, whichever seems easier and appropriate
for the time.
Why do we study geography in school?
Studying geography helps us to have an awareness of a place. All places and spaces have a
history behind them, shaped by humans, earth, and climate. Studying geography gives a
meaning and awareness to places and spaces. It also helps students with spatial awareness
on the globe

What do students study in geography?

Geography is the study of the interaction between people and their environments, both
natural and human. Geographers examine the places and regions resulting from such
interaction and analyze the spatial characteristics of all manner of cultural, economic, political,
and physical processes and relationships.

What is the main purpose of geography?

It aims to understand the physical problems and the issues of lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere, pedosphere, and global flora and fauna patterns (biosphere). Physical
geography is the study of earth's seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and

Do you ever want to travel to a country because of geography?

of course , the main reason is that Physical geography provides the essential background,
against which tourism places are created and environmental impacts and concerns are major
issues, that must be considered in managing the development of tourism places.
social media
Which social media websites do you use?

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There are a few social media websites, I use, which include sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest and Linkedin. I use these websites, mainly to remain connected with my
friends, families and office colleagues as well as the issues that are affecting our world around
us on a daily basis. They also allow me to maintain personal and professional relationship
both with friends and colleagues.

How much time do you spend on social media sites?

I must admit that I am a busy person with my job and with other priorities, and therefore, I
don’t really get to spend as much time to spend on social media sites as I would really like to.
Still, I would say that I spend at least 30 to 40 minutes a day to see what my friends and others
are doing through their online posts, follow the latest trends in life, health and fashion so that
I can relax a little outside of my work life. Once in a while, I also update my status, write or
share a new post, and upload a worth sharing picture.

What kind of information about yourself have you put on social media?
To tell the truth, it depends on what kinds of social media I am talking about unless they all
share personal data of their users, which would not be too surprising! I believe, on platforms
like Facebook and Twitter, I have put information like my address, job, interests, (ie. my
hobbies and places I like to travel and so forth) and major events of my life. On sites like
“LinkedIn”, which is more of a professional networking site), I've mostly put my educational
and professional qualifications, skills and expertise.

Did you like doing puzzles when you were a kid?

well, It was back in 2019 when I went to the market near my house. It was the weekly market
and I had gone out with my mother to buy some fruits and vegetables for our home.
We were roaming around and finding some quality fruits and that is when I saw this unusual
puzzle. It was the “Search Game Puzzle.”

How Easy or Difficult is It?

This game can be easy or difficult based on how much attention you’re going to pay and with
how much focus you’re going to play it. You can only solve it if you do it with a great

Who do you usually do puzzles with?

i prefer to play puzzles alone because it highly needs concertation

What form of transport do you prefer to use? Why?
Without any doubt, I would say motorbikes. You can see people driving a motorbike all over
the place in my country. Almost everyone travels by motorbike. The reason why a motorbike
is so popular is due to their reasonable price and convenience. They also extremely varied in
terms of size, color and quality, thus a wide variety of choices is available for everyone.

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How often do you take buses?

Almost every day. Since my house is so far away from my university, it’s impossible for me to
travel by motorbike. In addition, the air is heavily polluted by exhaust fumes and traffic jams
always take place, especially during peak hours. Thus, I’d prefer to take the bus, to save time,
save gasoline and causing less pollution.

Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Planes and trains regularly depart and arrive on time. Plus, there are many convenient facilities
catering particularly to certain groups of passengers. However, traveling by plane is clearly
time-saving and enjoyable in terms of onboard services like meals or comfortable seats, while
traveling by train offers you a chance to see the world outside, admire the views from their
seats. It’s totally a great experience for most train-travelers.

How much time do you spend traveling on a normal day?

I have to commute from my home to my workplace on a daily basis. It normally takes me 30
minutes to travel back and forth.

Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Definitely not. Riding a bike means you’re exposing yourself to unpredictable weather and to
air pollution. What is worse, I’m afraid are the main streets or the highway which is too
dangerous for cyclists, as cars, motorbikes and buses will travel at a very high speed. Thus I’d
rather ride a motorbike or take the bus instead.


What are some of the things that you can cook?

I am not a skilled cook, I only know the basics, like fried egg and boiled veggies. The sad thing
is, I can’t even make these dishes very well. Most of the time, they would be either
undercooked or burnt.

Do you like cooking?

I am not interested in cooking, nor do I have a gift for it. However, I do enjoy watching cooking
shows on TV, Master Chef for example, since I love seeing footage of food being prepared.

How often do you cook?

I don’t cook on a daily basis; just when my mom, who is in charge of cooking, is on a business
trip. To me, cooking is not a pleasure, but rather a chore, so I don’t do it very often.

What dishes are you best at cooking?

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I can proudly say that instant noodles is my signature dish. I have cooked it so many times
that I know all the necessary techniques to make a restaurant-quality bowl of noodles.

Does anyone in your family like to cook?

My mom is very keen on cooking. She loves experimenting with new ingredients and
collecting recipes on the internet. Her home-cooked meals are not only full of nutrition, but
also appetizing. My brother and I like her cooking so much that we rarely eat out.

Do your parents know how to cook?

My mother has a knack for cooking. She always does a good job at seasoning, and her knife-
work is no joke. My dad, on the other hand, knows nothing about cooking except for frying


How much time do you spend singing every day?

I don’t spend much time singing as I generally prefer to read and dance are my amusements.
Having said that, as my brother loves singing, I do give him company sometimes.

When do you like to sing?

As I don’t have a great voice, I don’t sing much. But, I love listening to music which makes me
hum along sometimes.

What kinds of music do you like to sing?

My usual preferences are Indian classical songs as I am a trained Kathak dancer, though I
enjoy crooning some good Bollywood songs as well. But I don’t enjoy singing any particular
kind of song as it usually depends on my mood.

Is it difficult to sing well?

Indeed, it is. Although singing can prove to be a cakewalk for people with a melodious voice
and good understanding of vocals, it poses a great challenge to people like me who have
absolutely no understanding of music and listen to it just for fun.

Do you want to be a singer?

Oh, definitely no. From what I perceive, singing is no piece of cake. Not only does it involve
performing on stage, but also regularly interacting with fans and living a very public life. So,
me being an extremely private person, the current scenario in the music industry is not
conducive to someone like me.

Do you usually do the same things every morning?
As I’m a creature of habit, I would say yes. I always get up at 6:00 am, have noodles and tea

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for breakfast, brush my teeth, then brush up (quickly study) on what we learned the day before
in class to make sure I’m well-prepared. After all of this, I leave for class at 8:30am. However,
on weekends, I tend to hit the snooze button and end up sleeping till 9:00am then start my

Do you think breakfast is important?

Absolutely. Many experts state that it is the most important meal of the day. I believe it gives
me the fuel I need to tackle my day (to strongly take on the day). Moreover, I think it’s critical
to have a balanced breakfast to make sure I get all the proper nutrients. I cannot imagine
starting my day on an empty stomach!

Did you have the same morning routine at an early age?

Yes, pretty much! As I’ve always been a scholarly person, I’ve always had the motivation to
get myself up earlier than expected to have a balanced breakfast and prepare myself for the
day ahead of me. However, I used to have more of a sweet tooth (a person who lives sweets)
as a child, so I used to munch on (eat) some sweet bread instead of noodles.

Do you want to change your daily routine in the future?

I think it’s inevitable since I’ll soon be joining the workforce! I want to keep my organized,
prepared habits, but I hope to sleep in a bit more in the future. I would like to at least sleep
30 minutes to an hour later, and not have to spend as much time preparing for my day.
Furthermore, I hope to have my own car instead of taking a Grab every morning.
Do you enjoy using technology?
Yes, it makes my working life really easy, I use my computer every day. I love that it is
convenient and that everything can be accessed online.

Do you use the Internet for your studies?

Yes, I do research online, reading articles from trusted resources. However, there is a lot of
information out there, so you need to be able to separate the good from the bad.

Do you have your own computer?

Yes, I have and I use it for hours every day, it is very high speed which I love and it makes my
working day feel easy and uncomplicated. I rely on my computer a lot, so it was a really good


what do you like to write ?

I like writing, one of the few things I find most elegant technique to express myself, writing
also gives an preceding interest in words too perhaps the thing about words is what compels
me to enjoy writing at a heat of a intense dopamine or estrogen activity.
do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing sth ..?
I gave up on writing and started typing. When I switched to a computer, I preferred that

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keyboard and especially white keys with black characters. I prefer a wide keyboard as that
helps me to type the majority of the text with my left hand. I can see a lot of the keyboard as
I type, when using the Packard Bell 9205 model. Thankfully, the function keys are separated
by a gap from the numbers.

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1. Do you like to collect things?
I like to collect pens because I am obsessed with doing creative writing and improving
my handwriting and collecting pens entitles me with the boon of combining the two interests
of mine.
2. What kind of things do Chinese people like to collect?
Chinese people are prone to collect antiques, like vases or coins, which can identified from
more and more TV programs which help collectors to identify whether their collections are
of great value.
1 How often do you wear a watch?
Oh, I wear it almost every day whenever I go out. It may be for a jog, or to my workplace, or
to a shopping mall.
2 What was your first watch like?
Ah, I do remember my first watch that my dad gifted. It was a FastTrack brand with a
white-coloured rounded dial and a blue strap.
3 What kinds of watches do you like to wear?
I am a huge fan of watches. I prefer to wear watches per my outfits, such as a formal strap
watch for the office and a dazzling dial with stones for a party
4 Do people still wear watches in your country?
Of course they do because they feel that they can instantly keep track of time, which shows
how dignified and punctual you are.
1. How often do you use a computer?
Oh, I’m on my laptop at least 6 hours a day!
it is invaluable. I use a laptop for everything from planning lessons to teaching over Zoom.
Not only do I use it for work, I also use it to keep in touch with my relatives living abroad.
Right now, I'm living in Vietnam while my family live in Ireland, so I contact them by email or
facebook messenger.
2. Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?
Definitely, nowadays computer literacy is vital.
A few decades ago, it was essential that one could read, write and do basic math.
Although ,these skills are still incredibly important, nowadays, I would say the ability to use
various devices is even more valuable.
3. Do you have your own computer?
Fortunately, I do.
I bought a laptop a few years ago. I choose to purchase a Macbook Pro as I'd heard lots of
good reviews about that model. Because it cost a fortune, I was hesitant at first. I suppose
this was because it was the latest model and included some cutting-edge features. However,
I’ve had it for more than 3 years and it hasn’t shown any signs of age so I would definitely
recommend this model to my friends.
do you have sth good at ?
The skill is Singing. Since childhood, I’ve been keen on doing something different. For that

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sake, I’ve tried number of things but nothing worked out for me. However, now I see a bright
future in Singing.
when you discover that ?
It was just last Sunday, when my Uncle (who is also a music teacher) visited our house and
heard me singing in the bathroom. Indeed, he was quite impressed with my voice and briefly
advised me on how to take this talent further. That day, I felt so proud and promised myself
not to waste this inherent skill I have.
do you think talent is important?(or for your work)
It would be quite fascinating if I would compose my music and later upload videos on
Youtube and other social networking applications which would help me to gain popularity in
the field of music.

meeting places(visit)
do you often visit your relatives?
Yes, I do! I used to find it boring when I was younger, but now that I’m older, I cherish
(enjoy/value) the time I have with my relatives. I plan to see different relatives every Sunday.
What do you do when you visit them?
We usually keep it pretty simple. We tend to have a meal at one of our houses or just sit in
the living room and talk. From time to time, we decide to go out to eat or to do something
else, like maybe the cinema or the park.
When did you last visit relatives? what did you do?
Just this morning actually! I went over to bring my grandparents lunch, since they aren’t very
mobile anymore. We ate chicken salad, then I helped them pay their bills online, and chatted.

4Do you prefer visiting your relatives, or your friends?

I like both for different reasons. I would say I probably enjoy seeing my friends more because
it’s a time to de-stress and have fun, whereas seeing family involves more stress and
judgment. However, I think family is more important.

5Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?

Of course! I always try to bring some flowers or some sort of contribution to the meal, as I’m
not one who likes to show up empty-handed (with nothing). I especially like to bring
something to my relatives after a vacation, like a souvenir- such a keychain, magnet, or T-

Do you like reading?

Yes, I’m definitely a bibliophile (a person who loves to read)! I believe that books are a way to
not only escape, but also gain more knowledge. By the same token, people who read tend to
have a richer vocabulary and a higher level of general knowledge, so they tend to have more
to talk about, and are thus more interesting.

2 Do you read electronic book ?

Definitely yes. I’m a real sucker for e-books as they are portable. I often download my

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favorite books and copy them to my smartphones or Ipads and when I’m on the bus in other
public places, I will take my hi-tech devices out and start to read right on my phone.

3 What kind of books do you like to read?

I love reading anything that falls under literary fiction. By this I mean authors like Virginia
Woolf, Jane Austen and Haruki Murakami. I can’t get enough of Kafka on the shore!

4 What was your favorite book as a child?

I remember being very fond of a book called “My Sister’s Keeper”. I recall that it was the story
of two sisters, one of which needed a kidney transplant. Although the sister was initially
apprehensive (scared; nervous) to do so, she ended up donating a kidney to her sister and
saving her.

5 Have you lent books to other?

At times, I reckon. My friends and t are avid readers and would love to exchange books with
one another. So, I often lend my books, mostly English books to my besties and get in return
some comic books to read in my free time.

old buildings
What types of building are there in your city?

Well, when it comes to my city, a developing metropolis with a mixture of the historical and
modern buildings will be the first thing that comes to people’s mind. The historical buildings
consist of many temples, pagodas,… meanwhile the modern ones include many high rises,
commercial complexes…

2. Do you prefer old or new building?

Normally, I prefer contemporary buildings mainly because I am partial towards modernly

delicate structure, especially many state-of-the-art high rises. Yet, old buildings make me
feel so nostalgic wherever I pay them visits that modern building couldn’t.

3. Are historical building important?

Absolutely yes, historical buildings are actually important to every city, region and even
country. They are the evidence of the past and it’s very crucial and practical for inheriting and
passing on those knowledge to the next generations.
4. Would you like to live in an old building?

Though an olden building is likely to be an intriguing experience, I don’t think it’s a good
choice to dwell. They have often been built for ages, which is unaffordable and secure for a
modern life with many creature comforts around.

sitting down

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1. where is your favorite place to sit ?

Usually I sit near the back door when it is sunny. I use that small stool to sit and write. Other
time I do chores, or stay upstairs.
2. do you always sit down for a long time?
I prefer to sit, however, I do have fairly good posture and I get up and move around regularly
(refill my water, grab a snack, go to the bathroom, or just simply take a short break).
3. do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?
of course. i have excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) or fatigue. In fact,this problem is so
common that it happens at least three days a week in up to 20% of the adult population.
indeed, Clinical fatigue means a lack of physical or mental energy that's become a medical

What do you do when you feel bored?
Well, I do many things when I feel bored, and my favourite thing is art and craft/ drawing. I
love drawing/art and craft, so when I feel sad or bored, I collect old items and try to make
something new. Another thing that I do when I feel bored is music. I watch my favourite
songs’ videos.
.What kind of things is boring to you?
Many items are boring for me. First is the speech of a politician. When my father watches a
debate or speech show of a leader, it is very dull for me because I cannot change the
channel at that time and cannot leave the room. Another thing, read books without pictures.
Moreover, seminars are also boring for me.
Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?
Well, today’s generation always wants something new and exciting, so that’s why they get
bored quickly.

Why is it that some people work at boring jobs?

Many reasons for why some people work in boring jobs such as, fresher, people who
recently completed his/her degree and have no experience they do boring jobs to get some
experience. Another reason is the excellent pay scale, and some boring jobs have good
salaries, so that’s why some people become ready to do boring jobs. Moreover, some
people, especially ladies, do such kind of jobs because the job location is very near to his/her
home that is good and secure for them.

Why do some people get bored more quickly than other people do?
Well, it is the individual’s choice as some jobs are exciting and enjoyable for some people,
but other people get bored with the same kind of employment. People who easily can wait
for results enjoy the work, but on the other hand, some people do not have patience
because they want to get fast results and do not wait for anything, get bored quickly.


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Are there many advertisements in your country?

Definitely, there are. They appear all over the place from the streets to social media with a
high density. For example, there is a multitude of colourful flyers stuck on the street walls in

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

I guess it’s due to the benefits of the companies. First, advertisements are the easiest way to
reach customers to attract their attention to a particular brand or product. From that
attractive information, customers will be able to choose an appropriate one. Second, it also
plays a crucial role in the marketing strategy that the company apply to attract customers.

3 What are the various places where we see advertisements?

Advertising is here, there, and everywhere. It gets to people through different types of
communication such as flyers and banners on the streets or printed ones on newspaper,
magazines or electronic ones on social media. It could be written, verbal or a short movie.

doing sports
1. Do you like playing sports?
Yes, I love to play different sports. I am comfortable with both indoor and outdoor games,
and my favourite game is chess.

2. Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?

I prefer team sports because a person can learn many things while working in a team,
including teamwork, leadership.

3. What sports are popular in your country?

Well, India is a diverse country, and many sports are famous according to the region, but
cricket is a sport which is renowned in the whole country.

4. Who is your favourite athlete?

Honestly, no one in particular. Yes, I love sports, but I am not crazy about a single game. I
play as well as watch sports, just for fun.

5. Why do some people like water sports?

Some people love adventurous sports, especially water sports. Moreover, another thing is
that people acquire more information about the ocean and marine life through water sports.

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evening time
1. What do you often do in the evenings?
Usually, evenings are a time of relaxation for me. After preparing dinner, which I do almost
every evening, I watch TV, catch up on friends via social media and make sure to read at least
a chapter of a book before I go to bed.

2. Do you do the same thing every evening?

My routine is relatively the same each evening. However, I occasionally have other things I
do on some evenings, such as going for a church program, going for a walk with family or
attending a get together organized by a friend or an acquaintance.

3.Do you prefer to spend your evenings with family or with friends?
I value my evenings as a private time, so I prefer spending it with my family. It is time we
make plans, evaluate each other, reminisce on childhood and how we overcame a lot to get
to where we are today.

4. Do you ever work or study in the evenings?

As a nurse, there are times I need to work the night shift, which is usually a few days each
month. On other evenings that I am not at work, I make sure to learn something from either
a book or the internet each night.
5. What is a popular activity for young people in your country in the evenings?
Attending parties and other celebrations is what most youngsters do in the evenings in my
country Ghana as it is a time to socialize and make new friends

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What kinds of websites do you often visit?

Well, websites about food and wildlife are my favorite sites. I love cooking, I can find great recipes to make a
perfect meal for my family. Also, I am a member of animal protection group, I will search for some latest news
related to that field.

2. What is your favourite website?

Chinese National Geography for sure. I am a big fan of it, I often go to their official website to see some useful
information and I like to spend time in watching those amazing videos.

3. Are there any changes to the websites you often visit?

I’m not sure, but according to what I see, there’s a huge difference on the layout of webpage between the past and
the present. It’s much more colorful, with clear fonts and pictures. Descriptions are shorter than before, an entire
paragraph of information will no longer be on a page.

4. What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Well, it varies. It’s easy for us to find what preferences we have on the Internet. Kids like cartoons or video games,
young adults prefer vlogs or pets, while the elderly tend to see contents more about nature or peaceful things.

5. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

I mostly use the Facebook website for social networking. These days all the social networking
sites have an app that we can install and use on our phones, so I don’t usually visit the websites. I
use my cellphone apps.

6. Are you a social person?

I am not a very social person. However, I have a good social circle of friends. I like to meet them at least once
every two months.

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1. Do you like science?
I love science so much because it can explain everything in life. It allows me to know
where things come from and how we act, why roses are red, how airplanes fly, and so
much more! Besides, it is never ending, which means that there is always something new
to discover because the topic of science is so huge.
2. What science have you studied?
I have studied several science in the middle school and university, such as maths, physics,
chemistry, biology, geography and computer science. I found most of them were very
challenging and thought-provoking.
3. What do you find most interesting about science?
The most tempting things about science is that it binds life. What I see around me, I can
find the reasons for their existence in science. From the matters to space, science allows a
person to understand themselves better through biology and then make life simpler with

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1. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cell phone?

Yes, I am very much interested in TV programs and shows, I watch my favorite programs on both TV and my cell phone.
It’s my habit to check the news every morning, especially to update the news related to Covid 19. I even signed up for
Netflix to enjoy my favorite TV series and shows!

2. What kind of TV programs do you like?

As I already mentioned, I love watching news, getting to know what’s going locally and internationally, so the news is
defitenitely my favorite. I’m also into reality shows, like talent shows (Britain’s got talent, America’s got talent), Shark
Tank (this is a brilliant show, I love every single episode of it). They are very entertaining and compelling.

3. Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
No, I tend to watch different types of programs depending on my mood and who I watch with. Additionally, watching
the same stuff all the time could be boring, so I prefer switching different contents and exploring new ones. I love the
originality of new programs.

4.4Do you talk with your friends about the program you watch?
I don’t often talk with my friends about the things I have watched, firstly because I don’t have a lot of friends, secondly,
I prefer to talk about personal lives, and what’s going on, you know, what we interested in, rather than TV programs.

1. What types of cars do you like?
I prefer to the electronic cars. The main reason is that Electric vehicle for helping to save Global Climate Change and
civilisation. Many countries have declared Climate Change as Emergency and if there is no life then what is means of a
2. Do you like to travel by car?/ do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?
Yes, I’m really into traveling by car. It goes without saying that a car journey has so many benefits. Unlike any other
method of transport, cars can provide an element of freedom, allowing me to go wherever I want, although traffic
congestion can be a real pain in the neck, especially during rush hours. Besides, they also offer an element of comfort
that alternative travel methods simply cannot.
3. When do you travel by car?
Well, it depends. When it comes to a short trip, travelling by car is an ideal choice considering its convenience and
flexibility. However, if the destination is so distant, I believe the train would provide me with a much more comfortable
experience and the air is certainly the most time-saving option.
4. Where is the farthest place you have travelled to by car?
If my memory serves me right, it would be Con Dao Islands. Last year, my family made up our mind to go somewhere
off the beaten track for our summer holiday. The scenery along the way was truly breathtaking, but admittedly, the long
distance and winding roads made us feel utterly exhausted.

1. How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?
I visit the cinema to watch a movie once a month because nowadays the existence of the Internet
all latest movies are available online. So most of the time I watch a movie at home on smart TV
with my family.

2. do you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?(or with your friends)
Rarely, I go to the cinema hall for movies. Because it’s a waste of money too and moreover I have
a hectic schedule, so it’s difficult for me to go there during weekends too. Because I am fully
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3. How do people in your country react to the cinema?

Cinema plays a vital role in our lives. Nowadays 3D cinemas are available in which increased the
cinemas quality and allure more people, especially children to watch movies in cinemas. So in my
country, people do love cinemas and feel connected to it.

4. What kinds of movies do you like the best?

I always prefer to watch English movies such as Lord of the ring, Dark knight, etcetera because
these movies inculcate me to learn moral values, respect and dignity.

5. Do Chinese people like to go to the cinema To watch a film?

Many people like to go to cinemas mainly on weekends in India. The reason behind that is that
they are tired owing to hectic schedules on weekdays as by using this phenomenon they can
relieve their stress and also spend time with their family.

6. Do you use the internet (very much)?

Yes, I use the internet a lot while using my cell phone and laptop. The Internet helps me to
operate social media apps and online sites to watch movies and webseries.

7. When was the first time you used the internet?

When I was in school, my father got the internet installed in our home because of his office work.
It was the first time when I learnt about it and started using it for my school projects too.

8. Is the internet very important (or useful) to you?

Yes, the internet is very useful in today’s era as it has become an indispensable part of our lives
and made our lives easy and fast. It is needed in every sphere of life today be it personal or

study routine
1. you have a study routine?
of course, routines help us make fewer decisions over the course of a day, and this is good
because the more decisions we make in a day, the worse those decisions tend to get — thanks to
something called decision fatigue. When we establish routines, such a study routine, our actions
become second-nature and we no longer have to think about them.
2. is your routine like in your everyday study?
the first step of my study routine is to get up early. Set an alarm and ask me wake up early in the
morning. Many successful entrepreneurs abide by this habit to enhance their productivity.

1. Do you write many letters or emails?
I often write emails which is more convenient. I like to share my life experience through emails
and I can get the feedback from my friends quickly.

2. Who do you usually write to?

I usually write to my best friend Lisa who is a clever girl.I often turn to her for some advice
through emails. Sometimes I send her some good movies which always make her feel excited.

3. What kind(s) of email do you think is(are) the hardest to write?

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your ideas clearly. People often take some training courses about how to write business email

4. How do you feel when you receive emails?

I feel quite happy when I receive emails especially from my girlfriend. She is pursuing her master
degree in Britain and she often sends me some photos about her life through emails.

5. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or use a computer?

I prefer to write letters by hand because I’m good at handwriting. Apart from this, I think
handwritten letter can show my sincerity and the receivers feel much better when they are
reading my handwritten words.

6. How often do you write an email or a letter?

I write an email several times a week. Just two hours ago I sent an email to my professor Mr Qian
and confirmed the deadline of my assignment. I’d like to say writing email has become an
important part of my life.

7. What are the differences between emails and letters?

The biggest difference is that writing emails is far more convenient than writing letters because
you can send emails immediately by internet.What’s more sending emails is free of charge which
can save people a lot of money.

1. Do you like your dreams at night?
For me, the answer is obviously no. This is mainly because I often dream about the bad
experiences in the past, which makes me have a sinking feeling when waking up and put me in
such a bad mood all day long.

2. Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

Well, honestly, I completely forget most dreams I have been through. However, sometimes I had
vivid dreams which regularly haunted me. Every now and then, I had really pleasant and
meaningful dreams which I could remember well after awakening and I love to take a trip down
memory lane for a while.

3. Do you like hearing other’s dreams?

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they express themselves in an environment considered safe. Therefore, when I listen to them
speaking about their dreams, I can get an insight into their body, mind and spirit.

4. Why are dreams so important? /Do you think dreams will affect life?
Well, this is an interesting question. I think we are all aware of how important dream is. Dreams
motivate us to move forward, overcome obstacles to fulfill ourselves. Dream is something out
of reach only when do people have no passion and patience, as well as life purposes. Honestly, I
feel pity for whoever lives without dream as they’ll never know what they can do and how dreams
can shape them.

1. Do you like art?
I love art, in any form, it presents itself, such as in the form of painting, drawing, dance, music,
drama. I participated in many drawing competitions during school time. Now I still draw in my
free time.

2. Do you think art classes are necessary?

A Honestly speaking, art classes are essential because it increases children’s creativity, but few
schools provide such kind of classes because it requires much money that every school cannot

3. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

Children are naturally creative on their own accord, but it is essential to keep their creativity as
they grow in fact increase it time to time, so for that art classes are essential that play a vital role
in children’s development.

4. What kind of painting do Indian people like?

A. well, it is an individual’s choice, but according to my perception, people love landscape
painting, a painting that shows the beauty of nature. Some people like wildlife images and some
modern painting.

taking photos
Do you like taking pictures?
Yes, I like taking pictures. I enjoy taking photos of animals, flowers and landscapes. I use the
camera to clicking pictures.

2. When do you take photos?

As I said earlier, I love to take pictures of nature, but it does not mean that I do not like taking
pictures of people. I enjoy taking photos of people, especially during a special occasion such as
wedding parties, birthday and I take pictures of animals, flowers and landscape when I visit the
new place.

3. Which do you use when taking photos, a camera or a phone?

Whenever I am with my friend and family, I use the phone to take selfies and photos, but I use a
camera while taking pictures of animals and trees.

4. Do you want to take professional lessons on photography?

Nowadays, everything is available on the internet, so I do not need professional photography
lessons. I watch various photography-related videos on YouTube and learn from it.

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I have a pen drive, and I use it to store the photos that I take with phone and camera. Whenever I
take pictures, I connect a pen drive and phone/ camera with a laptop/ computer and transfer
photos from one device to another.

mobile phone
How often do you use your mobile phone?
I use my mobile phone on a daily basis to play games, watch movies and to stay connected with
my friends and relatives through social applications.

Can you describe your mobile phone?

Yes, I have an Android phone of the renowned brand One Plus 8 pro. Its body is of ultramarine
blue colour. It has a dual camera and storage of 256 GB. It has commendable battery backup.

What was your first mobile phone?

I got my first mobile phone when I was in school and it was of Samsung brand. It was the Corby
series and was a very cute tiny phone. What I liked the most about that phone was it used to
come with extra back covers in unique vibrant colors. I remember that I used to change the cover
of the phone according to the outfit I wore on that day. It was very dear to me as it was my first

Would you buy a new one in the future?

No, as of now I don’t think I would buy a new one in the future as my present phone is working

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Does your name have any particular (special) meaning?

Yes, my name in Chinese pronunciation means "happy" because my parents want me to lead a
happy life in the future, and I can smile to everycircumstanceencountered.

Do you like your name?

Yes, I do like my name very much. My name was given by my parents and it carries a very good
meaning, which means happy. I believe this name can bring me good luck and I'll be happy all the

Would you like to change yourname?

No. First, I like my name very much, and I don't feel it necessary to change my name. Second, name
is just a small part of me; people get along with me, not with my name. So it doesn't matter.

Who usually names babies in yourcountry?

In general, parents will give the children the name, but sometimes, grandparents will also take part
in the naming process. I think it is universal around the world. In every country, relatives will give
the childrennames.

What job (or, what work) do you do? What do you do in that job?
I'm an accountant in a private company in Hangzhou. My job involves a lot of calculating and
tabulating. Sometimes, it's hard to explain what I do because I don't produce or sell products, but I
think my job is important for the company.

Why did you choose to do that kind of work(or, thatjob)?

I chose to be an accountant because I majored in accounting when as was in the college. And I
had already accumulated some work experience by doing part-time jobs before I graduated.
What's more, the job suits my character and myinterest.

Would you recommend the job to otherpeople?

Yes, I recommend it to people who are majored in Business or Accounting. They may be able

toput the knowledge they have learned in the courses into practice. And it is a well-paid job.

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Do you work or are you astudent?
Now I am still a student in Beijing Institute of Technology. It is the third year of my schooling
years in the college. Unlike many students out for a internship, I still dedicated my time and
energy to
various topics related to my major.

What are you studying?

In the university, I specialize in material science and engineering. To be more specific, my major
is involved with the research of kinds of materials and the development of new materials. In the
process of studying these materials, I can better understand the material used in our daily life and
knowits advantages and disadvantages.

Are you happy to study your subject?/Do you like your major?
Now I am fully immersed in my major. It requires me to carry on many physical and chemical
experiments to test some certain quality of the material or prove some statement. I really derive my
endless pleasure from these procedures. Through experiments, I am able to clear almost all the
confusions toward my major. I find it really entertaining andmagic.

What would you do when you finish yoursubject?

I hope I can get a chance to step into the aerospace field and further study the material used in this
field because I have an intense interest in the material of this specialandchallenging

What kind of housing/accommodation do you livein?
Frankly speaking, normally Chinese people live in the apartment and there is also no exception to me.
To be more precise, it is an apartment with two bedrooms, one kitchen, one bathroom and a
sitting-room as well.

Who do you live with?

Well,I've been living with my parents in our apartment since I was a child. This year, neighbor's dog
gave birth to three baby dogs and one of them became our new family member.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Definitely! It is not only because it isthe place that witnessed my growing up, but because most of
my friends also live nearby so that we can be company for each other from timetotime.

Can you describe the place where you live?

My apartment is not a traditionally residential place, buttransformed from a factory building.
Because of the high ceiling and big beams, my father designed a two-floor apartment and
renovated it himself. As you can imagine, the staircase is my “playing ground” during my

Which room does your family spend most of the timein?

Of course it's the kitchen! In great love of cooking food, everyone in my family is kind of top cook.
We study recipes, discuss with each other and invent new dishes in our tiny but warm kitchen.

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What do you usually do in yourhouse/flat/room?

Normally, I invite old friends to my flat for sharing understanding of a book, a film or a song in
which we learn a lot from each other and know the world better. During the sharing, we talk, laugh
and weep, building warm atmosphere in myflat.

Are the transport facilities to your home verygood?

Thanks to the location, the transport ways are enough for traveling. The nearby metro line can
reach the city centre as well as my school and a new tramway is alsounderconstruction.

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

You know, it's quite hard to say because different residents give you different feelings but if I have
to pick one, I would like to live in a flat as flats are usually situated in downtown so I
wouldn't be

Please describe the room you livein.

If I only have three words, I would say: vigor, warm and comfortable. Actually I myself renovated
my bedroom last year and decorated it later. Now the soft bed, large book shelves embedded into
the wall and the computer desk are three places which I spend most of mytime.

What's your hometown?
It's Hangzhou. Hangzhou is really a special place, well with a long history and great plants and
trees. It provides a favorable living atmosphere. It has a number of tourist attractions, like the West
Lake which attracts thousands of touristseveryyear.

Is that a big city or a small place?

Well, actually, it's a real big place and for me, living in a big city will be a great choice, really
active and energetic. I feel relaxed and excited living in Hangzhou as it provides a range of
entertainment facilities. Apart from that, it has great infrastructure, like a lot of supermarkets and
shopping malls.

Please describe your hometown alittle.

Well,the most thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the Weak Lake,
and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain themselves near the West
Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near theLake.

How long have you been livingthere?

For more than ten years, I guess. I moved from Suzhou Province to Hangzhou when I was a little
girl. Since then, Hangzhou witnessed all my growing up and study life.

Do you like your hometown?

Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice living
environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky cos they can not only visit these excellent
attractions but also taste specialties, like WestLake with sweet and sour sauce.

Do you like living there?

Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice

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living environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky cos they can not only visit
these excellent attractions but also taste specialties, like West Lake with sweet and sour

What do you like about yourhometown?

Well, the most thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the
Weak Lake, and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain
themselves near the West Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near the Lake.

Is there anything you dislike aboutit?

Well, transportation is a tough one. Transport is really a headache in Hangzhou. With the
increase in private cars, roads have to hold heavy traffic. It is extremely terrible during the
rush hour, you know traffic jam.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
Sure, the future of my hometown will be promising. With the sprawl of the city, it will turn
into a really modernized city, like Shanghai. And it will attract more investment from people
home and abroad so as to be a better place for living.

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