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5 Force § MOTION «s+ Gi ; i = Dagny, pee] cae) ~ Sever beduces_witin Lume = changes_with time —__——| cannd be “e- Velo ty 227% ov 20k. 3 equ ad) cia pacomee inet” uniform v= equal wi Tories in ey E Jungorrnv 2 : 1 vinst doe not Change 9 TEED, ang ped te MM EDO” | bode i sax z ayritude of Fe Teang + cain ‘orm velod'hy- cam velocity avg velo arty Sin closed path? aug 2 In cx Straight pathy mt Fe FH booly moving th = insfantqn eeu velacYy*. * — Avi rotodeclla tant zm AVERAGE VELOUT forol tut 7 a when’ bo arms journey GH z a if-b ev; Ze i te i yal. daar . < * eel es Baie f ee : 7 a and univs for t2» Vava ve? 2 : e eo when body pegorrs joa p_copiial. Cinte of V qa rou \ St ee d rexeeusedcaa if | Viva Hava t Veet or gains —belg nt-L—— a 20004 limiting volus op ol/st j 2 Instenfoncous Veloa'y, at opproatien 2 Relalive veloc “Waeb= yp ty 2iyvs COs O- Leet oly ii e Y . deol a = ore ; Si 6a hres] WIHO>O alert) Fe) 5, M2807 f ea Vi aa! = a) Osta eof om seein, x |Vaet 2 VtVe2 Val 2 LCE inkt? ACC- Y gen | Sma e S =f ; » iy vocothess z, Spaw ( fameog] For Speeds ‘oeuts tea se crcl I> For fact mevint pacts in an Geis mechanics levelaped ia Einluin & ber ps PBie Abu Aili Serer « age, Aa l/m- > oF forte _+the thal gives —> S™ Taw akbon-realor. faces reves Sp "Sand ree equal —> opposite ‘clirection —» for sume oe ¢ ane I Dyn = 1 gmem sec 3 AN 10 Dgre-= Lies psi oe a Sm OT 2A mon’ in middle fii ete Sea) top 5A) Sera Smooth ‘ce- He tee Shae > Peston Stand ee p=G nom te a a mative m oI /Ke' if Ve const pxXm_ >" ~Neme Vied2mE /L —ee_§ ny 7 when pice Va mv # Mave = MVE Mai, — Fe] when boales sticie often ation CoudLing, 9: 7 if a INV te aot ae MmitmMs fe inelastic Cotliaien- 9 ¥ Tiraan Pi lons ee eee Og accebuuation = We Vere. — ee ott arte eS Ei tty Pomc 4 canes s-.. Peonsewedt Peomrewed E 78 BE i tet KeE tensenieck |K+E not consewedd_o * Pd Total E cons ewerk| Tested E j ios LZ: if two bodtito lens enugy es Berens ti Fer Om esion. tte formas “Hide sou cly Weaky ett = =. : $ i @—5 Se pee Phos bade [eee] Sut _th at om —— P sbilliad ball hits | ecotiisicy of 2 cay’ wi amotiu balt attabte| “Collision, ia & = STeatlen spoumels fubbe batl'with a 3 SS i 7Ve = Vit ounces bast lhavcl supose: fine ( IE Aus Vous £m UL eign et cote tonto Bapeeaas Ce which uo xenbs thy light bo Sfp EAD ee Mlle bauke with sam sp ef Pal | pedege OR bps btn ae ange RESgiEs = : I wg, Fg W5 If atassive body couicles with Liq 43 i ES i % Goa Seni Ws alee S BB is “ ie asic a a Eegh ER oo ° F=(]v ae flow sete ed au a Pap Blame tig SPE = — op PW q Ve =-mp = ke : i - Dmrv2 y eeu mpm oe = \b= MEM, +. Zev fit, mit =a hte bodies stick together — F 29 (F=4g2H w=! oft, colision » iti is pee Pr fiend ; : STG NSs- nelonlic cousin. on speed of opproa i eter che Zi if two bode “of Same mass cou ~ wit Int achamge. Fou Dan nwvube J 5 ee Tae Sir t TF fue bootiee of Same mass couse > y= 0 :porfe then > oon in, wall interchong ° a [Foe etanti_chaue i whith oF rob, oe igo elect bade with anit SP. +, 6 mm sr vy % 220, a= My Lvs = massive body cotlicles wittr Ligut bo a 1% oF ve0t 5 massive a oe NaS RIO was “fee cae Tyne booby will Of massive y mus W=tV, ue i beet " nee "FORCE Due. OINALEA Fic z- ee 0 afm w ismmars Slonp veal: aa Fy cerns TATE on 3 amr oan seo Nye PS on mete ; ° Vy. a. ee change in p in this > YO BtOnee’ > 2D motion coms Ptuvud in e plawe. ——s > efeck da to_uwaby, of ecth is» magi i > Hoai2 NTAL Pies (ne Mee WD) x20> Oy =F? OFT AV = OE we we (TL) Sadied Ap me a mot | a [dustoma- range) = Vie xb coed Soe hae = fe co “peietleat Rc [ssl < speed fav dp v/c0 5 ~> {pe fe rdpian > — MOTO N: Cra a * bit eal e may a m 4y at highest [Pot ie rene pera at is 2erg ( opposite % eqwh a, oa pie tol §_ fina pride v= ~2y;sins - eps ~Rrwvisinls KoEw = Constant 5 KeEy ’ atinitial pent — =O > lost ¢ conneuteol into P*Eso, Sa pp ea ect pol | KeEy less= PE gain. Ke Eke] Os. min a. = KE? cin2 . tl we eS St P= Pos” Urnax= "2 mV/ en = Sms: = er cosAe ee > KE = my > Fe Pinas cosQ- aii BAB [ele] |e [=]=] MY hei |v? sin°0 he aU; j+/923] waa aly me hmoxf4 : 8 a1 Ea mae ce adhe = sib fy SS iii ais = usin, Rubio bl» Tél, at OF SinOx : sins : Vi and Jo _ Sin® + cos- bie band- « a1 . meer of bau 4 € Polotion =H “f incase OF He Te ae - H = 5 i a pe “er” Re vesin2O/q Fe sf = Y2 2sind edsO/qp Ry me fi AL OLE (CBIR Loe Heigrt - Pango Relabions : Sh ead Fmy9 QO H= Reon Sin a ey. 4 Oma 4°, oe ns ie Bange = huigit” at 16° a= we Uni Porm slope = Come & £40 Vji=tve C= Ve Ooms Feat™ vend Slope cont % >Fo ~_onen boll is areppet . \ sexe beuets lout it eas id oe ™ preaconcedf anaws Ve T 1% eqs ypolion Cue ne . oa vce moLlion , use ve ed vi> iq >on object in free feu gaing ade8me | e i : X t s A> al for B 4C point a=0 ‘ Glee a for Raspon = a #0 = = sie at es homies 2S S/anqospeect =t" - J change BE _ momen turn Ff freety | fattng body i cated weigut: 6 raw'tta tioned : _ then ak wt =F hee ad” eo e, EL bes we e i TORRE Sy = “2 SS Hee. aug Speed = SitSa. “ ly PZ a avasv = S.-S. tt Ee Ea OST AY = Os Aivertion’ titty a of a-b peph = 2 f Ga LEED nes La pe BE wit Ser Tal Totol chstance =& ; $1=2S 62=3S —be dunt __£ 4 7 t= Sif _ = ; t= Sof, = Total of eatanw Ci. + to. ee pas 2 An auscheaf t movp S = itis" veloa"ty 300 Mrs. 2g +4 38 al fore axting oni v Cv, a eda t § v2 Uf Lestiti mots wie | 2S G2. 2Sv, + BSI - Samet velocity Syve b)It_will explode as X Suvi - iu lose tts varad | c) We unin lone te ved | A 3ut2Qv,) 4) Fill bu a ra eT 94 6 107070" > PE decree 5 EL 2) a AOS _“Pf, OF BOPO->UW PE incncue 9 KE/My nTauvs He Wha We 2 Age 6 : eae: ak ra oe Buta, W 5 Ftlion, =Peapulsi done Against mis Wee vata |S ee te mggse! uae 4 dua frome tae | > air ysislemd > Force ex a ee ee eu toad Sprit mi Baton steed Pd | Pj is independant % path foucwed)~ path =0, 4 | mention tian WADI Fecal colon. mes ea — alata cee > hams > ig +3 ore * ng ey Md Seay fn gue re, i. hr omnuciat nite} ——} Poit tauren axe elevbriethy Ee Snare acm ]=36MT> BOTW. | Paya unas ta Rt Frag h = negy [wet Bratt _fPSREef nG apn POWER ce nv ree E20 Tdi ee stom 510 102, sopeeine pat S05 P= PAV Powe = OV -Ty= “7 [R= mph Rais we Chr © ape Tumbo Te airaaglT Cox of TD Femi Bechic heater _lotewn TV Fipa righ 4 (2M) | |: t |e ‘Pooks esta_ep_.t _ RAWETIC ee a NERY Ke Pep! POTENTIRLEN Re ———— 3 luntn beety acceluatin = IN= AKEt4PE uu <3 when qv Wilh unfom y= PRB E 12! mpg? —! my? Erg S FATERCON SIDNDEENERGY yu Sa, ay sence of an = Loss in PE Gain niece Dag Ce tieel Lay Ptsenct of cwly —z booly copped from, uy nt : z ee ee —e ats 4 Henge - PDKES 2x fabs ten fap _| 10. foes increase. = 7 a x/00 oo } he AP decuase=_ iS [aick |Z oa hp 4 aa 4 ee: CHANGE ir "ESS FAN 40 Of ae o (SKE) fe keE= 2 (esaae : Tal age | . a Se | rs hin. 7) ahs / | "KE of an Sect tong) weit (ss Sa 7 will be —y S Jour Vamw C ZF lope Bon a: Foto i pak > Sher, nee ay Woke dont Pook tee be secon hn to of brits ee waa = n(n nel 1 [> Boanded Sprit wi yo ‘Clock Eta wa PD teen do Spring + aq « comprsSityh =7Flying bird bao bata PEE WOE fe Bie 2ruie 4 lel; We 2X0=20F 3 = Prowl Of WW segue 10 SP i dp 6 —constomn- Gr Ses fixe E incteperctast o a 6 => Wot _dow by growity on Ya “ww hes ee TG waliems rio a unbis he reuSea to sone hergud— YH be r reaclus Buy ctu point fan au prink on Eauths lu 20) ign a8 3a ¢ > wee een cenit er a te —— a iw 3 NALS ‘ é ‘ Boul be adel nee to DT te oO a He 4 Pel oy ing): Wor done by. ile Bitton is all a itis conve to chow @ wooden ae Huo Ho" allay cee fice mee : wclnge ok ohn f : 4 rai —_ a paul of wey ht “he oe Swen wont do i excita fey ie (E+ PE) stim: ey tt. ee en ee ht ae — Kinetic Energ(K-E) a Atretle Energy a S)= => Stopping distance (S) Stopping goreet) Ee (2) Stopping time: : pear By the impulse-momentum theorem Fyt=AP > FXt=P ,,, : . q P ae aman cmbs uz Wl as on hoaof 2 mass = mitmy, (3) Comparison of stopping distance and time for two vehicles: ‘wo vehicles of masses mi and m2 are moving with velocities vi and v2 Tespectively. When they are stopped by the same retarding force (F). 2 7 The ratio of their stopping distances Si - K-41 — 7". Suv 3° KE, my a mvt and the ratio of their stopping tim Ifvehicles possess | If vehicle possess same kine! If vehicle possess same same velocities momentum Kinetic energy view pip K.E1 = K.E2 Sie SKE (v2 Y2m aa a P Am hom 4 ! + EpE-ukx a ae fere-uee\ KE Pale pe 4 eo Energy height graph: Ei. s. = : oo w When a body projected vertically upwan] frokr the ground level with some initial velocit then it possess kinetic energy but its potential energy(U) is zero. As the body mov “pward its potential energy increases due to increase inheight but kinetic energy NY. dBereases (due to decrease in velocity). at maximum height its kinetic energy bec Sy zero and Potential energy maximum but throughout the complete motion total remains constant as shown in the figure, y Y 2 ey i wap am inward aur Dias an outward Aadial ace CIRCULRE Mo i, Pte ae a | % wadinedicn of pad ition Poe, oom racushy but Ere gece Sect it — = 7 Speed HE 4 anu, SaaS vernainn Pasa in (anipe”s) dirtulan { S[ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT [@) redten along OE HF raetin a * angle swept b ane ducing culo, Patt en one ue 4 = ta vesticcid chvele Sir seal ote it & ve ananbily ato eile Sage itis “dist = 9 Sl write Yadhionn, Otitis ravpiatons aie nee or 44 ei 39 3° BR vad 3 on vad = = 360°" J vey. 2 Se 16 & ear ee 4 vad e. BaF De nad = 20% orm va Te fwept Wp rial Ted ont Compe wee blu: Hvac & tages = 36 a a eee att = ve For clouwsise v7 Ve. —aisprarome sr ote | engl ssvept by minaleshamdl fy J in Sion =12. raontis ely Yi “= one_ytolton =. Slvennittss ad sot [vena y yo x5] viw, tow Lh | a Lia =i20» | ods eee ; Pa zi Oe Da oh We seine v= is Molin ontglOve. 2. PAE: trol omentum nd (ete wlan) =MENT 6) ee ae i oly line awning ce, a > Oe ard t aug oti Ce) 40% eit iy ty OO ee Pcie when at—>O, OAC Séngtte becomes VSmeUll Fils Ld Sie eluate ak cur ate Se a Boece | EQUATIONS (,en0 sini aisha fomen ee 4 * = Ladi & 228 Hp rea Oye th ate) ete. ts: proelucecl. do Fe Hee ve —supaedve} when w Sand Ag when, | Vets samn/| is constr, - cent re: ce ‘Cream > saat ans $2 > Bamlted tv fosvturvs nat aut ouoled ae ae ‘lan ‘eulome' ‘camo ovickt ergy Dero Fras Ao la xt ho = SSE 2: Shore Sick tal 7 Speeds" eager On O27 een] wed 2 Bitror)) 6=.0° minimum. | mine 2 vie Mg Ve=al 95 | C ww O= 90°. Vee '76 fad age. --, SHORTEN Paes = pit 6.2130" [Gem t mg [endear - — Mosk chance of breaking sting ts at : a ES. visibie woaucde | “pe WRVES: wabtyencwrts ratte, Uthat ty unten of alu) writ cornvmutn TP radio oe i? fent woes. > Mechanical (neqire medium ig r Glos: speutay Shing in Lae PRO aa Fae 4 vir woe tat - whith propag' ib fe = Radio wiry heat § i pee ri pl il ae i hes by ulhroioni, Arettion « Types: ong jak Speed of soumnt-\n_ OMe nuit ie sient i & ts ea aaa ep prep. De Sotids af 20° — CECA) —-——— wey e weet fie wel ‘Lead Coppa Pininn ondeiass, Tol tudinaWopdsegte) lie eee _ posi vlyalt olen ay Hiatt sete bil, (popagatin of ig auton Ay roctuctl Pi Ganon STP C04 04 Cai Teosstbt al medi (sahsy 258 ‘e324 1286 | Liquittp, qaren |, Pomization -matth no-= sat ee of Somer ‘quite 400 oP ee oes 7 Sound medion is solid Sead koh Bf ste | than inots g06 bez talent TIDEL CEES and Guiele +p Cis tush, 173 Gants, Soul ty slo m4 smaller looks 0 €u lotsug { raliGes syp swat velouty is i con Mls fad» tat a —s wea a os ~ Vs donk bougt » PERIODIC WAVES WOE Urhich aye. ve peated ™ 4 a ‘ntewaty dime 5 nay be honey OR lomgitudl. ee wane = cumpli tude’ 6}, 4 T of Some alo sourle Ajith rt oy : va 1 ha ohok / a Tome Ree Aly crest = time teqy j (or O point In Pmediumn 40 Go Hany a _ comprete oscillation p= (eal iW wee tinan Ce AE Dex —s, ‘ ue = out ac prose ko ahh, F blimeeohipar> an t 20KiloH2 ee oy Grosomit —s © lowe Mam 20 Ha spay 2 ~_Ulbononits phigh thom 20K & ~“aetp wat sedis ge oe “$heatlow _& “Towet ; « Com Laniish a cyett 2 Hough, > —yn0 effet of precuit chang ¢ on, $i vd iumiig = fx] 3 vANT ‘7 q 1 AP) 0 = del Ga S—Supesoni anrts-betri bates whith x cuted shotk woe & ret hve puree nb Ca : a body way exceects we ule OS, it Fredtiel wl a tpveiracdl¢ Grito JV inetaant, 0-4 vit! SC vise Supursoniie, plane parses Lawes ptr | ed y frawel When 2 pare Of same speed f° care ES u on 3 mt ap dicen tty So vag & Least: 2/2 undamentol (fe 2 ean —Eige8 hraamenigy? Lt haumente di 2? yo antinedeo <[2 JD)" > bfw node & antinods beg conseumtive nodlte OAL Beed frequency No. of beats proctucect per sec- ere 1 Balahasce thas Peal zie hae ea calf blw 2 consecutive fi ov oll paskictes of eee jnttwod a isi eee a os “ine phaoe (phone, lft = 2210). b ae ‘airancle Oday — numbu Of ‘oops jn has monic digg ((87) amd ot nodty tress-4 su in are ane Uses Nodes fe ae or but ct floor ant nodin 4 ving? Fenains standing iw bhe'tee Wed Kee ecolet 1 at Bbae wee eceis — aan agrees Ef eee ae > mr ORGAN PIPE B ay toluene — —Sulbvati Pea o rUorana é z> | add _nawrnbe open’ (74 4 a es [Freie SSP] ee ee tome an baer a [SE faces or | 19 Sop Bree > at amtinochyy E wholly PE Smae Beet Cha hy at equttibrium positions E te wholly Pee of Houvae Fakes place prom : 6 dest ee "E peclog ” pybuixceit- ane af reg lection from axe_me. clit In_Vieleus & tightening peyfcee” <0 . ae eete Bo intiioole Paine Pia Sn er eeu a Bs LE OF sup PER Aositon 3 ) disp = Py tye Vetter guy “ty, oo n-LEXE Of ‘Um ct an ligne) i Pintespenarn or eoitela “pleco Sov Et Dena ebeak : Tht erence. t he vet L a} ™edinnn, Fekete e; ‘de nticat Re ch , aut 2 Sime faint: ‘Sh “ibe Seale ‘ed try A / Sao re Ing 2eme Dovey r / 3 On a 2 Jinee(A dhe 8 (leinerd stig: 1 ee FE O95 I... ny wok Oh Oy Be UT oan Tela a SN = silen Ee Ya Romp yey, © ee i¢-Y ness becomes 262 ; 2S ty 22ST --(2ntt Ne 1p a iff =N,3A, SA -. -(2ne)a pront diff pAuspokan (b> ”prasent charge." ‘ee 1. [DOPPLEA EFFECT praest in (84S (freaweney) of sou nelabive alas ous obsewer-. bi FPERENT cask Vor f= Xf ObSeIVeL moves, while souee at vert| ee” € 22 tromge oc martiator fowosdy sousce why Ylotive -velouty-shemge:| © PS Ee oe i. (fa RO FOr + se. can be qtotey than v: P| Source mover wnte listents of veal: Boawelenigtte, pase a a wile Sout pee zee ad ie perren denominabw va shoulda be frente ton vf (ays y : id alpcan SEER AES) (save fe Loo. 2 ¢ € aur 3 change When souice ‘moving tewoudn Sivan movi "away whew Taken, é Lobster while liste. of: yeab. | 1 Sto ape Je speia rita | eck “a oa ¢ CASES WHEN'D-EFEECT.NOT: oBSee De NOT AY thou, aye ‘ linen bain neg T_some dithionite alacad —& et tee Laeceatng'> moving ere: ; | FIPPLICA TIONS wig hts ib oy ves DesGfet tan bi ktth pdr sustewn Beene nae cat a to monitor blood, . {Shean echek bathe BEN OAN On Spe jacaiing where ant Tau wane ateya ee: ene cua ete te lovt eaetay i oer ss pees dk Sttteue soa tea} 3 ta es me at ne with eeu f an FE wy mie oe SONAR (Sound mowigedion 4q my) ured to detect oby:$ uncl Cede, acoustical echo: by velakive motion Of Source & oloSewt - => miliFauy applicakiows: detection of Sulo~ > MOAI MEA 6 control of amti- Sub mar\ug, we APM, s onine hunting & dept, mearutimant of Sect’ g RADAR SPEED TRAP (SAE) CT Mrowow & UL emitted Rom a © pransuni ter in Snark buusts 4 vellection by COA in way aitowS fo fiudl speed of wr oy com gubes proqaowm Wy D- erred cloey no ckepem d On dddkanny, — bal Chomg2 i Aa LURY > —_— ae is eae: dal ae SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION restating ibateny motion. ake AM dscitiatery motions ae periodse: ">a. alway civ —x% >A periockic motions ax notoscillafory: towards ‘mean position - > SH escitiotory & periodic: Spring ~PBlasticiky ESR ining SEE or pendulum: : = ~ DISPLACEMENT = From mec: = x0 9 From extreuui ee tomes |G BFPH. ~ f pe q [FRoM MEANY FRom EXTREME [stout fing btemc? Fron exniese Postion] Se : w=0 | 670" .| x= x b=6 - 7 2 : ; wane | Cosine carve wn) belies. |e-Bie | betes ——— a i > E-&-paphi——} Xs) be TBs [eat | EFT/B5 | | cosine cure’) Hn x= Bil betes |ee%y, | tT res t | e - 7 t 3 hase di. neve | entius | eso -| Ear | fee +. —— — ~ ec = Vy dade byT = _XGan (89 Relate lun instant Sve va foo [xo = yes (HE an Z gusntij |-Meon | exbere \_ VALUESOF X | VAWES oF y = ace if Eabere [Ve ve Displaace net mnace f Acceealion 2e0 All OSscitlatery motions as periodic: 2a alwaye div —X , AN triochic motions au notoscillatory: towards meon position - => SHM + oscillatory & periodic: . >A eutny i pinsoe ea me rr pri ngs ~aBlasticty > maintains 5 Teta Seroaiaty for = eal DISPLACEMENT: FROM MEAN: FROM oa ERE ; == Displace me Accetealion Zeo mead...) 7 Zuo : Standing wow! ot inphaye but pol =(yo with ‘e C—O (SIMPLE, PENDULUM) caisisiag a heey rags. Spendeal rom a vigil su pp means alinast: . * Galileo imweuted iE its motion is) s-H., Oe files | is wna tarp ini healed edures amplitude Gntinuousty § os its wotion is steppols aaa alee of _darnpi. 3 forte +| =™m@ Sin, for smal )% for smalf amplitucle cite, Be tong [Fr = ~mgG} ion win. ee cs6. cdlon am oe : eae "Tensi ~ B, sim@ L be gees fixed eae Temgeas' mg $6 balaney” mq "9 : a MASS — SPRING Sus a ar (a = AP Veg : f= Yon sjk Im ii |ve fe [I- eS. wea malL-ttren pon SH} A ae p Pom Sperry Ceti ofoal= o( [-4") = ee +0 ie aout i a Sop sata So hon Unie ales T= fist T men 4 me ie MAUL ES on eAt cenhe of Boats = Se Freely fautin olajech—> 8 si SS mation Slow ak eg -"° EVATOR ch ea eS tae fe7 IM wow |e - FIRTH= MOON CA “if wes ssa foe mete SS Vs So Geom» f9m=yelel G “ ferfu >| fm Te Ta} ee Tt ea" te Fett, Pana Tienes mene oa "eS yo ex Fee: re ENERGY CONSERVATION IN SeHoM — | j RES kx? ENERG FORMULAS ! y FRE kes | ee bs ME UKHO) ot mtg? (2 w= Km) . sani A Re Ur2\, 27. 5! 5 hs of WE SEeL en (ANY Teo Cemeen) ui one oscitlacion’=2 1% if teploced by 22-9 its PoE formula, A> of Pox). = a = Ee Nam [Unf * 0/2 we ) E 2.06 T6208) ciftaty b eMeE” AA, OVS ie am oF Woke ts = mae - ae oe Poot Ty Pa = 8 l [ite nc] 2 pIhaing, heat capugs eal Bla a 3 a : gut ant a | oe jut C= co C=O eo . an Sith Ge oy ot ova A [eters] Loin : male —_ $tof ae olga, Lear | — : CC : ; as met treet : Boyle S ea “[pyeorst_[PiZeme | [Pi%enst [Psent [ooo | Vcc L x sll a is 5 : > odiatoynie narslel fon ab Ke in a S hy a hen 3S jotet ion re > vibrelion When a seheu ig poaled = VT whe “3 mebal Sneek with ee “pale ett \ head ont —dengei eh spe : = = BAT=enBal- M tye [Ge R | ihm opgeet | oe Oe (ety eo 1. > fey in V ib s given » cabcul ale if Ps 100 — (0 -74) pee che process worlds OS em beats by a harmmes willy nteimal eaugy of feact ToS Giese = e i = & ing of Fit iat Haswe for Peuichale uli ie Hea le lost by wit = Heal Jarneby ice [nits Pau’) at i a: Cx]+ Vi =Vi , menatemic gars Pa =? ES incaleien: or HAS Ig : bh ¢5 BxLK30 . P= Ppwy » eS , Pv 8 vs = if ru P= BOF ier 1 i - feet ee Eaee 7 f <0 = vp saT = Lem [respon fF Bo x wiblixso = 323 Xm are > Graph (wore talentalion) {a mes 30 Hs = if 7 ay = G @ y I 1 gt | se ee aviono cdewae | oR? 5Rie 5/3 a (ret) fr ie ie BAIS 408) 2 . : - fa HS diadomic 5R /2 TRi2 |e es aS : E a eee Me le el eee fatwee 10/328 Pou 1 ied : +2 Gate] aan | we) V7 . A Tay (2) Find thte.nal Gy egy of ao _ system containing, 2 rnales o Or & 4 of Argon? piece fe freecton. for meno = 2 E ar = S$ - yeno: of ynol & wiatomic= 7 we X2AT = SAT ¢ Upr 2 3/2 xe'RT = 3x2=6RT Uroras = SATS OATH LIRT ‘Chavle's Coulomb S17 BY AD “qnea (A> eae wee ge ait [Ke depetoen smesiom aoe ~ Ze eee ee ek = pind +, Exeh map 6 7 Se #0- ane toa ral “i anagtn be Heche = Vadeuum = cere f ved ages rset Eve E_laistttyaters Gy &.19- Pfeil 2 originals a es at = > thew ts no > E:field! in Conductov senha log time F at Fransvi ~S lott SO ear Sdalmet tose 2 ie, gee whee. dese pa hes pt Blechic fore is) is | : FOlin close te, + [We er aah jin = spl. \égnductin 5 sen) Ret oh ( paticly aL fg... | Etectrte poze fis [gegen WS ge grea sd ft ve S ‘Fal le7= Ke | units=“Vin =NC" = JC; ee ee |ELECTAICAL PoTENTAL. ees Ys At. ow ot —le Senet PE af S) Levee x6'Y - «- AUss's LA Wy: Area Sipe Wa Ve Vas 2] 15, = G-25xI10" Ee ee fase eo Ce = mg - ~ Opp: chasged poteoot + ages pele | 4 mada. 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Remains constant because battery is not Increase because battery is present. Charge present i.€., q, > q,. Remaining charge x i.e, G2 =q (4; —q,) supplied from the battery. a Decreases because V = q/C Viev, =—x Potential = VetandC>Crie, V)qi_ie.,E,>E, 7 i N Decreases because y * Increases because U= sev — | Energy And in this case q2 = qi and Cz > Ci i.e., Here C2 > Ci but V2=V, U,U, ere aie eS eal

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