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Q1: Tell me about yourself?

Q2: What is Schedule Q?

Ans.: Guidance regarding NEOMs Minimum Quality requirement for Contractors.
Q3: If there is conflict between Schedule Q and ISO 9001, what will do?
Ans.: we will follow up schedule Q requirement.
Q4: what are Quality Deliverables?
Ans.: Pre award Bid Proposal. (ISO 9001, Quality Manual/index of QMS, CV of
QCM, Organization chart, Applicable ITP, Applicable quality Audit.
Post Award Deliverable. PQP, ITP, WIR, PQD, QMR,2week Look ahead, Quality
Audit reports, NCRs,
Q5: What is Quality?
Ans. A Level of excellence of a product or service.
Customer satisfaction, Doing things right the first time or zero defects.
Q6: Difference between QA and QC?
Ans.: 1-QA is to prevent defects & QC is identify and improve defects.
2-QA focus on planning and processing & QC is focus on action and execution.
3- QA manages quality & QC verify quality.
Q7: What are Quality Documents?
Ans.: PQP, ITP, WIR, MIR, Material submittal, KPI, PQI, Daily weekly and monthly
Quality reports, Daily and 2 week look ahead.
Q8: Quality Element /Documents in QMS?
Ans.: 1-Quality Policy, 2-Quality Manual,3-Procedure,4-Work Instructions,5-
Q9: What are Quality Objectives?
Ans. Five Objectives (SMART)
S-Specific, M-Measurable, A- Achievable, R- Relevant/Realistic, T- Time Bound
Q10: What are QMS Principles?
Ans.: 7 Principles,
1-Customer Focus, 2-Leadership, 3- Engagement of people, 4- Process Approach,
5- Improvement, 6- Evidence base Decision making, 7- Relationship Management
Q11: What are components of QMS?
Ans.: 4 Components, (ACT, CHECK, PLAN,DO)
1-Quality Control Planning, 2-Quality Control, 3- Quality Assurance, 4- Quality
Q12: What is ITP?
Ans.: Inspection Test Plan

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

Q13: ITP Contents?
Ans.: Four Contents, 1-Document Review (MST, MS, PQD,SD)
2-Material Receiving (Material Storage/Stockpiling)
3-Material Installation (Bench mark/Survey layout, C&G, Excavation, Survey
Inspection, Compaction)
4- Acceptance criteria/Final Acceptance (All record /documents signed off)
Q14: ITP Concrete contents?
Ans.: 1- Document Review (MST, SD, Supplier, Mix Design),
2-Material Receiving (Steel Reinforcement, Cement type, Fresh Concrete
Receiving, tests on fresh concrete)
3-Surveying, Formwork, steel Reinforcement (Instrument Calibration, Steel
Reinforcement, Survey work “Slabs, walls, Apron etc.”)
4- Concreting (Pest control, Bed Preparation, pouring, curing, Bitumen coating,
5- Final Acceptance/Acceptance Criteria (All Record signed off)
Q15: ITP Level of inspections /legends/General Notes?
Ans.: Four Legends, 1-Witness (Shall be notify the consultant / client, If
Client/Consultant not come, can be proceed the activity)
2- Hold (Client/Consultant shall be notify and cannot proceed the activity without
attendance of Consultant/Client)
3- Surveillance (monitoring and site inspection/ visits without notification
construction team)
4- Review (Required Qualification/ documents, certificates, calibration submitted
for review and approval)
Q16: What is NCR and NCR Contents and how to issue and close NCR?
Ans.: NCR- Non Conformance Report - Any deviation from specification/Drawings.
Contents- Title, Description, Correction, Root Cause, Corrective Action, Closure
Issue and Closing NCR- If any activity against specification found at site first of all
issue (SOR) Site Observation Report, If not rectify then discus with QC Manager
for Internal NCR rising for that activity base. To protect QC department from
External NCR (Which can issue by Consultant/Client).
First write description of NCR (all in detail finding work done at site against
Specification reference number),
Second write the Root Cause (Which basis that Non Conformity happened at site,

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

Third write the corrective Action (How to be rectify that NC, give solutions as
agreed by Client or Consultant or QC Department)
Forth write Preventive Action (Make Quality tool box at site, instruction in future
to avoid that NC)
For Closing NCR :- Which WIR rejected on behalf of NCR, after rectification done
at NCR, Take photos from that site activity, Rise 2nd Revision WIR and get approval
from Client or Consultant. After that Closing NCR another WIR rise and attach that
2nd revision WIR as proof.
Q17: Difference between corrective action and preventive action?
Ans.: Corrective Action is after problem happens in a process and Preventive
Action is before a problem happen, when a risk is identified.
Corrective Actions: “The organization shall take action to eliminate the causes of
nonconformities in order to prevent a recurrence.”
Preventive Actions: “The organization shall determine action to eliminate the
causes of potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence.”
Q18: What is PQP? Contents how to prepare?
Ans.: Project Quality Plan – A comprehensive document that outlines the
procedures, processes, guidelines for ensuring and managing quality of work.
Preparation or contents: Guidelines from standard ISO 10005:2018
1- General (Definitions & Abbreviations, Quality policy, QMS, ISO 9001:2015)
2- Scope of Quality plan (scope of project work, introduction of project, existing
conditions, References, purpose of Quality plan)
3- Roles and responsibilities (Organization chart, QC department chart, Key
personnel responsibilities)
4- Control of Project Information (Documents submittals, Control of records,
Document register, work flow management)
5- Resources (Material, Equipment, Human resources, Monitoring and measuring
6- Communication (customer communication)
7- Control of NCR
8- Project monitoring and measurement (Testing Agency, Inspection and testing,
WIR management, Signages)
9- Quality Audit
10- List of PQP forms
Q19: what are the key Elements of PQP?
Ans.: 1) Quality Objectives, 2)Quality standards,3)Roles and responsibilities,
4)Quality Control Procedures, 5)Document Control, 6)Quality Assurance,7)Non

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

Conformance Management, 8)Training and competency. 9) Quality Audits, 10)
Documentation and Reporting, 11) Change Management, 12) Record
Q20: What if the crushing strength of the concrete sample is less than the design
strength after 28 days of crushing, what action would you take as a supervisor?
Ans.: Depends on Consultant or client agreed perform NDT (Non Destructive
Testing) Like, Rebound hammer test (Schmidt hammer)/ Ultrasonic pulse velocity
Test and OR coring test (individual 1 core strength should be 75% compressive
strength and Average 3 cores strength should be 85% of the 28 days required
Q21: What to inspect before pouring concrete?
Ans.: Survey Done, Approved steel used, Steel Grade, spacer, number of bars,
overlaps, Form work, Cylinder/ Cubes at site, Vibrator, Insure concrete coming
from approved supplier.
Q22: During concrete what will you check?
Ans.: Atmosphere Temp., Concrete deliver site on time Not more than 90 mints,
Vibrator using, Temperature and slump, Survey level
Q23: After Concrete arrives at site what will check?/How old concrete deliver at
site, how to inspect?
Ans.: Delivery Note, Time duration, approved source, Concrete mixture total
revolution 300.
Q24: If at site concrete slump more than specification or less than specification,
what will you do?
Ans.: If slump more and there is more time for pouring concrete then Transit
mixture revolution speed make high to more mixing,
If slump is low then we will see delivery note Admixture used or no, if not used
then use Admixture at site.
Q25: Curing start time after concrete poured? Curing Methods?
Ans.: Right after initial setting time 30 to 45 Minutes
Curing methods/Types- Water curing, steam curing, curing compound, burlap
Q26: How much Concrete maximum drop height?
Ans.: 1.5 meter
Q27: Concrete slump requirement? Types of slump?
Ans.: To Know the consistency and workability, Slump three (3) types
True, Shear and Collapse,
Slump (mm) MOT specs.= 25 to 100 (Reinforce concrete 30cm thick or less and
Concrete facilities)

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

25 to 75 (Reinforcement concrete over 30cm thick)
25 to 50 (Concrete pavement)
Q28: what are Fresh concrete tests?
Ans.: Slump test, Air content test, Unit Weight test and Temperature test,
Q29: What are the Concrete durability tests?
Ans.: Compressive strength test, Rapid Chloride Penetration test (RCPT), Water
Absorption test (WAT), Water permeability test (WPT), Initial surface Absorption
test (ISAT), Compressive Strength Test.
Q30: If you find unapproved material/ Rejected material at site, what will do?
Ans.: First we will see comments from client/consultant then
Unapproved/Rejected material will be removed from the work zone area and will
be barricade with tag unapproved material and after send back to supplier source,
Site Observation Report (SOR) will be issue to construction team.
Q31: If Construction team not following project specifications/Drawing or using
unapproved material, what you will do?
Ans.: First will issue (SOR) to construction team if construction team not follow up
or rectify the comments, then QC team will rise Internal NCR.
Q32: How to check steel/Rebar at site, are as per project approved source or
Ans.: Delivery note check, Approved source/Supplier, Truck number, mill
certificate, batching number with Date
Q33: If there is no tag mark, no delivery note paper, how to identify steel grade?
Ans.: First of all check Tag on steel (If Approved supplier), there will Steel mark on
every steel rebar, (S11, S12) / SS
Q34: what are Steel tests?
Ans.: Tensile test, Yield Strength Test, Bend Test, Compression test, Impact test,
Torsion test
Q35: How to take approval of concrete Mix Design?
Ans.: First Approval of PQD (Concrete Supplier), then according to project
specification make lab. And plant trail of the given specification, after get result,
Rise Material Submittal and attached all quality results. (Slump, Temperature,
compressive strength).
Q36: Maximum Concrete Temperature?
Ans.: 33 Degree max, Ambient temp. 35 maximum
Note: Before pumping concrete temperature –27 Degree Maximum
Minimum Temp. 10 Degree
Q37: Classification of soil?

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

Ans.: 7 classes - A1a, A1b, A3, A2-4,A2-5, A2-6 and A2-7
Q38: Best soil for Road work?
Ans.: A1a, A1-b and A2-4 (Embankment, Subgrade)
Q39: What are Quality tests for soil?
Ans.: Sieve Analysis, Proctor, PI, CBR, FDT
Q40: What are Quality tests for Aggregate?
Ans.: Specific Gravity, Absorption, L.A, Soundness, Clay Lumps and Friable
Particles, Thin and Elongated, Unit Weight
Q41: How much CBR and Compaction required for Embankment, Sub Grade and
Agg. Base Course?
Ans. Embankment CBR=5% Min., Compaction if height SG level less than
30c=95%, If height of SG 30 cm to 75cm=93%, more than 75 cm = 90%
Sub Grade CBR=25%, Compaction= 95% (98% in highways, Major Roads)
ABC, CBR=100 % (2 inch size),80%(1.5 Inch size), 65%(1 Inch Size),
Q42: How much MC and RC rate of application and Temperature?
Ans.: MC rate=0. 5 -1.75 Ltr./sq.m and Temp. 50 to 80 Degree C
RC rate=0.1 – 0.3 Ltr./Sq. m and Temp. 65 to 105 Degree C
Q43: How much require mineral filler in Asphalt?
Ans.: shall be between (1 to 2 %) by weight of Aggregate.
Q44: Asphalt Base and wearing course maximum size Agg. And Compaction?
Ans.: Asphalt Base Course max. size=1.5 inch and compaction 92 to 95 %
Asphalt wearing course max. size= ¾ inch and compaction 91 to 94 %
Q45: Asphalt Batching plant mixing temperature?
Ans.: Max. 165 Degree when discharge from plant
During mixing in plant temperature should not be less than 145 Degree and more
than 180 Degree
Q46: What is Asphalt Laying and Compaction Temperature?
Ans.: Minimum 140 Degree, compaction should be complete before 90 Degree
Q47: what are types of cracks in Asphalt and reasons/Causes?
Ans.: 1) Edge cracks- Its long cracking curves in the outer line 0.3m to 0.6 m from
2) Reflection cracks- its located in overlay concrete pavement, due to existing
bottom layer cracks
3) Transvers cracks- Its aligned across the road perpendicular centerline, due to
undelaying joints

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

4) Alligator /Fatigue cracks- Its group of interconnected road cracks, irregular
shaped pieces cracks, due to existing bottom layer and repeated load.
5) Block cracks- its series of rectangular rough pieces of block cracks, size 0.3 m to
6) Longitudinal Cracks- Its randomly parallel to the centerline longitudinal, Due to
bottom existing layer, new widening or more clay in subgrade soil.
7) Slippage cracks- Its crescent or half-moon shaped, having two ends pointed
away from the direction of traffic. Due to poor bonding between layers.
Q48: What are main defects in Asphalt pavements?
Ans.: 1) Rutting-This is a surface depression which usually occurs in the wheel
path. Rutting can happen in the subgrade or base from design thickness, lack of
compaction or moisture infiltration. A weak asphalt mixture can also cause
2) Ravelling- is a condition where the surface loses coarse aggregate particles.
Causes Lower Bitumen in mix, Thin layer during cold weather, Excessive heat
Asphalt mix
3) Bleeding-Also known as flushing, bleeding is the condition where there is
excess bituminous binder on the road surface, and can often occur in the wheel
path. Causes more Bitumen content in Mix, Low Air Voids, More MC or RC.
4) Potholes-Potholes refer to bowl-shaped holes on the pavement surface that
often extend from the asphalt layer down to the base course.
5) Swelling-This is a type of pavement distress where some of specific area of the
pavement is higher than the surrounding pavement, and is not caused by shoving.
6) Depressions-A depression is a specific area on the pavement that has a lower
elevation than the surrounding pavement, caused by traffic overloading, or by
foundation soil consolidation, settlement or deterioration of the lower layers.
7) Stripping-This issue occurs when the lower layers of the asphalt deteriorate and
cause damage to the upper layers.

Prepared by: Eng. Haider Zaman

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