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NAMA : Rizky Adriano Yustisa

NIM : 2316011046
MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Ida Ayu Made Friska Setiawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Things that should not be asked when introducing strangers

1. Age
Asking about age is a sensitive matter, because they may feel the question is too
personal and impolite, this can make them uncomfortable and usually some people
measure other people's success based on the achievements they have had at a certain

2. Salary (income)
Asking about salary/income is a very personal and sensitive matter. This can offend
people's feelings. Those with large incomes may feel proud, but those with standard
incomes will feel uncomfortable when asked about salary.

3. Family
Family matters are a very private matter and feel disturbed/uncomfortable when asked
about them. Everyone has limits in telling about their family and we do not have any
interest in other people's family affairs.

4. Status/relationship
Asking about status/relationship is a personal thing and seems impolite, it can offend
people's feelings and make them disturbed and feel emotional when asked.

5. Job/occupation
Asking about occupation is a very sensitive matter, maybe some people consider
workers such as teachers, doctors, police, architects and others to be more respected
than jobs such as farmers, motorbike taxi drivers, sellers and others. This can make
the person feel inferior and easily offended when asked.

6. Password
Asking for a password is a very private thing, it can be misused in negative ways such
as breaking into ATMs or accessing social media by spreading inappropriate things.

7. Ethnicity
Asking about ethnicity is a personal matter and it is very impolite to ask.
Because this could trigger potential discrimination and feeling offended.
8. Wealthy
Asking about wealth is a very private, sensitive, impolite thing and can offend
people's feelings (jealousy), if someone is richer than that person, that person could
take negative actions such as stealing/harming them.

9. Gender
Asking gender is very impolite, because it can offend people and make them feel
uncomfortable/disturbed when asked. Because there are some people who are born
with conditions that resemble the opposite sex or who change their gender
(transgender), if asked about this, it can make the person easily offended.

10. Physical Appearance

Asking about physical appearance is very impolite, because it can offend people and
make them feel uncomfortable/disturbed if asked, because none of God's creatures are
perfect and each person has their own strengths and weaknesses.

11. Education
Asking about education is a personal matter and it is very impolite to ask. This can
offend people's feelings. Those who are highly educated may feel proud, but those
who are unable to continue their education may feel uncomfortable when asked about

12. Medical Issues

Asking about trauma is a very private thing, it can make the person being asked feel
offended and if asked again it will make them remember the trauma even more.

13. Date of birth

Asking your date of birth is a personal thing, because the person could use their date
of birth as a password and that is privacy.

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