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Simultaneous equations involve finding values for variables that satisfy more than one equation

at the same time. Here’s a simple and straightforward explanation for ZJC (Zimbabwe Junior
Certificate) students, with a real-life example:

### What Are Simultaneous Equations?

Simultaneous equations are two or more equations with multiple variables that you solve
together. The solutions are the values of the variables that make all the equations true at the same

### Simple Explanation

1. **Identify the Equations**: You’ll typically have two equations with two variables, like \
( x \) and \( y \).

2. **Solve One Equation**: Solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the

3. **Substitute**: Substitute this expression into the other equation to find the value of one

4. **Find the Other Variable**: Once you have one variable, substitute it back into one of
the original equations to find the other variable.

### Real-Life Example

**Scenario: Buying Fruits**

Suppose you go to the market and buy apples and oranges. You buy:
- 3 apples and 2 oranges for $5.
- 2 apples and 3 oranges for $4.

We can represent this situation with simultaneous equations:

1. \( 3a + 2o = 5 \) (Equation 1)
2. \( 2a + 3o = 4 \) (Equation 2)

Where \( a \) is the price of one apple and \( o \) is the price of one orange.

### Step-by-Step Solution

**Step 1: Solve Equation 1 for \( a \)**

\[ 3a + 2o = 5 \]
\[ 3a = 5 – 2o \]
\[ a = \frac{5 – 2o}{3} \]

**Step 2: Substitute into Equation 2**

\[ 2\left(\frac{5 – 2o}{3}\right) + 3o = 4 \]
\[ \frac{2(5 – 2o)}{3} + 3o = 4 \]
\[ \frac{10 – 4o}{3} + 3o = 4 \]

**Step 3: Eliminate the Fraction**

Multiply through by 3 to clear the fraction:
\[ 10 – 4o + 9o = 12 \]
\[ 10 + 5o = 12 \]
**Step 4: Solve for \( o \)**
\[ 5o = 2 \]
\[ o = \frac{2}{5} \]
\[ o = 0.4 \]

So, one orange costs $0.40.

**Step 5: Substitute Back to Find \( a \)**

Substitute \( o = 0.4 \) into Equation 1:
\[ 3a + 2(0.4) = 5 \]
\[ 3a + 0.8 = 5 \]
\[ 3a = 4.2 \]
\[ a = \frac{4.2}{3} \]
\[ a = 1.4 \]

So, one apple costs $1.40.

### Conclusion

By using simultaneous equations, we found that one apple costs $1.40 and one orange costs
$0.40. This method helps us solve real-life problems where we need to find the values of
multiple variables at the same time.

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