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Develop the backend of a mobile

application-using server less and cloud native


Submitted by

Md Sharjil Alam (21BCS2854)

Danish Khan (21BCS3043)

Vinay Singh(21BCS3066 )

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of

Computer Science And Engineering

Chandigarh University
May 2024

Certified that this project report Deploying Web Application on a Cloud is the bonafide work of
Md Sharjil Alam, Danish Khan , Vinay who carried out the project work under my/our

Dr. Sandeep Kang Er.Harsha Sharma

Computer Science And Engineering Computer Science And Engineering

Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on



It took a lot of effort to complete this project. However, completing this project would not have been possible without
the support and guidance of a lot of individuals. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to our supervisor Er. Harsha Sharma and for his guidance and supervision. We would like to
thank her for providing the necessary information and resources for this project.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents & our friends for their kind co-operation and encouragement
which help us a lot in completing this project.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the project. Thank you to all the people who have
willingly helped us out with their abilities.
Table of contents

S No. Topic/Objective Pg. No.

1 Acknowledgement. 3

2 List Of Figures. 5

3 Introduction. 6

4 Design Flow 10

5 Result Analysis And Valdation 16

6 Conclusion And Future Work 19

List Of Figures

Figure 1. Testing 1 ..................................................................... 16

Figure 2. Testing 2 ..................................................................... 17

Figure 3. Testing 3...................................................................... 17

Figure 4. Testing 4...................................................................... 18

Figure 5. Testing 5...................................................................... 18


1.1. Client Identification/Need Identification/Identification of relevant Contemporary


The necessity for a platform like Cloudinary is substantiated by current statistics and documented
reports reflecting the challenges faced by startup founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry
experts in connecting effectively. According to recent surveys conducted by prominent research
firms specializing in entrepreneurship and innovation, a significant percentage of startup founders
express difficulty in finding suitable investors or industry experts to collaborate with, hindering their
growth and success potential. This sentiment underscores a pressing consultancy problem wherein
individuals seek guidance in navigating the intricate and dynamic landscape of startups and
innovation. Furthermore, industry reports from renowned agencies such as CB Insights and
PitchBook consistently highlight the growing demand for platforms that facilitate meaningful
connections and networking opportunities within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. These reports
emphasize the critical role of networking and collaboration in fostering innovation and driving
business growth, thereby reinforcing the need for a comprehensive solution like Cloudinary. Thus,
the need for Cloudinary is firmly established through empirical data, expert observations, and the
documented experiences of stakeholders within the startup community.

1.2. Identification of Problem:

The broad problem identified is the lack of an efficient platform that seamlessly connects startup
founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Despite the abundance of networking
events, conferences, and online platforms, there remains a significant gap in facilitating meaningful
connections and collaborations tailored to the unique needs of each stakeholder group. Startup
founders struggle to access relevant expertise and funding opportunities, while investors and industry
experts find it challenging to discover promising ventures aligned with their interests and expertise.
This problem statement refrains from suggesting any solution and solely focuses on acknowledging
the existing issue, underscoring the complexity and multifaceted nature of the challenge at hand.
1.3. Identification of Tasks:

The tasks required to address the identified problem can be categorized into several phases, each
encompassing a series of distinct activities:

- Research Phase: This phase involves conducting comprehensive market research and stakeholder
analysis to gain insights into the specific needs, pain points, and preferences of startup founders,
entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Key tasks include conducting surveys, interviews, and
focus groups, analyzing market trends and competitive landscape, and identifying potential
partnership opportunities.

- Platform Development Phase: Building upon the insights gathered during the research phase, this
phase focuses on designing and developing the Cloudinary platform to meet the identified needs and
preferences of the target audience. Tasks include prototyping, user interface design, backend
development, integration of features such as matchmaking algorithms, messaging systems, and user
profiles, and ensuring compatibility across various devices and operating systems.

- Testing Phase: Following the development of the Cloudinary platform, this phase entails
conducting rigorous testing to evaluate its functionality, usability, performance, and security. Tasks
include beta testing with a select group of users, gathering feedback, identifying and addressing bugs
and usability issues, and optimizing the platform for scalability and reliability.

- Launch Phase: Once the Cloudinary platform has undergone thorough testing and refinement, this
phase focuses on strategizing and executing the official launch to the target audience. Tasks include
developing a marketing and promotional strategy, creating compelling content and messaging,
leveraging social media and influencer partnerships, organizing launch events and webinars, and
engaging with key stakeholders to generate buzz and drive user adoption.
1.4 Timeline:

March 1st - March 15th: Project Initiation

• Conduct initial meetings with stakeholders to define project scope and objectives.
• Begin gathering requirements for the Cloudinary site.
• Research contemporary issues and existing Cloudinary.

March 16th - March 31st: Problem Analysis

• Analyze data collected from stakeholders and research.

• Identify shortcomings and challenges of Cloudinary.
• Complete stakeholder analysis.

April 1st - April 7th: Solution Framework

• Finalize requirements for the Cloudinary.

• Design the architecture of the Cloudinary.
• Develop a plan for establishing security measures.

April 8th - April 14th: Development and Implementation

• Begin coding and programming of the Cloudinary.

• Start integrating the platform with existing electoral infrastructure.
• Conduct initial user testing and collect feedback.

April 15th: Milestone - Mid-Project Review

• Review progress made so far.

• Identify any issues or challenges encountered.
• Adjust project plan as necessary.
1.5. Organization of the Report:

- Introduction: Overview of the problem statement, objectives, and scope of the report.

- Client Identification: Analysis of the target audience, including startup founders, entrepreneurs,
investors, and industry experts.

- Need Identification: Examination of the specific needs, pain points, and preferences of the target
audience, supported by empirical data and research findings.

- Contemporary Issue Documentation: Review of relevant statistics, reports, and industry trends
highlighting the demand for platforms like Cloudinary.

- Problem Identification: Definition of the overarching problem statement without suggesting

solutions, emphasizing the complexity and importance of addressing the identified challenge.

- Task Identification: Differentiation of tasks required across research, development, testing, and
launch phases, outlining key activities and deliverables for each phase.

- Timeline: Presentation of the project timeline using a Gantt chart, highlighting key milestones and
deadlines for each phase of the project.

- Conclusion: Summary of findings, implications for practice, and recommendations for addressing
the identified problem, emphasizing the significance of Cloudinary in facilitating meaningful
connections and collaborations within the
entrepreneurial ecosystem.


2.1. Evaluation & Selection of Specifications/Features:

A thorough evaluation of existing literature and industry practices reveals a myriad of features
deemed essential for the successful implementation of the Cloudinary platform. These features are
not only critical for addressing the needs of startup founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry
experts but also play a pivotal role in ensuring the platform's effectiveness and user satisfaction.
Among the key features identified are:

- User Profiles: Comprehensive user profiles allowing individuals to showcase their skills, expertise,
past experiences, and investment preferences. These profiles serve as a crucial tool for matchmaking
and establishing meaningful connections within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

- Matching Algorithm: Implementation of a sophisticated matching algorithm leveraging data

analytics and machine learning techniques to pair startup founders with compatible investors and
industry experts based on their profiles, interests, and objectives. The algorithm should continuously
refine its recommendations based on user feedback and interaction patterns.

- Messaging System: A robust messaging system facilitating seamless communication and

collaboration between users. This feature enables users to initiate discussions, exchange ideas,
negotiate terms, and coordinate project activities directly within the platform, streamlining the
collaboration process.

- Networking Events: Integration of virtual networking events, webinars, workshops, and industry
meetups to provide users with opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional
development. These events serve as catalysts for fostering connections, nurturing partnerships, and
accessing valuable resources and insights.

- Resource Library: Curating a comprehensive resource library comprising articles, guides, case
studies, templates, and best practices covering various aspects of startup development, fundraising,
and business management. This feature serves as a knowledge hub for users seeking guidance,
inspiration, and practical advice on their entrepreneurial journey.

- Feedback Mechanism: Implementation of a user feedback mechanism allowing individuals to

provide input, suggestions, and ratings on their interactions and experiences within the platform.
This feedback loop not only fosters user engagement and loyalty but also provides valuable insights
for optimizing platform functionality and enhancing user satisfaction.

2.2. Design Constraints:

In designing the Cloudinary platform, it is imperative to consider a multitude of constraints spanning

regulatory, economic, environmental, health and safety, manufacturability, professional ethics, and
social and political dimensions. These constraints pose challenges and limitations that must be
navigated effectively to ensure the platform's viability, sustainability, and ethical integrity.

- Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to relevant data protection, privacy, and security regulations
(e.g., GDPR, CCPA) to safeguard user data and mitigate legal risks.

- Economic Factors: Cost-effectiveness and resource efficiency in platform development, operation,

and maintenance to maximize value for stakeholders while minimizing financial burdens.

- Environmental Sustainability: Integration of eco-friendly practices and technologies to minimize

environmental footprint and promote sustainability throughout the platform's lifecycle.

- Health and Safety Standards: Implementation of measures to ensure user safety and well-being,
particularly in virtual networking events and interactions.

- Manufacturability: Consideration of technical feasibility, scalability, and scalability in platform

design and implementation to facilitate seamless deployment and scalability.

- Professional Ethics: Adherence to ethical principles and standards of conduct governing

professional behavior, integrity, and transparency in all platform-related activities.
- Social and Political Considerations: Awareness of social dynamics, cultural sensitivities, and
geopolitical factors that may influence user behavior, preferences, and interactions within the

2.3. Analysis and Feature Finalization subject to Constraints:

In light of the identified constraints, it becomes imperative to critically assess the feasibility,
viability, and impact of each feature and prioritize accordingly. Some features may need to be
modified, enhanced, or even omitted to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, economic
viability, environmental sustainability, and ethical standards. For instance:

- User Profiles: While comprehensive user profiles are essential for effective matchmaking and
networking, measures must be taken to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and protect
user confidentiality.

- Matching Algorithm: The sophistication of the matching algorithm must be balanced with
considerations of computational resources, scalability, and user experience. Simplified algorithms
may be preferred initially, with the option to incorporate more advanced techniques as the platform

- Messaging System: Robust security measures and content moderation protocols should be
implemented to prevent misuse, spam, harassment, and other undesirable behaviors within the
messaging system.

- Networking Events: Virtual events should be designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind,
accommodating users with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and preferences. Measures should be taken
to ensure the safety and security of participants, particularly in larger-scale events.

- Resource Library: Content curation should prioritize accuracy, relevance, and diversity to provide
users with high-quality resources catering to their varied needs and interests.

- Feedback Mechanism: User feedback should be actively solicited and carefully analyzed to identify
areas for improvement and address user concerns promptly and effectively.

2.4. Design Flow:

To address the identified constraints and finalize the features of the Cloudinary platform, multiple
design alternatives must be considered. Two alternative designs/processes/flows are proposed:

- Design 1: Prioritizes simplicity, accessibility, and affordability, focusing on core features essential
for establishing a functional and user-friendly platform. This design emphasizes streamlined user
onboarding, intuitive navigation, and efficient matchmaking to deliver value to users while
minimizing development costs and resource requirements.

- Design 2: Embraces innovation, customization, and scalability, incorporating advanced

technologies and features to enhance user engagement, collaboration, and networking capabilities.
This design explores opportunities for incorporating AI-driven analytics, blockchain-based
verification mechanisms, virtual reality networking environments, and other cutting-edge solutions
to differentiate the platform and provide a superior user experience.

2.5. Design Selection:

The above designs are evaluated based on various criteria, including feasibility, scalability, cost-
effectiveness, regulatory compliance, user experience, and alignment with platform objectives. After
careful consideration and comparison, Design 1 is selected as the preferred option due to its
pragmatic approach, simplicity, and alignment with budgetary and regulatory constraints. While
Design 2 offers exciting possibilities for innovation and differentiation, its complexity, cost, and
potential implementation challenges may outweigh the benefits, particularly in the early stages of
platform development. By prioritizing essential features and functionalities, Design 1 ensures a solid
foundation for the Cloudinary platform, enabling gradual expansion and evolution over time.
2.6. Implementation Plan/Methodology:

The implementation plan for Design 1 involves a systematic approach to platform development,
encompassing the following steps:

1. Requirements Gathering: Collaborate with stakeholders to define detailed specifications, user

stories, and acceptance criteria for the Cloudinary platform.

2. Design and Prototyping: Develop wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to visualize the user
interface, user experience, and interaction flow. Solicit feedback from stakeholders and iterate on
design concepts to ensure alignment with user needs and platform objectives.

3. Development: Employ agile development methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, to iteratively

build and test the platform's features and functionalities. Prioritize core features for initial
development and deployment while maintaining flexibility to accommodate changes and
enhancements based on user feedback and evolving requirements.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Conduct comprehensive testing to validate the functionality,
performance, security, and usability of the platform. Utilize automated testing tools, manual testing
processes, and user acceptance testing (UAT) to identify and address bugs, defects, and usability
issues promptly.

5. Deployment and Launch: Roll out the platform in phases, starting with a limited beta release to a
select group of users for feedback and validation. Gradually expand the user base and feature set
based on feedback and performance metrics. Coordinate marketing and promotional efforts to
generate awareness, attract users, and drive adoption of the Cloudinary

3.1. Implementation of Solution:

To effectively implement the Cloudinary platform solution, modern tools and technologies will be
utilized across various stages of the project lifecycle. These tools encompass analysis, design,
project management, communication, testing, characterization, interpretation, and data validation.

For in-depth analysis of user requirements, market trends, and competitive landscape, advanced
analytical tools and software will be employed. This may include data analytics platforms such as
Tableau or Power BI for visualizing and interpreting market data, sentiment analysis tools for
understanding user feedback, and statistical software like R or Python for quantitative analysis.

Design Drawings/Schematics/Solid Models:

To translate conceptual ideas into tangible designs, computer-aided design (CAD) software will
be utilized for creating detailed drawings, schematics, and solid models of the Cloudinary
platform. Popular CAD tools such as Autodesk AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or Fusion 360 will enable
the design team to visualize, simulate, and iterate on the platform's architecture, user interface,
and functionality.

Report Preparation:
For comprehensive report preparation, tools that facilitate collaboration, document management,
and formatting will be utilized. Cloud-based platforms such as Google Workspace or Microsoft
Office 365 offer a suite of productivity tools including Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and
PowerPoint for creating and formatting reports, presentations, and documentation collaboratively.

Project Management and Communication:

To streamline project management and communication among team members, stakeholders, and
collaborators, project management software will be employed. Platforms such as Asana, Trello, or
Jira enable task tracking, scheduling, resource allocation, and real-time communication, fostering
transparency, accountability, and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.
Testing/Characterization/Interpretation/Data Validation:
For testing, characterization, interpretation, and data validation of the Cloudinary platform, a
combination of tools and techniques will be employed. This may include:
- Automated testing frameworks such as Selenium or TestNG for functional testing of web
applications, ensuring robustness and reliability of platform features.
- Version control systems like Git for managing codebase changes, facilitating collaboration
among developers, and ensuring code integrity.
- Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using tools like Jenkins or
GitLab CI for automating build, test, and deployment processes, enabling rapid iteration and
delivery of updates.
- Data validation tools such as Apache JMeter or Locust for performance testing, stress testing,
and scalability testing of the platform under simulated user loads.
- Statistical analysis software such as SPSS or SAS for analyzing testing results, identifying
patterns, trends, and anomalies, and making data-driven decisions to optimize platform
performance and user experience.

3.2 Testing

4.1. Conclusion:

The implementation of the Cloudinary platform solution is expected to yield several outcomes
aligned with the project objectives, including enhanced connectivity, collaboration, and resource
access within the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through the integration of key features such as user
profiles, matchmaking algorithms, messaging systems, and networking events, the platform aims to
facilitate meaningful connections between startup founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry
experts, thereby fostering innovation, growth, and success within the startup community.
Additionally, the platform's user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and comprehensive
resource library are anticipated to contribute to a positive user experience and high engagement

However, deviations from the expected results may occur due to various factors such as technical
challenges, user adoption rates, and market dynamics. For instance, unforeseen technical issues
during platform development and deployment may lead to delays or performance limitations,
impacting user satisfaction and adoption. Moreover, changes in user preferences, competitive
landscape, or regulatory requirements may necessitate adjustments to the platform's features,
functionality, or business model, resulting in deviations from initial expectations. Addressing such
deviations requires proactive problem-solving, agile adaptation, and continuous improvement to
align the platform with evolving user needs and market trends.

4.2. Future Work:

Looking ahead, several areas warrant further exploration and enhancement to extend the capabilities
and impact of the Cloudinary platform solution. Key considerations for future work include:

1. User Feedback and Iterative Improvement: Continuously gather feedback from users,
stakeholders, and market trends to identify areas for improvement and refinement. Utilize agile
development methodologies to iteratively enhance the platform's features, usability, and performance
based on user input and evolving requirements.
2. Advanced Matching Algorithms: Explore the integration of advanced machine learning and
artificial intelligence techniques to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the platform's
matchmaking algorithms. Incorporate user behavior analysis, predictive modeling, and personalized
recommendations to optimize user connections and collaboration opportunities.

3. Expansion of Networking Opportunities: Diversify and expand the range of networking events,
workshops, and educational resources offered on the platform to cater to a broader audience and
address emerging needs and interests within the entrepreneurial community. Collaborate with
industry partners, experts, and influencers to curate engaging and relevant content that drives user
engagement and participation.

4. Integration with Emerging Technologies: Stay abreast of emerging technologies such as

blockchain, virtual reality, and augmented reality, and explore opportunities for integrating these
technologies into the platform to enhance user engagement, interaction, and immersion. Experiment
with innovative features such as virtual networking environments, digital asset management, and
decentralized financing to differentiate the platform and provide unique value propositions to users.

5. Regulatory Compliance and Data Security: Stay vigilant and proactive in ensuring compliance
with evolving data protection, privacy, and security regulations to safeguard user data and mitigate
legal risks. Implement robust cybersecurity measures, encryption protocols, and access controls to
protect sensitive information and build trust among users.

6. Community Building and Partnerships: Foster a vibrant and supportive community around the
Cloudinary platform by actively engaging users, fostering collaboration, and facilitating knowledge
sharing. Forge strategic partnerships with industry associations, accelerators, incubators, and
educational institutions to expand the platform's reach, enhance its value proposition, and create
synergies for mutual benefit.

By prioritizing these areas for future work and embracing a culture of innovation, collaboration, and
continuous improvement, the Cloudinary platform can evolve into a dynamic and indispensable
resource for startup founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts, driving innovation,

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