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THREE DIMENTIONAL LANGUAGE ACQUISITION TEST (3D-LAT) Geetha Harlekhar, 1986 BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This scale assesses the following three dimensions: 1, Reception 2. Expression 3. Cognition AGE GROUP: 9 months to 36 months AGE INTERVALS: 2 months up to 32 months and 3months for last age group PURPOSE: Early differential diagnosis of major childhood disorders affecting language development can be facilitated by the use of this scale. Delayed speech and language development, specific language impairment, hearing impairment, mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorder and the other disorders affecting emergent language can be readily identifiable in 1 or 2™ year when evaluated along with other diagnostic information. It is very helpful in clinical diagnosis as it emphasizes on the cognitive aspects. Since language and cognition are interrelated, both the expressive, receptive and cognitive aspects should be assessed by the speech-language pathologist. This would help the examiner to arrive at a correct diagnosis and plan for an effective treatment Program. The scale also reveals any differences that may exist between the child’s chronological age his or her (1) receptive language age (RLA) (2) Expressive language age (ELA) (2) Cognitive language age (CLA). SCORING: “+”:- only when the informant indicates the behavior is typical. nly when the informant indicates the behavior is not observed. “+/-* only when the behavior is emergent or only partially exhibited. ‘The examiner starts the administration with the age level which is equal to the chronological age of the child. By moving up or down the age level, find out the highest age level at which the child gets two positive responses out of three. This level at which at least two items are present should be recorded for receptive, expressive and cognitive skills. THREE DIMENSIONAL LANGUAGE ACQUISITION TEST (3D-LAT) COGNITION AGE RECEPTION EXPRESSION 911 Does the baby point/indicate | Does your baby point | Does your baby MONTHS. in some way when an to and name father & | engage in somewhat object/person is named? Eg. | mother sometimes? _| structured play? Eg Where is the light? Where is Hide & seek, throwing Raju? (when object or person | ‘Kicking ball is within immediate reach) accompanied by much vocalization but not _.verbali Does your baby comprehend | Does your baby ask | Does your baby make simple commands such as for desired things by _| attempts to sing? “Say, bye bye”? pointing, stretching | (vocalize tunefully) . hand, accompanied by ‘give’? Does your baby mime when | Does your baby say _ | Has your baby begun an action is named? ‘finished’ to signify _| to play with dolls with Eg. How does a car go? completion of atask | vocalization & some (eg. Eating) in action | verbalization? Eg. or speech, when | Talking to the doll, asked? | putting it to sleep by | humming [‘emmmmm’, ete. 1214 Does the baby point to body | Does your baby begun | Does your baby parts when named? express need by pretend to read books saying ‘give’ or naming the object eg, Bikki? verbalizing name or words like, papa, mama etc? Does your baby point 10 himself when asked questions such as ‘whose shirt is this’? Has your baby begun naming objects, animals, eatables, etc? Does your baby show increased activity in manipulating objects? | Eg. Turning on the radio, picking up a shoulder bag & swinging it on shoulder, etc. Does your baby follow simple commands that require action or verbalization on his part? Eg. Good, bye bring. your shoes, sing a song(baby says a-a-a) Does your baby describe event by naming the person involved along with few actions? Eg. ‘Daddy’ + waving of hand (to indicate that daddy has gone out) Does your baby show | better structured dance movements in play? Does the baby respond appropriately to ‘where” | questions? Eg. Where is mama? ; Where is the ball? (Persons/objects not within immediate reach) Does your baby make appropriate animal/ vehigle noises when asked? Eg. ‘Bow-bow’, “Buuuuu’) Does your baby identify familiar voices by naming the individual concemed? Does your baby understand | ‘who & what’ questions? Eg. Who/what is this? What Does your baby repeat words when asked to repeat? Does your baby see reflection of self in mirror or spectacle mummy’, ‘wash your face’, of a person with 1-2 | isin the bottle? and utter his/her i _ name? Does your baby understand | Does your baby Is your baby instructions like ‘call signify disappearance | interested in using a pencil/pen for “bring a plate *, etc.? word utterances? scribbling on Eg. Papa gone paper/walls? Does your baby comprehend | Does your baby ask | Do you feel that your questions regarding action of | for objects using baby talks equally j agents in pictures? Responds | ‘where’? good as other babies either by naming the action | Eg. ‘Where ball?” of same age? in baby talk form or more often by miming. Eg. What is this man doing? — Bathing | (speaks in baby talk form) Does your baby comprehend | Does your baby use | Does your baby questions concerning habitual | possessor or remember events in behavior of named agents? —_| possession which he/ she was Responds with one word relationship? Eg. answer. Eg. What did ‘Mummy's chappal’, | to queries about its mummy cook? —Chappati | ‘Daddy's shirt” details? Eg. Where did we go yesterday? Does your baby comprehend questions regarding states (attributes) of the objects? Responds with one-word answers. Eg. How does this coffee feel? — Hot. How does this ice cream feel? — Cold ‘Does your baby use more kinship terms? Eg. Aunt, Uncle, Elder sister, etc. "| Does your baby comprehend one/many distinction? Does he/she counts 1- 2-3 as a response to “How many?’ (counts, but not meaningfully) Does the baby comprehend _ | Does your baby ask | Does your baby grammatically more complex | questions regarding | remember past event ‘Who’ question? Eg. Who | names of the objects | & respond queries Bave the medicine? Who involved in action? _| appropriately? Eg. brought the dress for you? | Eg. What are you Who had come _ ___| reading? esterday? — Aunt Does your baby understand | Does your baby use | Does your baby | questions requiring object _| future tense to involve in role ‘manipulation? Eg. Will you comb Daddy's hair? describe events? ‘switching games as mother/father? Eg. Plays using toy cooking set? Pretends to prepare tea or coffee for | others. Pretends driving, going to office Does your baby understand when asked to say something? Eg. Did you say “thank you"? Does your baby make assertive negative statements? Eg. You must not do that. Don’t touch that. Does your baby involve himself in more structured & imaginative play? Eg, Talks over an imaginary telephone acts as host to imaginary guests. 24-26 Does your child comprehend questions with case markers & respond appropriately? Eg. Whose is this? — Ramya’s. What happened to vinod? — Vinod fell down Does your child initiate conversation by asking a question, drawing attention to something in a book? Eg. What is this? Did you use? Is he wearing a cap? Does your child use sophisticated tools? Eg. Pasting a paper, making arrow with paper, using scissors, etc. Does your child comprehend “where? questions & respond using words / suffixes indicating spatial relations? Eg. Where is he playing? — In the water. Where’s the book? =On the table Does your child use past and present tense in sentences to describe events? Does your child name basic colors, like blue, green, and red? Does your child comprehend “How’ questions & answer evaluating its quality? Eg. How was that?-It was nice/ good / bad, ete Does your child use later, afterwards, etc. Does your child exhibit social knowledge? ie. knows that to buy things have to go toa shop, scolds the doll for becoming dirty, etc 27-29 | Does your child comprehend | ‘how’ questions & respond giving the cause? Eg. How did you get hurt? — hit me ...1 fell down’. Does your child use f-then’ construction? Eg. Ifthe eyes are hurt, then they will put medicine Does your child pretend role switching activities in an extensive way? Eg. Fold clothes, cleans utensils, washes clothes, involves in Eg. 1 am going to write, repair work (hammering, os screwing, etc.) Does your child comprehend | Does your child Does your child join ‘what are you going to do?” | express ability / blocks and make and answer correctly. inability to do configurations like something and also query this aspect on other? Eg. I can’t do it. Can you do it? chairs, table or build house with bricks, sand, etc.? Does your child comprehend “Why/what for’ questions and respond giving reasons? Eg. Why do you want the pen? ~ I want to write. Does your child produce a sequence of instructions to get an agent to perform a task? Eg. Lam going out . You get up. Put ‘on your chappals. Does your child imitate the mannerisms of others? Eg. Wears spectacles ke grandma/teacher, imitates baby cry, etc. 30-32 "| Does your child understand statements or questions of negative type and respond appropriately? Eg. Don’t go Does your child use conversation increasingly to describe fantasized out, its raining. — Alright,1 | events? to questions? Eg. 1 won't go What are you Eg, What if.... There_| won’t take bath. | am eating? ~ Nothing. Where is] 1 will... Whenlam | hungry. I want to eat. the box? — I don’t know big. ‘Does your child exhibit the concept of reasoning while asking or responding Does your child comprehend “How many’ questions & respond by counting? Eg. How many fr there? — Two (uses meaningfully) are Does your child involve him/herself in conversational episodes for a long period & with greater self assurance? Egchild: | want sweets. Mother: When we go to market we will buy some. When shall we Inthe evening. Child: how shall we g0 by bus or walk Does your child comprehend | Does your child Does your child talk ‘why’ questions which asking ‘why’ question | about people in their | require reasoning & give | asking for reasons? _| absence? Eg. Where is ‘correct answer? Eg. Why is Eg. Why are you papa? When will he the eye burning? — Dust fell | pouring water from | come back inside my eyes. the pipe? Why don’t you want this? _ 33-36 Does your child comprehend | Does your child | Does your child questions on imaginary 0ssess ability to | exhibit the concept of situations? Eg. What will you | imitate others | job and salary? Eg. If do if't rains when we go out? | behaviors | one goes to work, dramatically including | get salary. their speech? i | Does your child comprehend | Does your child make | Does your child plan 2or3 sequential verbal use of complex | about the future? Ey instructions Eg. To draw ‘E’, draw I long line& 3 short lines. sentence construction? | “Mama next week Eg. What shall Ido if | we'll go to grandma's my dress gets spoilt? | place’, ‘I'll goto | school from next ;.month” Does your child comprehend | Does your child use | Does your child ask | descriptive statements on | time related terms | questions about objects/ individuals? Eg. Who stops the vehicles on the road? Who teaches you at school? such as ‘next week"? | language usage? Eg. Asks for equivalent meaning in another Janguage that he knows or asks for help in expressing a | particular things “ | How do I | say...correctt 3 DIMENTIONAL LANGUAGE ACQUISITION TEST SCORE SHEET Case Name: No: Age/Sex: Date: PD: [Age in months | RECEPTION EXPRESSION COGNITION L ITEMS _| RESPONSE | ITEMS | RESPONSE | ITEMS _| RESPONSE 9-11 R11 E11 C1 R12 E1.2 C12 R13 3 | 12-14 R2.2 E21 R2.2 E212 eae R23 £2.3 15-17 R3.1 63.1 _| R32 | E3.2 R33 £3.3 i 18-20 R4.1 _ E41 a R4.2 E4.2 - R43 £43 21-23 R5.1 E51 R5.2 £5.2 R53 £53 zi 24-26 R61 £61 | R6.2 £6.2 R63 £63 27-29 R71 E71 _| [R7.2 E7.2 R73 £73 30-32 R8.1 E81 R8.2 £8.2 R8.3 £8.3 33-36 R91 £9.1 R92 £9.2 - R93 £93 RLA: ELA: CLA: STAFF I/C : CLINICIAN: rer Bt nz a eo a ltems of Language Assessment Tool (LAT) ITSMS OF LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT: TOOL.. Expresses anger or displeasure hishher own name. 5-6 months! 6 Stops or withdraws in Fesponse to no at least half the number of times. 9-7 month: 7. Responés with appropriate gestures to such words as come. up. high, bye-bye etc. & Appears tw recognize the flames of some common objects when theirnames are spoken + by looking at them. Appears tounderstand —*- simple verhal requests with Festutes. Eg:come, give 1 Expresses anger or displeasureby vocal pat tems other than by shouting or screaming. Plays and makes pleasurable sounds and noises while alone ‘or with others (cooing responses) Uses voice Sounds to get attention of others. Uses some speecli like vacali- sation - appears to be naming somes things in his own Tanguage Plays games like pat-a-cake or peek-a-boo with others. (Check with the games appropriate to the language or mother (on: of the child). Receptlve(R) Expressive(E) (0-Lmonths) 1 a Baby is often quictened by Baby shows random vocalisation other than familiarfriendly voice * coving. -2months) Frequently the child gives Exhibits differentiated direct attention to others crying Eg:has a special cry for voice. Specify the responses hunger. ' Eg:cessation or change of activity. 2-3months) weal 2 3. Regularly localizes the ae reset @ speakers by staring. . G-4month) -. “4: Usually is frightened or — Ss RELEIES TEST aE oe ne ' Bs Babbles regularly or repea disturbed by angry voices. seties of some sounds. Crying or ready wo cry. especially when alene- {4S months) Sustains interest in look IME LOys OF objects, when talked about, {9-10 months) Often gives toys or ether Objects to the parent on verbal request. 0-11 months) 43. Now and then can follow simple commands like, putthat down, where is the ball, without gestures. Comprchends questions suct as How docs a Car go? How does one powder oneself? How do you drive a bullock cart and responds by miming. - {11-12months) ae “Demonstrate understanding — — by making appropriate verbal responses to some requests Eg.byc-bye. namaste etc (12-14 months: 15. 16. 7 Seems to understand that the speaker is argry. tired,happy, sad etc Comprehends names of Principal body parts and points to them when asked.Eg-heud, stomach, eye.checks etc, Comprehends sin that call for acti commands balisation and responds with action or vocalization Eg: Bring the ball, Wipe your face. Don’ttouch (14-16months) ro Recognizes and identities many cbjccts or pietures uf objects wher they see named, *Usos sono gosturés such us ‘shaking head for no, “ocalizations or utterances contain more consonants than scenatthe6 months stage. ‘Seems to be speaking in his! herown language by using ‘appropriate intonation pattern as if asking questions, giving answers ordemanding. Speaks first works like dada. mama or name of a pet or 2 toy. ~~ Can express the existence of other persons by pointing to them and naming sometimes upon request. Uses-more than 3 words with some consistency. Asks for desired objecis by using vocalizations alon; with gesturing or pointing. bles Starts'naming objects. and animais in baby talk forras. Eg-how-bow, bikki, Stans using two word utterances ‘expressing limited semantic relations. Eg:Object+action- ball givo, toy play. Agentraction- mana come, daddy go. Possessor + Possession my doll, my shist, 19. Comprehends question forms Expresses disappearance by by pointing to sclffothers.Eg: using works such as pone, tata Whose shirtis this? pencil ~: Whose aachi etc. (16-18 months) 20. Carries out two consecutive directions with objects upon request. Eg:Puton the light & : close the door, put the book nail. eye brows, etc. away and bring the ball Names more family members and five body parts: Eg:brother sister, maria, aunt, finger, 8-20 months) . Uses simple imperatives such Comprehends questions as more, throw for action on j querying actions of agents and the part of adults. | responds by naming the object : | —of action-Eg:Whatis-the girl doing?.-.'. a | - B | What is the dog doing? Ss Barking, bow-bow. Whatis the boy doing? Sleeping. 2 Demonstrates understanding of Imitates environtacatal sounds ' distinctions ir personal pronouns in such as of motors, animals ; commands such as give during play. | itto her, give it to me etc. {20-22 months) 23. Comprehends indirect Uses same words /phrases to questions that are commands or differentthings/activities. ‘ suggestions Eg:Did you bring it? Eg: Uses amma to call mother. Can you give him? Will you give as well as to indicate her forthe baby? disappearance. months! Comprehends which questions and responds appropriately. Eg:which book? which aunty? Child starts using what who, questions to elicit naming interacting partners Eg: what is this? who is this? — 1S_of 26 {24-26.momhs). 5 25. Understands complex + 5 Refers to cell by using his! sentenoes. Bg: When we gohome, her own name. Iwill give you a chocolate. 26. Understands more number of Expresses donit finer body pacts, such as, not glass. Idd not do it. cherk, different fingers. neck ete. 7 (27-30 months) | Asks help for some personal 27. Comprehends why questions needs like washing hands,going by giving reasons. to toilet using words Eg:Why do you want pen? ‘or words with gestures. Why are you crying? 28. Understands size diffences. by Expresses concepts such as, correctly selecting quantity - another, all Httle short tec, big trec, small time, later,now,big.small etc. pencil and big pencil etc. 0-33 monthd : 29°. Demonstrates understanding Refers to self by using a pronoun : ~ -—of-mostcommon adjectives: Eg: — satherthan by his‘her) 7 pointing to tall/shortman,fa Proper name. thin lady, favthin man exc. 3 Can comprehend post pos Can teil correct gender when works in instructions. Eg:on, asked are you a boy ora girl under. behind, in front, ete: 33-36 months) 1 Can comprehend questions Isable to count up to three querying imaginary situations. objects. Eg:What will you do......? Uyou area thief Iyou area teacher & 32. Can follow instructions of *Able to tell 2 of 3 actions # task without needing an from an illustration or accompanying demonstration Eg:Put a small toy on the top ofthe book. ep the book near the table. Chitd uses pecutiar words for adjectives and adverbs 1 group similar things ike father’s clothes, mother's clothes, sorting of vegetables etc 16 oF 26 34. 35°. 36°. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4 42, Can identify the first, middlo'and last-cars, persons ina line, in « picture. Car comprehend comparative words as related (o six -bigger pencil, srnaller pencil, smaller box, bigger box ete.speed-slower one, faster onc. Comprehends word orderin instructions such as bus is behind the car, cag is behind the bus. Comprchends that 2 10 rupee note is more than a5 rupze ‘oie, 50 paise is more than 25 Paise etc. Can understand relationship between milk and curds, rice & cooked-tice etc. Can identify correctactions when verb forms are presented for the task about to take place, going on and task completed. Eg:going toclimb, climbing, climbed, Follows verbal directions move from place to place within the building in a familiar setting: Understands reasons for rot doing something that was promised earlier. Eg:We can’t go to market today because it is raining. Buys simple items froma shop when requested and exact amountof money is given. Comprehends simple jokes like child wearing big shoes, bigger spectacles etc Usos words first, last, lator ere. whon asked for Bg: whin did yous do lathe morminc: what did youd atthe park? Can ask for small toy, big toy small biscuit; bigger biscuit etc. Describes action pictures/ situations using correct word order. Eg: dog is chasing the eat, cat is chasing the dog. When clarifications are asked adds moire. words or provides explanation. Waits for an answer aster - asking a question(tum taking) and vice versa. 2 Anitiates conversation-ex-pictures, Pressing ideas on hishher ows, and narrates incidence. Tells name and address upon request. Speaks clearly, enough to be. understood even by an unfami. liar persons. Imitates words, phrases and sentences. Uses limited/repeated utterances in his conversation 45, 46. 47. 48. teacher, doctor, driver, conductoretc. Comprehends descriptive; statements about individuals, objocts & thelr ations. Bg.who stops buses & cars on the rond? Who delivers lower? Who works in the ficld? Who makes food at _ home? Understands the difference betweca moming and evening, day and night, yesterday and today. a Identifies colors of objects. Enjoys music, dances and laps to the rhythm, Understands, identifies and does role play-Eg:acting like Catogorizes &iclls the nencs of tho groups of animals, vegetables, fruits etc. Anticipates future events.Eg: itis cloudy - it will cain.-1 will take the umbrella. Able to tell lies. Asks for stories.

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