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Information text

They are true texts that provide a reader with facts, details and information about a specific

Examples of information texts

Textbooks,newspapers, encyclopedia,atlas, magazine, dictionary, biography

Purpose of information text

-To explain how something works
-To answer a question
-To describe,a person,place thing or event
-To persuade or convince
-To amuse or tell a story

Features of information text

1)Heading and subheadings
The title of a section in a text

2)Bold word/Key vocabulary

Words that are important to understand the specific topic of text

Define key vocabulary words

Word underneath a picture that explains what the picture is about

5)Table of contents
A list usually found on a page before the start of a written work of its chapters or section titles or
brief description with their commencing page numbers.

Types of information texts

There are four types of information texts
Literary nonfiction, persuasion, expository,procedural

1)literary nonfiction
It contains facts,they tell a story in an engaging and creative way
It is meant to entertain the reader
It has story elements like characters,setting,plot.

2)procedural texts
It provides step by step procedure that describes how to complete a task
Provides readers with directions for making things.
3) Expository
Explains or informs a reader about a topic in a clear way
Presents details on what they are describing
They utilize various text structure such as description,cause and effect, comparison and
contrast, problem and solution, question and answer

4) Persuasive or argument texts

Convinces a reader to adopt a particular point of view or take specific action
These texts typically include claims, evidence and persuasive language to influence the reader

Identify the feature described in the sentence
1.It shows what words are important or what words are found in the glossary

2.A sentence that tells who,what,or when the picture of photograph shows

3.List of new or important words in the book with definition

4.Bold words that tell what the paragraph is all about

5.Guides on the page which you will find information

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