Dream Trip Script

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Dream Trip Script

When we travel to the Grand Canyon Arizona, USA

My name is Natthanan Jittimathaworn and my nickname is Air.
Today we’re going to present about Our Dream Trip
The place that we have chosen is Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park is located in northwestern Arizona, in

the 15th site in the United States. And it’s the greatest of the rocky
mountains created by nature through millions of years.
1. The Reason
We would like to see the wonderfull of nature at the Grand Canyon
and do various exciting activities together.
2. Activities that we want to do
- Getting to the skywalk
- Walk up the mountain to see the scenery at South Rim.
- Watch a movie about the grand canyon at national geographic
- Rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
- Cycle at the Grand Canyon
- Take the Grand Canyon Railways
- Take the helicopter for sightseeing
- Camping on the mountain at Grand Canyon and have a Bar-B-Q
- Visit to the National Park Service Rangers Museum
3. Trip’s Information
Grand Canyon is during season all year, weather permitting. So we
plan to went on the summer And We will stay at Grand Canyon National
Park for 3 day.
We will fly to the USA with friends.When We’re at the USA, we will Rent
a car and drive to Grand Canyon South Rim. Then park and use the free
shuttle bus to get around and enjoy the place

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