PBJ Outline Example

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Title: It’s Peanut Buttuh Jelly Time

By: James Dobson

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


I. Attention Getter: When I was a child I remember having the best PB & Js out of my entire lunch table.

II. Significance Step: According to Cooking Light May 2019, “Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with natural
peanut butter is a much healthier alternative for children and adults alike.” (Furber, 2019)

III. Connection with the Audience: Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches are a staple of American culture and provide
all people the opportunity to save money and eat better.

(Preview: Today we will discuss making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by first gathering our ingredients, next we
will assemble the sandwich, and finally we can package the sandwich.)
I. Main Point: You must have the necessary ingredients.
A. Use either plain or chunky peanut butter.
B. Use a jelly or jam, made without artificial additives.
C. Use fresh bread, preferably whole grained.

(Transition: Now that we have the ingredients, it’s time to make the sandwich.)

II. Main Point: You need to assemble the sandwich.

A. Spread the first slice with peanut butter.
B. Spread the other slice with jelly or jam.
C. Put the two slices together.

(Transition: Unless you are eating it immediately, the sandwich must be wrapped to stay fresh.)

III. Main Point: You need to package the sandwich to take to school.
A. Use biodegradable wrappers, such as wax paper, rather than plastic wrap.
B. Fold the wax paper neatly around the sandwich.
C. Place the sandwich in a paper bag.


(Review: We have covered the important aspects of putting together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by first making
sure we had the necessary ingredients, we then assembled the sandwich, and finally we wrapped the sandwich.)

I. Close with Impact: Enjoy your lunch and go to a movie or by a book with the money you have saved.


Child, J., Legazzi, E., Furber-Dobson, J. L., & Can-Cook, Y. (2020, January 22). Los Angeles
Times, p. A1.
Furber, A. A. (2019, May). The Best PB & J Ever. Cooking Light, 159, 292.
Grace, J. (2019, June 15). Food Channel Representative. Personal Interview.
Sandwedge, T. G. (2001). Cook However You Want. New York: Routledge.

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