Stepbrother Stalker - Emma Bray

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stepbrother stalker

Copyright © 2022 by Emma Bray
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems,
without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8


I IGNORE the tray of champagne the waiter offers me and

take a sip of the water I've been nursing instead.
I don't have anything against alcohol, but I rarely drink
nowadays. Not like I ever had a problem with drinking in
the past or anything, but in my profession, it's good to
always keep a clear head, even when you're not on the job.
It's what I've been trained to do.
It’s not like I expect anything to go down at my dad's
wedding to his new wife. Still, it's better to be safe than
I personally handled all the security here. It’s not like
my dad is a high-profile client or anything, but you never
The only thing I wasn't able to do was vet all the guests,
so I don't know everyone here, but again, I'm not expecting
any kind of trouble. It's not like my dad is the head of the
city's mafia or anything. He’s just the head of a family of
three bullheaded boys.
I smirk to myself at that thought as I glance over at my
two brothers. Charlie is tucked into a corner like me,
observing everyone, and Luke is standing out in the open,
pulling on his collar like an overgrown child and scowling
at everyone and everything, being the grumpy asshole he
My heart warms when I see my dad dancing with his
new bride. Karen Shay looks at him with stars in her eyes,
and I couldn't ask for anyone better to take my mom's
place. Of course, I know no one will ever replace her in my
dad's heart, but I think he's grieved her long enough.
I had less time with Mom than my brothers what with
me being the youngest, but I still remember the way she
and my dad looked at each other with total devotion in our
Even as a young boy before I knew what that look
meant, I knew it was something special. I never thought I'd
see that look on my dad's face again, so seeing that he's
finally found someone who can make his eyes sparkle like
that again makes me happy for him.
My eyes continue to scan the perimeter, flicking over all
the guests chatting away happily. I'm content to stay in the
shadows like this, though. It's what I do for a living. I hang
back in obscurity, and I watch for signs of danger.
I don’t spot anything out of the ordinary until my eyes
land on a head of light blonde hair. It’s the color of the
morning sun and tumbles down a lithe little back.
My eyes trail over the tiny frame, down the gentle swell
of her hips and over the light blue fabric that falls all the
way to the floor. The woman turns around, and my chest
tightens painfully.
Fuck me, but she's the most beautiful little thing I've
ever seen. I can see the vibrant emerald color of her eyes
all the way from over here. They're framed by thick, dark
lashes that contrast starkly with her light blonde hair. Her
lips are full and puffy and naturally pink. They don't look
like they have any lipstick on them at all. I’m sure the girl
is wearing makeup, but it's so subtle I can't tell it. She’s a
natural beauty. An angel.
Her light is so blinding it almost hurts to look at her. She
looks like something pure and ethereal, like she’s not of
this world.
My hungry gaze roves over her, from the thin straps that
hold up a square-neckline dress all the way to her little toes
peeking out from underneath the hem of the gown.
She's tiny, yet she has subtle curves in all the right
places. She’s so little I bet I could span both my hands
around her waist, and her head would barely come up to
my chest.
While not quite as tall as my brothers, I'm a good six-
foot-one and big and burly to boot, compliments of all the
time I spend in the gym training honing my body into the
machine it is. I’ve never needed weapons. I have my two
hands and this hulking body. My strength is all I've ever
needed to make my way in this world.
My dad spins Karen to a stop in front of me, and she
grins at me happily as she blocks my view of the tiny
“Noah, what are you doing tucked away in a corner over
here? You need to come out and have some fun.”
“I’m having fun watching you make my dad so happy.” I
smile at her kindly. I only met her yesterday, but Karen’s
been nothing but nice to me. She and my dad had a
whirlwind romance, so much so that he sprung this
wedding on us after scarcely knowing her a month. He’s
that in love with her that he couldn’t wait to marry her.
Dad wraps an arm around his new wife's waist and
plants a kiss on her forehead. “She does do that, son,” he
tells me as he smiles. I tip my mouth into a grin for both of
“Have you met my daughters yet?” she asks me.
I shake my head. She scans the room and takes my arm,
pulling me through the crowd.
I let her just to be polite even though I'm not interested
in meeting anyone except that blonde goddess across the
I try to be as polite as possible as Karen introduces me
to her oldest daughter, a pretty redhead who seems
I don't take offense at her distraction because I am too.
My eyes keep flicking over to the little blonde angel.
“And where did Lucy get off to?” Karen stands on her
tiptoes as she looks all around before she shrugs. “Oh well,
we'll find her later. Now I'd like you to meet Cynthia,” she
tells me as she pulls me in another direction.
My chest tightens as I see we’re headed toward the little
blonde angel. Maybe she's talking to one of Karen's
daughters, and I’ll get to find out who she is. My chest
squeezes again at the thought.
“Cynthia!” Karen chirps happily.
My stomach plummets to my feet when the blonde angel
turns at the call, her beautiful green eyes crinkling as she
smiles at her mother.
“I’d like you to meet Noah, your new stepbrother.”
I gape at the woman I've been fantasizing about from
the moment I laid eyes on her and fight the urge to laugh at
the irony.
Fuck, she's my stepsister.


THERE'S OBVIOUSLY something very wrong with me

because I dream of chocolate brown eyes, sandy hair, and a
tall, burly frame all night. I dream of someone I definitely
should not be dreaming of.
My new stepbrother.
He has to be the biggest man I've ever seen. He's like a
giant, and while I got a glimpse of my other two
stepbrothers at the reception and they might be just as tall
as Noah, they are nowhere near as muscled as he is.
I never thought I was one of those girls who was into
muscular superhero-looking dudes, but apparently, I am
because I went weak in the knees when my mom dragged
the big man over to me.
Of course, he barely grunted two words at me before he
excused himself like something about me repulsed him.
My cheeks still flame in embarrassment. I didn't do
anything to him, so I don't know what he has against me.
Maybe he just isn't thrilled at the thought of getting a new
stepfamily. I don't know, but that's his problem—not mine.
What is my problem is the way there's this insistent ache
between my legs and moisture pooling between my thighs.
I slip my hand underneath the band of my panties and
find my clit, rubbing it in little circles. Pleasure snaps
through me at the motion, and I continue to rub myself in
slow circles.
Maybe this time I'll actually be able to bring myself to
orgasm. It's embarrassing that I'm twenty years old and
have never had an orgasm.
I know how it's done. I know women stimulate their
clits, and that's one way to have one, but it doesn't matter
how many romance novels I've read or how many times I've
tried. I've never been able to reach that pinnacle. I can feel
something building inside me, but I can never get any
farther than that.
It's frustrating to say the least.
But I've got to do something because I have an incessant
throbbing deep inside me right now. It’s worse than it’s
ever been, and I feel like I'll die if I don't get some sort of
Noah's chocolate brown eyes and big shoulders come to
my mind, and my breath hitches as I begin to circle my clit
faster. New tingles snap throughout my body, and I trail a
hand up until I reach my nipples and flick my fingertip
across one hardened bud.
I moan as I imagine what it would be like to have Noah
on top of me, sucking them. I imagine how tiny I would feel
wrapped up in his big strong arms.
I can still smell his masculine scent from yesterday. It
was clean and fresh, like citrus, but there was something
else too—something that must have just been him.
I imagine how amazing it would be to have that scent
completely wrapped around me.
I imagine what it would be like to feel his lips on mine,
to see the turgid column of the flesh between his thighs
jutting up tall and proud. I imagine he's just as big there as
he is everywhere else—long and thick.
I think of him stroking his hand up and down himself
with his eyes pinned on me while I pleasure myself like
I climb higher than ever before, my body vibrating, on
the verge of something cataclysmic.
And then suddenly something inside of me explodes. My
entire body convulses as wetness gushes between my
thighs, and I feel my pussy contracting around air,
mourning the loss of not really having something inside it.
But my god, the white-hot pleasure that rushes through
My toes curl, and my back arches as I ride out my
release until I flop back onto the bed, completely spent and
with a sheen of sweat covering my sticky skin.
Holy fuck. I can't believe I just had my first orgasm and
that it was to thoughts of my stepbrother Noah.
I bite my lip as shame washes over me. What's wrong
with me that the only way I'm able to get off is by thinking
of something as taboo as my new stepbrother? Is that what
does it for me? The taboo of the situation?
No, that's not it, I know. It's Noah. There's something
about him. Even though the man hardly spoke two words to
me, I can't get him out of my mind. He may not have said
much to me with his voice, but his eyes said plenty. They
bored into mine with more intensity than anything I've ever
seen in my entire life.
It's almost like he was angry with me, and silly little fool
that I am, I want nothing more than to lay down and take
his anger. He can punish me all he wants by riding out his
frustration on my body.
I stutter in a shaky breath as my heart rate slows back
to normal. I have to stop thinking like this. Noah is
And he obviously wants nothing to do with me.
I don't know why I'm so drawn to him, if it's just because
he's so hot or if it's something else, but it doesn't matter.
He and I can never be, so I need to get these silly notions
out of my head.
I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, telling myself that I
won't dream of him again.
But I do.


I grunt as my release tears up out of my balls with more

force than a cannon firing off.
Fuck, watching Cynthia rub her sweet little pussy was
my undoing. There was no way I could keep from pulling
my painfully hard cock out of my pants and rubbing one out
with her.
I've never seen anything more erotic than that innocent
little angel arching up in bed, playing with her nipple with
one hand while the other was moving between her sweet
My mouth salivates at the thought of tasting her. I’d love
to be in between her legs right now drinking up all her
sweet juices. I bet she tastes like peaches and cream.
I stroke my finger over her face on the computer screen.
I can still hear the sound of her sweet whimpers in my ears.
Everything about her is so motherfucking sweet.
My chest tightens as I watch her fall back into sleep like
the precious angel she is.
This is wrong on so many levels. I should leave her
alone. I should forget about her. She's my stepsister.
And god help me, I tried. I barely grunted out two words
of greeting to her before I excused myself from the
wedding party and came straight home. I wailed on my
punching bag to try to take out my frustration that the only
girl I've ever wanted is unattainable. She's forbidden fruit.
But fuck me if that doesn't make me want to pluck her
and taste her even more.
After beating the bag until sweat dripped off every inch
of my body, I finally collapsed on my weight bench, my
chest heaving up and down as the stark reality of my
situation set in on me.
I wasn't going to be able to forget about Cynthia.
Obsession had already taken root deep in my soul, and I
felt the driving need to find out everything I could about
So instead of doing the right thing—the honorable thing
—and pushing her out of my mind, I pulled up every
resource available to me and found out everything I could
about her.
I slipped into her apartment when she wasn't home and
bugged it with cameras. It's an invasion of her most basic
privacy, but I can't help it. I need to be able to see her at all
times. If I can't have her the way I really want, then I can at
least watch over her from afar like this.
I can protect her this way. That’s how I justify my
actions to myself. I need to be able to make sure there's
never any threat around her.
I pull the pair of panties I snatched from her apartment
from my pocket and hold them up to my nose, inhaling
deeply. They smell like her laundry detergent. I wish I could
have gotten a worn pair that still had the scent of her pussy
on it, but all of her clothes were clean, so I had to settle for
It's better than nothing. Knowing that this fabric once
touched the heaven between her legs is more than enough
to get me going again. Even though I just came with her, I
begin stroking myself again, hard and fast, as I imagine the
way she looks in these simple white panties.
For some reason, the thought of her in these turns me
on more than the thought of her in any sexy lingerie. Fuck
bustiers and lacy, silky panties. My angel is innocent and
doesn't need all those decorations. I don't know how I know
this, but I do. She's a virgin.
She has to be because the thought that anyone else has
ever been between her legs makes me growl in rage. If I
find out anyone has ever touched her, I’ll murder them.
It's insane, this possessiveness I feel over a girl I just
met—a girl who's my new stepsister no less. It's wrong on
so many levels, but nothing has ever felt more right.
I want to kiss every inch of her body from her beautiful
eyelids all the way down to the tips of her tiny little toes. I
let out another horse grunt as I come again, my sticky seed
shooting up out of me violently.
Fuck, I don't think I've ever come this hard before.
Thoughts of Cynthia have me busting nuts like I'm trying to
get her pregnant. My cock twitches at the thought of
planting my seed inside her and it taking root. Seeing her
belly swollen with my child for all the world to see, of
claiming her like that so that everyone would know she's
mine…fuck, it’s enough to make my cock hard again.
My chest tightens and my stomach drops, though, as I’m
reminded these are nothing but just fantasies.
Cynthia can't be mine.
She's my stepsister.
But that doesn't mean that I can't fantasize about her
and watch over her—wrong or not. It's either this or kidnap
her and tie her to me in every way possible. This is the
lesser of two evils. No matter how sick it may be.


JESUS, I didn't think it was possible for me to want

Cynthia any more than I already do, but as I watch her lithe
body lengthening and stretching as she leads her class
through yoga poses, I'm about to bust and shoot my filthy
load all in my pants.
I can't take it. This is torture.
I finally push myself away from my perch where I'm
staring in the window of her yoga studio. My chest is
heaving up and down as I storm down the sidewalk, my
blood boiling and my hands clenched into fists as I fight the
urge to march in there and fling her over my shoulder like
a warrior claiming his prize.
I could just take her. It’d be so easy. I'm big and brawny
enough that no one would question me, and I'm smart
enough to know how to breach any security system. I could
keep her hidden.
But I think of what that would do to my father and his
new wife. They'd be worried about her. Plus, I couldn't bear
the thought that she might hate me for taking her choice
away from her.
I’ve never been the kind of man to consider taking a
woman by force or to resort to kidnapping, and I can't
believe I'm even halfway entertaining these thoughts now.
I push them firmly out of my head and keep moving, the
adrenaline empowering me on until I find myself standing
outside her apartment.
I didn't consciously come here. It's just where my feet
led me.
I easily slip into her place. I don't even have to pick the
lock because of course I had my own key made.
I rifle through her things, touching the hair on her
hairbrush, touching all of her panties and the clothes
hanging up in her closet.
I lay down on her bed and turn my head into her pillow,
inhaling deeply. Her sweet, flowery scent clings to the
sheets, and I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop myself.
I pull my cock out and hump her pillow until I cover it
with my sticky seed. I look at the wet stain and know that it
will dry. The thought of her sleeping on my cum tonight fills
me with a primal sense of satisfaction, so I leave it there.
I lose track of time as I look through all her belongings,
learning everything I can about her. It looks like my little
princess is extremely orderly. Everything is neat and tidy
and in its place.
That's why whenever I hear the door click open, panic
seizes my chest. I fling myself into her closet, my heart
hammering against my ribcage. She's not supposed to be
off work for another hour.
Fuck, I can't let her find me here. I internally curse
myself when I see that I left her dresser drawer open. As
much of a neat freak as my Cynthia is, she's sure to notice
Sure enough, when she walks into her bedroom, she
stops. Her eyes widen before they dart around the room. I
see the tremor go through her.
She knows she didn't leave it open. Pride swells my
chest when her instincts kick in and instead of doing like
stupid people do on the movies, she doesn't look all around
the room searching for an intruder. I hear her running out
the way she came.
Good girl.
She knows that if there's perceived danger in the area to
get away and to not try to be brave and find whoever may
be lying in wait for her.
It’s good for me too because it gives me the opportunity
to slip out from my hiding place in the closet and make my
way out the window. Thank goodness her room is on the
ground floor.
Once I’m outside, my chest tightens at the thought that I
frightened her. I don't want her to be scared in her own
place and afraid to go home. And I know that's the case
when I get an urgent phone call from my father.
“Yeah,” I answer him on the first ring.
“Noah.” His voice is grim. “I have a favor to ask. It's
Karen's daughter, Cynthia. She thinks someone broke into
her place. Can I get you to run a security check and maybe
act as her bodyguard for a few days until we figure out
what's going on?”
My breath catches in my throat, my body humming at
the thought of having an excuse to be in Cynthia’s
presence. This is like a dream come true, only guilt gnaws
at my stomach when I realize that this wouldn't even be
necessary were it not for me being such a creep to begin
But there’s no way I can say no—nor do I want to. The
thought of being Cynthia’s protector, of being the one she
turns to to keep her safe, is too enticing.
“Have her meet me at your place in twenty minutes,” I
tell him before I hang up.
I'll always be her protector—even though the only
person she needs protecting from is me.

My heart is still pounding a mile a minute. I can't believe

someone was in my apartment. I can't imagine who would
do something like this. I don't have any enemies—that I
know of anyway.
I'm pretty well-liked and can't think of anyone whom I
could have pissed off, so what if this was just a random
attack? What if I'm being targeted by a serial killer or
A shiver goes down my spine, and my mom wraps a
soothing arm around me and pulls me against her side,
rubbing her hand comfortingly up and down my shoulder.
Still, I'm not comforted. I'm nervous and jumpy.
I'm a control freak. I’m a perfectionist about my things,
and there's no way in hell I would have left my dresser
drawer open like that. Not only that, but my panties looked
like they'd been rifled through.
That causes another shiver to go through me. What if
the guy stalking me is some sick pervert and had planned
to rape me?
I can't stomach the thought of going back to my
apartment all alone.
Everything's happening in a blur. I hear the murmur of
Jeff’s voice as he's on the phone with someone, but I can't
make out what he's saying. My mom is murmuring soothing
words to me too, but again, I can't tell you what she's
I think I'm going into shock, which might make me a bit
of a baby because nothing has actually happened to me. It's
more the fear of what could have happened that's freaking
me out.
I jump when the door opens, my mouth parting in
surprise when Noah's burly frame fills the doorway. His
eyes zero right in on me before he comes striding over and
kneels in front of me.
My body instantly softens as a feeling of safety washes
over me. I can’t explain it, but the way his eyes bore into
me, it’s like he's cloaking me in his protective gaze. I feel
safe and wrapped up in the tender warmth I see in his eyes
—like nothing can ever hurt me again.
“There, there,” he tells me in his deep, soothing voice.
“It's okay. No one's going to hurt you.”
My mom nods in agreement and rubs her hand up and
down my back.
“What happened?” His eyes sweep over me as if he’s
checking for injury.
I shake my head, my face heating. “Nothing, exactly. I
just came home and my underwear drawer was open.” My
cheeks flush harder admitting this to him, and his nostrils
flare before he schools who face back to impassivity.
“Did you notice anything missing?”
I shake my head. “No, but I didn't stick around to check
everything out. When I thought there might be someone in
the house, I just turned and ran.” Shame engulfs me at my
cowardice, but he nods at me in approval.
“Good girl. You did the right thing.”
A shiver of pleasure runs up my spine at hearing him
call me "good girl” in that deep voice of his.
Jeff comes over and sits down on the other side of me.
“Cynthia, if it's okay with you, I've asked Noah to serve as
your personal bodyguard for a while. Just until we make
sure there's nothing nefarious going on here. Can you think
of anyone who would want to hurt you?”
I shake my head. We've already discussed this, but I
guess he's asking me again for Noah's benefit. “No, no
“Any ex-boyfriends?” Noah asks.
I look up into his eyes before I shake my head. “No, I've
never had a boyfriend.”
Surprise flicks through his eyes, and do I imagine the
way his shoulders relax?
“Noah is in security. This is what he does every day. He’s
a professional,” Jeff assures me. “He doesn't mind helping
out at all.”
I peek at Noah shyly, and he nods his head. “That's right.
I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
My breath hitches as he speaks the words. He says them
so solemnly it’s almost as if he's making a vow.
My heart flutters in my chest like a butterfly taking
wing. I'm sure he just meant the words as they pertain to
his job, but I'd like to believe that there's more to it than
My crush on my stepbrother is still going strong. In fact,
it's probably deepening right now with the way he's rushing
to my offense, eager to be my savior. I've always been a
sucker for the knight in shining armor who rescues the
damsel in distress. They're my favorite types of books.
I shake my head as if to clear my ridiculous thoughts
from my mind. This isn't a book. This is real life, and there's
no time for my silly little daydreams.
I tell Noah genuinely, “I appreciate your help. It'll make
me feel safer until…” I trail off.
Noah smiles at me kindly, those brown eyes smoldering
at me like melted chocolate. “No problem at all, Cynthia, I
promise you. I’ll stay with you as long as you want. You
don’t have to be alone or scared ever.
I smile as relief floods me. I glance at Mom and Jeff who
are both nodding their heads in approval, obviously pleased
at Noah’s diligence.
I feel worse than ever for having such naughty thoughts
about my stepbrother and here he is being utterly amazing
to step in and protect me like this. I know I'll feel safe and
that he won't let anything happen to me.
I smile at him again, and he smiles back and me, causing
my heart to turn a little flip in my chest.


I FEEL like an ass as I pretend to run security to find out

who was in Cynthia's house, knowing damn well that it was
My father and her mother continued to soothe her, but I
feel her wide-eyed gaze trained on me.
My chest squeezes painfully every time I look at her and
she's staring at me with those innocent, trusting green
eyes. She trusts me to protect her.
I don't know what I did to gain her trust, but she's
looking at me with hero worship in her eyes, and it both
humbles and flays me because I'm the reason she’s so
scared to begin with.
“It looks like the coast is clear,” I announce to all of
them. I look at Cynthia. “Do you think you're ready for me
to take you home?”
My dad and Karen share a look before they look at her
worriedly. She takes a deep breath and nods at me. “As long
as you'll take me, then yes, I think I'll be fine.”
She hugs her mom and my dad before she walks over to
I was right. Her head barely comes up to the middle of
my chest. She's such a tiny little thing, and I hate that I
scared her.
As we walk toward my suburban, I notice the way she
presses close against me. Not quite touching me but
seeking comfort from my closeness, using me as a shield.
A surge of protectiveness rushes through me. I love
having her look to me for protection like this.
I open the passenger-side door of the vehicle and wait
for her to get in. I don't even ask permission before I lean
in and buckle her up, my eyes flicking up to find her wide-
eyed, green gaze staring down at me.
My breath hitches. I'm so close to her that her flowery
scent wraps around me, and all it would take is a couple of
inches to close the gap between our lips.
I pull back from her with everything in me, my cock
suddenly pressing insistently against the band of my pants,
trying to break free. I discreetly adjust myself on my way
around to the driver's side before I get in and turn on the
“Thank you for doing this,” she murmurs as I back out of
my dad's driveway. “You must think I'm a big baby.”
“I don't,” I insist. “You did the right thing reaching out
for help.”
I feel like the lowest of the low. I'm essentially lying to
her, but I'm in too deep now to turn back. Besides, I'd be
lying to myself if I said that I don't relish being in her
presence like this.
“Do you think they'll come back?” she whispers, her
voice trembling.
I reach over and take her hand in mine. It's so tiny, but
an electric current runs through me where my palm meets
I squeeze her hand gently as I reassure her, “I won’t let
anyone hurt you.”
There. At least that isn't a lie. I can't tell her they won't
be back because I am “they” and I will be back. There's no
way I can stay away from her.
But it is true that I'll never let anyone hurt her.
She gives me a smile, and then we ride the rest of the
way in silence.
There are so many things I want to say to her. So many
things I want to ask her. But now isn’t the time to make
small talk when she's just had a scare, so instead, I let the
silence drip between us. If she wants to speak to me, she
will. I have to give her time.
When we get to her apartment, I can sense her
hesitance, and she hangs back as we approach the door.
I place a hand on her arm and look down into her eyes
before I tell her reassuringly, “I'll go in ahead of you and do
a sweep if you want.”
She bites her lip and nods, and I make a show of going
in front of her. I really do sweep her apartment to make
sure no one other than me has been there. When I find no
signs of anyone else there, I go back out and tell her the
coast is clear.
She visibly relaxes and nods, trusting my judgment. I
move out of her doorway to let her pass, but she stops
when she's standing in the door and fidgets, wringing her
hands together as she peeks up at me shyly. “Do you want
to come in and stay for a while?”
My heart begins hammering against my ribcage. She
wants me to stay with her?
My amazement has me tongue-tied, and when I don't
speak, her cheeks color. “I would just feel safer if I wasn't
alone right now, you know?” she adds.
I nod and clear my throat before I say gruffly, “Of course
I'll stay with you, princess.”
The endearment just rolled out, but it suits her. She is a
princess. My princess.
Her blush deepens, and my lips twitch. I love seeing her
blushing sweetly like this. I imagine other ways I can make
her blush but push those thoughts firmly out of my mind
when I feel my cock coming to life again.
I follow her inside, and she offers me a cup of coffee. I'm
not a huge coffee drinker, but there's no way in hell I'll turn
down anything she offers me. She could have offered me a
mud pie and I'd have gladly eaten the entire thing.
I can’t stop staring at her perfect form as she moves
gracefully around her kitchen, making the coffee. She
places sugar and cream on the table, but I take my cup
black. I make note of how many lumps of sugar and how
many spoonfuls of cream she adds to her coffee, though. I
watch every tiny movement she makes, studying everything
about her. It was thrilling to watch her over the camera
feed, but it's even more captivating to see her up close in
real life like this.
“So how long have you worked at the yoga studio?” I ask
She takes a sip of her mug and then circles her fingers
around the rim as she answers me, “Ever since I graduated
high school.”
“Was it something you always wanted to do?”
She shrugs. “I was always into fitness, but I wouldn't
exactly call myself athletic. I suck at team sports. Not that
I'm not a team player or anything. I was just always kind of
bendy and flexible, so when I got into yoga, I just loved it. I
was so good at it that they offered me a job, and here we
I smile as I take a sip of my own coffee. “Here we are,” I
repeat softly.
She blushes again before she asks me, “What about you?
How long have you been in security?”
“Like you, ever since I got out of high school. I got a job
as a bouncer and worked my way to the top. Now I own the
Her eyes widen. “Wow.”
We make more small talk, and whereas I'm usually not a
small talker, I enjoy every minute of it. I like listening to the
way her pretty voice sounds pronouncing every syllable. I
like watching the way she gestures with her hands when
she gets excited about something. Despite my insane
attraction to her, she's easy to talk to and I could listen to
her all day.
Time gets away from us, and we've gone through a
whole pot of coffee before she glances at the clock and lets
out a startled gasp. “I can't believe it's almost midnight and
here I’ve been chatting your head away. You're probably
ready to get off the clock.”
I shake my head. “I'm never off the clock when it comes
to you, Cynthia.”
Her breath catches as she stares at me.
“Protecting you is my number one job,” I tell her
seriously, never meaning anything more.
She smiles at me before she nods slowly.
“It’s late, though,” I say regretfully. “I should probably
let you get to bed.”
The last thing I want is to leave her, but I know it's past
time for me to have left.
She bites her bottom lip as she walks me to the door,
getting quieter with each step we take.
I turn to tell her goodnight, and she's looking up at me
with those luminous green eyes and wringing her hands
again, her brow furrowed.
“What’s wrong?” I ask her, glancing around as if I can
pinpoint what it is.
She chews on her bottom lip again, and I damn near
groan at watching the way she worries the puffy flesh,
drawing the blood up to it and making her lips even puffier
and pinker.
“Please stay with me,” she suddenly blurts, her wide
eyes blinking up at me so innocently, so vulnerably, my
chest tightens painfully.
My heart swells with all the protective adoration I feel
for this girl. “Of course, princess. You need only ask.”


IT WAS EXTREMELY FORWARD of me to ask Noah to

stay with me tonight, but the way his brown eyes smolder
at me makes it all worth it.
My breath hitches as he turns and towers over me,
staring down at me with gentle eyes. We stand in front of
the door, staring at each other for a moment before I finally
remember my manners and turn around. “Let me just grab
you a blanket and pillow.”
Noah wordlessly follows me into the living room where I
place his bedding on the couch.
He sits down on it and starts pulling off his shoes.
I bite my lip when I notice how even sitting down he
takes up most of the loveseat. I can already tell that there's
no way the man is going to comfortably fit on it when he
lays down. His feet will be hanging off the end of it.
“You know,” I say softly as I shuffle from foot to foot
nervously. I can't believe I'm about to say what I'm fixing to
say, even though I want it with every fiber of my being.
“You could just sleep in the bed with me.”
He stills with his shoe halfway off his foot, his brown
eyes flicking up to me and heating.
“It’s just that, you know, you're so big, and you're not
going to be very comfortable here on the couch.” My voice
drops to a whisper. “And truth be told, I really don't want to
be alone. I feel safe with you.”
His eyes soften before he finishes slipping off his shoe
and then stands. “Come here, princess,” he says in a voice
so soft and tender that it cracks my heart. Even though he
told me to come to him, he closes the gap between us as he
walks over to me and wraps me up in his arms.
I melt against him, clinging to the solid wall of his chest.
I feel completely safe here. I breathe in deeply, taking in his
fresh, clean scent. How does he smell so good?
I feel him kiss the top of my head before he murmurs,
“You are safe with me. Always. I want you to know that.”
I nod into his chest. “I know.”
He tips my chin up and looks down at me before he
finally releases me and takes in a deep breath, running a
hand through his brown hair as he steps away from me.
I try to ignore the pang of disappointment that settles in
my belly. For a moment there, I was so sure he was going to
kiss me, but he's my stepbrother, so he's obviously not
interested in me that way.
I lead us to the bedroom, and I step into my bathroom to
change into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top.
When I step out of the bathroom, Noah is still
completely dressed, minus his shoes he left in the living
His eyes rove over me, and my skin heats where his gaze
touches me. My nipples harden through the thin tank top,
and I worry my lip, berating myself for not keeping my bra
His eyes darken, and I know he must see my hardened
buds underneath my shirt. My cheeks flame.
“Are you going to sleep like that?” I gesture toward his
He just grunts, “Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.”
I walk over to him, my heart thudding in tune with each
footstep. With shaking fingers, I grasp the hem of his shirt
before I slowly pull it over his head. He dips down to help
me strip it off his shoulders.
I look up at him, and the chocolate pools of his eyes are
smoldering at me. Stubble lines his jaw. He looks so fierce,
so masculine, like what I imagine a warrior would look like.
My eyes skate down over his chest that's decorated with
an assortment of tattoos. Before I can stop myself, I trail
my fingertips over one of the patterns.
I feel his chest tremble under my touch, and I look up to
find his eyes watching me intently.
“Sorry,” I say as I snatch my hand back, but he grabs it
and holds it to his chest.
“There's nothing to be sorry for, princess,” he tells me
before he steps back and undoes his pants, letting them
drop to the floor.
My eyes widen when I take in the huge bulge between
his legs. I quickly look away. My face is burning. I’m
probably as red as a tomato.
“Are you sure you're okay with me sleeping with you?”
his big voice rumbles. “I promise I'll be okay on the couch if
you're more comfortable that way.”
I quickly shake my head as I climb into the bed and pat
the empty space beside me, my cheeks still flaming. “No. I
want you to sleep here.” I've never meant anything more,
despite my nervousness.
Noah slides into the bed next to me, taking up all the
room. I knew the man was big, but he seems even bigger in
my tiny bed. We lay there on our sides staring at each other
for a moment before he suggests gruffly, “Why don't you
turn on your side facing away from me? We might have a
bit more room that way.”
“Okay.” My voice shakes with the fire coursing through
my veins as I do what he says. I can feel the heat from his
big body emanating onto my back, and I unconsciously
gravitate closer to it until I feel my butt hit the big bulge
between his legs.
My breath hitches, and he makes a choked sound—
almost as if he’s in pain.
I jerk forward to put more space between us again,
afraid that I’ve hurt him, but his arm bands around me,
pulling me flush against his chest, spooning against me.
That huge bulge presses firmly against my ass, and I can
almost feel it pulsing against me.
My heart is beating in overdrive at the way he's
wrapped around me, and I'm loving every second of it.
I feel his hot breath on my neck as he breathes in
against my ear, smelling my hair. “Fuck, do you know what
you're doing to me, Cynthia?”
A tremor goes down my spine at the way he says my
name. “No,” I confess because I really don't. I'm completely
out of my element with a man in my bed. “I've never had a
man in my bed before.”
His arm tightens around me possessively, and he makes
a growling sound in my ear. “Knowing that isn't helping
matters, princess.”
“What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly.
“I mean that makes me want to roll you over and show
you what it's like to really have a man in your bed.”
My heart is pounding so loudly in my ears at his words,
and I feel that bulge growing even bigger against me,
pressing more firmly into my ass.
Is this just a man's typical reaction to a woman, or does
Noah want me as badly as I want him?
I lay there for a moment in silence before I muster up all
the bravery I can.
There's only one way to find out.
I roll over in his arms until I'm facing him again. His
brown eyes are blazing at me as I raise a shaking hand and
lay it on his cheek.
His eyes close and his head turns into my palm as if he's
a dog starved for affection. It pulls at something in my
“Noah,” I whisper his name.
My whisper is like a match to kerosene. His eyes
suddenly burst into flames. They snap open and burn with
smoldering heat, and the next thing I know, his arms are
splayed across my back, pulling me flush against him as his
lips crash down onto mine.


I WAS RIGHT. My little princess tastes like peaches and

cream, and I can't get enough of her.
I deepen the kiss, pressing her even closer to me. I have
to make a conscious effort to relax my hold on her so I don't
squeeze the breath from her, but fuck, it's like I can't get
close enough.
My tongue seeks hers out, mating with it, and when she
moves hers against mine softly, her inexperience clear, it
makes my blood rush in my veins. Knowing she's never had
a man in her bed before, that I'm going to be her first, has
a steady stream of precum leaking from my swollen tip.
The thoughts I'm having about her are so filthy that it's
all I can do to keep from nutting in my boxers and ruining
this before it's ever even begun.
“Cynthia,” I groan her name against her lips. “If you had
any idea the nasty, filthy things I want to do to you, you’d
kick me out of your bed right, now sweetheart.”
I feel a tremor go through her body before she presses
herself more firmly against me. “Or maybe I’d like it and
beg you to do them to me,” her breathy little voice
Fuck, she’s a dream. The perfect horny little virgin, and
I can’t believe this is really happening.
I can't help it and thrust my swollen length against her
stomach, humping her like a rabid beast. She gasps at the
contact, and I scoot lower down on the bed to position
myself at the apex of her thighs so I can thrust against her
little clit.
“Noah,” she whispers my name as I rub against her clit
through our underwear, the friction giving her exactly what
she needs.
“Oh my god. Yes!’ she moans.
“Fuck,” I growl out. I've got to taste her.
I kiss her again and roll her onto her back so that I'm
straddling her.
She's moving, gyrating her little hips against mine now,
seeking more of our friction, and I place a hand on her hip
to still her, knowing that if she keeps going, I'm going to
lose it.
She lets out a whimper of protest. Her lust-filled eyes
look up at me wildly when I stop her.
I shush her with another kiss on her lips before I tell her
huskily, “That feels so good, princess, but you've got to stop
or you’re going to make me embarrass myself.”
She smiles at me, a look that’s half shy, half proud, and
my chest swells.
I kiss my way down the column of her throat. I suckle
her hardened peaks into my mouth through the thin fabric
of her tank top.
She arches up into my mouth with a gasp, and I run my
hands down the sides of her tiny waist. I pull her tank top
up to drop kisses on her stomach. I can feel the quiver
going through her with every press of my lips against her
heated skin.
Her thighs are trembling when I pull her shorts and
panties off her. She starts to close them in shyness, but I
hold them open. “No, baby. Let Daddy look at you and give
you what you need.”
Her breath catches, and her wide eyes snap up to meet
mine. I go completely still too as we stare at one another.
I don't know where the fuck that came from, but there's
no way in hell I'll take it back because something clicks into
place inside me. That's what I am. Her protector. Her
daddy. I might technically be her stepbrother, but I'm her
daddy first and foremost. The one she can run to with
everything. The one who will take care of her.
I see the moment she comes to the same realization
because her entire body shivers, and she closes her eyes as
she lifts her hips up to me trustingly. “Yes, Daddy, fuck me.”
I fall on her pussy with a growl before I began to lick
and suck on her ravenously. She's shaking underneath me
as I probe a testing finger into her while swirling my
tongue around her swollen clit.
Her tiny fingers fist in my hair as she rides my face.
She's turning me on so much I'm humping the bed like a
savage as I slurp on her noisily.
When she falls apart on my face, her juices gushing out,
I drink her up like a man drinking from the fountain of
youth. She's the sweetest thing I've ever tasted, and I know
here and now that I'm going to need this every day for the
rest of my life.
I can feel the huge wet spot on my boxers where I've
leaked through them, and I hurriedly rip them from my
body, my huge erection springing out to bob between us.
Cynthia’s greedy eyes are on me, and she reaches her
tiny hand out and wraps it around my cock. I jerk in her
“It's so big,” she whispers. There's both wonder and a
hint of fear in her voice.
“I know baby,” I tell her as I kiss her throat tenderly.
“It's big and nasty, but it’s full of cum just for you.”
“I want it.” Her breathy whisper is so hot it sends a rope
of sticky seed shooting from my tip.
She gasps as it lands on the inside of her thigh, and I
groan. I can't take it anymore. “Got to get inside my
princess’ little pussy,” I tell her desperately as I line myself
up with her hole and start pushing slowly in.
She's so motherfucking tight I grit my teeth as I
continue to force my invasion.
She whimpers as my fingers grip her hips tightly, my
arms shaking with the effort it takes me to keep from
shoving inside her all at once.
“You need to be a good girl and let Daddy in, okay? I
know it's big and dirty, but you can take it, sweet girl. I
know you can. You're doing so good.”
I drop a kiss on her nose, and she glows under my
praise. Her soft folds slicken to lubricate my way, and I fall
in another inch and groan when I feel her barrier against
the head of my cock.
I stop and cup her face in my hands, wanting to look into
her eyes the moment I break through and make her mine.
This is the most monumental moment of my life. I know I’ll
remember it until my dying breath. The moment I make my
sweet Cynthia mine forever.
“As of this moment, you’re mine, Cynthia,” I tell her
possessively. “Only mine. I'm your daddy now, so if you
need anything, you come to me. I'll always protect you. I'll
always cherish you. You're mine, princess.” I punch my hips
into her on the last word.
She cries out as she clings to me. I grunt as her hot heat
surrounds me. My cock is already twitching and pulsing
inside her.
I grind my molars together, trying my best to keep from
coming already. I have to close my eyes to keep from
looking at her. Just the sight of her green eyes and blonde
hair and puffy pink lips underneath me is enough to have
my cum boiling in my balls, ready to shoot.
We lay there for a moment, wrapped up in each other's
arms, her struggling to adjust to my size and me fighting
for control.
Only when she whispers my name breathlessly do I
begin to slide slowly in and out of her, the friction crackling
along every nerve ending in my body.
Fuck, my balls are so heavy. I know it won't be long until
I can't hold back any longer.
She moans before she lifts her hips. “More,” she begs
me and I'm helpless to deny her. My breasts stutters out as
I ram into her harder.
“More!” she cries again.
“Fuck!” I groan. “Look at you, you perfect, horny, little
virgin, begging for Daddy’s dick. You're everything, you
know that?”
“More, Daddy,” she quakes, and I fucking lose it hearing
her beg me while calling me daddy.
“Fuck!” I roar as I feel my balls churning. “Come with
me, baby! Come for Daddy!” I tell her as I stroke my thumb
on her clit while pumping myself into her furiously.
“Daddy!” she screams out just as I feel the muscles of
her pussy flutter around me before they clench hard.
That clench is what does it. I feel my sperm shooting up
my stalk before it gushes out of my head, pumping deep
inside her little womb.
Her pussy is pulsing and sucking on me, drinking all the
cum from me greedily.
Before my legs give out on me, I gather her to my chest
and roll us so that I'm lying on my back and she's splayed
atop me.
I love the feeling of her slight weight on me, and I stroke
her hair back from her face and drop kisses all over her
forehead. “I've got you, baby,” I whisper to her. “You’re
mine now, Cynthia. Forever.”
Being with Cynthia like this has changed my life. I feel
like I’ve been reborn, and she’s the new sun in my
I'm her daddy now, and there's no way I'm ever going to
let her go.


I CAN'T BELIEVE this is my life now. I stay wrapped up in

Noah’s strong arms all night, and I sleep better than I've
ever slept in my entire life.
The next morning, we take a shower together, and even
though I’m sore, Noah takes me again, but he’s conscious
of my body. He takes me slowly this time while holding me
up against the shower and looking deep into my eyes until
we crash into each other, our release rolling over us like
gentle waves.
It's fast, but I am completely and irrevocably in love with
my stepbrother, and I don't even care what that means. I'm
not going to psycho-analyze it. I'm just going with how I
feel, and how I feel is that I never want this to end. I want
to be with Noah every second of the day just like this.
He drives us to the yoga studio where he stands guard
by the door, watching everyone who comes in. I feel his
eyes on me often, and when I look up and see the hunger in
his gaze, it makes my body flush all over.
We walk to the deli next door and have lunch together
on my break. Then, we go back to me teaching and Noah
standing at the door like a sentry.
I see the women in my class casting curious glances his
way, but thankfully, nobody is rude enough to ask me about
It's not that I'm ashamed of Noah. On the contrary, I'm
glad they don't ask me about him because I'd be tempted to
tell them that he's my boyfriend instead of my stepbrother,
and I mean, I don't know how he would feel about that.
Does he want us to keep whatever's going on between us
on the down-low?
The way his eyes light on me with such tenderness
makes me dare to hope that he feels the same way I do, but
I'm just not sure. I don't want to push too early and freak
him out.
I've never had a boyfriend before, but I've heard about
those needy girlfriends who push their guys away, and I
certainly don't want to be like that. I can't bear to lose
Noah. Not now. He makes me feel more complete than I've
ever felt in my entire life, like he's the missing piece of
myself that was always out there, just waiting to be found.
We click, and it's so easy to talk to him.
Even when we sit in silence, it's not awkward. It's like
we always were and always will be.
When Mom and Noah's dad call to check on me and
make sure I'm okay, my heart races in my chest as I tell
them, “Noah is taking good care of me,” and he gives me
that beautiful smile as he kisses my palm.
I want to spend every day of the rest of my life like this
with Noah shadowing my every move, making me feel safe.
I know no one will mess with me when he's around, and I'm
like a flower in the sunshine, basking in His presence.
When we go back to my apartment and make dinner
together, I can't stop laughing at how hopeless Noah is in
the kitchen. The man acts like he's never boiled a pot of
water before in his entire life, but it's fun teaching him how
to cook, especially when he wraps his big arms around me
from behind and helps me stir the sauce like he needs
guidance doing even that.
Our breathing becomes heavier as we stir it together
until he reaches over and turns the burner off before
turning me in his arms and lifting me onto the counter to
kiss me deeply.
From there, one thing leads to another until he has me
splayed out on the countertop while he rams into me from
behind, pulling my hair and demanding that I call him
Daddy. And I do, of course.
I love letting him be my daddy. There's something so
deliciously forbidden about it, and I don't care if it's wrong.
I love it.
Because Noah is my daddy. He's the one who protects
me. The one who watches over me, and I love the way he
calls me his princess.
When we're done, I pull my yoga pants back up and
straighten my tank top while Noah struts to the bathroom
to clean himself up.
I spot his phone laying on the kitchen floor where we
must have knocked it off in our frenzy, and I bend over to
pick it up, my lips tipping up into a smile as I see the photo
album open and a picture of me sleeping in my bed.
Did he take this photo of me last night when we were
sleeping together? That's so sweet.
I set his phone down but frown and look more closely at
the picture when I notice something that causes my breath
to catch.
He couldn't have taken his picture last night because I'm
wearing clothes in it. I slept naked in his arms all night
long after we had sex.
A shiver runs down my spine, and my heart begins to
beat erratically when I recognize what I'm wearing in the
photo as what I was wearing the night before the day I
came home to find that someone had been in my
I'm a stickler for little details like this, and I remember
vividly the pink tank top and sky-blue sleep shorts I wore
the night before the incident.
This can only mean one thing.
Noah was in my apartment that night. Or wait…
I peer down at the screen and notice that the angle of
the picture seems too high—even for Noah.
My heart hammering, I rush into my bedroom and
search for the angle the picture must have been taken
My eyes flick up to the top shelf of my bookcase. I reach
up, knocking all the books off in my frantic search.
My heart flutters as a tiny square falls on the floor. I
reach down and pick it up, a sinking feeling in my chest as I
realize what I'm looking at is a camera.
Noah has been in my apartment without my knowledge
and put a camera in my bedroom. I glance around in panic.
Are there other cameras around my apartment? When did
he do this? And how many photos has he been of taking me
with these cameras? Does he have live video feeds of me
My face colors as I remember what I did that night in
bed. How I had my first orgasm while thinking of him.
“Princess.” His voice jerks me back into awareness.
I turn to face him, the camera still held between my
The guilty look on his face tells me all I need to know
before I even ask the question.
“What the hell is this?”
Noah passes a hand over his face before he murmurs,
My heart shatters.


MY STOMACH FALLS to my feet. I feel like I'm going to

be sick. This was the best day of my entire life, and now it's
ruined because somehow Cynthia has found out my crime.
The look of betrayal on her face is enough to break my
heart. I got overconfident. I see my cell phone still clutched
in her hand, and I curse myself for not keeping better track
of it.
My girl is smart. She no doubt saw the pictures of her on
it and put two and two together. She figured out that those
photos weren't taken last night. They were taken the night
before from the camera I had set up.
“How long have you been spying on me?”
I don't answer.
She flings the camera across the room at me. It bounces
off my chest, but I don't even feel it. It's tiny, but it doesn't
matter. If it had been the size of a TV, I still don't think I
have felt anything right now other than sheer panic at the
thought of losing her.
“It was you, wasn't it?” She asks in horror.
When I don't say anything, tears pool in her eyes as she
covers her mouth with her hand. “Oh my god, it was you.
You were the one in my room. You let me sit there and
quiver and shake in fear and pretended to look for an
intruder, knowing all along that it was you!”
She lets out an incredulous laugh. “How fucked up is
“Yes,” I finally manage to speak as I take a step toward
My heart breaks when she steps back away from me,
backing into the wall. “Don't come near me!”
“Cynthia, princess—”
“Don't call me princess! I'm not your princess.”
My chest tightens painfully. “You are,” I insist firmly.
“Nothing has changed.”
“How can you say that?” her voice rises shrilly.
“Everything has changed.”
“It hasn't. Just let me explain. Listen, baby.”
She shuts her eyes tight as if she's trying to shut out my
image, but I keep speaking, desperately praying that I can
make her understand. “I felt like an ass, okay? Yes, I was
the one in your apartment, but there was never any danger.
I swear I never had any intention of hurting you. I just
needed to be near you.” My voice cracks.
“When I first saw you at our parents’ wedding, I nearly
fell to my knees. That's how beautiful you were to me.”
She peeks up at me with tears streaming down her face.
While it hurts me to see her crying like this, at least she’s
looking at me. At least she’s listening to me. I have a
chance to explain.
“It’s like somebody had stolen my breath from me,
Cynthia. I couldn't breathe for looking at you, and I know
this might sound corny as hell, but it's like there was this
light shining around you. You looked so pure, so angelic.
I’ve never seen anything more perfect in my entire life. And
then,” I let out a hollow laugh, “your mom introduces me to
you, and I find out you’re my new stepsister. Fuck, I was
crushed. The only girl I've ever wanted, I couldn't be with.
“I left the wedding and told myself I was going to forget
about you, but god help me, I couldn't. I didn't make it two
hours before I snuck in here and put the cameras up.
“I told myself that I was just going to watch you and
make sure you were okay. That's all. That was my only
intention, Cynthia—to watch over you. I never intended for
any of this to happen.” I take another tentative step toward
her, begging her to understand.
“But I'm not going to lie to you, sweetheart, and tell you
that I'm not glad it did because last night and today have
been the best days of my entire life. Nothing in my
existence will ever compare to how it feels to hold you in
my arms and have you look at me with such trust in your
She’s crying in earnest now, her shoulders shaking as
she blurts out, “I did trust you, Noah. And I wanted you too
—from the moment you looked at me at my mom and your
dad's wedding. You were my stepbrother, but I didn't care.”
My chest tightens and my heart races at hearing her
admit she wanted me too and that she doesn't care that
we're step-siblings.
“I didn't think a big, handsome guy like you could
possibly want me, especially once you found out I was your
stepsister and you hardly spoke to me. You ran out of there
like I had the plague.”
She looks miserable before she shakes her head and
admits, “But you've ruined everything. I loved you, Noah.
But how can I get past this?”
A choked gasp leaves me, and I fall to my knees.
Hearing her say she loves me knocks the breath from my
lungs, and I literally can't stand up hearing those words
that I never thought I'd hear from her sweet lips. Those
words that I’m not worthy of hearing.
Her green eyes are shining with the tears that keep
streaming down her face. She shakes her head sadly and
tries to walk around me.
I panic, knowing that if I let her leave this room, I've lost
her forever.
I act on instinct and lunge at her.
I wrap my arms around her legs, holding her close to
“Let me go,” her voice shakes, but I feel the tremor go
through her body at my touch.
“No,” I croak out stubbornly. “I told you last night.
You’re mine.”
I pull myself to my feet and cup her head in my hands as
I stare into her eyes. “Mine,” I whisper. I probably sound
half-crazed, and hell I am. I can’t bear the thought of losing
her. Not now.
“Nothing has changed,” I insist.
“You’re insane,” she whispers.
I don’t deny it. “If you think I can let you walk away
after you tell me you love me, you're the one who's insane,
princess,” I tell her desperately.
We stare at each other, pinned in each other's gaze until
I can't take it anymore and crash my lips down onto hers.
She might be angry with me, but she can't stop this
current that's rippling between us either. She melts
underneath me before she kisses me back just as fiercely,
shoving her little tongue into my mouth.
We groan into each other's mouths as we tug and pull at
one another's clothing in a frenzy.
She doesn't even have my pants all the way down before
I'm inside her with one hard thrust.
I groan when I feel myself slide home inside her and fist
a hand in her hair. “Look at me,” I snarl. “Let me so those
pretty green eyes.”
I tilt her head back until she's looking up at me with
angry, lust-filled eyes.
“You feel this? This is where you belong. Right here on
your daddy's dick. I’m not going anywhere, Cynthia. You’re
not going anywhere. Do you hear me?”
She whimpers, and I lick the column of her throat as I
punch up into her savagely.
“This is what you do to your daddy,” I growl, half-crazed
with lust and desperation. I can’t think straight. All I can
focus on is claiming Cynthia again and proving to her that
she’s mine.
“You have me so insane over you that I'll stalk you just
to be near you. I'm so obsessed with you, Cynthia, I don't
know what to do,” I growl out.
Cynthia finally breathes out my name, but that’s not
what I want to hear. I growl as I stab into her harder until
she finally moans out, “Daddy!”
My chest swells in victory. I know I've got her when I
hear her call me daddy, and that makes me start fucking
her even harder, intent on showing her just how much we
belong together.
“That’s right. You know who your daddy is, princess. You
can deny it all you want, but you like that your daddy is so
obsessed with you he'll play dirty to get between your
sweet little princess thighs.”
I smack her ass with one hand while I rock her in my
arms with the other. “What was I supposed to do, hmm? I
had this big load stored up in my balls just for you. All I
could think about was shoving my dirty cock up inside my
stepsister’s sweet cunt. I couldn't do that, so I did the only
thing I could to keep myself from going insane. I watched
you play with that pretty little pussy of yours.”
She lets out a whimper of embarrassment, but I shush
her. “Don’t be ashamed, sweet girl. I jacked off with you
until I came like a fucking geyser as I watched your sweet
cream gush out of that pretty little thing. Watching you
pleasure yourself was the most beautiful fucking thing I've
ever seen. All I could think about was how much I wanted
to eat you. How I wanted to feel that little cunt falling apart
on my tongue.”
Cynthia screams then and clutches me desperately as
her pussy grips me tightly in a series of intense spasms.
“Yes, that's it,” I encourage her. “Come all over your
daddy's nasty cock. You like it deep and nasty like this don’t
you, sweet girl? Look at you. So innocent yet so dirty. You
can’t wait for me to spew this big load in you, can you? Tell
me you want it.” I sound like an animal, my voice rough and
half slurred in my passion. My balls are churning. I’m right
“Yes, Daddy!” she moans out as she throws her little
pussy down on me.
“Fuck!” I roar out as I come inside her violently, my
entire body shaking.
My knees collapse out from underneath me, but I
somehow stagger backward enough to fall back onto the
bed with Cynthia still wrapped around me.
I steady her by holding the small of her back. She's still
clinging to me, my dick deep inside her as she falls against
me, her little breasts pressing against my chest.
We’re both silent as we bask in the afterglow of our
desperate coupling.
I know what we just shared, but I'm scared to speak and
set her off again.
I know one thing for sure. I meant what I said. I'm not
ever letting her go. I don't care if I have to kidnap her at
this point. She's mine, and she's not going anywhere.
“What you did was wrong,” she finally speaks softly,
“and I know I shouldn't…” She stops and chews on her lip
before she raises her head up to meet my eyes, “But you're
right.” Her voice is barely more than I whisper. “I like that
you're so obsessed with me. I still don't care that you're my
stepbrother. I don't care what anyone thinks so long as
we're together.”
My chest expands, and I’m not a man who cries, but I
feel tears of relief stinging my own eyes. “I love you,
Cynthia, and I'll always protect you. I swear I'll never hurt
you again.” I kiss her forehead reverently.
She smiles at me, a beautifully forgiving smile, before
she tucks her head into my chest and says the words that
make my life worth living, “I love you too, Daddy.”

One Week Later


I'M HOLDING my bride's hand as we watch my brothers

and her sisters saying their vows.
Cynthia and I went first, and there's nothing like the
sense of satisfaction that settles over my chest at publicly
claiming her as my own for the entire world to see.
When we found out that her sisters and my brothers had
also hooked up in the same short time period that we had,
my brothers and I decided to have a triple wedding. Get it
all done with in one day.
I look at my dad and stepmom beaming at us. We're so
fortunate to have their support. To the rest of the world, we
might look like one fucked-up kind of Brady Bunch, but
none of us are really related, and it's like Karen said. She
actually prefers it this way because now all of us will be
together like one true family. Her and my dad, me and
Cynthia, Luke and Lucy, and Charlie and Sharon.
If Luke and Charlie even feel half of what I feel for
Cynthia for their women, then I know they feel like the
luckiest men on the planet right about now too.
After the truth came out to Cynthia about how I stalked
her, we decided to keep it under wraps. We haven't told the
rest of the family that I was really the one who broke into
her apartment. While they might be cool with us being
step-siblings, even our parents have their limits. We believe
my dad would probably skin me alive if he knew I'd scared
her that way, and her mom probably wouldn't be too
thrilled with my stalkery behavior either.
But Cynthia is okay with it, thank god, and that's all that
Even though I don't have to stalk her anymore, she still
lets me do it because she knows how anxious I get not
being able to see her at all times.
I have a tracker on her phone—that she knows about—
and I have cameras set up strategically everywhere she
goes when I'm not with her. If she wants to go somewhere
where I can't hack into the security and see her, she waits
for me to go with her.
Some people might think that it’s controlling and
fucked-up, but it's not about controlling her or not trusting
her. It's about protecting her and keeping myself sane.
I'm lucky as hell that my possessiveness seems to turn
Cynthia on. She loves it when I go insane over her, and it's
a good thing too because I don't think I'll ever be able to
stop doing it.
Cynthia smiles at me when she finds me watching her. “I
can't believe all of us are getting married today,” she
I kiss her knuckles reverently. I'm the luckiest one of us.
I got the most perfect girl in the world.
She beams at me, and that sexy, innocent smile of hers
is everything.
I can't wait to get out of here and give her the best
wedding night she could have ever imagined. I can't wait to
see her face when she finds out where I'm taking her.
When I saw all the romance novels she likes to read and
found out what a romantic she is at heart, I knew that
taking her to Paris, the city of love, was the only option for
our honeymoon.
Neither of us speaks a lick of French, but we'll make it.
I know Charlie is taking Sharon to London, and I'm
pretty sure Luke is taking Lucy to Hawaii, so we’ve got to
wrap this thing up soon if we're all going to make our
respective flights. Of course, Karen and our dad are both in
on our honeymoon plans, so they do a great job of moving
the reception along and thinning out the guests by the time
we need to leave to catch our flights.
Karen gives us both a hug. “Have a great time on your
Cynthia smiles and gives me a questioning look. “I'm
sure I will, but Noah still hasn't told me where we're going
“It's a surprise,” I tell her for the hundredth time with a
teasing grin. I know the suspense is killing her.
“He wouldn't even let me pack,” she pouts at her mom.
“Even the clothes I'm taking are a secret. He packed
everything, arranged everything.”
My dad gives me a wink. “The man knows what he's
I wrap an arm around Cynthia's shoulder and lead her
over to the taxi. We've both already changed into more
comfortable clothing for the plane ride. I can’t wait to get
her on our private plane, though.
I do pretty well in security, and I've saved almost
everything I've ever made since I'm not a huge spendthrift,
but I'm not as rich as my billionaire brother Charlie—nor is
Luke. So our big brother’s gift to all of us was a private
plane. He's paying to fly Luke and Lucy to Hawaii on a
private plane. He's taking his own with Sharon to London,
and he's paying for one for me and my princess too.
I couldn't have asked for a better wedding gift from my
brother. Having my new wife all to myself for the flight to
Paris is going to be heavenly.
I hold her close to me and wine and dine her throughout
the night. We break in the bed several times,
consummating our vows over and over again.
Even though I haven't told her yet, it's my mission to
have her pregnant by the end of this honeymoon. Seeing
Cynthia's belly rounded with my child is a primal urge I
can’t suppress.
“How long until we get there?” she asks me for the
millionth time.
I chuckle as I pull her close to me and open the shutter
to the window. I point out the window at the city below
where we can see the Eiffel Tower lit up and glimmering
like a diamond down below. “Can you figure out where we
are?” I whisper into her ear.
She gasps as she looks out on the beautiful French
landscape at nighttime. I planned it this way on purpose so
her first glimpse of the city would be all lit up like this.
“Paris!” she squeals. “How did you know I always
wanted to come here?”
“I know everything about you,” I breathe into her ear.
“How excited are you?”
Her smile is radiant. “Ooh la la excited.”
I laugh before I cover her lips with mine.
My wife, my stepsister, my everything.

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