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NUMBER: IIMUN/2023/India/LS/BJP/OE/0000


1. Strengthening Democratic Foundations: The Representation of the People Act,

1951, stands as a cornerstone of India's electoral framework, ensuring the integrity
and inclusivity of our democratic process. As a BJP Member of Parliament, I
emphasize the Act's crucial role in upholding transparency, fairness, and the
fundamental right to participate in free and fair elections.
2. Ensuring Electoral Integrity: Upholding the sanctity of elections is paramount. The
Act provides mechanisms to prevent electoral malpractices, including voter fraud and
undue influence. It mandates strict adherence to electoral codes of conduct, thereby
safeguarding the democratic rights of every citizen and maintaining the credibility of
our electoral outcomes.
3. Adapting to Contemporary Challenges: In an era marked by technological
advancements and evolving socio-political landscapes, the Act must evolve to address
contemporary challenges. We advocate for reforms that enhance voter education,
leverage digital platforms for voter registration, and ensure accessibility for
marginalized communities. By modernizing electoral practices, we reinforce the Act's
relevance in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Representation of the People Act, 1951, epitomizes India's commitment to democratic
principles and electoral integrity. As representatives of the people, it is our duty to uphold
and strengthen this legislative framework, ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and
respected in the democratic fabric of our nation.

[Your Name]
Member of Parliament, BJP
AUTHOR(s): BJP MP, Lok Sabha

1. BJP MP, Lok Sabha

2. BJP MPs
3. Government of India**

AGENDA: Strengthening the Representation of People Act, 1951

Introductory Clause 1:
Acknowledging the foundational role of the Representation of People Act, 1951, in shaping
India's electoral democracy, ensuring fair representation and safeguarding the electoral

Introductory Clause 2:
Recognizing the need for continuous adaptation and enhancement of electoral laws to address
emerging challenges and maintain the integrity of democratic institutions,

Introductory Clause 3:
Emphasizing the commitment of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Government of
India to uphold the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and accountability in electoral

Operative Clauses:

1. Calls upon the Government of India to conduct a comprehensive review of the

Representation of People Act, 1951, with a focus on updating provisions related to voter
registration, electoral offenses, campaign finance, and the use of technology in elections;

2. Urges all political parties and stakeholders to promote voter education and awareness
programs to enhance voter participation and ensure informed decision-making during

3. Encourages the Election Commission of India to strengthen enforcement mechanisms,

including monitoring and reporting electoral violations, and to collaborate with law
enforcement agencies to ensure swift and impartial action against electoral malpractices;

4. Recommends the adoption of measures to promote transparency in political funding,

including stricter reporting requirements for political donations and expenditures, and the
promotion of clean and ethical campaigning practices;

5. Calls for increased engagement with civil society organizations, media, and international
electoral bodies to exchange best practices and lessons learned in electoral governance and
6. Requests the Election Commission of India to provide regular updates and reports on the
implementation of reforms to the Representation of People Act, 1951, and their impact on
enhancing the credibility and fairness of India's electoral process;

7. Decides to convene periodic reviews and discussions on the progress and challenges in
implementing this resolution in the Lok Sabha and other relevant forums.

Affirming the commitment of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Government of India
to strengthen democratic principles and ensure the Representation of People Act, 1951,
remains robust and responsive to the evolving needs of Indian democracy,

[Your Name]
BJP Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha

Honorable Chair, esteemed fellow delegates,

As the delegate of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) representing the Lok Sabha in this
esteemed committee, it is with great honor and responsibility that I address you today on the
pivotal agenda of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

The Representation of the People Act, 1951, stands as a cornerstone of India's democratic
framework, ensuring the fundamental right of every citizen to participate freely and fairly in

the electoral process. It embodies our commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and the
democratic principles that form the bedrock of our nation.

Throughout its history, India has continually evolved and adapted its electoral laws to uphold
the integrity of our democratic institutions. As members of the Lok Sabha, it is incumbent
upon us to uphold and strengthen this legislative framework to meet the challenges of the
21st century.

Today, we face new dynamics and complexities in electoral governance, including

technological advancements, evolving social landscapes, and emerging threats to electoral
integrity. It is imperative that we take proactive steps to review and enhance the
Representation of the People Act, 1951, to address these challenges effectively.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is committed to ensuring that our electoral laws are not
only robust but also responsive to the needs and aspirations of our diverse electorate. We
advocate for reforms that promote voter education, enhance transparency in political funding,
and strengthen mechanisms to combat electoral malpractices. By fostering a culture of ethical
campaigning and accountability, we can uphold the trust of the Indian electorate and
strengthen our democratic foundations.

As we deliberate on the future of electoral governance in India, let us engage in constructive

dialogue and collaborative efforts to ensure that the Representation of the People Act, 1951,
remains a beacon of democracy and a testament to our collective commitment to a fair and
inclusive electoral process.

Thank you.

[Your Name]
Delegate of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Lok Sabha

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