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One cannot become brahamchari just by reading books on brahmacharya or answers

on Quora. Brahmacharya is an individual's journey from human to superhuman, from
man to God. Every brahamchari has his own ways. They come along with the journey.
Undoubtedly, the journey of brahmacharya is difficult, but just think that we don't find
any joy in doing easy things. It is the beauty of brahmacharya. It gives ineffable bliss to
the one who attains it.
2. Once Swami Prabhavananda asked swami Brahamanandaji ( Disciple of Sri
Ramakrishna) to annihilate the lust from him. he replied to him that if I wish I can make
you free from the lust but you will not enjoy the brahmacharya thus obtained as you will
miss the joy of struggle.
3. In order to attain brahamcharya, you must have a strong goal that is more significant
than the petty needs of your body. Set a goal and put your whole energy to attain it.
Keep yourself obsessed with that goal alone than your mind will not find a time to
become a prey to the lust.
4. Brahmacharya becomes easy when we obsessed with God or Brahman than
brahmacharya per se.
5. Certain yoga and pranayamas are great rescues like Headstand, Siddhasana, Alternate
breathing, Kapaal Bhati, Mool bandh, and measured breathing etc.
6. Check your eating habits as it affects our thoughts and in turn Celibacy.
7. See every woman as Divine Mother.
8. Be yourself brahamchari and found your own ways. You may fail sometimes but do
not get disappointed. Try again and again till you succeed. Enjoy a very beautiful journey
or we can say it a lifestyle.
9. You must know the motto of brahmacharya. There are many who just out of sheer ego
want to follow brahmacharya. Remember they often fail.
10. Everyone is not made for such life as everyone cannot become a cricketer.
11. Company of holy people or Brahamcharis are also a great aid.
12. You have to live a life full of awareness.
13. Lust is much of mind than the body. So try to understand the tricks of the mind.
Study and observe your mind more than a psychologist does to understand mind.
14. Just a few months of brahamcharya can help you to do extraordinary things. It gives
tremendous self-confidence. Your memory enhances dramatically or magically. Remind
your mind its benefits.
15. Never seek brahmacharya, but seek God-realization or how to attain your goal.
Brahmacharya will be a side effect of your passion for the God realization and the goal.
Lord Hanuman Ji never aimed at attaining celibacy but engrossed himself in the bhakti
or devotion of Lord Rama. No great sage ever tried to follow brahmacharya they just
loved the God madly and brahmacharya came in their lives effortlessly. Many scientists
have been brahamcharis not because they want to become brahamchari but just
because that they found their experiments more important than the petty needs of the
body. They are not denying nature or body but they are touching another dimension of
their intellect and curiosity.
Lastly Best of luck for this beautiful journey. May you enjoy it and become the bliss giver.

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