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MDCAT – Physics 1st Year

Ch# 14 (Electromagnetism)
1. When the ohmmeter measures the infinite resistance, its pointer lies at:
(A) Center of the scale (B) Left end of scale (C) Right end of scale (D) None of these
2. The diagram shows the cross-section of a straight wire that carries a steady current out of the plane
of the paper towards the observer towards the observer. The arrow represents the direction of four
magnetic fields A, B, C and D. Which field cause the wire to move towards the point X?

(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
3. The acceleration of an electron of mass m and charge e, moving with uniform speed v at right
angles to a magnetic field of flux density B, is given by:
Bev Be Bv
(A) (B) (C) (D) Bevm
m m m
4. ⃗ ^ ^
Given that B = 40i – 18k the vector ⃗
B lies in:
(A) XY plane (B) YZ plane (C) XZ plane (D) any of these
5. Energy in a current carrying coil is stored in the form of:
(A) Electric field (B) Magnetic field (C) Dielectric strength (D) Heat
6. Two parallel wires carrying current in opposite direction:
(A) Repel each other (B) Attract each other
(C) No effect on each other (D) None of these
7. Ratio of emf induced in secondary to rate of change of current in the primary is called:
(A) Mutual induction (B) Mutual inductance (C) Both (a),(b) (D) Self inductance
8. Along straight wire XY lies in the same plane as square loop of wire PQRS which is free to move.
The sides PS and QR are initially parallel to XY. The wire and loop carry steady currents as shown.
What will be the effect on the loop?

(A) It will move towards the long wire (B) It will move way the long the wire
(C) It will rotate about an axis parallel to XY (D) It will be unaffected
9. The diagram shows three parallel wires X, Y and Z that carry currents of equal magnitude in the
direction as shown. The resultant force experienced by Y due to the current in x and Z is:

(A) Perpendicular to the plane of paper (B) to the left

(C) to the right (D) zero
MDCAT – Physics 1st Year

10. A galvanometer acting as a voltmeter will have:

(A) a high resistance in series with its coil (B) a low resistance in parallel with its coil
(C) a low resistance in series with its coil (D) a high resistance in parallel with its coil
11. A solenoid of 1.5 m length and 2.0 cm radius possesses 10 turns per cm. A current of 5 A is flowing
through it. The magnetic field induction inside the solenoid is:
(A) 2π×10−3 T (B) 2π×10−5 T (C) 2π×10−2gauss (D) 2π×10−5 gauss
12. A positive charge is moving upwards vertically it enters a magnetic field directed to the north. The
force on the charge will be towards:
(A) North (B) South (C) East (D) West
13. In a current carrying solenoid, the field produced does not depend upon:
(A) Number of turns per unit length (B) Current flowing
(C) Radius of the solenoid (D) All of the above three
14. A positively charged particle moving with velocity ⃗v enters a region of space having a constant
magnetic induction:
(A) 0° (B) 45° (C) 90° (D) 180°
15. An electric charge in uniform motion produces:
(A) An electric field only (B) A magnetic field only
(C) Both electric and magnetic field (D) No such field at all
16. A neutron, a proton, an electron and an 𝛂-particle enter a region of uniform magnetic field with
equal velocities. The magnetic field is perpendicular to paper and directed into the paper. The
tracks of particles are labelled in figure:

(A) A (B) B
(C) C (D) D
17. Weber ampere per metre is equal to:
(A) Joule (B) Newton (C) Henry (D) Watt
18. A charge particle enters in a strong magnetic field then its kinetic energy:
(A) Increases (B) Decreases (C) Remains constant (D) first increases then
19. The restoring couple in the moving coil galvanometer is due to:
(A) Current in the coil (B) Magnetic field of the magnet
(C) material of coil (D) Twist produced in suspension wire
20. Which of the following is the correct unit of magnetic flux?
(A) Tesla (B) Wbm−1 (C) Wb m−2 (D) Tm−2
21. When angle between vector area and magnetic lines is 0° then flux will be:
(A) Maximum (B) Minimum (C) Zero (D) None of these
22. ⃗
A charge particle moving parallel to B follows:
(A) Circular path (B) Parabolic path (C) Straight (D) Elliptical path
23. The vector sum of electric and magnetic force is:
(A) Lorents force (B) Gravitational force (C) Centripetal force (D) None of these
24. In finding the value of e/m, apparatus used is:
(A) Cavendish (B) Teltron tube (C) Mass spectrograph (D) Torsional
25. In case of torque on a current carrying coil 𝛂 is angle between:
(A)⃗Band ⃗A (B) ⃗B and coil (C) ⃗
B and plane of coil (D) None of these
MDCAT – Physics 1st Year

26. In lamp scale arrangement, mirror used is:

(A) Convex mirror (B) Convex lens (C) Concave mirror (D) Plane mirror
27. If length of solenoid is doubled, and number of turns is halved then ⃗ B inside the solenoid becomes:
(A) Half (B) Double (C) One fourth (D) Four times
28. Which of the following is correct?
(A) 1 T=103G (B) 1 =T104 G (C) 1 T=10−4G (D) None of these
29. ⃗
If an electron enters the magnetic field at right angle from left and B is into paper, electron wil be
(A) Upward (B) Downward (C) No deflection (D) None if these
30. In a moving coil galvanometer, the deflection becomes one half. When the galvanometer is shunted
by a 20 Ω resistance. The galvanometer resistance is:
(A) 40 Ω (B) 20 Ω (C) 10 Ω (D) 5 Ω
31. In galvanometer restoring torque is:
(A) cθ (B) NIBA (C) c 2θ (D) None of these
32. A charge particle moving parallel to ⃗ B follows:
(A) Circular path (B) Parabolic path (C) Straight path (D) Elliptical path
33. A current carrying loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The torque acting on it does not
depend upon:
(A) Shape of the loop (B) Area of the loop (C) Value of the current (D) Magnetic field
34. A positively charged particle projected towards east is deflected towards north by a magnetic field.
The field may be:
(A) Towards west (B) Towards south (C) Upward (D) Downwards
35. The sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer can be increased by decreasing:
(A) The number of turns in the coil (B) The area of coil
(C) The magnetic field (D) The couple per unit twist of suspension
36. A beam of charged particles is passing through a magnetic field. The work done on the beam by the
magnetic field:
(A) zero (B) will depend on the velocity
(C) will depend on deflection of beam (D) will depend on strength of magnetic field
37. SI unit of magnetic flux density is:
(A) Wbm−2 (B) Tesla (C) Nm−1 A−1 (D) All of these
38. In a velocity selector particle pass through if:
(A)⃗ Fe = ⃗
FB (B) ⃗
Fe = ⃗Fg Fe = ⃗
(C) ⃗ FB
2 (D) ⃗
Fe = ⃗
39. Unit of permeability of free space is;
(A) Wb A−1 m−1 (B) Nm A−1 (C) Nm 0 A−2 (D) Both (a) and(b)
40. A loop of wire is suspended between poles of a magnet with its plane parallel to pole faces. What
happen if A.C. is used?
(A) Coil oscillate (B) Coil rotate (C) Coil remains at rest (D) Both (a) and (b)
41. The diagram shows a wire, carrying a current I, placed between the poles of a magnet. In which
direction does the force on the wire act?

(A) Downwards (B) Upwards

(C) Towards the N pole of the magnet (D)towards the S pole of the magnet

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