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Major Branches of Biology

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1.The science that deals with the relationship of various organisms with their environment is
known as- (a) Geology (b) Ecology (c) Anthropology (d) Cytology Ans : (b) Ecology is
the branch of science that deals with the study of interaction between organisms and their
2.The study of hematology is related to ……….. (a) Plant reproductive system (b) Blood (c)
Food habits of animals (d) Bones Ans. (b) The study of henmatology is related to blood.
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3.What is Morphology? Our (a) Online
of insects (b) Study of human development (c) Study of
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the shape, structure and specific structural properties of the organism (d) Study of
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interdependence of organism and environment Ans. (c) Morphology is the branch of
biology, under which the shape, Our Gmail Id:
structure and specific structural properties of an organism
are studied.
4.Which of the following study related to human? (a)Archaeology (b)Archeology
(c)Anthropology (d) Andrology Ans. (c) Anthropology is the systematic study of
humanity, through this branch we understand our evolutionary origin, our distinctiveness as
a species, and the great diversity in our forms of social existence the world and through time.
The focus of anthropology is on understanding of the both, our shared humanity and
diversity, and engaging with diverse ways of being in the world.
5. The study of fertilization, development, division and variation is known as: (a)
Embryology (b) Physiology (c) Genetic (d) Evolution Ans : (a) Embryology is the branch
of biology that deals with prenatal development of gametes (sex cells). fertilization, and
development of embryos and fetuses. Physiology is a biological science that deals with the
functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the
physical and chemical phenomena involved. Genetics is the branch of biology concerned
with the study of genes, genetic variations and heredity in organisms.
6. The study of cells is called………… (a) Serology (b) Cytoplasm (c) Cytology (d)
Ans. (c) : The study of cells is known as Cytology. Serology→ It is the scientific study of
serum and other body fluids.
7. The cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables, fruits and flowers is called………
(a) Sericulture (b) Pisciculture (c) Apiculture (d) Horticulture Ans. (d) Horticulture is the
branch of science in which we deal about plant agriculture dealing with garden crops,
generally fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. Horticulture is divided into the cultivation
of plants for food (pomology and olericulture) and plant for ornament (floriculture and
landscape horticulture).
8. Which of the following terms best describes thebiological study of animal behaviour?
(a) Etiology (b) Ethnology (c) Entomology (d) Ethology Ans. (d) Ethology is the study of
animal behaviour.Entomology is the scientific study of insects. Etiology is the scientific
study of causes of disease. Ethnology is the comparative study of two or more cultures.
9. The term 'sericulture' is related to which of the following? (a) Fish farming (b) Silk
farming (c) Bird farming (d) Bee farming Ans. (b) The term 'sericulture is related to silk
Pisciculture → Fish farming Apiculture→ Bee keeping Aviculture → Bird keeping
10. Who introduced binomial nomenclature? (a)Claude Louis Berthollet (b)John Dalton
(c)Dmitri Mendeleev (d)Carolus Linnaeus Ans. (d) : Carolus Linnaeus introduce and
established the practice of binomial nomenclature that is the denomination of each kind of
plant by two words, the genus name and the species name.
11. Viticulture is: (a)Vegetable cultivation (b)Mango cultivation (c)Grape cultivation (d)
Flower cultivation Ans. (c) Viticulture is the cultivation of grapes.
Vegetable cultivation → Olericulture Cultivation of flowers → Floriculture
12.Toxicology is study of: (a) Human behaviour (b) Poison (c) Soil erosion (d) Rock
Ans. (b) Toxicology is the scientific study of adverse effects that occur in living organisms
due to chemicals. It involves observing and reporting symptoms, mechanisms, detection and
treatments of toxic substances, in particular relation to the poisoning of humans.
13. Sericulture related to: (a) Bee keeping (b) Dreams (c) Silkworms cultivation (d)
Ans.(c) Sericulture is the process of cultivating silkworms and extracting silk from them.
14. What is Oneirology studied? (a) God (b) Dreams (c) Sleep (d) Colour
Ans. (b) Oneirology is the scientific study of dreams.
15.Mycology is related to the study of ……….. (a) Human cells (b) Fungi (c) Virus (d)
Ans. (b) Mycology is the discipline of biology that describes and studies a very vast group of
organism denominated as fungi. This group contains around 90.0001 species. Fungi are very
variable, because they include both macroscopic (such as mushrooms, truffles and puffballs)
and microscopic organisms. All of them share some common characteristics. Study of virus
is called virology. The study of human cell is known as cytology while study of bacteria is
known as bacteriology.
16.What is mycology? (a)Study of bacteria(b)Study of mushroom(c)Study of virus(d)Study
of parasites Ans: (b) Mycology is the study of fungi, their relationships to each other and
other organisms, and the unique biochemistry which sets them apart from other groups.
Mushroom is a type of fungi. Study of bacteria is known as Bacteriology. Study of virus is
called Virology, Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship
between them.
17. Oncology is associated with the treatment of which disease? (a) Osteoporosis (b)
Diabetes (c) Cancer (d) Renal failure Ans: (c) Oncology is associated with the treatment of
cancer, Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones. Osteoporosis increases the size of
spaces between bones, causing the bone to lose strength and density. Diabetes is a disease
that occurs when blood sugar level increases. Renal failure is a condition in which the
kidneys stop working and are not able to
remove waste and extra water from the blood or keen body's chemicals in balance.
18. What is studied in botany? (a)Human anatomy (b)Plants (c)Pure mathematics (d)Human
psychology Ans. (b) Plants are studied under botany. Botany is the branch of biology that
deals with study of plants, including their structure , properties and biochemical process.
19. The scientific study of the preserved remains or signs of animals, plants and other
animals of ancient times is called : (a) Anthropology (b) Archacology (c) Paleontology
(d) Pharmacology Ans : (c) The scientific study of the preserved remains or signs of
animals, plants and other creatures of ancient times is called paleontology.
20. What is studied in botany? (a) Entomology (b) Ornithology (c) Birdology (d)Herpetology
Ans : (d) Ornithology→ Study of birds. Entomology→ Study of insects.
Herpetology → Study of amphibians and reptiles
21._______is a written document that draws from research depicting an anthropological
(a) Ethnography (b) Cultural Relativism (c) Ethnosetrism (d) Ethnobotany
Ans : (a) Ethnography is the branch of anthropology which provides systematic study of
people and cultures. It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher looks
at the society to observe the subject of the study. Cultural relativism is the idea that a
person's beliefs, values and practices should be understood on he basis of that person's own
culture. Ethnobotany is the scientific study of the traditional knowledge and customs of a
people concerning plants and their medical, religious, and other uses.
22. Saurology is the study of : (a) Mosquito (b) Lizard (c) Cockroach (d) Snake
Ans : (b) Saurology is the study of lizards.
23. Which of the following is a study of spiders? (a) Arachnology (b) Anthropology (c)
Apiology (d) Cynology Ans : (a) Arachnology Study of spiders (Arachnids)
Anthropology→ Study of human culture or civilization Apiology → Study of Honeybees
Cynology → Study of canines or domestic dogs
24………. is a study of the behaviour of elements and human-like species such as monkeys,
apes, forest animals, etc. (a) Anthropology (b) Ethnobotany (c) Primatology (d) Apiology
Ans: (c) Primatology is the study of the behaviour to human like species such as monkeys,
apes, forest animals etc. Ethnobotany involves the indigenous knowledge of plant's
classification, cultivation, and use as food, m medicine and shelter. Anthropology is the
branch of zoology related to the study of sociology of human is scientific study of honeybee.
25. Zoology is the study, of : (a) Energy (b) Fruit (c) Viruses (d) Animals
Ans. (d) Zoology is the study of animals.
26. Taxonomy is basically related to……… (a) Biodiversity (b) Tax structure (c) A branch
of astronomy (d) Study of human behaviour
Ans : (a) Taxonomy is the branch of biology related to the classification of organisms. It is
basically related to Biodiversity. It classifies organisms including all plants and micro
organisms of the world. It was developed by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus in 1735,
in his book 'Systema Naturae'. Linnaeus invented binomial nomenclature, the system of
giving each type of organism a genus and species name. In this system, each species is
assigned a two-part name; first part of the name of each animal represents genus and second
word denotes species epithet. Anatomy is the branch of science concerned with the bodily
structure of humans and animals. Limnology is the study of inland aquatic ecosystems.
27. Which of the following disciplines of medical science is related to treatment and study of
liver? (a) Helcology (b) Hepatology (c) Heterology (d) Geriatrics
Ans: (b) Hepatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study, prevention,
diagnosis and
management of diseases that affect the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas.
28. Which of the following is the branch of physiology and medicine that deals with specific
diseases and conditions of men? (a) Andrology (b) Astacology (c) Bioecology (b)
Ans : (a) Andrology→ Study of infertility and sexual diseases in men.
Bio-ecology → Study of the relationship among different living organisms and their natural
environment. Astacology -→ Study of crayfish.
29. The study of diseases in plants and the way in which plants resist or cope with infection
is called: (a) Pathology (b) Physiology (c) Phytopathology (d) Photomorphogenesis
Ans : (c) Phytopathology or plant pathology is the science of diagnosing and managing plant
30. Which branch of zoology is closely related to the study of sociology of human race?
(a) Embryology (b) Zoogeography (c) Physiology (d) Anthropology
Ans. (d) Anthropology is the branch of Zoology closely related to the study of sociology of
human race. Zoogeography is a branch of biogeography concerned with the geographic
distribution of animals and especially with the determination of the areas characterized by
specific groups of animals and the study of the causes and significance of such groups.
31. What is Epidemiology? (a) Study of the occurrence and spread of the disease in a large
population. (b) Study of malnutrition in large population. (c) Study of health care provisions
for large population. (d) Study of diagnosis and symptoms of cholera disease.
Ans : (a) Epidemiology is the branch of medical science that investigates all the factors that
determine the presence or absence of diseases and disorders. Epidemic refers to an increase,
often sudden, in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in that
population in that area. Outbreak carries the same definition of epidemic, but is often used
for a more limited geographic area, Pandemic refers to an epidemic that has spread over
several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of people.
32. Palaeontology deals with the study of (a) Bones (b) Fossils (c) Rigid cells (d) Wings
Ans. (b) The study of fossils is called Paleontology. Fossils provide direct evidence of
evolution. The preserved remains of dead organisms which are found safe on the earth's
surfaces are called fossils.

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