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Chairman Ronnie Ong

Dear Chairman Ong:

The undersigned writes your good Office to firmly recommend Atty. Mark Vincent N. Angeles
(Atty. Angeles) for the position of Attorney IV in your Legal Service. I have closely worked with
him and directly saw his capacity as a lawyer.

He has been in the Department since August 1, 2019. He has extensive experience and
exposure in problem mitigation, research, compliance, rendering of legal opinion, training, case
handling, public consultation, stakeholder management, among others, relative to Right-of-Way
Act of 2015 (R.A. 10752).

As someone who has worked in the Department for almost five years, Atty. Angeles has
exhibited strong reliability and effectiveness in accomplishing work tasks assigned to him. He
not only possesses a telling leadership skill, but he is also a great team player. I have seen him
in different hats,

Given that background and skill set, I believe that it would not be difficult for him to adapt in the
new wo

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