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CMS Business School JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) Dr.

Chapter 2 Company Overview
Chapter 2.2: Overview of different Departments
Students should orient/familiarize about processes, systems, policies, practices,
technology, tools and techniques in the area of Finance, Costing and Management
Accounting, Forex Management, Corporate Finance, Financial Reporting, M&A, GST,
Financial Technology/ERP etc.

Important Note:
Don’t ask direct questions on profit/loss, cash/bank balances, accounts balances, real
figures/numerical, statements, accounts, documents or any real time or actual data.

Don’t ask for P&L Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.

Do request for templates / formats / Proforma of documents.

Do know about the policies / procedures regarding finance function.

The Questions/Queries will be around the following lines:

Organization structure of finance function

• Types of books of accounts – Branch accounting
• Internal control & audit – brief description
• Subsidiaries – Consolidation of results
• Strategic Business Units (SBUs), Cost & Revenue centers
• Overtime, idle time treatment
• Cost records maintained by organization
• Documentation (only template is required)
• Receipts
• Vouchers
• Debit note
• Credit note
• Inward and outward invoices

Email: SIP 2023-25 M: 9341226999

CMS Business School JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) Dr. BRR
• Budgeting - types of budget, frequency, revisions
• Cost control techniques – brief summary
• Lean Manufacturing tools like Value streaming, Value Mapping etc.
• Inventory control techniques
• Purchase function and vendor selection – Tenders & Quotations
• Debtors management
• Credit terms
• Bad debts management
• Factoring (if any)
• Working capital management – Financing, bank O/D arrangement
• Accounting for scrap spoilage and wastage – Control mechanism
• BRS – Approach & Frequency of preparation
• Advanced tax – Practice & Policy
• GST – Filling of returns & Compliances
• Depreciation Policy adopted
• Foreign Exchange hedging – Accounting for forex losses/gains
• Capacity utilization – approximate figures
• Revenue recognition – policy followed
• Standard costing – is it adopted or not
• ABC, Life cycle costing, Target costing
• Capital Budgeting – process & techniques followed
• Amortization policy w.r.t. Capital Expenditures
• Public issue of shares – Listing if any
• Bonus, dividends, rights, stock splits if any
Risk Management Techniques brief summary
Accounting Standards / Ind AS followed
Accounting ERPs – Tally / ZOHO Books etc.
Blockchian Technology
Fin Tech / IOTs in the area Finance
Mitigating business disruptions

Final Note:

Email: SIP 2023-25 M: 9341226999

CMS Business School JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) Dr. BRR
a) Some of the above queries may not be relevant for the business of your company.
Then avoid them.
b) Any other clarifications provided by the company’s mentor may also be recorded
and reported.
FINALLY, analyse the company’s financial performance over a period of three to five years.
Benchmark the company’s performance with the peers.
Market Size of the Industry and the Company
Market Research
Market Segmentation
Customers’ Profile
Consumer Surveys
Types of Customers [B2B, B2G, B2C, C2C etc]
Marketing Budget
Technology in Marketing = Digital Marketing
Any other relevant point pertaining to Marketing department

HR Budget
Technology in HR: AI [Artificial Intelligence]
HR Functions = Recruitment, Man Power Planning
HR Development and Training
HR Evaluation, Assessment, Promotions, Transfers, Salary Package, Job Profiling, Job
Rotation, HR Policy
Attrition Rate = Turnover of Employees
Any other relevant point pertaining to HR department
Similarly Expand: Operations, SCM, Systems, IT, Analytics
All the best.

Email: SIP 2023-25 M: 9341226999

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