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Task for Program Associate

Your primary role will involve training children in government schools on coding skills using
the Scratch application. To help us evaluate your suitability for this role, please complete the
following task:

Task Description:

Objective: Create a lesson plan and deliver a short instructional video on teaching a basic
coding concept using the Scratch application.


1. Lesson Plan Creation:

- Choose a basic coding concept suitable for children (e.g., creating a simple animation,
basic loops, or simple event handling in Scratch).
- Develop a lesson plan that covers this concept, including:
- Lesson Title
- Objective: What will the students learn?
- Materials Needed: List any materials or resources needed.
- Introduction (2-3 minutes): Briefly explain the concept and its importance.
- Main Activity (5-6 minutes): Step-by-step instructions on how to implement the concept
in Scratch.
- Conclusion (2-3 minutes): Recap the lesson and provide any additional tips or
challenges for the students.

2. Instructional Video:
- Record a 10-minute video delivering your lesson plan. Ensure that your video includes:
- An introduction of yourself.
- Clear and engaging explanations of the coding concept.
- A demonstration of the activity in the Scratch application.
- Interaction techniques you would use to engage the children (e.g., questions, prompts,
encouraging exploration).
- The video should be clear, audible, and engaging, simulating how you would teach in a
real classroom setting.

3. Submission:
- Submit your lesson plan in a PDF format.
- Submit your video in a commonly used video format (e.g., MP4).

4. Evaluation Criteria:
- Clarity and Structure: The lesson plan is well-organised and easy to follow.
- Content Knowledge: Demonstrates a solid understanding of the coding concept and
Scratch application.
- Engagement: Ability to engage and interact with children in a meaningful way.
- Delivery: Clear and confident presentation in the video.
How to Submit:
- Please email your lesson plan and video to and keep in CC with the subject line “Program Associate Task
Submission – [Your Name]”.
- Ensure your submission is complete and submitted by 17-06-2024.

We look forward to reviewing your submission. Good luck!

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