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Name : Kamaruddin

NIM : 21291068
Class : B3 English

How to Make a Good Academic Essay

Essays are topics written by writers about factual information based on science or
phenomena that occur in society. In writing essays, the author makes arguments or views after
conducting scientific research. For example, making comparison-contrasting essays,
argumentative essays, cause-and-effect essays, and so on. Essays are also useful as a medium
used in writing by an essayist to spread knowledge based on the results of scientific research.
According to Widyamart, "an essay is an attempt to generate views on a topic in a short form and
the best way of telling". Essay writing can provide benefits to an essay, especially in writing and
reading skills. Finally, there are several parts and Steps that are very important in the process of
writing an academic essay the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

First, the introduction can be written with several sentences in one paragraph, five to
seven sentences. Likewise with other paragraphs. Second, in the introduction we can provide
interesting background or information about the topic to be discussed. Then, in the introduction
there must be a thesis statement either explicitly or implicitly as the main idea that we will
explain in the essay in each paragraph that will be made. Next, the body paragraph is the content
or thesis statement made in the essay as the core discussion of the essay topic that has been
made. In the body paragraph, an essayist will make statements or arguments in accordance with
the research that has been done. A third time, the body paragraphs must be accompanied by
factual information or phenomena that occur in society to strengthen the statements of each
thesis statement. For example, make a quotations and statistical data. finally, conclusions are
made in the last paragraph to summarize any discussion or reinforcement of the topics discussed
in the introductory paragraph and body paragraph. The purpose is to let readers know that they
are at the end of the essay.
In addition, the steps in making a good academic essay are, first, determining the topics
to be discussed. Second, do in-depth research to collect material. Then, make an outline or draft.
Next, write an essay according to the structure. In writing paragraph sentences, make the topic of
the sentence the main idea of each.

In conclusion, writing an essay has a structure and components that must be complete so
that the essay is written coherently. In addition, essays have sections known as thesis statements
which are the contents of the essay. Furthermore, essays train us to make statements or make
arguments about topics that we have researched scientifically. Also, essay writing functions as a
medium to channel our knowledge to society. Finally, essays provide benefits to essayists,
especially in the ability to write and read well academically.

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