CRECB 2017 pt1 Pg86

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1 January 3, 2017
RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST INDI- congratulating these individuals who will be- IN HONOR OF CRYSTAL HANBAUM
ANA’S NEWLY NATURALIZED come citizens of the United States of America
CITIZENS on January 6, 2017. They, too, will be Amer- HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI
ican citizens, and they, too, are guaranteed OF OHIO
HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
OF INDIANA pursuit of happiness. We, as a free and demo-
cratic nation, congratulate them and welcome Tuesday, January 3, 2017
them. Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec-
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
ognize Crystal Hanbaum of Lakewood High
Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with f School for winning the Ohio Division II State
great pleasure and sincerity that I take this Individual Golf Tournament.
time to congratulate thirty individuals who will IN HONOR OF NANCY A. NELSON An achievement such as this certainly de-
take their oath of citizenship on Friday, Janu- serves recognition. The Ohio High School Ath-
ary 6, 2017. This memorable occasion, pre- letic Association has enabled talented teams
sided over by Judge Joseph Van Bokkelen, HON. NIKI TSONGAS and individuals to earn state titles since its
will be held at the United States Courthouse founding in 1907. Throughout this time, the
and Federal Building in Hammond, Indiana. OF MASSACHUSETTS
champions of OHSAA state level competitions
America is a country founded by immi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have represented the highest achieving and
grants. From its beginning, settlers have come most talented athletes in Ohio. Each year
from countries around the world to the United Tuesday, January 3, 2017 these elite competitors join the long ranks of
States in search of better lives for their fami- those who embody Ohio’s proud history of
lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, each year
nearly one million people visit Minute Man Na- athletic success.
of what is so great about the United States of Crystal Hanbaum’s victory caps a tremen-
America—that people from all over the world tional Historical Park in Concord, Massachu-
dous season. This sort of achievement is
can come together and unite as members of setts, the home to the ‘‘shot heard round the
earned only through many hours of practice,
a free, democratic nation. These individuals world’’ and the birthplace of the American
perspiration and hard work. She has set a
realize that nowhere else in the world offers a Revolution. Since 1993, Superintendent Nancy
new standard for future athletes to reach. Ev-
better opportunity for success than here in A. Nelson has been the steward of Minute
eryone at Lakewood High School can be ex-
America. Man; a guardian of its substantial history and
tremely proud of her performance.
On January 6, 2017, the following people, a visionary that has helped illuminate the past
On behalf of the citizens of Ohio’s 12th
representing many nations throughout the for millions and millions of visitors.
Congressional District, I congratulate Crystal
world, will take their oaths of citizenship in Upon Nancy’s retirement on January 3, Hanbaum on her state championship. I wish
Hammond, Indiana: Boyd William Lomow, Vir- 2017, the National Park Service will lose one her continued success in both athletic and
ginia Reformina Wilson, Mark Edward Sinclair, of its most dedicated and passionate officials. academic endeavors.
Maria del Carmen Garcia Santacruz, Salome However, Nancy’s influence will remain visible f
Edda Njeri Kinyanjui, Jadranka Angelovska, and tangible for many years to come. Under
Hellen Chimbuka, Maria Isabel Lopez, Idoko Nancy’s supervision, Minute Man NPS under- INTRODUCTION OF THE HOME
Anthony Emmanuel, Nikolce Trajcevski, Au- went extraordinary changes: visitor facilities FORECLOSURE REDUCTION ACT
drey del Rocio Ramirez Castanos, Dineshbhai were modernized, public use was expanded OF 2017
Zaverbhai Patel, Diem Thuy Thi Nguyen, Ro- and numerous historic structures were reha-
land Benoit Cormier, Sheryl Ramirez bilitated. She focused on changing the land- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR.
Ruggaber, Willis Mureti Imanene, Kevin Kokey scape of the park, refreshing the grounds and OF MICHIGAN
Sholley, Edwin Ato Kwamina Otsin Fynn, making efficient use of its buildings. Her ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
Isaac Mercado Massri, Noemi Smith, Jose forts have enabled a new generation of Ameri-
Enrique Lizarraga Leon, Milcho Georgiev Iliev, Tuesday, January 3, 2017
cans to fully experience one of our country’s
Cinthia Araceli Perez, Ghusoun Alammouri, most important moments in time. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, the ‘‘Home
Leah Aizam Campbell, Daisy Cipres, Olive Foreclosure Reduction Act of 2017’’ would
Nancy dedicated herself to a lifetime of pub- permit a bankruptcy judge, with respect to cer-
Konima Conteh, Jessica Nguyen, John Mi-
lic service. During her 39-year career with the tain home mortgages, to reduce the principal
chael Prejmak, and Jonathan Treto.
Although each individual has sought to be- National Park Service, Nancy served in myriad amount of such mortgages to the fair market
come a citizen of the United States for his or positions across the organization, from Land- value of the homes securing such indebted-
her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- scape Architect to Environmental Protection ness. My legislation will encourage home-
tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, Specialist, to Superintendent of Minute Man owners to make their mortgage payments and
each is inspired by the fact that the United National Historical Park. After working closely help stem the endless cycle of foreclosures
States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- with Nancy for many years, I am profoundly that further depresses home values. It also
scribed it, a country ‘‘. . . of the people, by the appreciative of her unmatched commitment to would authorize the mortgage’s repayment pe-
people, and for the people.’’ They realize that historic preservation and education, and her riod to be extended so that monthly mortgage
the United States is truly a free nation. By years of effective and impactful leadership. payments are more affordable. In addition, the
seeking American citizenship, they have made Her leadership as Superintendent will be bill would allow exorbitant mortgage interest
the decision that they want to live in a place missed here in Massachusetts and at the Na- rates to be reduced to a level that will keep
where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment tional Park Service. the mortgage affordable over the long term.
of the Constitution, they can practice religion I extend my sincerest thanks and congratu- And, it would authorize the waiver of prepay-
rmajette on DSKB3F4F33PROD with BOUND RECORD

as they choose, speak their minds without fear lations to Nancy on behalf of a grateful nation, ment penalties and excessive fees. Further,
of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- and I am confident that even in retirement she the bill would eliminate hidden fees and unau-
test should they choose to do so. will remain a staunch advocate for preserving thorized costs.
Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask you and my our national treasures, a mission on which I This bill addresses a fundamental problem:
other distinguished colleagues to join me in look forward to continuing to work with her. homeowners in financial distress simply lack

● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.
Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

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