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1 January 3, 2017
the debtor seeks to modify or not pay the re- Bishop Hartley Football Team on their state INTRODUCTION OF THE PRO-
tiree benefits or if the court otherwise deter- championship. I wish them continued success TECTING EMPLOYEES AND RE-
mines that it is appropriate for that committee in both athletic and academic endeavors. TIREES IN BUSINESS BANK-
to be comprised of such individuals to serve f RUPTCIES ACT OF 2017
as the authorized representative.
With respect to retired employees not cov-
ered by a collective bargaining agreement, the OF MICHIGAN
court, on motion by a party in interest after no- MONTVILLE, NEW JERSEY
tice and a hearing, must order the United
States Trustee to appoint a committee of re- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Tuesday, January 3, 2017
tired employees if the debtor seeks to modify OF NEW JERSEY Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, throughout our
or not pay retiree benefits, or if the court oth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nation’s history, hardworking American men
erwise determines that it is appropriate to Tuesday, January 3, 2017 and women have labored to make our busi-
serve as the authorized representative of such Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise nesses become the most productive and dy-
employees. Section 3 provides that the party today to honor the Township of Montville, New namic in the world. Unfortunately, when some
requesting the appointment of a committee Jersey on its 150th Anniversary. of these businesses encounter financial dif-
has the burden of proof. Montville Township is a beautiful, suburban ficulties and seek to reorganize their debts
Where the court grants a motion for the ap- community located in Morris County in north- under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code,
pointment of a retiree committee, section 3 re- western New Jersey bordered by the Passaic these very same workers and retirees are
quires the United States Trustee to choose in- River. The Township’s nineteen square miles often asked to make major sacrifices through
dividuals to serve on the committee on a pro- are comprised of three towns: Montville, Pine lost job protections, lower wages, and the
portional basis per capita based on organiza- Brook, and Towaco. As of 2013 U.S. Census elimination of hard-won pension and health
tion membership from among members of the estimates, there are approximately 21,663 benefits, while the executives and managers
organizations that represent the individuals people living within the Township. These resi- of these business are not required to make
with respect to whom such order is entered. dents enjoy an active, vibrant community with comparable sacrifices.
This requirement ensures that the committee, a full range of municipal services, an excellent We must do more to ensure that America’s
in a case where there are multiple labor orga- public school system, and a first-rate public li- most important resource—workers and retir-
nizations, fairly represents the interests of the brary that provides services, activities, and ees—are treated more fairly when these busi-
members of those various organizations on a volunteer opportunities for people of all ages. ness seek to reorganize their financial affairs
proportional basis. Originally known as ‘‘Uyle-Kill’’ (the Dutch under the protection of our bankruptcy laws.
Finally, section 3 of the bill imposes a sig- spelling of ‘‘Owl-Kill’’), the region now known The Protecting Employees and Retirees in
nificant threshold that must be met before re- as Montville Township was first settled by Business Bankruptcies Act of 2017 accom-
tiree benefits can be reduced or eliminated. Dutch farmers in the early 18th Century. The plishes this goal by amending the Bankruptcy
Current law has no such requirement. In a settlement grew in size, and by the 1740’s, Code in several respects. First, it improves re-
case where the municipality proposes in its construction of the first major road in the area coveries for employees and retirees by: (1) in-
plan to impair any right to a retiree benefit, had begun. creasing the amount of worker claims entitled
This road was to come of use in the Revolu- to priority payment for unpaid wages and con-
section 3 permits the committee to support
tionary War, during which Montville served as tributions to employee benefit plans up to
such impairment only if at least two-thirds of
a major military route from Morristown to the $20,000; (2) eliminating the difficult to prove
its members vote in favor of doing so.
Hudson River. General Washington’s troops restriction in current law that wage and benefit
f often took this route, and Washington himself claims must be earned within 180 days of the
IN HONOR OF THE BISHOP HART- stayed in Montville in June of 1780. French re- bankruptcy filing in order to be entitled to pri-
LEY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL inforcement troops led by General Rocham- ority payment; (3) allowing employees to as-
TEAM beau also passed through Montville on their sert claims for losses in certain defined con-
way to the Revolutionary War’s final victory at tribution plans when such losses result from
Jamestown, Virginia.
HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI The mid-19th Century saw the development
employer fraud or breach of fiduciary duty; (4)
OF OHIO establishing a new priority administrative ex-
of two smaller village centers set apart from
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pense for workers’ severance pay; and (5)
Montville—Pine Brook, a fertile agricultural
clarifying that back pay awards for WARN Act
Tuesday, January 3, 2017 area in the Township’s southern end, and
damages are entitled to the same priority as
Whitehall (later called Towaco), situated on
Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- back pay for other legal violations.
the Morris Canal. Construction of the Morris
ognize the Bishop Hartley High School Foot- Second, the legislation reduces employees’
Canal was completed in this area in 1828,
ball Team for winning the Ohio Division IV and retirees’ losses by: (1) restricting the con-
bringing commercial navigation to the
State Football Tournament. ditions under which collective bargaining
Montville and Towaco areas. On April 11,
An achievement such as this certainly de- agreements and commitments to fund retiree
1867, the Township of Montville was formally
serves recognition. The Ohio High School Ath- pensions and health benefits may be elimi-
chartered from nineteen square miles of terri-
letic Association has enabled talented teams nated or adversely affected; (2) preventing
tory formerly belonging to Pequannock Town-
and individuals to earn state titles since its companies from singling out non-management
founding in 1907. Throughout this time, the Montville Township has consistently ranked retirees for concessions; (3) requiring a court
champions of OHSAA state level competitions among the best places to live both in New Jer- to consider the impact a bidder’s offer to pur-
have represented the highest achieving and sey and across the country. chase a company’s assets would have on
most talented athletes in Ohio. Each year Montville Township has also been recog- maintaining existing jobs and preserving re-
these elite competitors join the long ranks of nized for its commitment to public safety, tiree pension and health benefits; and (4) clari-
those who embody Ohio’s proud history of which directly impacts the quality of living in fying that the principal purpose of Chapter 11
athletic success. bankruptcy is the preservation of jobs to the
rmajette on DSKB3F4F33PROD with BOUND RECORD

the community. The Township has also imple-

The Bishop Hartley Football Team’s victory mented a Community Dispute Resolution maximum extent possible.
caps a tremendous season. This sort of Committee to aid law enforcement by inde- Third, the bill restricts excessive executive
achievement is earned only through many pendently mediating citizen disputes. compensation programs by: (1) requiring full
hours of practice, perspiration and hard work. Finally, Montville has taken a proactive ap- disclosure and court approval of executive
They have set a new standard for future ath- proach to streamlining its business develop- compensation packages; (2) restricting the
letes to reach. Everyone at Bishop Hartley ment approval process, making the Township payment of bonuses and other forms of incen-
High School can be extremely proud of their a great place to start or relocate a business. tive compensation to senior officers and oth-
performance. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and our col- ers; and (3) ensuring that insiders cannot re-
On behalf of the citizens of Ohio’s 12th leagues join me in congratulating Montville on ceive retiree benefits if workers have lost their
Congressional District, I congratulate the its Sesquicentennial Anniversary. retirement or health benefits.

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