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Republic of the Philippines


(GE – LWR / SOC SCI 411)
(Adapted from Mrs. Rizalina Danao’s instructional materials)


This module will give you insights in making Rizal course a compulsory study in
tertiary education.
The lessons will enable you to refresh your knowledge of Dr. Jose Rizal’s
biography which you might have missed or forgotten.
Furthermore, this module is designed to provide an overview of some of the
important aspects of Rizal’s life.

After completing this module, you are expected to be able to make critical judgment
of making Dr. Jose Rizal as the Foremost National Hero. Cite documentary evidences to
support your stand.

Specifically, you should be able to:

1. Compose a brief reflective essay related to your assessment and

evaluation on the effectiveness of the implementation of Rizal Law.

2. Trace the genealogy of Rizal by drawing his family tree.

3. Make a timeline on the historical points of significant events in the
following stages of Rizal’s life:

3.1. Rizal’s Family

3.2. Rizal’s Formative Years and Education
3.3. Rizal in Europe
3.4. Rizal’s Homecoming
3.5. Rizal’s Exile in Dapitan, Trial and Execution

There are four lessons in this module that will provide you in analyzing, assessing and
evaluating significant events in Rizal’s life.


Instructions: 1. Examine the listed topics and ask yourself, how much you know and
what you want to know more about them. Write your answers on the first two columns of
the KWL Chart in bullet forms. Upon completion of the lessons in the module, fill up
the last column.
“ I Know …..” “ I Want to Know more” “I Learned …”

I know that Dr. Jose Rizal was I want to know more of his life I learned that Dr. Jose Rizal's
our National Hero situation on before he was Heroism is indestructible,
killed by the Spanish soldiers sacrificing many things just to
He wrote the Noli Me Tangere save the Filipinos from slavery
and El Filibusterismo as an act
of revolution against the
Spanish friars and Guardia

Lesson 1 – The Historical Context of the Rizal Law
Lesson 1 will provide your insights in the historical context of the Rizal Law and
its inclusion in the curricula of all public and private school, colleges and universities.
Lesson 2 – Rizal’s Family, Formative Years and Intellectual Development
Lesson 2 focuses on the family background of Jose Rizal, his life and experiences as a
young boy and as a student. The lesson provides an outline of the salient features of
development during his formative years and his early education.
Lesson 3 – Significant Events in Europe and Rizal’s Homecoming
Lesson 3 discusses the reasons of Rizal’s travel to Europe, his experiences and how
these, influenced his ideals and philosophies in life, his noticeable works and achievements
and the reasons of his homecoming. The lesson provides a timeline of those significant events
of Rizal’s life.
Lesson 4 – Rizal’s Exile in Dapitan, Trial and Execution
Lesson 4 provides a discussion about the reasons of his last homecoming, La Liga
Filipina, the causes of Jose Rizal’s arrest and deportation to Dapitan, events of his trial and
execution and his manifesto regarding the 1896 Philippine revolution.

Flow of Instruction
Lesson Focus Topics
Lesson 1. Historical Explain the rationale of the The Historical Context of
Context of the Rizal Rizal Law. the Rizal Law.
Discuss historical context of Reactions to the passage of the
the Rizal Law. Rizal Law.
Relate the passage of the Rizal
Law to nation-building, patriotism
and nationalism.

Examine the economic and socio- The Philippines at Rizal’s time

political milieu of the 19th Century
Lesson 2. Rizal’s Family, Describe the family of Jose Rizal Personal Background of Jose
Formative Years and Rizal
Intellectual Recall significant experiences
Development during Rizal’s formative years. Intellectual Development of Jose

Compare and Contrast the Young boy in Binan
educational system during Rizal’s A student in Ateneo
time and the present. A Student in UST
Lesson 3. Significant Identify the achievements/ Rizal’s travels to Europe
Event in Europe and accomplishments of Rizal while in Significant achievements/
Rizal’s Homecoming Europe accomplishments in Europe
Rizal’s first and second
Discuss the reasons of Jose Rizal’s homecoming
first and second homecoming
Lesson 4. Exile in Explain why Jose Rizal was La Liga Filipina
Dapitan, arrested and exiled.
Trial and Execution
Evaluate the judicial process of Rizal’s Exile, Trial and Death
Rizal’s trial and execution


Going through this module can be both a fun and a meaningful learning experience. All
you need to do is make use of your time and resources efficiently. To do this, here are some
tips for you:
1. Take time in reading and understanding each lesson. It is better to be slow but sure
than to hurry finishing the module only to find out that you missed the concepts you
are supposed to learn.
2. Be honest. When answering the test items, do not turn to the key to correction page
unless you are done.
3. You will answer open ended questions and with the expected submission of your
output. Due date will be on or before the midterm examination.
4. Answer first the pre-test before proceeding to the lessons, activities, application and
the post test at the end of the module.
5. The entire discussion of the lesson can be access from the given link or books
provided by the teacher
6. Have your outputs properly identified by your name, course, year and section and
specialization before submitting them.


Law Bill
Rizal law Rizal bill
Nationalism Patriotism
Church hierarchy Legislative
House of Congress House of the Senate
Antagonist Ally
Principalia illustrados
Creoles indios
Polo frailocracy

Guardia civil Governor-General
Feudalism encomendero
Encomienda system Royal Audiencia
Genealogy Cavity Mutiny
Secularization La Liga Filipina
Ophthalmology Propaganda Movement
La Solidaridad Noli Me Tangere
El Filibusterismo

PRE-TEST - Recall your prior knowledge by answering the following items.

Write your answers on a separate answer sheet. If you are done, check your
answer against the Key to correction appended at the end of lesson 1. Indicate
your score/no. of items.
1. Rizal law is also known as a.
R. A. 1245
b. R. A. 1425
c. R. A. 1524
d. R. A. 2514
2. Rizal law was signed on
a. June 12, 1956
b. June 19, 1958
c. June 24, 1956
d. June 30, 1969
3. Before it became the Rizal law, it was called
a. Senate Bill 348
b. Senate Bill 364
c. Senate Bill 438
d. Senate Bill 384
4. Rizal law was authored by
a. Claro M. Recto
b. Jose P. Laurel
c. Fr. Horacio de la Costa S.J.
d. Fr. Vicente Garcia
5. The Rizal law was sponsored by
a. Claro M. Recto
b. Jose P. Laurel
c. Marciano Cuenco
d. Ambeth Ocampo
6. As required by Rizal law, readings of this novel should be mandatory
a. Mi Ultimo Adios
b. Noli Me Tangere
c. A la Juventud Filipina
d. Kundiman

7. Student A says that history and law are the reasons why students must take up a
Rizal course, Students B say that Senate Bill 646 was the Rizal Bill. Who is right?
a. Student A only
b. Student B only
c. Both students A & B
d. None of the above

8. Frailocracy is a unique form of government introduced by the Spaniards in the

Philippines. It simply demonstrates that it is
a. A government for the friars
b. A government of the people
c. A government by the people
d. A government for the people
9. What event explains the main cause of the execution of the martyred Filipino
a. Assimilation reform
b. Cavity mutiny controversy
c. Secularizations controversy
d. Equality of religious rights and privileged
10. What strategy did Rizal use in order to free the Filipinos from the bondage of the
Spanish colonial rule?
a. Through a revolution
b. Through radical means
c. Through peaceful means
d. Through the use of sword
11. The act of paying sum of money to the Spanish government in the Philippines in
order to be exempted from rendering manual labor.
a. Falla
b. Polo
c. Pesetas
d. Polista
12. One of the events in Philippines history that led Rizal to develop a strong sense
of patriotism and nationalism
a. Katipunan
b. Propaganda Movement
c. Execution of GOMBURZA
d. His exile in Dapitan
13. The Filipinos came to hate the forced labor because of the following reasons
a. Working hours were reduced
b. Just compensation were denied
c. Spanish residents were exempted
d. Filipinos worked far away from their homes

14. Rizal plan to write his two novels for an important purpose, that is to
a. Inculcate the value of perseverance
b. Insinuate the Filipinos for rebellion
c. Expose the hypocrisy of the Spaniards
d. Motivate his countrymen to remain passive

15. Spanish judicial system in the Philippines was evaluated as

a. Fair
b. Equal
c. Honest
d. Prejudged
16. Rizal’s first teacher
a. Teodora Alonzo
b. Leon Monroy
c. Lucas Padua
d. Celestino
17. Location of Rizal’s first school
a. Binan
b. Calamba
c. Lipa
d. Manila
18. Rizal’s teacher in his first private school
a. Juan Alonzo
b. Fr. Bech
c. Fr. Ramon
d. Justiniano Cruz
19. A congregation of priests which owns Ateneo de Manila
a. Dominicans
b. Augustinians
c. Jesuits
d. Diocesan
20. In 1877, Rizal enrolled in University of Santo Tomas in his program
a. Medicine
b. Fine Arts
c. Philosophy and Letters
d. Agriculture
21. While studying in UST, Rizal graduated from this vocational course at
a. Surveying
b. Carpentry
c. Cooking
d. Baking
22. On his second year in UST, Rizal shifted to this course
a. Medicine

b. Fine Arts
c. Philosophy and Letters
d. Agriculture

23. The novel Noli Me Tangere is best illustrated by Rizal through its nature and
contents EXCEPT _
a. It is a romantic novel
b. It is a book of feeling
c. It is “a work of heart”
d. It contains pain, hatred and violence
24. Rizal’s mother was arrested and jailed while Dr. Jose Rizal was exiled in Dapitan
without a fair trial. The incidents clearly explained that Rizal’s family were _
a. victims of forced labor.
b. victims of Spanish injustice.
c. victims of racial discrimination.
d. victims of corrupt colonial officials.
25. The death sentence verdict of Dr. Jose Rizal was judged by the people, as a case
a. absence of substantial evidences.
b. false testimonies under the pain of torture.
c. presumption of guilt before the accused is proven innocent.
d. presumption of innocence before the accused is proven guilty.
26. A peaceful means of seeking social and political reforms for the Philippines.
a. Katipunan
b. La Solidaridad
c. La Liga Filipina
d. Propaganda movement
27. Rizal went to Europe in order to prepare himself for a secret mission. Which is
correct from the options given below.
a. Liberate his fellowmen
b. Advance his medical studies
c. Observe the culture of the people
d. Enjoy as a tourist
28. A conflict concerning supremacy in the propaganda movement arose between
Rizal and
a. Andres Bonifacio
b. Graciano Lopez -Jaena
c. Juan Luna
d. Marcelo H. del Pilar
29. “The pen is as mighty as a sword” How would you appraise the statement?
a. The sword causes bloodshed.
b. Bonifacio’s revolution is only the effect.
c. The sword commands immediate results.

d. The pen of Rizal would have more permanent and lasting effects.

30. The names listed below were the ancestors of Dr. Jose Rizal. Which among the
options were his parents?
a. Domingo Lamco & Ines de la Rosa
b. Francisco Mercado & Teodora Alonzo
c. Juan Mercado & Cirilo Alejandro
d. Lorenzo Alonzo & Brigida de Quimtos
31. Compare and contrast the essence of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
a. Seek for reforms
b. Plan for a revolution
c. Describe Philippine society
d. Seek freedom and independence
32. Which of the following justify that every 30th day of December mark a
historical event in the Philippines worth remembering?
a. Exile of Rizal
b. Execution of Rizal
c. Homecoming of Rizal
d. Departure of Rizal to Europe
33. The official newspaper of the propaganda movement.
a. A La Patria
b. Kartilla
c. La Solidaridad
d. La Verdad
34. How would you assess Rizal’s reaction when he met difficulties in printing of
the Noli?
a. Broken-hearted
b. Financially broken
c. Discourage from deprivation
d. Enliven by the spirit of optimism
35. Rizal’s one purpose of returning back to the Philippines is to _
a. Start a revolution
b. Unite his countrymen
c. Operate his mother’s eye
d. Surrender to the Spaniards
36. In Rizal’s essay “Indolence of the Filipinos” he wrote;
“The fact that best plantations, the best tracts of land in some provinces…
are in the hands of the religious corporations… is one of the reasons why many
towns do not progress in spite the efforts of their inhabitants”.
How would you judge the situation cited above?
a. Filipino people were lazy.
b. The economy improved.

c. Respect ownership of real property.
37. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group.
a. Fr. Jacinto Zamora
b. Fr. Jose Burgos
c. Fr. Mariano Gomez
d. Fr. Pedro Pelaez
38. The following justify that Rizal’s family played a vital role in his early
formation EXCEPT
a. his mother was arrested.
b. his mother is highly cultured.
c. his father as “model of fathers”.
d. his family members’ love and affection.
39. Which of the following carries a biblical translation of the Noli Me Tangere
a. “One For All”
b. “ One Like All”
c. “Touch Me Not”
d. Social Cancer
40. Student A says that Rizal finish his surveying course at Sto. Tomas before 22
years old. Student B say that Rizal was unhappy at Sto. Tomas. Who is right?
a. Student A only
b. Student B only
c. Both student A & B
d. None of the above
41. It took Rizal three years to write the Noli Me Tangere. Recall the sequence of the
places where he spent times finishing the novel.
a. Germany, Madrid, Paris
b. Madrid, Germany Paris
c. Madrid, Paris, Germany
d. Paris, Germany, Madrid
42. Rizal plan to write his two novels for an important purpose, that is to _
a. inculcate the value of perseverance.
b. insinuate the Filipino for rebellion.
c. expose the hypocrisy of the Spaniards.
d. motivate his countrymen to remain passive.
43. The saddest role was played when the decision and order of the court martial
to shot Jose Rizal was approved by
a. Gov. General Camilo Polavieja.
b. Gov. General Eulogio Despujol.
c. Gov. General Narciso Claveria.
d. Gov. General Ramon Blanco
44. Which of the personal qualities of Rizal would explain that his death is a
a. His complete denial

b. His talents and skills
c. His happy childhood year in Calamba
d. His sweet memories with Josephine Bracken
45. To assess the memories of Rizal in his childhood year, what particular
experiences led him to develop the spirit of nationalism?
a. Death of his sister
b. The story of the moth
c. Family religious practices
d. Memories at Binan’s school
46. Rizal laid the foundation of the organization of the La Liga Filipina during his
a. Arrival in Manila
b. First homecoming
c. Second homecoming
d. Third homecoming
47. A good friend of Rizal who financed the printing of the novel Noli Me
a. Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
b. Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo
c. Dr. Maximo Viola
d. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
48. In Noli Me Tangere, Rizal dramatized the sufferings and injustices done to his
mother in the character of
a. Josephine Bracken
b. Leonor Rivera
c. Maria Clara
d. Sisa
49. A filibuster could have various meaning EXCEPT
a. a rebel.
b. a subversive.
c. a passive person.
d. an enemy of the state.
50. The El Filibusterismo is dedicated to the people who headed for reforms in the
secularization of the Philippine parishes.
a. Dominicans
b. Friars
c. Jesuits
d. Martyred priest

 How many of the items did you fail to answer correctly and how do you feel about
your score in the pretest?
 What implication or important message did it tell you in terms of your background
knowledge about the life and works of Rizal?

“ If the present generation does not like
to read me because of fear. I shall keep what I
have written for the coming generation…”
-Jose Rizal

After studying this lesson, you should be able to:

• Explain the rationale and salient provisions of the Rizal Law

• Discuss the historical context of the Rizal Law
• Relate the passage of Rizal Law to nation-building, patriotism and
• Examine the economic and socio-political milieu of the 19th century
• Critically assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the Rizal Law.


Instructions. Write in a bullet form what and how you have learned about Dr.
Jose Rizal during your secondary education.
 Full name: Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado Y Alonso Realonda
 National hero of the Philippines
 Born on June 19, 1861
 Author of El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere
 Leader of Propaganda_
__ _


How did you enjoy writing and sharing what you have learned about Rizal’s life,
works and martyrdom?

I enjoyed writing and sharing what I have learned about Rizal’s life, works and
martyrdom by learning about the life of Rizal by heart and relating them.

Let’s Do These

1. Please accomplish the activity. Read the full text of the Rizal Law Refer to the
links and references provided by the teacher or you may surf some more online sources.
2. Create an organizer showing the rationale, salient provisions, stages,
proponents, and arguments (of proponents and oppositionist) of the Rizal law.
R.A. 1425 (Rizal Law)
Rationale Salient Provisions Proponents/Opponents

The Rizal Law, also The salient points of The Rizal Law was
known as RA 1425, mandates Rizal Law focuses on the sponsored by Senator Claro
the study of Rizal’s life and works and writings of Dr. Jose M. Recto and also the main
works, as shown in section 1. Rizal particularly the novels proponent of the law. While
This Republic Act calls for an Noli Me Tangere and El Jose P. Laurel Sr. who is the
increased sense of nationalism Filibusterismo, shall be Committee on Education,
from the Filipinos during a included in the curricula of all sponsored the bill in the
time of a schools, colleges Senate and
dwindling Filipino identity. and universities, public and also the Father of Rizal Law.
The salient points of private.
Rizal Law focuses on the
works and writings of Dr. Jose
Rizal particularly the novels
Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, shall be
included in the curricula of all
schools, colleges
and universities, public and
The Rizal Law was
sponsored by Senator Claro
M. Recto and also the main
proponent of the law. While
Jose P. Laurel Sr. who is the
Committee on Education,
sponsored the bill in the
Senate also the father of is
that a Law.

Stages of development Proponents’ Arguments Opponents’ Arguments

Rizal Law was Senator Claro M. Recto The Catholic church argued
once a Senate Bill argued that the Rizal Law only that the bill mandating the
438 or Rizal Bill and was aimed to develop nationalism reading of
authored within the future Rizal’s novels Noli
by Senator Claro generation and to reminisce Me Tangere and El
M. Recto. the actions of Rizal. It clearly Filibusterismo would violate

It had been brought to the does not attack the church freedom of
Upper and Lower House of the and discrete them but to conscience and religion.
Congress for remind the students how did They are against
deliberations before the bill Rizal fight for our freedom in because it shows the
was approved and the hands of the Spanish. revolution and
implemented in all wake up call to every Filipino
schools and was signed into a against the vulgar Spaniards
law known as Republic Act who brought the religion
1425. Roman Catholic in the
The Rizal Law was Philippines.
opposed by many most Archbishop Rufino
especially by the catholic Santos argued that the Rizal’s
church. novels
Senator Recto
brought the bill to the Senate
and Senator Jose B. Laurel Sr.
was then the chairman of the
Committee on
education who sponsored the
bill that consequently led to
exchange of arguments from
the congress.


After you have completed the task, answer the following open-ended

1. How did you feel in reading the full text of the Rizal Law?

I feel satisfied of what I have read

2. Explain the rationale and salient provisions of the Rizal Law.

In rationale it pertains about the life and works of Rizal while on provision it
pertains to the works and writings of him

3. How did you like the mandates of the Republic Act 1425?

I like the mandates of the R.A. 1425 by their purpose

4. Trace the brief history of Republic Act 1425

Rizal Law was once a Senate Bill 438 or Rizal Bill and was authored By Senator
ClaroM. Recto.It had been brought to the Upper and Lower House of the Congress
for deliberations before the bill was approved andImplemented in all Schools
and was signed into a law known as Republic Act 1425. The Rizal Law was
opposed by many most especially by the catholic church. Senator Recto Brought
the bill to the Senate and Senator Jose B. Laurel Sr. was then the chairman of the
Committee onEducation who sponsored the bill that consequently led to exchange
of arguments from the congress.


Let’s Dig Deeper

 Rizal wanted his countrymen in the Philippines to read his two novels, Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
 His novel encountered difficulty in getting into the country due to censorship by
the Board of Censorship, so the novel had to be smuggled into the country.
 Both novels received rejection and acceptance.
 The opponent side were the friars who declared that the Noli was impious and
scandalous in the religious order and antipatriotic, subversive of the public order
and offensive to the government of Spain.
 The El Filibusterismo was pointed out to be a dedication to the three martyred
priest in 1872 (GOMBURZA)
 The strongest opposition came from the Catholic Church, arguing that the laws
would violate the freedom of conscience and religion and also argued that “Rizal
violated the church’s laws specifically the Canon Law 1399, which forbids books
that attack or ridicule any of the catholic doctrine. Similarly, they argued that only
25 passages of the Noli were patriotic while 120 passages were anti- Catholic.
 Among the prominent defenders of the Rizal Law was Sen. Claro M. Recto who
was the author and it was co- authored by Sen. Jose P. Laurel.
 The supporters maintained that the law would uplift Filipino sense of identity.
 Finally, the Rizal Bill 438 was passed into law on June 12, 1956 known as Rizal

Filipinos were victims of the evils of the Spanish colonial systems

A. Political System:

 Most of the colonial officials were either highly corrupt, incompetent, cruel, and
 The Philippines had no means by which the Filipino people could expose the
anomalies committed by the colonial officials.
 Human rights were denied to Filipinos and there was racial discrimination.
 There was maladministration of justice. No equality before the law.
 Guardia Civil were abusive.

B. Economic System:

 The encomenderos treated the Filipino farmers as slaves (tenants of their own

 The Filipinos paid tribute as a symbol of vassalage to Spain.
 Forced Labor or Polo. Filipino males from 16 to 60 years old were obliged to
render compulsory labor for 40 days which later changed the minimum age from
16 to 18 and reduced the days of labor from 40 to 15 days.
 Large tract of agricultural lands were owned by the Spanish friars making the
rural folks as tenants of their own lands.

C. The Social System:

 Feudalism was the social structure in the Philippines.

 Inequalities among social classes, discrimination, injustices, corruption and
slavery very rampant.
 Catholicism was still used as tools to put the Filipinos under control by the
Spanish colonial authority.
 These social ills became the subject of protest of the Propaganda Movement.


Study Guide Questions

The following questions are intended to highlight important details within the lesson.
 Do you think Rizal’s family was one of the victims of maladministration of
justice? Cite at least 2 situations.
 Explain “justice delayed is justice denied”.
 Why did the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) oppose the
passing of the Rizal Bill 438 in 1956?
 What causes the economic stagnation of the Filipinos at Rizal’s time?
 How important is Human Right to you, as a citizen of the Philippines?
 How powerful were the Spanish friars during Rizal’s time?
 How did the nationalist senators manage in order that the Senate Bill 438 will be
passed into law?
 How do you react on the inclusion of Rizal course in the tertiary level of
 How did the rationale of Rizal law relate to patriotism, nationalism a nation

Exercise 1

Read the statement below. Match the given statements to the ones inside the box by
writing the letters on the space provided.

instability of colonial no Philippine representation in the

administration Spanish Cortes
corrupt colonial officials human rights denied to Filipinos
no equality before the law racial discrimination
maladministration of Justice haciendas owned by the friars
frailocracy forced labor
f Guardia Civil

1. F It was created for maintaining peace and order.

2. H Freedom of expression was being denied to Filipinos.
3. C It regarded Filipinos as inferior which resulted into unfair trial.
4. G Due to misrepresentation in the Spanish Cortes, abuses had been prevalent
5. J Spanish officials became rich by illegal means.
6. A Due to frequent change in leadership, it hampered political and economic
7. B Most officials in the Spanish colonial government were incompetent and
ignorant of the law, resulting to unjust administration of justice.
8.I Spaniards called the brown-skinned men and flat nose Filipinos and Indios.
9. E Due to political union of church and state, a unique form of government arose in
the Hispanic Philippines.
10. K It was a compulsory labor imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities.


How well did you do the exercise? You may now compare your answer with those in
the key to correction found on the last page of this module.
If your score is 7 and above, you have very satisfactorily learned the topics. If your
score 5-6, it means you satisfactorily understand the important ideas/ concepts present in the
topics. If your score is 4 and below, it might be that you have found confusion in getting into
the ideas presented in the lesson. Don’t worry you can review the exercises after you will
restudy the specific topics in this lesson.


Choose one from the three issues discussed (Social, Economic, Political) and answer
the following questions.

What are the pressing issues Are these issues Show online news/
that Filipinos faced during still faced by articles from 2016- 2020
the Spanish rule. (List down Filipinos today? that will prove your
at least two issues) answer. Headline with
resources are
accepted. Summarize
the article (2-3
sentences only)
 There was
maladministration of  Just like the war
justice  I could say that these on Drugs, many
 Guardia civil were issues were still innocent people
abusive faced by some of were maltreated
the Filipinos today and been killed
but others who with no exact
were doing it are evidences filed
also our fellow against them
country men.


READ the Historical Context and Legal Basis of Rizal Law:

CBCP’s opposing the Rizal Law of-the-philippine-hierarchy on-the-novels-of-dr-jose-rizal/

For enrichment, Read on the passage of a law (“How a Bill becomes a Law”), “The 3
Reading Principles”


Performance Task. You should accomplish the task before proceeding to the next lesson.

1. Compose a brief reflective essay on your assessment and evaluation on the

effectiveness of the implementation of the Rizal Law considering your own social
responsibilities and social obligations for nation-building, patriotism and nationalism,
concerning on your stand at “The Present More Advanced Technological World of
Todays Millennial Generation”.
2. (You may partner with a classmate to accomplish this task as long as
you work in collaboration to come up quality output.)

We are now in the technology call World of millennial

generation. Considering the fact that our ancestors on their times of
living, experienced hardships and oppressions against the Spaniards,
in which many Filipino heroes risked their lives just to fight in order to
claim freedom and peace. And one of them is Dr. Jose Rizal who now
became our national hero. R.A. 1425 is a course law in helping us to
be refreshed about the life and works of Rizal, with it’s contents
detailiated we ought to learn how Rizal loved our fellowmen, the

As a student of this modernized era, we should not forget the

importance of Rizal’s patriotism. That is why learning from the R.A.
1425 is a must for us to understand more deeper of his lifetime when
he was still alive during the Spanish oppressions on the Filipinos. And
we could do to help remain its importance is to learn more about this
law and sharing what you learned to the Next Generation Learners
that Rizal Law is a must learned course in order to maintain
nationalism and patriotism to our country.

That is why we the millennial ages of today we must not forget

how Rizal risked his life for the love of our country men and must
spread the learnings on R.A. 1425

These are the criteria:

- Organization
- Quality of information
- Mechanics
- Sources


How well did you do as you go along answering the assign task in the module.? You
are free to express your ideas/ opinions as long as the thoughts conveyed are similar to the
main context, then you can mark your answer as correct.

In this lesson you learned that:

Republic Act 1425 or Rizal Law mandates the inclusion in the curricula of all
When you have completed this lesson, you can then proceed to Lesson 2. You will
public and private schools, colleges and universities course on the Life, Works and
render 6.5 hours to complete all the necessary activities of the lesson. Are you ready to
Writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El
start? So, let’s move on to lesson II.

Re-reading Rizal’s works with profound reflections, the present generation of
the Filipinos should find it charming to get back to read Rizal’s novels and other
Balotol, Ruben O. Jr. et. Al. (2018) The Life and Works of Jose Rizal. Malabon City: Mutya
works again for learning’s sake.
Publishing House. Inc.
Balbin, Alfonso C. Jr. et. Al. (2018) Engaging Rizal, Cubao, Quezon City: Nieme Publishing
A generation that is loosely connected to past deeds of heroism and glorious
House Co. Ltd.
achievements, finds it hard to appreciate, much less appreciate its value in the present.

Did you know that the plan to write the Noli started as early as 1884, and his
first plan was to write it in French which was the universal language of the educated
Europe at that time? But he changed his mind; to instead, he wrote it in Spanish to
awaken the spirit of his countrymen from its slumber.

Coates, Austin. (1969) Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Quezon City: Malaya
Zaide, F. Gregorio and Zaide, Sonia M. (2012) Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writing of a
Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero, Cubao, Quezon City: All-Nations
Publiching Co. Inc.

General online references:


Reflection Paper Rubric

Category Points
5 4 3 2 1
Organization Information is Information is Information is The Information is
very organized organized but information not only
organized with well paragraphs, appears to disorganized
with well constructed are not well disorganized but inaccurate
constructed paragraphs, constructed information is
paragraphs, and and suspect to
use of information is information is being correct
subheadings, factual and factual and factual
and correct
information is
factual and
Quality of Information Information Information Information Information
Information clearly relates clearly relates clearly relates has little to do has nothing to
to the main to the main to the main with the main do with the
topic. It topic. It topic. No topic main topic
includes provides 1-2 details and/ or
several supporting examples or
supporting details and/ or given
details and/ or examples
Mechanics No Almost no A few Many Way to many
grammatical, grammatical, grammatical, grammatical, for a college
spelling or spelling or spelling, or spelling or student
punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation getting ready
errors errors errors errors to enter the

Sources All sources are All sources are All sources are Some sources To many
accurately accurately accurately are not sources are not
documented in documented, documented, accurately accurately and
the desired but a few are but many are documented there is not a
format (APA) not in the not in the format used
desired desired
format (APA) format (APA)

Short Essay Rubric (for the answers in the activities)

Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as guide
when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.

Traits 4 3 2 1
Focus & There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one topic. The topic and main
Details well focused topic. well focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are clear Main ideas are clear somewhat clear.
and are well supported but are not well
by supported by detailed
detailed and accurate information.
Organization The introduction is The introduction states The introduction states There is no clear
inviting, states the the main topic and the main topic. A introduction,
main topic, and provided an overview conclusion is included. structure, or
provides an overview of the paper. A conclusion.
of the paper. conclusion is included.
Information is
relevant and presented
in a logical order. The
conclusion is strong.

Voice The author’s purpose The author’s purpose The author’s purpose The author’s purpose
of writing is very of writing is somewhat of writing is somewhat of writing is unclear
clear, and there is clear, and there is some clear, and there is
strong evidence of evidence of attention to evidence of attention
attention to audience. audience. The author’s to audience. The
The author’s extensive knowledge and/ or author’s knowledge
knowledge and/ or experience with topic and/ or experience with
experience with topic is/ are topic is/ are
is/ are evident limited. limited.

Word The author uses vivid The author uses vivid The author uses words The writer uses a
Choice words and phrases. words and phrases. that communicate limited vocabulary.
The choice and The choice and clearly, but the writing Jargon or clichés may
placement of words placement of words is lacks variety. be present and detract
seems accurate, inaccurate at times from the meaning.
natural, and/ not
and not forced. seems overdone.
Sentence All sentences are well Most sentences are Most sentences are Sentences sound
Structure, constructed and have well constructed and well constructed, but awkward, are
Grammar, varied structure and have varied structure they have a similar distractingly
Mechanics, length. The author and length. The author structure and length. repetitive, or are
& Spelling makes no errors in makes a few errors in The author makes difficult to
grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, several errors in understand. The
and/or spelling. and/or spelling, but grammar, mechanics, author makes
they do not interfere and/or spelling that numerous errors in
with interfere grammar,
understanding. with understanding. mechanics, and/or

spelling that interfere
with understanding.



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