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Here are some of the questions that people have submitted during the past two mock MMIs.

Feel free to add more questions!

Your patient speaks very little English. Her husband, who speaks English more fluently,
translates for her. He frequently cuts you off during discussion and appears to be making
decisions for her, sometimes without translating your information for his wife. The woman is
very quiet and rarely smiles. You are worried that she may not have the information she needs
to make fully informed choices about her health care.

You have just accidentally run over your elderly neighbour’s cat while reversing your car. You
knock on your neighbour’s door to break the bad news to her. How would you approach this

Imagine you are the principal of a large, respected school. There has been an allegation that a
humiliating film of a young disabled person has been circulating on the Internet. Two final year
students are up before you to explain their actions in the creation of the video. The video
appears to show a young person with intellectual impairment being verbally abused by one of
the students while a group of senior students look on laughing. What are the issues that you,
as the principal, are likely to consider both before and at a disciplinary hearing?

Imagine you are a manager. A former employee of yours, who was fired due to poor quality
work, absences, and lateness related to her drinking problem, informs you that she has applied
for a position at another company and has already given your name as a reference. She
desperately needs a job (she is a single parent with three children), and she asks you to give
her a good recommendation and not mention her drinking, which she assures you is now under
She also asks you to say that she voluntarily left the company to address a family medical
crisis, and that the company was pleased with her work. You like this person and believe she is
a good worker when she is not drinking. You doubt that she really has overcome her drinking
problem, however, and you would not recommend your own company hire her back. What
would you do?

You’re a customer at a restaurant, waiting for your food to arrive. The customers at the next
table have finished their food and leave a generous tip on their table on the way out. Moments
later, your waiter, who did not serve this table, walks by and takes the money. What would you
do in this situation?

You are aware that your roommate, who is also your classmate in dental school, is taking
unprescribed ADHD medication in order to study longer and do well in her exams. She has
been getting better grades than you once she started taking the medication. You are jealous,
but you are also aware of the dangers of taking unprescribed medication. What do you do?

You are a dentist and one of your dental assistants who has been working for you for over 15
years has been caught stealing from your office. She has always been honest, reliable, and a
great team player. You, your patients, and other staff members get along with her great. She
has 2 children and you know that she is currently in the process of a divorce. How would you
handle the situation?

You’re a new starting dentist who just started a small dental clinic. You are still largely in debt.
One afternoon, as usual, to just check on the secretaries, you walk to the front desk. Then, you
hear a woman sobbing and pleading to the secretary. You find out that she has a serious
damage in her gum, and it needs to be taken care of right way. It may even require costly
surgery for full recovery. However, the woman cannot afford it because she is an illegal worker.
What would you do in this situation?

Prompt Questions:
What are some other ways you can help her?
What do you think is more important, adhering to the rules and regulations or treating patients
that need immediate attention?
What can be potential problems of helping this individual?

You and a long time friend are working in a pharmaceutical sales company for your boss Mr.
Davis. After several years of hard work you and your friend have become a part of the senior
management team, where your duty is to contact and meet stores so you may convince them
to buy your company’s drug. After a 2 month trial, Mr. Davis will decide on retaining either you
or your friend. How would you handle the situation, and would you compete or cooperate with
your friend in these 2 months?

You are a well-established dentist working in an underserved part of town. A long-term patient
of yours asks you for advice about traveling to a third-world country to save money on some
costly cosmetic procedures. How would you discuss this issue with your patient?

Prompt Questions:
What are the risks?
How does dental care differ between third-world countries and Canada?
What are possible alternatives for the patient?
Would you response change if the patient were seeking non-cosmetic procedures?
What could be done to help solve situations like this in the future?

You are late for you job interview and see someone signalling to get into a parking spot. Since
you are late, you cut them off and take their spot. When you get into the interview room, the
person you cut off is interviewing you. What would you do?

You and your friend graduated together and now are practicing together at a hospital. He still
needs to pay off his student loans. You find out that he is suffering from and eye disease,
which makes him incapable of holding the job as a dentist. He wants to keep working so that
he can pay off his loan. Would you report this to someone?

You have a 6-year-old patient whose family you have known for years. The child comes in for a
dental checkup and you notice suspicious bruises on the child’s arms. Because you know the
child’s family personally, you know that the child’s father is an alcoholic. What do you do in this

Prompt Questions:
What are your responsibilities in this situation?
Whose perspectives are important to consider in this situation?
Who else, if anyone, do you involve in this situation?

You are a leasing agent at an apartment complex. You are helping a tenant that is moving in
late and signing his lease. The next day, this tenant speaks to the rental owner about a
discounted rent because he had moved in in the middle of the month, but your boss tells him
that his request isn’t part of the contract and will not be granted. The tenant is furious and is
threatening to sue because you had said he was entitled to such a discount yesterday when he
signed the lease, but you are unsure if you had given this information to him. Now your boss,
the property owner, confronts you about this. How would you handle this situation?

Should dental health care be part of Medicare in Canada, and therefore be part of public health
care? How would this change affect Canadians? How would it affect the dental profession in

Probing questions:

Would this change make Canadians more or less likely to seek dental care?

Would you still want to become a dentist if this change was implemented?

to this
3/8/2012, 11:10 am g

calingac Re: MMI Questions

Moderator You are living in Lister residence in your first year and it is move in day. You walk into
Global user your assigned room and are surprised to find a large Nazi flag hanging on the wall. You
have not yet met your roommate. You are very uncomfortable having the flag in your
Posts: 3 room. What do you do?
Karma: 1 (+1/-
0) You have recently acquired a job at a fast food restaurant. You are working alongside
Reply | Quote your manager on a slow day. The manager has to do a quick errant and leaves you in
charge while she’s gone. During that time, an elderly lady walks into the store but she
loses her footing and falls on the floor hard. She is screaming in pain. What would you
do in this situation?

Prompt Questions:
How does emotion affect your ability to make decision?
Was the manager right in leaving you alone?
If the manger wrongly blames you for this incident, how would you respond?

You are a bank teller, nearing the end of your shift. One of your co-workers appearing
exhausted, has just come into work the rest of the day. Over the next half-hour, you
notice that he is having trouble providing timely and proper service to the customers,
often asking for help. Your shift is nearly over, and you have an important family
function to get to very soon. What would you do in this situation?

Prompt Questions:

Assuming a manager is present, how can you approach him/her with this situation?

How might your course of action affect your relationship with the co-worker?

You are a student teacher at a high school. A few of your students have been
propagating rumours about the teacher for whom you are temporarily taking over,
saying that she has been seen consuming alcohol at the school and that her coffee
thermos is frequently filled with liquor. The students propagating the rumours are
known by you and others to be “troublemakers.” What do you do in this situation?

Prompt Questions:
Whose perspectives are important in this situation?

What are the possible ripple effects that could arise in the situation?

You are a server at a restaurant. While in the back, you see another server sneeze on
the food they are about to serve. They then bring the food to their customers. What do
you do?

You are a dentist who has been working at a private practice for 5 years. One of your
associates, a long time friend, has shown increasing apathy toward treating patients.
One day, in the parking lot, prior to opening time, you notice your associate consuming
what appears to be a large amount of alcohol. How do you proceed in this situation?

Prompt Questions:
How does your course of action affect your relationship with you and the other staff at
the clinic?

Should you consult with the CDA (or a professional advisory committee)? Why or why

Would you consider consulting with patients treated by this associate? Why or why

You are on holiday at a Mexican beach resort with some friends who are staying one
floor down from you. In the middle of the night, a large earthquake takes place, and the
building you are in is severely damaged. You have injured your leg, suspect it might be
fractured, and you hear someone yelling for help near by. What would you do?

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