Assignment 5

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MSK 540-Autumn 2019

Assignment 5
Problem 1

u1 A0 u2

Figure 1: Bar element


Cross-sectional area of the bar illustrated in Figure 1 varies linearly from A0 at the left end to c⋅A0 at
the right end, where c is a constant. The bar has uniform density ρ and length L. Determine the
consistent mass matrix that operates on axial degrees of freedom u1 and u2.


Derive the consistent mass matrix for the CST-element. The element has uniform density and
thickness t.

y 3


Figure 2: CST-element

Problem 2

a) Set up the lumped mass matrix for a two-node bar element accounting for the modeling of
inertia forces acting in one global direction.
b) Extend the lumped mass matrix for the bar element in a) accounting for inertia forces acting
in the global x-y directions.
c) A 4 d.o.f. beam element is defined in the x-y plane with nodal displacements vector
[v1 θz1 v2 θz2]. Set up a lumped mass matrix for the 4 d.o.f. beam element for the modeling of
translatory and rotational inertia forces. Define the coefficients you use.
A bar of length L with uniform mass density ρ is free at one end and fixed at the other. Consider axial
vibration of the bar. In problem d) and e) below, determine the principal frequency of the bar both
for the case of the 1 element FE- model and for the 2 element FE- model.

Figure 3: Bar, fixed at left end

i) 1 element FE- model of the bar ii) 2 elements FE-model of the bar.

L L/2 L/2

d) Apply the assumptions of consistent mass.

e) Apply the assumption of lumped mass.
f) Show how we can define combination matrices based on consistent and lumped mass
g) Use the definition you have in f) above and determine the lowest frequency of the bar for
the 2 elements FE model assuming so called average combined matrix.
h) Determine the mass matrix by HRZ lumping for the case of a two-node beam element with
displacement vector [v1 θz1 v2 θz2].
Problem 3

Figure 3 below illustrates a bar of length L with linearly varying diameter from 2D0 at section 1 (left)
to D0 at section 2 (right).

Heat flux q1 is loaded at section 1 of the bar. The bar is surrounded along its length with fluid at
temperature Tf so that heat due to convection, h(Tf –T)p, is transferred at the fluid/solid boundary
along the length of the bar.

The problem can be described by the equation of one-dimensional stationary heat conduction:

d dT
� A(x)𝜅𝜅 � + (Tf –T)·p = 0
dx dx
with boundary conditions:

T=T2 at section 2

A1 κ dx + A1 f1 = 0 at section 1

a) Establish the weak formulation of the heat conduction problem described above.
b) Define the problem with the finite element method and develop the formulas for element
matrices as well as the element load vectors.
c) Establish the interpolation polynomials (shape functions) of a 3 node finite element of the bar.

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