Exam MSK540 V2020

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SUBJECT: MSK540 Finite element method, advanced course

DATE: 21.02.2020

TIME: 9.00-13.00

AID: Simple calculator

No printed or written resources allowed


Cover page, Pages 2-3 with problems 1, 2 and 3. Notation and formulas, page 4.
Weighting: Equal weight to each of 14 questions

REMARKS: Answers can be in English or Norwegian

RESPONSIBLE: Ove Mikkelsen

TELEPHONE NUMBER: 51832157/93487679

Problem 1
The system equations of an FE model is written by Eq. 1:

R = K·D Eq. 1

where K expresses the system stiffness matrix and D the displacement vector.

Eq. 1 has a primary solution and a secondary solution. The primary solution is the solution for the
unknown displacements, below termed DU where the secondary solution is the solution for the
unknown forces (support reactions).

When boundary conditions (BC) have been introduced to the system equations Eq. 1 is reduced and
can be written:

KBC·DU = RSP Eq. 2

Different solution methods can be used for the primary solution.. Assume the system is linear elastic
and that the loads are time-independent (static).

a) Name and shortly explain three different solution procedures with respect to find the primary
solution i.e. to solve Eq. 2 for the unknown displacements. ( Hint: Explain with the use of
symbolic notation)

b) Specify the characteristic properties of system matrix K of a linear elastic system.

c) Explain rigid body motion in the context of Eq. 1.

d) Show that K is symmetric. (Hint: Apply Betti Maxwell theorem).

Problem 2

Eq. 3 expresses the principle of virtual displacements:


∫ δε ⋅ σ dV =∫ δ u ⋅ F dV + ∫ δ u ⋅ Φ dS + ∑δ ui ⋅Eq.
pi 3
i =1

a) Show how we can derive expressions for the element stiffness matrix and the load vector based on
the principle of virtual displacements.

b) With respect to element geometry, describe the characteristic properties of the Q8

isoparametric element when compared to the Q4 isoparametric element.

c) Define the displacement field of the Q8 element in terms of ξ,η coordinates and the generalized
d.o.f. ai.

d) Specify the nodal values of the general shape function Ni of a finite element.

e) Visualize the corner function N4(ξ,η) of the Q8 element. Establish the corner function N4(ξ,η)
of the Q8 element.

Problem 3
a) Derive locations and weight functions of an order 2 Gauss rule by requiring that it integrates
exactly a polynomial of third order. (Hint: assume that sampling points locations are symmetric
with respect to the middle of the interval).

The weight functions of an order 3 Gauss rule in one dimension are given with values 5/9, 8/9 and

b) Write out the integration with an order 3 Gauss rule of a quadrilateral element using the general
function Φ(ξ,η). Hint: The sampling point locations can be expressed with the use of symbolic

c) With weight factors Wi Wj,, determine the sum ∑ ∑ Wi Wj of the order 3 Gauss rule of the
i j

quadrilateral element. Explain the result.

d) With respect to element deformations, specify the assumptions of a Kirchhoff plate element
compared to the Mindlin type of plate element.

e) Explain the terminology C0 and C1 continuity (Hint: Explain eg. in the context of Kirchoff finite
element compared to the Mindlin type of element)

Notation and formulas
Betti-Maxwell theorem
Assumptions: A linear elastic structural system with two sets of loads R1 and R2 with
corresponding displacements D1 and D2 so that R1= KD1 and R2= KD2

Theorem: R1T D2=R2T D1

Displacement field u interpolated with shape function matrix N from nodal displacements d:


Strains ε defined from nodal displacements with strain-displacement matrix B.


Strain-displacements relations, 2D case:

εx=u,x εy=v,y γxy= u,y + v,x

Stiffness matrix of a beam element with 4 d.o.f., [v1 θz1 v2 θz2]_

 12 6 L − 12 6 L 
 6 L 4 L2 − 6 L 2 L2 
k = 3z  
L − 12 − 6 L 12 − 6 L 
 
 6L 2L − 6 L 4 L2 

where E is elastic modulus, L is length and Iz is second moment of inertia.

Lumped (mL) and consistent mass matrix m of a plane beam element with 4. d.o.f.,
[v1 θz1 v2 θz2].

1 0 0 0   156 22 L 54 − 13L 
 0 0   22 L 4 L2 13L − 3L2 
m 0 αL
1 ρAL 
mL =  with α = m=
2 0 0 1 0  12 420  54 13L 156 − 22 L 
   2 
0 0 0 αL2  − 13L − 3L − 22 L 4 L2 

Consistent mass matrix: m=∫ρ NT N dV

Rotary inertia Im=∫r2dm=∫r2ρdV with mass density ρ and r the distance to the axis of rotation
Slender, uniform, bar of length L and total mass M.
1) Axis through center: Im=M L /12
2) Axis through one end: Im=ML /3

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