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� � �� ��
Call for action as stakeholders convene Outrage in Anjuna as rave party Did you know hormonal acne ICC T�� World Cup: West Indies
to �nalise Margao’s tra�c plan hoardings occlude tra�c signals can happen at any age? crushes Afghanistan by ��� runs

Sparks fly over Forest Dept Soon, big bro to keep watch
at all check posts in State
ban on entry at waterfalls Move aimed at checkmating criminals who
try to take refuge in Goa, says minister
�eeing to the State to evade � CCTV surveillance system to be made operational
at all entry/exit points after September
law enforcement agencies
THE GOAN I NETWORK be proper coordination be- may now �nd it di�cult to � Proposal was prompted by an increase in crimes over the
Slamming the forest depart-
tween the tourism and forest
departments, Khaunte said he
would raise the matter with
Ban lifted on access escape detection, as the State
government will set up CCTV
cameras at all check posts in
last few years
� CCTVs to keep check on those with criminal back-
ment’s circular banning entry
to the waterfalls during mon-
soon, Tourism Minister Rohan
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant
and Forest Minister Viswajit
Rane and sort out the matter
to low-risk waterfalls, the State.
While this CCTV surveil-
lance system has already been
ground… who have committed crimes in other States and
are wanting to take refuge in Goa
Khaunte on Tuesday said he
would meet Chief Minister
Pramod Sawant and Forest
in a day or two.
“No doubt security and
safety of people should be our
asserts Vishwajit introduced in some coastal
areas, it will be implemented
at all entry/exit points in the
and take immediate action
against him.”
surveillance at all entry/
exit points in the State was
Minister Vishwajit Rane to re- concern, but once this is tak- PANAJI: Following issues raised by Tourism Minister Ro- State from September. The minister informed that prompted by an increase in
solve the issue. en care of there is no need to han Khaunte regarding the ban imposed on access to wa- When contacted, Info-Tech- there were discussions with crimes in the State over the
Addressing the media in impose a ban. Some people ter falls in sanctuaries, Forest Minister Vishwajit Rane has Minister Rohan Khaunte said the Ministry of Home A�airs last few years.
Porvorim, Khaunte criticised go to private or government said the low risk ones which were also kept open last year his department has been and Information Technology “A�er being criticised for
a “Delhi-based o�cer” for im- quarries which are not easily will be spared from the ban. working on this system, in a regarding this arrangement a failing to tackle crimes, the
posing such a ban, which was accessible. The government These low risk waterfalls which were also kept open for bid to identify and take action few months ago. government decided to keep
devoid of merit. a blanket ban is imposed pro- cannot be held responsible if the public last year during the monsoon will continue to be against those who have com- “However due to the elec- a check on those with a crim-
“It is unfair for the Forest hibiting entry to all waterfalls casualties take place at such open this year as well with forest guards and lifeguards de- mitted crimes in other States tion code of conduct and inal background by introduc-
Department to ban entry to then a wrong message will go locations,” said Khaunte. ployed there, Rane said, adding that directions have been and are �eeing to Goa. some other issues, imple- ing this CCTV surveillance
tourists and locals at water- out to tourists and there will issued to the Forest Department to issue a fresh notice. “Since Goa is a tourist mentation of this surveillance system,” said a source.
falls during the monsoon. We be a substantial drop of tour- TOURISM ACT Rane, however, claimed that he will not take the respon- State, lakhs of tourists visit system was interrupted,” said The source added that Chief
have to designate waterfalls ists in Goa.” The minister said Goa needs sibility of li�ing the ban with regard to medium and high Goa every year by air, rail and Khaunte. Minister Pramod Sawant was
which are dangerous and they Stating that several trad- a sound Tourism Act which in- risk waterfalls as several mishaps had occurred last year. road. Many foreigners also Khaunte said such a CCTV apprised about this CCTV sur-
should be banned for public ers and kiosks owners locat- cludes progressive reforms. He also said that the issue will be discussed with Chief come to Goa to escape detec- surveillance system has been veillance system. Following
entry,” said Khaunte. ed near waterfalls depend on “We have obtained a dra� Minister Pramod Sawant. tion a�er having committed introduced in some coastal his approval, the departments
“Goa is a tourist destination tourists for their livelihood, of the Tourism Act prepared Last year during the monsoon months, the Forest De- crimes abroad,” said Khaunte. areas and will be made oper- of Information Technology
and tourists visit Goa during Khaunte said they would be by a Telangana company partment had conducted the exercise of classifying the “When such persons en- ational at all entry/exit points and Home interacted on this
monsoon to enjoy the beau- a�ected badly if a ban is made which we have placed before State waterfalls mostly in wildlife sanctuaries as low, me- ter Goa, police will be able to in the State a�er September. and started the process of set-
ty of nature. Locals also visit e�ective. dium and high risk ones. capture his face through CCTV According to sources, the ting up this system at all en-
waterfalls during monsoon. If Insisting that there should >Continued on P5 surveillance at the entrance proposal to set up CCTV try/exit points in the State.

KTC to discontinue Industrial, commercial users 41 airports get
bomb threats
pass concession for
govt employees
PANAJI: The Board of Directors
to bear brunt of power hike on email, all
turn out hoax
of Kadamba Transport Corpo-
ration Ltd has decided to end
the current pass concession
for State/Central Government
Forty-one airports, including
employees who receive sala- THE GOAN I NETWORK in Chennai, Patna and Jaipur,
ries equivalent to government received bomb threat emails
rates and use travel allowanc-
es. Existing passes will, how-
PANAJI GCCI voices apprehension on Tuesday, prompting au-
ever remain valid until their
expiration, but no renewals
Price rise and in�ation is in-
creasingly burdening the cit- over steep hike thorities to scramble contin-
gency measures and carry out
izenry who now will have to PANAJI: The Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry has anti-sabotage checks that last-
will be available starting from bear an additional burden ed hours, and each of them
July 1, 2024, according to the when power bills reach their
expressed serious concerns regarding the recent steep hike in was found to be a hoax, o�-
KTC resolution. homes next month owing to power tari�s across all sectors, which will signi�cantly impact cial sources said.
an aggregate 3.5% hike in tar- its members from various industries -- hospitality, agriculture Security was beefed up as VIVA PORTUGAL: Portugal fans with a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo ahead of their match
Beach beds present i� which has become e�ective and allied sectors. agencies swept terminals a�er against the Czech Republic at Leipzig stadium in Germany.
along coastal belt from this week.
Both high and low tension
During the public hearing conducted by JERC before the tari� emails were received around
12.40 pm from the ID exhum-
PERNEM: The tourist season
increase, GCCI had proposed several alternative measures to
consumers across all catego-

Veggie prices hit the roof, turn

may have ended, but certain generate additional revenue without burdening consumers.
ries -- domestic, commercial, The airports in Chennai,
private restaurants and industrial, agriculture and >> See pg 3 Patna, Nagpur, Jaipur, Va-
resorts along the beach belt public sector -- will all face in- dodara, Coimbatore and

family budgets upside down

are disregarding caution and creased power consumption Jabalpur were among those
continuing operations, with bills in July, a senior o�cial sumption quantum slabs. domestic consumers will be that received the threats.
beach beds and wooden of the electricity department The low tension industri- charged Rs 1.90 instead of Rs An online group called
decks set up directly on the said but the hike will be the al consumers utilising up to 1.75 per unit for consumption “KNR” is suspected to be be-
shore. >> See pg 3 maximum for the commercial 500 units per billing cycle too of up to 100 units in a bill- hind these hoax threat emails. THE GOAN I NETWORK average prices last week. between 20 to 30 per cent
and industrial users. will be burdened by a he�y ing cycle. Those consuming The group reportedly issued Prices of tomato, anoth- and both wholesale and re-
Victim in Mapusa The most hit will be the 40 paise per unit hike in tari� up to 200 units are now to be similar emails to several PANAJI er quintessential ingredient tail traders said the prices
assault case dies manufacturing sector with
high tension industrial con-
from Rs 3.60 to Rs 4 per unit.
For those in this category con-
charged Rs 2.80 per unit in-
stead of the earlier Rs 2.60
schools in the Delhi-National
Capital Region on May 1, the
Family budgets of common
folk in Goa have begun to get
in Goan and Indian cooking,
also rose sharply week-on-
will continue to rise.
“The rains have caused
MAPUSA: Ahmed Devadi sumers having to cough up suming more than 500 units and a signi�cantly higher 40 sources said. strained with prices of vegeta- week, the per kilogram rate massive destruction of har-
a victim of a brutal assault a �at �ve paise increase per per billing cycle, each unit of paise per unit higher rate of The emails received by the bles spiking drastically in the quoted at an astronomical Rs vestable crops in Belagavi,
on May 30 in Mapusa, suc- unit irrespective of quantum electricity consumed which Rs 3.70 if they consume up to airports carried almost the local markets over the last few 80 compared to the Rs 40-50 Kholapur and other regions
cumbed to his injuries early of consumption. They will earlier cost Rs 4.25 per unit 400 units. identical message: “Hello, days. last week. on which Goa is dependent
Tuesday at GMC a�er 18 days have to pay Rs 5.30 per unit in- will now be billed at 4.65. Meanwhile, in the case of there are explosives hidden In the Panaji market, on- Green chillies and corian- on. The situation is unlikely to
of treatment. Mapusa Police stead of the earlier Rs 5.25 per Domestic consumers, commercial consumers like in the Airport. The bombs ions were selling on Tuesday der, garlic, ginger and other change very soon and it could
have now registered a case of unit on total consumption in a meanwhile, face a smaller in- will soon explode. You will all at Rs 55 per kilogram, nearly spices used in almost all ori-
murder. >> See pg 3 billing cycle without any con- crease in tari�. Low tension >Continued on P5 die.” Rs 15 rupees higher than the ental food recipes, also rose >Continued on P5

Parents obsessed with sending kids A year on, Goa fails to enact law on widows’ rights
to English-medium schools: NCERT BROKEN PROMISES THE GOAN I NETWORK Goan that the proposal has
been discussed by the Depart-
DIRECTOR SAYS IT IS NO LESS THAN SUICIDE PANAJI � In March 2023, the � Three Assembly ses- ment and some attempts were

ack in March 2023, the Assembly supported a sions have been held since made to dra� a proposal.
Assembly unanimously legislation to protect rights then and the legislation is During the Budget session
PTI why the new NEP has stressed supported a legislation this February, the issue was
upon teaching in mother to protect the rights of widows of widows nowhere in sight tabled through an unstarred
NEW DELHI tongue,” he said. and prevent the discrimination � Vishwajit Rane had said FAST FORWARD: question, to which the
NCERT Director D P Saklani “Why should teaching be against them that still prevails “I make a commitment that Around 14 panchayats minister responded that the
has lamented that parents matrabhasha adharit (based in some remote parts of Goa. in the next Assembly ses- have already adopted department is in the process
remain fascinated by Eng- on mother tongue)? Because of framing a policy on “widow-
lish-medium schools even till then we will not under-
sion, maybe in July (2023), resolutions against hood practices.”
though many don’t have stand our own mother, our we can bring in legisla- discriminatory customs to “Once a dra� of the policy
trained teachers, saying it is roots. And multilingual ap- tion… to prevent any kind treat widows on par with on widowhood practices is
“no less than suicide” as gov- proach is not like teaching in of widow discrimination married women. framed, a meeting will be
ernment schools now provide any language is being ended, called to discuss and take
quality education. the push is to learn multiple views as assured on the floor…
The chief of National Coun- “Parents are obsessed with languages,” Saklani added. “I make a commitment that Minister for Women & Child tion, widow abuse, and widow Ironically, neither the Oppo- Once the law is enacted it
cil for Educational Research English-medium schools, The NCERT chief cited an in the next Assembly session, Vishwajit Rane on the floor isolation.” sition nor some ruling MLAs will be implemented,” the
and Training said the practice they prefer to send their chil- initiative by the Union edu- maybe in July (2023), we can of the House in response to Since then, three Assembly who supported the demand reply stated although no
of cramming content in Eng- dren to such schools even if cation minister to get prim- bring in legislation within the Leader of Opposition Yuri sessions have been held – have pursued the matter with timeline was provided for its
lish has led to knowledge loss there are no teachers or they ers (books) developed in two purview of the law to prevent Alemao’s Private Member’s monsoon, winter and Budget due diligence even outside the completion.
among kids and distanced are not trained enough. This is tribal languages of Odisha to any kind of widow discrimina- Bill seeking preventing “unjust – but legislation on the critical Assembly complex.
them from their culture. not less than suicide and this teach students. tion,” was the assurance by customs of widow discrimina- issue is still nowhere in sight. Sources revealed to The >Continued on P5
mail us at >>
log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Call for action as stakeholders convene to �nalise

tra�c plan to ease Margao’s congestion crisis

MARGAO No change in ground reality at old bus

stand as inspection yields zero results
Venue: Matanhy Saldanha
Administrative Complex.
Meeting place: Room No 438,
4th Floor, Collectorate build-
ing. Date and time: June 19
at 12.15 pm. Agenda: To dis- THE GOAN I NETWORK
cuss the acute tra�c conges-
tion plaguing Margao City. MARGAO
Roadmap: To outline plans Is there any change in the
and strategies for improving ground reality at the old bus
tra�c �ow, alleviating traf- stand since the time Margao
�c congestion, infrastructure MLA Digambar Kamat along
improvement, enforcement of with Margao Civic Chief Damu
tra�c regulations and safety A view of the pathetic conditions at Old bus stand which ought to have been utilised by the Shirodkar and o�cials in tow
in Margao City. authorities for vehicular parking during peak school hours. Pics: Santosh Mirajkar inspected the area on June 6?
Taking cognizance of the Other than the Margao
worsening tra�c scenario MLA sending the minutes of
a�er the reopening of city the inspection held on June
schools for the new academ-
ic year, authorities and stake- Invite to only two schools for meet 6 with a suggestion to consti-
tute a committee to identify
holders may have an answer the gaddas at Old Bus Stand
to a simple question -- Will MARGAO: The heads of the Loyola High School invited only the heads of these two schools in Margao and relocate the
the proposed roadmap have and the Fatima Convent High School along with when the administration ought to have invited existing gaddas and demar-
any meaning unless the spa- the PTA chairmen of the two schools have been the heads of the schools, higher secondary cation of the area to pave way
cious old Margao bus stand invited to Wednesday’s meeting in a bid to schools and colleges in and around Comba to for proper parking, there’s no
adjoining the city schools explore the possibility of introducing staggered work out a holistic solution to the perennial change in the ground reality
is put to e�ective use for ve- timings for the two schools. tra�c woes. till date.
hicular parking during peak In fact, questions are be-
school hours. For, the old Standing just a couple of metres apart, these A senior district administration o�cial told ing raised in city circles that
bus stand o�ers an opportu- two major schools are in the heart of the com- ‘The Goan’ that the administration has for the constitution of the com-
nity as a drop-o� and pick- mercial capital and when the schools end for the moment invited only the heads of the two mittee to identify and relo- Clockwise from top: Stink pervades the old bus stand for want of maintenance. The damaged
up facility, besides vehicular the day in the afternoon, the tra�c on the main schools and the PTA chairmen to get feedback cate the existing gaddas will pavers at the bus stand. Accident vehicles dumped in the area.
parking for parents who in- roads adjoining the schools comes to a virtual on how to help improve and ease tra�c conges- only delay action to get the
stead park their vehicles on halt. Over half-a-dozen schools are located in tion in the city. “De�nitely, the meeting called fast food kiosks out of the bus
the roads for want of a park- stand a�er business hours so
ing space.
close proximity to each other in the heart of the on Wednesday is not the �rst and last meeting. that the bus stand is kept free BRIEF OF THE PANEL
Another moot question town, within a radius of 1-2 kilometres, playing We expect to come out with a road map for the for parking during day and The Committee constituted can be done. Chairpersoin, DySP tra�c,
staring the authorities, in- host to thousands of students. Questions are city as a whole and not piecemeal solutions,” a�ernoon time. by District Collector, DYSP Police, Margao Police
cluding the Margao MLA and being raised as to why the administration has the o�cial added. O�cials in the know say The Committee Members
the civic body controlled by what they have been demand-
South will identify gaddas shall inspect the various Inspector, Police Inspector,
him is simple – Will they ing all these years is to ensure (handcarts) at Old Bus locations in Margao and Tra�c, Margao Municipal
force the kiosk owners to ple of abandoned kiosks, be- woes when umpteen number MMC o�cials to turn a blind that the Margao Municipality Stand, Margao with their submit a detailed report engineer and the Inspection
cart away their kiosks from sides a horticulture stall, and of similar meetings chaired eye to the violation of the li- get the fast food kiosks moved names, licences, occupier thereof latest by July 10, O�cer of concerned Taluka
the bus stand a�er business accident vehicles. Even the by his predecessors over the cence conditions by the ki- out of the bus stand a�er busi- name and location and 2024. in South Goa, Food and
hours to pave the way for the pedestrian pathway lay dam- years had come a cropper. osks? ness hours as per the licence collect all their documents Drugs Administration or
utilization of the space for ve- aged with the inter-locking These are a few questions Have the PWD o�cials any conditions. located and relocate existing The panel consists of the O�cer nominated by the
hicular parking during school pavers craving for attention for the Margao Municipal and explanation why the gadd- “If the Collector has consti-
gaddas and demarcate the Deputy Collector SDM, Directorate of Food and
peak hours. The District Collector con- PWD o�cials: as adjoining the Comba rail- tuted the committee to iden-
area so that proper parking Margao, Margao Municipal Drugs Administration.
A visit to the old bus stand vening a meeting to address *Why is the Margao Munic- way crossing have been not tify and relocate the gaddas,
on Tuesday revealed a pathet- the tra�c and parking imbro- ipal Council dragging its feet removed even a�er notices let the Collector or the Margao
ic state of a�airs, with the bus glio plaguing the heart of the in ensuring that the owners were issued to the owners Municipal Council �rst get the
stand littered with stink and commercial town may ring of the fast food gaddas tow as the structures were set fast food owners to tow away ing in the morning and a�er- collector had constituted the ing suspicions about whether
waste. While it was business in good news and has raised their kiosks back to their place up in road-widening are- the kiosks out of the bus stand noon,” remarked an o�cial. panel, none of the kiosks have the Collector-constituted pan-
as usual for the fast food ki- hopes of a roadmap being of residence a�er business as and causing acute tra�c a�er business hours so that Incidentally, while it’s now moved out of the bus stand af- el is just an alibi for the kiosks
osks, the bus stand had a cou- put in place to ease tra�c hours? What had forced the congestion? the space is utilized for park- almost eight days since the ter business hours, only rais- to stay put at the bus stand.

Complete Lohia Maidan renovation Live up to ideals of those who freed us: Minister
in six months or face stir: LoP to govt THE GOAN I NETWORK Goa Revolution is the red let-
ter day in the history of Goa,
MARGAO Goa is known for peace, Sequeira said many people
THE GOAN I NETWORK those who use this histor- ing the State of Goa. Every Environment Minister Aleixo amity and brotherhood had made sacri�ces to reach
ic place. “I demand that the day, one person dies on the Sequeira on Tuesday said it is the goal of liberating Goa
MARGAO Electric Transformer should Goan Roads due to worst road the responsibility of every Goan amongst the people. from the Portuguese. “Dr Ram
Leader of Opposition Yuri be shi�ed, the Stage needs to conditions. “Government is to live up to the ideals for which Let us together strive to Manohar Lohia had come to
Alemao has set six months be expanded and Public Util- busy in organising Events. the freedom �ghters had sacri- maintain and preserve this Goa for a holiday to spend
ultimatum on the Goa gov- ities need to be created imme- Time has come to start anoth- �ced whatever was needed to rich legacy,” some time with his friend Dr
ernment to complete the ren- diately. I give an ultimatum of er Revolution against this in- liberate Goa from the oppres- Juliao Menezes at Assolna.
ovation works on the historic six months to the Government competent Government, Pat- sive Portuguese regime. —Aleixo Sequeira, However, a�er sensing the
Lohia Maidan or face a stir. to complete these works, Yuri kar added. He was speaking at the Environment Minister prevailing conditions in the
A�er paying tributes to the asserted. Newly-elected South Goa Goa Revolution Day program state, this nationalist made a
martyrs at the Lohia Maidan GPCC President Amit Pat- MP Capt Viriato Fernandes at the historic Lohia Maidan Environment Minister Aleixo Sequeira with MLAs Digambar that the sacri�ces undertaken valiant speech that electri�ed
on the occasion of Goa Revolu- kar, Quepem MLA Altone said the faulty Policies of the on Tuesday a�er paying re- Kamat and Ulhas Naik along with MMC Chief Damu Shirodkar, by the freedom �ghters does and galvanized the masses to
tion Day, Yuri said though the D’Costa, South Goa MP Capt Government have resulted in spect to the martyrs and Dr besides Collector Asvin Chandru paying tributes to Martyrs not go in vain. “Goa is known �ght for freedom from Portu-
government has spent almost Viriato Fernandes, Senior Vice massive Destruction of Envi- Ram Manohar Lohia in the
and Dr Ram Manohar Lohia at the Lohia Maidan Margao on for peace, amity and brother- gal. This movement de�ned a
Tuesday. Santosh Mirajkar
Rs three crores on the renova- President MK Shaikh and oth- ronment and Identity of Goa. presence of Margao MLA hood amongst the people. Let new phase that paved the way
tion of Lohia Maida, it is un- ers were also present. Let us unite to save this beau- Digambar Kamat, Navelim us together strive to maintain for the Liberation of Goa on
fortunate that the unplanned GPCC Chief Amit Patkar tiful land which was liberated MLA Ulhas Tuemkar, Margao school children. Sawant under the guidance of and preserve this rich legacy,” December 19, 1961 following
and substandard work has said the BJP Government has with the sacri�ces of the Free- Civic Chief Damu Shirodkar, Speaking further, Sequeira Prime Minister Narendra Modi he appealed. Operation Vijai by the Indian
created inconvenience to all completely failed in protect- dom Fighters, he added. freedom �ghters, o�cials and said Chief Minister Pramod is also committed to ensure Saying that 18th June and Army,” he added.

Cavelossim p’yat petitions district KTC �nes H’bad

company for not
MMC lodges police complaint against
collector over stray dog menace delivering buses clerk, cites misappropriation of funds
Chief O�cer seeks criminal investigation against municipal LDC
MARGAO Chairman, Kadamba Trans-
Tourism stakeholders and port Corporation Ulhas Tuen- THE GOAN I NETWORK THE CHARGE posit the balance amount in
panchayat bodies have rung kar on Tuesday informed that the municipal treasury,” the
alarm bells for the govern- the government has issued a MARGAO � In his three-page complaint with the Margao police, Chief O�cer further stated in
ment and authorities to work show cause notice as well as Margao Municipal Chief Of- the Chief O�cer said the LDC with an alleged criminal his complaint.
out a solution to the stray �ne on the Hyderabad-based �cer Gaurish Sankhwalkar intent dishonestly misappropriated funds of the Municipal The complaint added: “Af-
menace on the beach belt be- EV manufacturing company has �nally lodged a complaint exchequer to his personal accounts for an amount of Rs ter preliminary inquiry with
fore tourists abandon the land for the failure to deliver all the against a Municipal Lower Di- 17.96 lakh the Municipal inspectors, ac-
of sun, sand and sea. 150 electric buses to the KTC. visional Clerk with a plea to counts and taxation o�cer
As a delegation of Cavelos- Speaking to the media on the police to register an FIR and the Head Clerk, it is re-
sim Panchayat led by Sar- the sidelines of the Goa Rev- against the erring employee tent dishonestly misappropri- “During the preliminary in- vealed that all the fees and
panch Dixon Vaz and panch A memorandum is submitted to the South Goa District olution Day commemoration and investigate the matter and ated funds of the Municipal quiry, it was revealed that the �nes collected during the Pu-
member Adv Irish Passainha Collector Asvin Chandru by Cavelossim Sarpanch Dixon at the Lohia Maidan, Margao register o�ences under the exchequer to his personal employee used the amount of rumentachem fair was taken
and Colva social worker Vaz, panch Irish Passainha and Colva social worker Thomas on Tuesday, Tuenkar said the Prevention of Corruption Act accounts for an amount of Rs Rs 17.96 lakh for his personal into custody by the LDC un-
Thomas Rodrigues handed Rodrigues on stray dogs on the beach belt. Santosh Mirajkar company has now promised and under the IPC. 17.96 lakh, thereby commit- use and had depositing the authorizedly and an amount
over a memorandum to the to deliver the buses in the next The Chief O�cer, howev- ting o�enses of criminal mis- amount in his personal bank of Rs 17.96 lakh was allegedly
District Collector, Asvin Chan- on the other hand, warned ism and the visitors from the two months. “We had entered er, said the complaint is �led conduct by a public servant accounts to clear up his per- fraudulently transferred by
dru to intervene under the that Indian tourists, who love strays,” Dixon explained the into an agreement with the without prejudice to the rights under the Prevention of Cor- sonal outstanding loans. He the employee to his personal
Disaster Management, they monsoon tourism in Goa, may district Collector. Hyderabad based company of the Municipal Council to ruption Act. Similarly, the further issued and a�davit bank account, thereby com-
made a fervent plea to the just abandon the state if there Understanding the gravity to deliver 150 EV buses. How- conduct a disciplinary pro- complaint stated that the em- dated June 14 to the Coun- mitting the�, misappropria-
government to save Tourism is no security for the visitors of the situation, the district ever, since the company has ceedings against him for al- ployees has allegedly com- cil admitting the fact that an tion of municipal funds and
by controlling the stray dog on the beach. “We hardly �nd Collector has called for an failed to deliver the buses, a legedly misappropriation of mitted the�, dishonest mis- amount of Rs 17.96 lakh is in causing loss to the Munici-
menace. any morning walkers on the urgent meeting of the stake- show cause notice and �ne funds, misconduct and dere- appropriation of public funds his custody and he failed to pal exchequer. The LDC has
Thomas narrated a chill- beach now a�er the spate of holders, including o�cials of amounting to Rs one crore has liction of duties and also for and criminal breach of trust deposit the amount to the Mu- also unauthorisedly directly
ing incident while stray dogs attacks by stray dogs. Tourists the department of Tourism, been issued to the company,” recovery of the amounts. by allegedly siphoning the nicipal treasury. On the same collected fees from some of
mauled a small boy at Col- will not dare enter the beach Animal Husbandry, Munic- he said, adding that the com- In his three-page complaint money collected as fees and day, he deposited a sum of Rs the vendors to his person-
va beach when the victim if they are attacked by the ipalities and Panchayat to pany has now promised to de- with the Margao police, the �nes, from the vendors of the three lakh in the Municipal al GPay account, thereby
along parents descended on strays. It’s time the govern- discuss and �nd a way out of liver the remaining buses in Chief O�cer said the LDC Municipal Council to his per- treasury and further request- committing criminal breach
the beach last week. Dixon, ment intervene to save tour- the situation. the next two months. with an alleged criminal in- sonal accounts. ed to grant some time to de- of trust.”
mail us at >>

log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Outrage in Anjuna as huge rave party GCCI voices concern

over power tari� hike,
hoardings occlude tra�c signals o�ers suggestions
THE GOAN I NETWORK er compared to major cities in
India. To address these issues,

The Goa Chamber of Com-
merce and Industry (GCCI)
the chamber suggested the
installation of automated sec-
tionalisers to enhance power
THE GOAN I NETWORK He also defended the has expressed serious con- distribution e�ciency.
panchayat’s record, claiming cerns regarding the recent GCCI also recommended the
MAPUSA that Anjuna is better man- hike in power tari�s across formation of mini grids equipped
Residents along the Anju- aged in this regard compared all sectors, which is set to with Battery Energy Storage Sys-
na-Vagator coastal belt are to other coastal villages like signi�cantly impact its mem- tems (BESS) and the utilisation
raising concerns over a new Calangute. bers from various industries, of waste heat recovery gener-
nuisance in their village: life- However, the problem rais- including industrial, hospi- ating stations at Amona to en-
sized hoardings advertising es broader questions about tality, agriculture, and allied hance the reliability and quality
rave parties. governance and priorities. activities. The tari� hike is the of power supply in the region.
These advertisements, The proliferation of hoard- recommendation of the Joint
strategically placed by sever- ings is symptomatic of a larg- Electricity Regulatory Com- Peak power problem
al nightclubs, have prolifer- er issue where commercial mission (JERC). To address the peak power
ated at key intersections, ob- interests seem to overshad- During the public hearing shortage in Goa, GCCI urged
scuring tra�c light poles and ow public welfare. conducted by JERC before JERC to direct the Electrici-
detracting from the village’s A rave party hoarding displayed on a tra�c signal pole at the While the revenue from the tari� increase, GCCI had ty Department to explore al-
aesthetics. Sai Café intersection in Vagator, Anjuna. rave parties might bene�t the proposed several alternative ternative avenues such as
The hoardings, erected at local administration, the ad- measures to generate addi- pumped hydroelectric gen-
the base of tra�c lights, have verse impact on tra�c safety tional revenue without bur- eration, BESS, and open ten-
sparked outrage among lo- and the environment cannot dening consumers. These ders for procuring peak power.
cals for not only creating an be ignored. suggestions were implement- These measures, according to
eyesore but also potentially The situation calls for ing steps to minimise power GCCI, would alleviate the peak
jeopardising road safety. stricter regulations and en- transmission losses to im- power problem.
The tra�c lights appear to forcement to balance com- prove e�ciency and lower Despite repeated requests,
be popping out from these mercial activities with the costs and switching back from GCCI also brought to JERC’s no-
large advertisements, barely community’s quality of life. the current KVAH-based bill- tice that no district committee
visible amid the overwhelm- Moreover, a sustainable ing system to a KWH-based has been formed to review the
ing signage. approach to tourism and system to make billing more quality of power supply. This
Desmond Alvares, an out- nightlife is essential to pre- straightforward and cost-ef- oversight has led to continued
spoken resident from As- serve the character and liva- fective for consumers. Similar- dissatisfaction among consum-
sagao, voiced his concerns bility of the Anjuna-Vagator ly, identifying high distribu- ers regarding the power quality.
on social media questioning coastal belt. tion loss areas and focusing The increased electricity
the prioritisation of rave par- The ongoing debate high- on areas with high distribu- tari�s for industries in Goa
ty promotions over essential Multiple rave party hoardings obscure a tra�c signal light near A rave party hoarding obstructs a tra�c signal in Anjuna, lights the need for trans- tion losses and peak load re- make it challenging for local
tra�c signals. the Vagator petrol pump in Anjuna, posing a safety hazard. raising concerns about road safety and visibility. parent governance and strictions to take corrective industries to compete with
“Which is more important community engagement in actions would bene�t both those in other states, where
tra�c signals in Anjuna or gained traction, with one In response to the growing This has put pressure on hoardings during the night to decision-making processes. consumers and the electricity industrial tari�s are lower.
rave party hoardings,” an netizen cynically remarking discontent, Alvares has �led the local administration to avoid detection. As the panchayat moves to department, felt GCCI. This disparity poses a signif-
intrepid Alvares wrote on a that rave parties are priori- complaints with various au- act. Chimulkar said the remove the o�ending hoard- GCCI also highlighted the icant threat to the competi-
social media platform with tised because they generate thorities, including the local Anjuna Sarpanch Lax- panchayat has taken action ings, it remains to be seen need for improvements in the tiveness and sustainability of
the pictures of the o�ensive signi�cant revenue for the lo- panchayat, the district col- midas Chimulkar acknowl- in the past to remove such whether this action will lead quality and reliability of pow- Goan industries in the manu-
hoardings. cal panchayat and its mem- lector, and the Superinten- edged the issue, noting that illegal advertisements and to a more permanent solu- er supply, noting that the cur- facturing sector, said GCCI di-
Alvares's post quickly bers. dent of Police. clubs o�en put up these pledged to do so again. tion to the problem. rent standards are much low- rector, Kiran Ballikar.

Mapusa brutal assault case New criminal laws aim to eliminate colonial
victim dies after �8 days mindset, CM says at ‘Revolution Day’ event
Family refuse to claim body unless main accused is arrested
Coming into force on July �, they will also be implemented in Goa
THE GOAN I NETWORK The assault, which Subsequently, three more sus-
occurred near an overhead pects – Sharanbasu Gaikwad THE GOAN I NETWORK
Ahmed Devadi (30), a victim
water tank at the Housing (27), Nagaraj Pujari (19), and
Boresh Pujari (38) – were also PANAJI Cong alleges
Board in Mapusa, involved
of a brutal assault on May 30
in Mapusa, succumbed to his two victims – Ahmed
Initially, the police had
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant
who also himself holds the
national anthem
injuries early Tuesday morn- Devadi from Laxminagar, �led charges under Sections Home portfolio chose Tuesday's sung wrongly
ing at Goa Medical College, Housing Board, and 120 (B), 307, 326, 506 (2), and Revolution Day state function
PANAJI: The Congress on Tues-
Bambolim, a�er 18 days of Sandesh Salkar (28) from 34 of the Indian Penal Code at Azad Maidan to delve into
day alleged that the national
treatment. Moira (IPC). the much anticipated roll out
The Mapusa Police have With Ahmed Devadi's of three new criminal laws to anthem was insulted by singing
now registered a case of mur- death, the charges have replace the British Raj era Indi- it wrongly at the Goa Revolution
der against all suspects in- unit at Goa Medical College. been amended to include an Penal Code (IPC), Criminal Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai pays tribute at Martyrs Memorial along with CM Pramod Sawant, Day event at Azad Maidan.
volved in the attack. Following the death of Section 302 (murder) of the Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Union Minister of State for Power Shripad Naik, and Chief Secretary Puneet Goel on Goa “We condemn insult
The assault, which oc- Ahmed Devadi, his family has IPC. Evidence Act, saying it is a step Revolution day which was marked on Tuesday.(Right) Goa Police team readying for the gun
curred near an overhead wa- refused to claim his body until Sources suggest that the which will "eradicate" the colo- salute. Pics: Narayan Pissurlenkar of National Anthem by @
ter tank at the Housing Board the prime suspects, Ramkr- victims and their attackers nial hangover. BJP4Goa @GovtofGoa at Goa
in Mapusa, involved two vic- ishna Bhalekar, also known were acquainted and had a These laws -- Bharatiya Na- at the Congress related to the Though not naming Jawa- mained a victim of Portuguese Revolution Day function at
tims – Ahmed Devadi from as RK, and his brother Babu personal dispute. grik Suraksha Sanhita, Bharati- Liberation of Goa from the harlal Nehru this time, rule for the next fourteen Azad Maidan...,” the Congress
Laxminagar, Housing Board, Bhalekar, are apprehended. The assault was reportedly ya Nyaya Sanhita and Bhartiya Portuguese fourteen years af- Sawant said Goa would have years,” Sawant said, adding said on its @INCGoa handle
and Sandesh Salkar (28) from The Bhalekar brothers re- triggered by a recent verbal Sakshya Sanhita -- are slated to ter the Independence of the progressed much more and that development here would on micro-blogging site ‘X’
Moira. main at large. altercation between the victim come into force from July 1 this country from the British raj. would not have missed three have been at a faster pace.
Both men were viciously at- On the day of the incident, and RK's brother, Babu, which year and these will be imple- He praised the contribution �nance commission pro- Earlier, Sawnt placed a
(formerly Twitter).
tacked with iron rods by four Mapusa Police apprehended had already resulted in a po- mented in Goa too, he said. of the freedom �ghters who he grammes if Goa was liberated wreath at the Martyrs Memo- Dravida UTKAL Banga is pro-
assailants, leaving them with three suspects: Manthan Chi- lice complaint. Sawant who was address- said exerted 'intense pressure' simultaneously when India rial as did the Governor P S nounced as ‘UCCHAL’ & ‘Bharat
severe head injuries. ri (24), Sridhar Killedar (26), Mapusa Police Inspector ing an audience with a few leading to the Central govern- became free in 1947. Sreedharan Pillai and Union Bhagya VIDHATA is pronounced
Sandesh Salkar is still re- and Abhishek Pujari (20), all Nikhil Palekar is leading the freedom �ghters in it, also ment's decision to launch 'Op- “India was freed from Brit- Minister of State for Power as “VIRAADA”, it alleged.
covering in the intensive care residents of Khorlim, Mapusa. ongoing investigation. touched on his favourite taunt eration Vijay' to free Goa in 1961. ish domination, but Goa re- Shripad Naik.

Anjuna panchayat to submit compliance Despite end of tourist season,

report on sealing of illegal structures wooden decks still on beaches
Morjim’s cup of woes over�ows as tourists cause nuisance
It will detail actions taken and current status of establishments THE GOAN I NETWORK

THE GOAN I NETWORK ‘SOME STRUCTURES DE-SEALED’ lishments was completed in all establishments, including PERNEM
respects, and most of the units numerous restaurants and The tourist season is over, how-
MAPUSA � Anjuna Sarpanch, Laxmidas Chimulkar, provided addi- were shut," Shankardas stated. lodges that were operating ever even in the rainy season,
The Anjuna Panchayat is tional insights, noting that while 175 structures were initially He further mentioned that without proper occupancy private restaurant business is
poised to submit a compli- sealed, some owners subsequently approached the court, the Panchayat Secretary has certi�cates and clearances. on, and as there is no parking
ance report regarding the re- resulting in the de-sealing of certain properties been tasked with �ling the The court ruled unequivo- arrangement on the roadsides,
cent sealing of illegal struc- compliance report before the cally that no commercial activ- the visiting tourists park their
tures along the Anjuna and � Initially, 175 structures were sealed, but later, some own- High Court. ities could be conducted from vehicles on both sides causing
Vagator beach belt. ers approached the court and accordingly, their properties Anjuna Sarpanch, Laxmi- these structures without the tra�c jams. The government
This follows the directives were de-sealed,” Chimulkar explained das Chimulkar, provided ad- necessary legal permissions. should take action on this and
of the High Court of Bombay ditional insights, noting that "We have complied with �nd a solution, appeals a local Wooden decks on the seashore as some tourists visit
at Goa, which initially man- � He clari�ed that a few establishments had the requisite while 175 structures were in- the High Court's directions, Sanjay Kole. restaurants even during the rains.
dated the sealing of 175 unau- permissions, while others were de-sealed to permit the itially sealed, some owners and the Secretary will be �l- The tourist season at Mor-
thorised structures. owners to demolish the structures subsequently approached the ing a compliance report on jim, Ashwem, Mandrem, Har- tra�c jams occur due to this. would be brought under con-
The compliance report will � The High Court’s order speci�cally targeted commercial court, resulting in the de-seal- the sealing of the structures," mal, Keri and Tiracol areas is In times of crises, if �re servic- trol, however it has continued.
detail the actions taken and ing of certain properties. Chimulkar reiterated. between October to May. Af- es have to be summoned, how Now the tourist season is
the current status of these es-
establishments, including numerous restaurants and "Initially, 175 structures This legal action under- ter April, the shacks permit- would emergency services over and the monsoon has start-
tablishments. lodges that were operating without proper occupancy were sealed, but later, some scores the ongoing e�orts to ted on the coastal belt by the provide service? The Pernem ed, yet noise pollution is a reg-
Earlier this year, on Febru- certi�cates and clearances owners approached the regulate unauthorised con- government are shut. These police and tra�c department ular phenomenon here. Man-
ary 13, 2024, the High Court, court and accordingly, their structions and ensure compli- restaurants on private land should take note of this and drem police should take action
while hearing a public inter- not legalise structures. the Panchayat Raj Act, town properties were de-sealed," ance with environmental and are at Vithaldas wada and as take action on the vehicles against this, locals appeal.
est litigation concerning ille- The structures in question planning regulations, and the Chimulkar explained. planning regulations along they put wooden decks on the parked on both sides of the
gal constructions, ordered the were operating in violation Health Act. He clari�ed that a few es- Goa's coastline. seashore, some tourists visit roads, demand citizens. No parking zone
sealing of these commercial of Coastal Regulation Zone Block Development O�cer tablishments had the requisite The forthcoming compli- them even during the rains. A�er an independent police The tourists come with friends
establishments. (CRZ) norms and lacked nec- (BDO) Bardez, Prathamesh permissions, while others were ance report will provide a de- As most of these restau- station was formed for Man- and families with their own vehi-
The court's ruling empha- essary permissions from var- Shankardas, con�rmed that the de-sealed to permit the owners tailed account of the steps tak- rants have no parking space, drem constituency, the citizens cles to celebrate weekends and
sised that merely possessing ious authorities, including sealing operations have been to demolish the structures. en by the Anjuna Panchayat the visitors to these restau- were expecting that prostitution park their vehicles in no parking
house tax receipts, electricity, the Goa Coastal Zone Man- executed comprehensively. The High Court's order spe- in adherence to the High rants park their vehicles on and other illegalities like drugs, zones. Strict action should be tak-
and water connections does agement Authority (GCZMA), "The sealing of the estab- ci�cally targeted commercial Court's directives. both sides of the roads, and quarrels, �ghting, abusing etc en against them, demands Kole.
mail us at >>

log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Do poll results show that nation is saved?

The traumatised souls of the last ten years are a pragmatic lot.
Many a trip continues long a�er movement in time
They know that the nation is still not completely out of the woods
and space have ceased.
John Steinbeck >The writer is
Editor, SatyaHindi.
com, and author of
Hindu Rashtra

Why the silence on

issues �agged by ASHUTOSH

artistes on KA? “
The country is saved”, is how an el-

derly friend reacted when I called
him up a�er the election results.
rotests over Kala Academy works erupted once again. This I can’t call him a le� liberal but he is
time, artistes from across the State came together on Mon- a hardcore political person for whom
“country �rst” has been the leitmotif for the voice of dissent is celebrated, not what was being decided or ordered
day demanding a white paper on the expenses incurred life. I have known him for a very long mauled; where minorities live with by the powerful PMO. Through Amit
over renovation works and also sought the resignation of time and can vouch for the honesty of dignity without fear and persecution, Shah, the prime minister has total con-
Art and Culture Minister Govind Gaude. The artistes threat- his conviction. He was a worried man. where the state is creative and harmo- trol over the party. Now the situation
We had had many discussions over the nious and not discriminatory, and lib- has changed.
ened to take to the streets if the structure was not restored to its origi- years since the Bharatiya Janata Party erty is the uncompromising cardinal Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu
nal state within 15 days. formed the government in 2014. As elec- principle of life. Naidu are mavericks. They know how
While artistes took turns pointing at shortcomings of the works and tions neared this time, he told me in one But the traumatised souls of the to protect their interests and demand
of his friendly but very enlightened chats last ten years are a pragmatic lot. their pound of �esh. Both have worked
alleged misappropriation of funds, a representative of the Charles that if the BJP were to get more than 300 They know that the nation is still not with the PM in the past and had their
Correa Foundation pointed out that drastic changes had been made seats, then the country would not be completely out of the woods. It’s only skirmishes with him; together they
the same again; the Constitution would a temporary recovery. The sun has command 28 seats, which is enough
to the structure taking away the original aesthetics and vibe of the be changed, Parliamentary democracy peeped through the dark clouds but to destabilise the government with the
area. The representative stated that the restoration work lacked visual would be consigned to the dustbin of his- the bright sunshine is still far away. support of others. It’s a relationship of
appeal and was of mediocre quality. tory; Parliament and the Constitutional The new government has been formed. distrusting partners. The PM knows
institutions would have no meaning and Unlike the last two, it’s not a majority that if any of their demands is not ful-
Interestingly, the meeting which was an open forum saw Gaude the country would be proclaimed a Hin- government. Crutches are needed to �lled then neither will hesitate to pull
seated among the audience patiently listening to every line that was du rashtra. run it. The prime minister is theoret- the rug under his feet and the two of
spoken, but chose not to comment despite him being a direct target of No wonder, a large section of intelli- ically weakened but his team is the them are well aware that in his quest to
gentsia, journalists, professionals work- same. Though, the coming week will get 272, the prime minister can hijack
criticism. Gaude, who is an artiste himself, by attending the meeting ing in di�erent walks of life, activists unfold the truth about his real de- their MPs too.
sent out a message that he was ready to listen, and yes he did. But with no a�liation to any party, who had meanour when parliament will be in The election of the Speaker in Parlia-
been critical of the Congress in pre-2014 session. Unlike the last two terms, the ment will be the �rst test of the coali-
why has there been a silence or a pause? On the �ip side, why is PWD era, and even those who were consid- Opposition will be more robust, the tion government. If the BJP cedes the
also not held responsible? ered to be rightists or supporters of Hin- Congress will be bolder due to its en- Speaker’s chair to a coalition partner
It is a foregone conclusion that the renovation work has gone bad, dutva philosophy, gravitated towards hanced numbers in the Lok Sabha; one then it can be argued that the partners
the Congress. In their opinion, the rise can see better �oor coordination as the have decided to buy peace and Parlia-
and whether one calls it overhead clogging of drainage resulting in of right-wing fascist politics was due to results have proved that if the Opposi- ment will have some amount of auton-
leakages or something else, the fact of the matter is that there is some- the decline of the Congress as a robust tion is more cohesive and united then omy in its functioning. And if the BJP
thing seriously wrong. A cross-section of artistes coming together to political force. And if the country had the government can be tamed. carries the day with its nominee then
to be saved then the Congress had to be But with Modi at the helm, overcon- uncertainty will continue.
take up the issue shows that things are indeed not up to the mark. strengthened. �dence can be disastrous. It is true that The second test will be the appoint-
Lest we forget, Gaude had said that the sound system installed is of A�er the exit poll results, gloom per- For many, he has never run a coalition govern- ment of the BJP’s party president. RSS
professional standard and needs to be meated their hearts and the subsequent nation means ment ever since he became the chief chief Mohan Bhagwat’s statements are
tense two days tormented them no end. minister of Gujarat. He always had a a sti� reminder that the RSS has de-
There has to be a white tuned to the requirements of artistes. The But by 10am on June 4, once the results pluralism, a majority on his own and he was nev- cided to not mortgage the party like it
paper released on the question is, why has that not happened? trickled in and it was apparent that the free socie- er constrained by mundane things in did earlier. It has not taken lightly the
expenses incurred on Have Gaude’s assurances of the past BJP was not getting the numbers that the ty, freedom his party and the government. He was statement of JP Nadda that now the BJP
pollsters had predicted, they were over- to express the boss and ran both the institutions has become self-su�cient and it is not
the renovation because come to haunt him now? Way back in whelmed by relief and mobile phones like his �efdom. In fact, he so jealously dependent on the RSS to win elections.
accountability in public 2021, the art and culture minister had clar- started buzzing with congratulatory themselves, guards his power that he did not tol- A senior RSS person told me long
projects is a must calls and messages. The nation has �nal- where the voice erate the RSS, and during his time as back that Modi’s priority could be to be
i�ed that the special agency involved in ly survived, was the common call. These of dissent is chief minister he ensured that none of the prime minister which is not that of
the work would carry out maintenance of are brilliant people who have done well
celebrated, not the RSS pracharaks and o�cebearers the RSS, whose civilisational project is
the renovated premises for �ve years and that there is a 25-year guar- in their respective �elds, and wear love would have any say in the party or in to unite Hindus. Now is the right time
for the nation on their sleeves; yes they mauled; where the government, and those who dared for the RSS to assert itself, when Modi’s
antee on the repairs. That means that the contractor is liable to take are not fashionably pompous about their minorities live challenge his authority were brutally popularity is declining and he does not
care of any problems that arise in the next two-and-a-half decades. patriotism — for them India is a lived with dignity shown the door and could not survive. have enough numbers. This battle is
reality, a commitment, and not a delu- A similar model has been active in serious and it will be interesting to see
The irony is that the State government is now pumping in another Rs sional society’s false imagery. For them,
without fear Delhi since 2014. It was his govern- how it unfolds.
10.56 crore to repair the renovated structure, and what is more sur- nation means pluralism, a free society, and persecu- ment. Even senior BJP leaders had no
prising is that this job has also been awarded to the same contractor. freedom to express themselves, where tion authority, their job was to implement — FPJ
The agony of artistes is understandable, but the silence of Gaude
and Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, who also holds the PWD portfo-
lio, is ba�ing. We recall when Sawant issued directions to the PWD THE INBOX >> I
Chief Engineer to ensure that all repair work at Kala Academy is to be Food safety regulations and the reporters, sta�, printing press,
done on priority so that there are no leakages. Leakages happened
must be strictly followed Keep away from water bodies for your safety writers, distributors and the editor is
doing a great job. The Goan newspaper is
even when the State witnessed the �rst showers in May. With the onset of monsoons there comes a lot of precautionary covering the issues that matter to Goans
This is reference to the report, “Blade- measures attached to it while vacationing in Goa. However,
By ordering an audit of the renovation work and constituting a like object found in food of AI �ght - The and without any fear brought the truth to
rough conditions do persists in sea and water bodies during light and always fought to save and pro-
three-member technical committee to examine the alleged “corrup- Goan Everyday - June 18, 2024.” That this time of the year. Inspite of the advisory warnings, there are tect Goa and Goans. Thanks for the Goan
was certainly disturbing news. How
tion”, “irregularities” and “illegalities” the government cannot as- much more dangerous can it get? Close
incidents of tourists getting drunk and venturing into the water readers who read the newspaper in Goa
bodies. Such type of incidents tarnish the image of Goa across
sume that it has done its job. The need of the hour is to hear out the on the heels of the incident where a the globe. However, tourists/local populace also ought to keep
and throughout the world through epa-
per on website. Thanks to the writers for
artistes and lay out an action plan. There has to be a white paper re- �nger was found in a customer’s ice- away from water bodies such as dangerous quarries and mon- being a voice of Goa and to highlight the
cream in Mumbai and another incident soon waterfalls. Unfortunately, there are several unmonitored
leased on the expenses incurred on the renovation because account- of a centipede found in a Amul ice-cream issues related to Goa and Goans. It’s not
quarries which pose danger to children. Furthermore, it’s quite a easy job for journalists where they have
ability in public projects is a must. tub of a customer in Noida. And now, evident to note that children too need guidance from teachers/
a blade-like metal object was found to work in all the seasons to give us a true
The assurances of quality work and world-class infrastructure ap- elders and parents pertaining to monsoon related safety meas- news by putting their lives on risk. Wish-
in a passenger’s food onboard an Air ures as far as water bodies are concerned. However, to beef up
pear hollow given the state of a�airs of Kala Academy. It’s time Gaude India flight. Where are we heading? ing you all a happy anniversary from the
safety measures, certain monsoon waterfalls have been banned bottom of our heart and wish all the best
and Sawant view the entire Kala Academy renovation work through Are the Food Safety regulations being by the authorities. Eventually, the beauty and charm of vaca- in future. The Goan is a voice of Goa and
the lens of these artistes who are �ag bearers of our art and culture. followed, apparently it does not seem tioning in Goa during monsoon season is altogether a di�erent
so. The situation is certainly alarming. a rising star which shines and has won
experience. However, a humble appeal to everyone that exercise the hearts of Goans throughout the world
With the monsoon at our doorsteps, little bit of wisdom and self control by keeping away from water
we need to take extra precautions even for its best reporting. God bless you.
bodies, especially during this time of the year.
while preparing food at home to ensure RONNIE DSOUZA, Chandor
that no bacterial infections take place. JOSEPH SAVIO DESOUZA, Rajasthan


The human body has the capacity to
overcome certain levels of infection but
Tra�c system going
there is a limit. So, it is imperative that o� rails in State
all food safety regulations are strictly The tra�c situation is witnessing a big
Hand over Kala Academy followed by all.
to be denied to save the rich perpetra-
tor. Then look at the rape cases brought
against Yediyurappa and Prajwal Revan-
challenge in Goa. Tra�c congestion in
the rush hours is the regular scenario in
to the artistes’ forum Justice should be speedy,
na in Karnataka, while the poor victim
in the Yediyurappa case, a minor who
Goa. With haphazard parking (double or
triple parking) without any proper tra�c

is claimed to be mentally challenged regulations, the prime roads in the major
s the condition of Kala Academy remains unchanged, a group of artistes
have reportedly united to demand a white paper giving details of the re-
equitable to masses gets no justice and in the Revanna case towns of Goa are getting completely �lled
Our institutions compromised like in the there are a multitude of women victims with the vehicles in the daytime with
pairs carried out at the premiere cultural centre and the resignation of hardly any place le� for parking and es-
the Art and Culture Minister Govind Gaude from his position as chairman of case of the IIT Kharagpur student cam- who are at the receiving end of social
pus death where the 2nd post-mortem stigma. The rights of common individ- pecially at Panaji Market, 18th June Road,
Kala Academy. It may be noted that the iconic structure was renovated over a DB Borkar road. Tourism in the state is
period of three years by spending crores of rupees. However, incidents such as has brought out that he was shot and uals should not be encroached and
stabbed which the �rst post-mortem was in the event of them being victims of Send your also sinking day-by-day which led to the
water leakage in the main theatre and collapse of the false ceiling have raised a
question over the quality of work undertaken. The roof of the open-air theatre silent about. It is also alarming that the crime, justice should be speedy, fair and letters to us further draining of the state treasury.
With shortage of tra�c police, decline
collapsed in July last year. Since the government has failed miserably in main- government institutions like the hospi- equitable. at editor@ in number of wardens, it’s imperative to
taining the structure and since artistes are the primary stakeholders of the fa- tals and police try to hide such a glaring
injury that could have been a cause of S KAMAT, Mysuru mitigate the city’s growing challenges.
cility, it would be in the �tness of things to hand over the upkeep of the cultural Letters must Bad roads, poor connectivity, waterlog-
the victim’s death. The same with the
centre to the artistes’ forum. The government could provide necessary funds to
the forum periodically for the preservation of the iconic structure. Artistes will Porsche accident case in Pune recently Congrats to The Goan be 150-200 ging on roads, poor drainage systems
and road designs, incomplete smart city
also be in a better position to provide quality lighting and proper sound-system where the forensic department substi-
tuted blood samples for bribes, with
on its 9th anniversary words and project works, the list goes on and on.
which have not been up to the standard.
the price set at Rs 5 lakh, as reported Congratulations to The Goan Everyday mention the The blame is invariably heaped on the
ADELMO FERNANDES, Vasco in the papers. Here again the common newspaper on its 9th Anniversary. The writer’s name government departments.
citizen’s claim for justice was intended Goan family of readers are growing and location KG VILOP, Chorao

RNI: GOAENG/2015/65729. Printed and Published by: Sagar Lade on behalf of Prudent Media (Goa) Pvt. Ltd. Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, Karaswada, Mapusa, Goa. Published at: Second Floor, Fourth Estate (Kamat Metropolis), St Inez, Panaji
403 001. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). All Rights Reserved. Ph: (0832) 240 5950 or mail us at
Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor, Publisher and Owners.
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log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Renovation plans afoot for Canacona cops accused of IN SHORT >>

Haryana tourist flees with rent-a-car
harassing Karwar motorists MAPUSA: Mapusa police has booked a tourist from Haryana on

MMC buildings in Vasco

charges of fleeing with a rent-a-car belonging to a person from
THE GOAN I NETWORK by Canacona police amounts According to police, the accused Pradeep Singh had hired the
to harassment of Karnataka rent-a-car from the owner Mohiddin Hakeem of Paliem-Bastora
CANACONA and particularly Karwar vehi- for a period of four days from June 6 to June 9.
Accusing Canacona police cles plying to Goa. What is the The accused had paid Hakeem the amount to rent the car, but did
cles entering Goa via Polem
border, Karwar MLA Satish
signi�cance of stopping and
checking these same vehicles
for document veri�cations at
not return the car a�er four days. Singh did not respond to calls
and when Hakeem suspected that his car may have been stolen,
he �led a complaint with the Mapusa police.
THE GOAN I NETWORK Sail has asked Chief Minister Shellim,” asked Sail. Acting on the complaint, Mapusa police registered a case against
Pramod Sawant to intervene “If this trend is not stopped
VASCO Builder cites challenges in redeveloping unsafe Pvt buildings and take appropriate action and if Canacona police contin-
the accused under Section 420 of IPC and further investigation is
being conducted by PSI Mangesh Palni.
With a number of munici- against this arbitrary action. ue to harass Karnataka vehi-
pal-owned buildings in a di-
lapidated condition and pos-
VASCO: Nazir Khan, a builder and redevel- Vasco, especially with many shops and estab- While vehicles are stopped
at Goa’s Polem checkpost, Sail
cles at Shellim, will it be right
if Karnataka police stops every
Cong demands rollback of power tari� hike
oper from Vasco, has claimed that while the lishments operating in some buildings. PANAJI: The Congress on Tuesday demanded that the power tari�
ing a threat to public in Vasco government can take up redevelopment of its “The MMC must look forward to a settlement alleged that Canacona police Goa vehicle again at Karwar?”
City, plans are afoot to rede- have also been stopping ve- The Karwar MLA stated that hike be immediately rolled back even as Leader of the Opposi-
velop these buildings using own buildings, redevelopment of unsafe private scheme for shopkeepers and residents who hicles at Shellim, around 800 Karwar and Goa, particularly tion Yuri Alemao flanked by the other party MLAs -- Carlos Alvares
the PPP model. buildings is a complex issue. have invested a lot of money to buy flats and metres inside the Polem bor- Canacona taluka, share a very Ferreira and Altone D’Costa -- accused the government of failing to
Speaking to The Goan, Vas- “The government can take up redevelopment shops. No one should be in a loss but at the der check post. The non-func- close relationship and hoped reduce T&D losses or control power the�.
co MLA Krishna Salkar said he of its buildings on its own, if required, through a same time we cannot a�ord to take a risk of tional toll-booth at Shellim this would be allowed to con- Alemao said a coordinated strategy with INDIA alliance partners
had discussed the matter with was earlier in operation to tinue peacefully. will be worked out to corner the government over the issue during
tender, especially for their own sta� accom- operating from buildings that can collapse any the upcoming monsoon session of the Assembly.
Urban Development Minister modation quarters which are in a dilapidated day,” said Khan. collect entry tax of outstation “I hope better sense will
Vishwajit Rane to redevelop vehicles. prevail and that, Goa’s Chief Other issues will also be raised which a�ect Goa and Goans, he
MMC buildings under PPP
condition,” said Khan. “Though we sympathise with residents and “It is not a right practice Minister Pramod Sawant in- added. Incidentally, Alemao, Ferreira and D’Costa addressed the
model and had got an assur- “However, no builder would be willing to shop owners of unsafe buildings, a builder also by police to stop vehicles itiates appropriate action by media at the Goa Legislative Assembly complex chamber of the
ance from him. demolish and redevelop a private building has his costs to take care while redeveloping a again at Shellim on the pre- stopping this arbitrary prac- Leader of the Opposition in candlelight but Speaker Ramesh Ta-
“We have already placed and also o�er the same area to shops and flat property and may be unable to offer the best deal text of checking documents, tice of Canacona Police. This wadkar who is the custodian of the legislature complex said the
the proposal before the gov- owners.” to owners, especially since many people want the when vehicles coming to blatant and arbitrary harass- LoP was well aware that his chamber is under repairs and power
ernment and works will be Goa through Karnataka go ment of motorists will not be supply is cut o�. Meanwhile, Power Minister Ramkrishna (Sudin)
Khan admitted that a tragedy is waiting to same area for flats and shops in the new redevel- Dhavlikar has claimed that a provision will have to be made in the
taken in this direction. We are through Karnataka’s Majali tolerated,” warned Karwar
happen when it comes to unsafe buildings in oped building without paying extra.” budget if the hike is to be rolled back or reduced.
already taking up multiple Checkpost and are stopped MLA Satish Sail.
projects on priority in Vasco for document veri�cation at According to sources, Cana- Dhavlikar said the issue will also have to be discussed with the
like the �sh market, sports Goa’s Polem checkpost by cona Police has been accused Chief Minister Pramod Sawant for concurrence of the �nance min-
complex, etc. and these pro- to develop MMC buildings Building, Mukund Building, so that people get their rights Goa Police, Excise and RTO, of placing a police team at the istry for the State to bear the additional cost which will arise due
jects are underway,” said under the PPP model. We Borges building, etc. which and MMC bene�ts in terms of located just about 800 metres old and abandoned toll booth to roll back or reduction of the power tari� hike.
Salkar. have identi�ed many MMC will be demolished and re- revenue from the extra FAR away.” at Shellim about 800 metres
“A�er that, we will start buildings like the Kossambe developed under PPP model for the area.” “This unhealthy practice away from Polem Checkpost. Bagless day held at GHS Morpirla
pirla celebrated

Cong urges amendment to Xth Ex-councillor pushes for justice after bagless day
which is a step
towards innova-

schedule to curb MLA defections demolition of public toilet in Mapusa tive education
practices. This
initiative aim
to alleviate the
of carrying bags
MARGAO � Congressmen from Margao, led by Savio Coutinho, MAPUSA � Former councillor Tushar Tople urges MMC Chief O�cer and to intro-
Congressmen from Margao led presented a memorandum to GPCC President Amit Patkar The Chief O�cer of Mapu- Chandrakant Shetkar to �le a police complaint after the duce alternative
by Savio Coutinho on Tuesday and Leader of Opposition Yuri Alemao sa Municipal Council (MMC) illegal demolition of a public toilet methods of
presented a memorandum has been urged to �le a po- learning that
to GPCC President Amit Pat-
� They requested a Private Member Bill to amend the Xth lice complaint following the � Tople demands immediate action and a thorough are engaging
kar and Leader of Opposition Schedule of the Constitution to prevent MLA defections demolition of a public toilet inquiry by police and the municipality to identify and prose- and practical,
Yuri Alemao with a request to � Then Opposition Leader Digambar Kamat had previously belonging to the municipality. cute those responsible experiential
move a Private Member Bill moved a similar Bill in July 2021 Former councillor Tushar � The public toilet, located in Vithalwadi, Mapusa, was to encourage
through the Leader of Oppo- Tople has written to MMC creativity and
sition/Congress Party MLA or � The congressmen highlighted Kamat’s defection to the Chief O�cer Chandrakant
demolished by unidenti�ed individuals
critical thinking.
any India Alliance MLA per- BJP despite his earlier e�orts against defections Shetkar, demanding appro- Students also
taining to the Amendment to � They expressed hope that Kamat, now in the ruling party, priate action against those re- a detailed investigation and duty of the local councillor engaged in activities like Yoga, Nature Walk, leaves cra� and
the Xth Schedule of the Con- sponsible for the illegal dem- bring the culprits to justice,” to protect municipal property Nature collage etc.
would support the Bill to amend the Xth Schedule olition. Tople stated. within their ward and assist in
Coutinho pointed out � The primary goal is to prevent defectors from re-entering Tople emphasised that as He also suggested that the the investigation. KLES hospital performs rare heart surgery
that then Opposition Leader Congress via fresh defections the custodian of municipal machinery used in the dem- Tople warned that any de-
Digambar Kamat had moved property, the Chief O�cer olition, including the JCB lay in taking action would
a Private Members Bill dur- � Yuri Alemao assured that he would work to bring the must take immediate steps to and the rickshaw, should be compel him to approach the
ing the Legislative Assembly proposed Bill to the Assembly address the issue. seized, and the costs of the High Court, accusing o�cials
Session in July 2021, seeking He called for a thorough in- damage should be recovered of neglecting their duties and
a Resolution requesting the not have defected, they said in fections to topple the gov- quiry by both the police and from the o�enders. protecting the culprits.
Central Government to bring their representation. ernment, Coutinho said sar- the municipality to identify Tople reminded the coun- The incident in question in-
about appropriate changes to The congressmen ex- castically. “But, the primary and prosecute those involved cil, the Chief O�cer, and the volves the sudden demolition
the Xth Schedule of the Con- pressed con�dence that since interest of all Congressmen in the destruction of public municipal engineer of their of a 40-year-old public toilet
stitution so as to put a halt Kamat has joined the ruling and Goans at large is that property. responsibility to safeguard in Vithalwadi, Mapusa, by
to the rampant defection of party, which has an over- this defector should not have “The police and the munic- municipal assets. unidenti�ed individuals last
MLAs from the party they are whelming majority, he will re-entry into the Congress ipal council should conduct He also highlighted the Saturday.
elected, to a di�erent party be able to convince his “new party via fresh round of de-
for their greed and sel�sh in- team” to support the Bill seek- fection, he added.
terests. ing amendment to the Xth Leader of Opposition Yuri

MLA, Sancoale VP inspect

“Astonishingly though, Schedule of the Constitution Alemao said he had brought Photo: The Rotarians and doctors seen with the child and
Digambar Kamat himself be- of India with respect to de- a similar Bill in the House at parents. Louis Rodrigues
came the captain of an eight fections, the representation one of the Assembly sessions,
BELAGAVI: A 20-month-old male child from Belagavi district who

polluted nullah at Shindole

MLA team to jump from Con- reads. but a resolution to that e�ect
gress to the BJP”, Congress- “Furthermore, this Bill was not passed. “I will see born with a rare congenital heart defect known as a ‘Coronary
men pointed out. “Probably, if will be bene�cial to the rul- that the Bill proposed by the cameral �stula’, underwent a successful surgery at KLES Dr Prab-
the Bill had to be passed, Ka- ing side in majority as well, Congress will be brought in hakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi.
mat on moral grounds would considering the threat of de- the Assembly, he assured. This rare condition, occurring in approximately one out of every
THE GOAN I NETWORK 2,000 children, involves an abnormal connection between the
main coronary artery and a heart chamber, leading to symptoms
VASCO of heart failure.
FROM PAGE 1 >> Responding to several com- According to Senior Paediatric Cardiologist Dr Veeresh Manvi, the
child was experiencing frequent colds, coughs, breathlessness,
plaints from locals about the
Sparks fly over Forest Dept Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) had
justi�ed it by arguing that the cost of supplying
polluted Nullah at Shindole, fatigue, and failure to thrive.
The complex surgical repair was performed by Australian trained
Cortalim MLA Anton Vas with
ban on entry at waterfalls power is much higher than the prevailing tari� Sancoale Panchayat o�cials Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon Dr Gananjay Salve. The surgical team
the public for their information and views. and that it is inevitable. Also, at the public hear- conducted a joint inspection of comprised Dr Anand Vagarali, Senior Perfusionist and team. Post-
This dra� contains all the progressive reforms ings conducted by the JERC in both North and the contaminated Nullah and operative care was managed by Paediatric Cardiac Intensivist Dr
required to boost the tourism. Once the views of South District headquarters, several opposition warned of strict action against Nidhi G Manvi and team.
all stakeholders are received, this dra� will be political leaders had accused the department those dumping sewage in the Cortalim MLA Anton Vas along with former Sancoale Chairman of KLE Society Dr Prabhakar Kore has expressed pro-
�nalised,” said Khaunte. of �scal imprudence including poor recovery of Nullah. sarpanch Ramakant Borkar and other villagers during a joint found gratitude to the members of Rotary Club Belgaum South for
massive arrears of energy charges from default- Later speaking to reporters, inspection at Shindole-Sancoale on Tuesday. Vikram Nayak their �nancial assistance through the ‘Gi� of Life’ program.
HINTERLAND FESTIVALS ing consumers. Vas said he had been inspect- Col(Dr) M Dayananda, Medical Director of KLES Hospital, congratu-
Reacting to Opposition criticising the govern-
ment for sanctioning funds to promote Chikhal
Veggie prices hit the roof, turn ing the area over the last few
days to pinpoint the source of
said Vas. Vas said some resi-
dents have been suspecting
which might lead to seepage
causing contamination.”
lated the medical team for their exceptional skills and dedication.

Kalo and Sao Joao festivals, Khaunte said there family budgets upside down contamination. sewage tankers of discharging “There is also suspicion that Two books by educationist
is nothing wrong in encouraging the such fes-
get even worse,” said Hussain, who trades
in fruits and vegetables in the CCP market at
“The stream is heavily pollut-
ed and the stench is unbearable,
waste into the stream, particu-
larly during the monsoon.
sewage tankers are illegally
dumping sewage into the stream
Prabhakar Timble published
“Under Regenerative Tourism, there is a need to Panaji. making it di�cult for people to “During an inspection at the under the cover of rain. Let me PANAJI: Educationist, columnist, political commentator and
promote these festivals in the hinterland. The Lemons, French beans and most of the other live here. I have also intimat- hilltop with locals, we discov- be clear that anyone caught re- former Goa State Election Commissioner Prabhakar Timble’s
Chikhal Kalo mud festival is associated with vegetables including cabbage, have also ed Goa State Pollution Control ered a nearly non-functional leasing sewage into the stream two books, one, a collection of essays, ‘Illusions of Mind: Goan
Devki Krishna and the Sao Joao festival is cele- become dearer as parts of Karnataka and Maha- Board o�cials, who have col- sewage treatment plant (STP). will face strict penalties. Their Identity, Migration and Development’ and the second, ‘Judiciary,
brated practically in every village. The tourism rashtra from where Goa gets most of its supplies lected water samples. We expect The plant’s capacity is inad- licenses will be permanently re- Judges and Judgements’, an exploration of legal landscapes with
department cannot be restricted to Carnival and have seen rain related crop damage. their �ndings within a week,” equate for the area’s needs, voked,” warned Vas. wit and wisdom, were published recently.
Shigmo festivals alone. We have to showcase Horticulture kiosks ease the pain: There was Authored by Timble and edited by Akbar Gaded, ‘Illusions of
our tradition and other popular festivals to tour- some respite from the sti� prices of vegetables Mind: Goan Identity, Migration and Development’ is an attempt
ists,” said Khaunte. due to sale at subsidised rates through outlets to address these issues and provide the reader a fresh perspec-

Freedom �ghters stopped at Aguada Jail

of the Goa State Horticulture Corporation with a tive. The book takes the readers on a journey to understand the
Industrial, commercial users nearly 25 per cent discount.
An o�cial of the GSHCL, however, said the
core issues of Goa. The book, ‘Judiciary, Judges, and Judgments’,
navigates through complex legal terrains with simplicity, making
to bear brunt of power hike Corporation faces a challenge to source sup- THE GOAN I NETWORK Meanwhile, to mark Revolu- it intelligible to all readers. Devan Parab has provided editorial
hotels, shops and other businesses with low plies with crop damage ravaging the mandis in tion Day, President of the Goa assistance for this book.
tension connections, the earlier Rs 3.60 per Belagavi and other regions it relies on. MAPUSA Daman Diu Freedom Fighters The book ‘Illusions of Mind...’ is divided into four sections, ‘The
unit rate has been hiked to Rs 3.75 for 100 Some freedom �ghters reacted Association Rohidas Naik De- Nostalgia’, ‘Goa in Transition’, ‘The Delusions of Development’ and
units. Instead of Rs 4.40 per unit, consumption A year on, Goa fails to enact with outrage a�er they were sai hoisted the �ag and placed ‘Migration and Identity’. It o�ers an accessible and engaging nar-
rative that can captivate both scholars and other readers. The au-
between 100-200 units will be charged at the
rate of Rs 4.60 per unit instead of Rs 4.40 and
law on widows’ rights stopped from visiting the Agua-
da Jail without an entry ticket
garlands on the statue of Ram
Manohar Lohia at the Aguada thor’s storytelling prowess makes complex topics like identity and
it will increase from Rs 5 to Rs 5.30 per unit for Around 14 panchayats have already adopted on Goa Revolution Day. They asked to purchase entry tick- Jail. migration feel like an adventure rather than an academic exercise.
those consuming between 200 to 400 units in a resolutions against discriminatory customs to were later permitted to enter ets, as the premises is currently Others present on the oc- The book, ‘Judiciary, Judges and Judgements’ has sections in-
billing cycle. treat widows on par with married women. the fort complex. leased to a private contractor. casion included the Associa- cluding ‘Defections and Elections’, ‘Gender Justice’, ‘Slippery Ju-
The tari� hike has not spared even the ag- Not too long ago, a Goan couple’s marriage According to sources, the The freedom �ghters react- tion’s Secretary Chandrakant dicial Doctrines’ and ‘Judiciary on Trial’. The author shines a spot-
ricultural category. While farmers with high attracted national attention when Usha Naik, a incident took place as they had ed with anger and the sta� lat- Pednekar, Yashwant Malik, light on the challenges faced by the judiciary, o�ering insightful
consumption of up to 40 kilowatts have a �ve widow, de�ed societal norms by performing the gone to the Aguada Jail as part er permitted them to enter the Raya Shirodkar, Prabhakar reflections and thought-provoking analyses. With humour as his
paise per unit increase to bear but the low ten- wedding rituals of her daughter, Dr Gautami. of an annual programme or- premises without an entry tick- Naik, Dashrath Naik, Arun ally, he transforms legal issues into digestible narratives. The
sion consumers using up to 25 killowatts will be The bride and groom’s families challenged the ganised by the government to et. The freedom �ghters later Dhargalkar, Dheeraj Naik of book is useful for anyone curious about the legal realm.
charged 5 paise per unit lower than the earlier age-old stereotypes surrounding widowhood mark Goa Revolution Day. said it was shameful that they Sainik’s Navjeevan Society Both books are published by Qurate Books Pvt Ltd and priced at
tari� which is Rs 1.50 per unit instead of Rs 1.55. making a progressive shi� and debunking the As they reached the entry were barred from entering the along with their families, stu- Rs 295, are available at Con�dant, Golden Heart, Dogears Mar-
The electricity department in its proposal for belief that widows are inauspicious for religious gate, they were stopped from premises without entry tickets dents and teachers of di�erent gao, Varsha, Broadway, Singbal, Naguesh Law Books and Bidye
the power tari� hike presented to the Joint or ritual ceremonies. entering the premises and were on Revolution Day schools. in Panaji.
log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) WEDNESDAY June 19, 2024 I 6

Everything that irritates
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If you have an interesting story to share or want us to of ourselves
highlight any issue that you think matters to Goans, – Carl Jung
Connecting with young Goa send it to us at

Man engraves Micromax logo on

How to avoid being hacked Airpods case to deter thieves

midst rising concerns, a man’s unique
strategy to deter the� has gone viral
on social media. To avoid getting his
Apple AirPods stolen, a social media

Start by upping your password game

user named Baked Samosa on X revealed
he engraved them with the Micromax logo.
Baked Samosa then posted a picture of his
AirPods case, customised with a �st bump emoji, to illustrate
his the� prevention technique. His reasoning? Disguising the
brand logo to make them less appealing to potential thieves.

If you type the term Leadership and

“password cyberattack” into what’s missing..!
Google News, the results will
here’s something amiss in this country: There’s
show just how often cyber somebody who’s going round the world pounding
his chest and shouting, “Look at me, see I’m back
criminals are getting hold of for the third time,” and there’s the world saying,
important data belonging to “I think you’ve got it wrong, there’s a brother and sister,
who seem to have more leadership qualities than you!”
companies and individuals I believe, and this is not a political article, that these
elections have shown us qualities of true leadership.
And let’s learn some pointers about leadership from
the election’s that’s happened:
First learn we are human, not gods, and so limited in
our understanding or thinking, so never neglect taking
ownership of your mistakes or the mistakes of your
team. That is what strong leaders do. They take full re-
sponsibility for mistakes, and they are respected much
more for doing so.
Secondly, have the boldness to point out what’s
not worked and propose methods that will work. Yes,
THEMBEKILE OLIVIA MAYAYISE to auto-save when you create a authenticate a user – for example a you need to become a problem solver. Which means
What are the biggest

new account, a flawless solution. password and facial or retina recog- to think out solutions. People respect problem solvers
hy is password securi- Despite the convenience, these nition ensure that the password password no-nos? and solution �nders more than blamers. Even if people
ty so important? platforms pose a risk of credential �les are encrypted. Don’t use basic or easily guess- don’t fully accept your proposal, they will respect you
The spike in cyber- exposure. Conduct regular audits to mon- able passwords, such as common for providing one. It shows that you are truly invested
attacks leading to itor and ensure compliance with dictionary words. Users should aim in making things better, and you will gain a reputation
system breaches and
What can companies password policies and standards. for a password not shorter than for generating ideas, solving problems and improving
data leaks has compelled a review do di�erently? 12 characters long, a combina- processes.
of access control strategies. The A password policy and corre- What about individuals? tion of alpha numeric (letters and Thirdly, treat other people not just the way you would
question has shi�ed from whether sponding standards should be de- Individuals can enhance their numbers) and special characters, like them to treat you, but go one step farther and treat
cyberattacks will occur to when and veloped and implemented to meet online safety – both at work and and lower and upper cases (small others the way they want to be treated. Which means
how they will happen. the company’s cybersecurity ob- in their private life – by remaining and capital letters) and keep it investing time and thought to �nd out and delve into
Passwords and usernames re- jectives. How this is done depends vigilant and informed about the con�dential. the strengths and weaknesses of others. This is very
main a key point of vulnerability as on the organisation and the type latest threats that could compro- It’s also important not to reuse important as we are not generalising but serving a spe-
they are still used for access and of business. For example, �nancial mise password security. In organi- passwords across di�erent ac- ci�c purpose. Focus on what they need and what they
authentication. Too many people institutions and credit card com- sational settings you should know counts. care about.
use weak and recycled passwords. panies may �nd the Payment Card and follow organisational policies Don’t use auto-�ll or save your Fourthly, learn to ask questions and remain open
A report by cybersecurity �rm Industry Data Security Standard to and standards for safe password passwords on websites especially to new ideas. Yes, from the recent elections we have
Sophos found that the “number be most appropriate. Others might use. Participate in awareness on shared computers. found that people really don’t like know-it-alls. If you go
of cyber attacks on businesses in �nd the guidelines provided by the and training sessions. Report any Avoid sharing passwords or re- around diminishing others while acting like you have a
South Africa, Kenya and Zambia US National Institute of Standards suspicious security incident to vealing them to others, particularly monopoly on bright ideas, you will be disliked. People
increased by 76% in 2023”. This and Technology or ISO/IEC 27001 the ICT help desk or follow your with colleagues in the workplace. will respect you less because they don’t feel you value
comes at a huge cost. security standards useful. These organisation’s incident manage- If you have to share a password, their ideas or expertise.
Each year various sources pub- standards are used globally. ment process. ensure that it is authorised by the Fi�hly, learn to deal with conflict even when it’s
lish lists of the most used pass- Companies must ensure that Keep your login credentials manager and that the details are uncomfortable. When you avoid conflict, you send a
words. Research by NordPass o�en employees are fully informed about safe and secure. Log out a�er documented for auditing purposes. message that you are afraid, or that their needs are in-
highlights predictable choices like the policies and procedures related every session, especially when Never give password details over ferior to yours. Turning a blind eye to a conflict as what
“123456”, “admin”, “12345678” to password use and that they you’re using a shared computer. the phone to individuals claiming happened in Manipur is more the style of Nero playing
and “password”. understand their responsibilities. Use passwords which are strong to be IT technicians without proper the �ddle while Rome burned.
These passwords can be cracked They should therefore conduct and unlikely to be guessed by veri�cation. Finally, allow criticism from others. Never think that
in less than a minute by highly regular awareness campaigns to attackers. Some of the ways to verify the only weak people need others. Strong ones have the
skilled hackers and those with ba- promote safe password practices Avoid using sequential charac- authenticity of the call are to con- courage to allow others to provide assistance. When
sic hacking skills. Con�dential in- and address potential password ters or repetitive phrases for pass- �rm the ticket number the caller is you ask for help, you show your strength. You show that
formation is then exposed to the�, threats. Follow best practice se- words, recycled or easily guessa- referencing. Ask the caller to send you are indeed con�dent in your abilities and have the
deletion or tampering. AI tools are curity standards for user accounts ble passwords such as dictionary an o�cial email to your account, willingness and courage to accept guidance. You show
making hacking easier. management and password con- words. especially if you don’t have issues others that you don’t believe yourself to be superior
In some organisations, pass- trol. Check if the chosen password is accessing a computer. to those around you, and you create opportunities for
words never expire, creating oppor- Incorporate password-strength not already on the list of breached If an internal telephone number others to contribute to your development.
tunities for unauthorised access. meters to assist users in generating or common passwords. is being used, check the authentici- Yes, there’s much that we can learn from these
In many instances, compromised more secure passwords. Change your password whenev- ty of the call and request identi�ca- elections, especially what was missing, if only we look
passwords result in online identity Consider adopting multi-factor er a compromise is suspected and tion details from the caller such as closely..!
the�. Nor are password-saving authentication, which requires use encrypted password manager their name, o�ce location, depart-
features, such as websites o�ering two or more pieces of evidence to tools to store passwords safely. ment and reporting lines.

The Goan,
Goan Varta, 3 5

Bhaangarbhuin 6 1 3 7

celebrate 9th 2 9
2 1 4
8 6

anniversary 2 1
From right: Editorial Director, Pramod
Acharya, Editors: Joel Afonso, 7 9 5
Pandurang Gaonkar and Mahesh
Divekar cut a cake during the 9th year
anniversary celebration of The Goan,
3 9 5 1
Goan Varta and Bhaangarbhuin at the
media o�ce, St Inez on Tuesday. 4 9 7 8
Pics: Narayan Pissurlenkar
4 2
� Each row, column, and 7 5 4 1 8 3 2 6 9
3 by 3 square must have
the numbers 1 through 1 2 6 5 4 9 3 7 8
9. These numbers can’t
be repeated in each row, 3 8 9 6 2 7 4 5 1
column, and square.
� When solving an easy
4 3 1 7 9 5 6 8 2
Sudoku, the �rst thing 9 7 2 8 3 6 1 4 5
you should do is look
for de�nites. De�nites 5 6 8 2 1 4 7 9 3
are numbers that are
de�nitely going to be 2 9 7 4 5 1 8 3 6
there. Starting at 1, draw
imaginary lines through 6 1 5 3 7 8 9 2 4
boxes in that 1’s row
and/or column. When 8 4 3 9 6 2 5 1 7
there is only one box left
in the 3x3 box, you know that is a de�nite.
� If you get stuck, go back alook at everything. That one number is usually all you
need to get going again. If you still cannot �nd any solutions, start labeling every
block with every number that could possibly go in that box.
mail us at >>

log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, ����

NEET-UG exam: Negligence of any

Assam top o�cial kills
himself in hospital
after wife’s death

kind should be probed, says SC

GUWAHATI: Assam Home Sec-
retary Siladitya Chetia on Tues-
day shot himself dead inside
the ICU of a private hospital
where his wife passed away
moments earlier, police said.

as SP of Tinsukia and Sonitpur
districts, killed himself with his
PTI OBSERVATION spires con�dence in your per- service weapon, they said.
formance,” the bench told the In an unfortunate turn of
� Observing that students NTA’s counsel. events, Sri Siladitya Chetia,
The Supreme Court on Tues- have to labour hard Stressing on timely action IPS 2009, Secretary Home
day said even if there was while preparing for these by the authority, the top court and Political took his own life
“0.001 per cent negligence” examinations, the apex said the pleas would come up this evening, a few minutes
a�er the attending physician
on the part of anyone in the court said the litigation for hearing on July 8 along
declared the death of his wife
conduct of the NEET-UG 2024 pertaining to the National with other pending petitions,
examination, it should be including those which have who was battling cancer for a
thoroughly dealt with.
Eligibility-cum-Entrance sought a direction to conduct long time. Entire Assam Police
Observing that students Test (Undergraduate)-2024 the exam afresh. family is in deep grief, DGP G P
have to labour hard while pre- examination ought not be It said the NTA and the Cen- Singh said in a post on X. GOVERNMENT OF GOA
paring for these examinations, treated as adversarial tre would �le their responses A team of forensic and CID REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT
the apex court said the litiga- on these fresh petitions with- o�cials has also been sent OFFICE OF THE CIVIL
Students protest against the alleged irregularities in the � “Even if there is 0.001 REGISTRAR CUM SUB REGISTRAR,
tion pertaining to the National NEET-UG 2024 entrance exam result, in New Delhi. File photo in two weeks. When one of the to the hospital. Chetia’s late 1ST FLOOR, GOVT. PREMISES,
Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test per cent negligence on the advocates appearing for some father was also a police o�cer. QUEPEM GOA, 403705
(Undergraduate)-2024 exami- part of anyone, it should be petitioners raised the issue �������������������������������
nation ought not be treated as al Testing Agency (NTA). which the children undergo, thoroughly dealt with,” a pertaining to a question asked ������������������������
adversarial. “Even if there is The NTA conducts the all especially in preparing for vacation bench said in the exam, the bench said, � ������������������
����� �������� ��� ������� ������ ��������-
0.001 per cent negligence on India pre-medical entrance these exams,” the bench said, “They (NTA and Centre) will OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR ��������������������������������������
the part of anyone, it should test. The bench was hearing adding, “Imagine a person which is responsible for con- respond to it”. NOTARY (EX- OFFICIO) OF TISWADI
be thoroughly dealt with,” two separate petitions raising who has played fraud on the ducting the examination, you “Let us understand the JUDICIAL DIVISION AT PANAJI, GOA �������� ��� ���� ���� ����������� ��������
a vacation bench of Justices grievances, including on grace system becomes a doctor, he must stand �rm. If there is a purpose of your submissions. NO.CRSR/TISWADI/NOT/535/2024
Dated: 13/06/2024
������ ��� ��� ������� ����� ������� ����� ���
Vikram Nath and SVN Bhatti marks given to students in the is more deleterious to the so- mistake, yes this is a mistake In these matters, we are pre- NOTICE ����� ��� ��������������� ��� ��������� ����
told the advocates appearing examination held on May 5. ciety”. and this is the action we are pared to sit up to evening,” ����������������������������������������������
���� ���������� ���� �������� ������� ���-
���������� ������� ���� ����� ���
for the Centre and the Nation- “We all know the labour “Representing an agency going to take. At least that in- it observed. ������������ ������ ����������� �����
����������������������������������������������- ��������� ������ ����� ������� ��� ������
���� �����������������������������������������
�������������������������������346 (11) of ����������
"The Goa Succession Special Notaries ����������������������������������������

Internet suspended in Odisha CPI candidate to take on

and Inventory Proceeding Act, 2012"�������� ��� ����������� ���������� ������� ��
������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������
��� ����������� ������ ����� ����� ����� ���������������������������������������������
��������� ������� ��� ��� ����� ������� ��� ������������������������������������������
��������� ������ ��� ����� ���� �������� ���� ���������������������������������������

town after communal violence Priyanka in Wayanad

�������������������� ��������� ������� ������ ����� ���������
That on 2nd day of May, 2023 Mrs. Maria ��������� �������� ��� ���� ������ �������
Helena Pinto alias Maria Helena Pereira ���������� ������ ���� ��������� ���������
Braganca expired at Cosme M.M.M. ����������������������������������������
Clinic, Panaji-Goa, without will or any ����������������������������������������
PTI not do anything that is favour- other disposition of her last wish, leaving
behind her husband and moiety holder/
������� ����� ���� ����� ����� ���������
PTI conducted in the sensitive ar- able to the BJP. So, we will
The conflict initially arose eas of the town. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM certainly �eld our candidate
half sharer, Mr. Felinto Crescencio Olivio
Xavier Pinto, aged 64 years, Widower and
��������� ���� ���� �������� ���� ������
������� ���������� ����� ��������� ����
BALASORE in Bhujakhia Pir area Exceptions will be made The CPI on Tuesday said that there,” he said.
her son, Mr. Felicio Samuel Pinto, aged 27
years, married, both residents of Model
The Odisha government sus- reportedly over alleged for those needing to travel for it will �eld a candidate against When asked about Priyan- ��������� ����� ��� ����� ��� ���� ������
������� ����� ����� ����� ��� ���� ������� ����
pended internet services in animal slaughter and blood exams or in cases of medical Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in the ka’s candidature, he said the
St.Inez, Panaji North Goa as her only legal
heir that the said declarants have full
����� ������� ��������� ��� ����� ����������
Balasore town for 48 hours on the road emergencies, provided they Wayanad Lok Sabha by-poll. Congress has all the freedom knowledge and that there does not exists
nor existed any other person who
������ ��� ���� ��������� ���� ������ ����
and extended curfew indef- can produce necessary doc- to choose its candidate in any according to law may have legal right of
initely following a clash be- umentation, she said. Chief LS BY-POLL segment. The Le� leader also Succession or would prefer in the said
Succession or would Concur with the
���������� ������ ���� ����� ���������
tween two groups that le� 10 day. To maintain law and Minister Mohan Charan Ma- said if the Congress party’s �������������������������������������������
people injured on Monday. order, over 40 platoons of jhi has already intervened, The CPI holds Wayanad plan was to vacate Wayanad, by the above deceased� ���� �������� ����� �����������������������������������������������
������ ����� ���� ������ ���� ������ ������� ���
Balasore SP Sagarika Nath police personnel have been instructing Balasore collector Lok Sabha seat in the Le� there was no need for them to ��������������������������������������������
urged residents to stay in- deployed, particularly in are- to take immediate measures Democratic Front (LDF) and bring a prominent leader like ���������������������������������������������� ���� ���� ��� ����� ����� ������� ���� ������
doors during the curfew pe- as where the administration to restore calm, o�cials said. its candidate would contest Rahul Gandhi to the south. ������������������������������������������������
riod, emphasising that seven suspected possible �are-ups. The con�ict initially arose in in the by-election, CPI state Senior CPI leader Annie �������������������������������������
FIRs have been �led and 34 All six entry and exit points Bhujakhia Pir area reportedly secretary Binoy Viswam told Raja had contested against ���� ������� ������� ���������� ��� ����� ������
������������������������������������������� (Shri Pramod M. Velip)
people detained on charges to the town sealed o�, the SP over alleged animal slaughter reporters here. “What is doubt Rahul in the recent Lok Sabha ���������������������������� Special Notary Public
Sd/- ����������������������
related to rioting since Mon- said. Flag marches were also and blood on the road. in it? The CPI and the LDF will polls from Wayanad. (Manuel Vales)
Seal ���������������������������

Sweltering heat wave broils

delegation arrives for DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Case No. LRC/APPL/

swathes of north, east India

meet with Dalai Lama (A Government of Goa Undertaking)
6th Floor, Shramashakti-Bhavan,
1. Mrs. Maria Francisca Almeida
alias Maria Francisca Figueiredo
Wife of late Arlindo Joao Joaquim
DHARAMSALA: A US Congres- Patto-Plaza, Panaji, Goa Figueiredo Aged 65 years,
sional delegation led by House housewife. 2. Mr. Albino Anthony
Ph. No. 2437210, Tele-Fax: 2437094
Foreign A�airs Committee Oswi Figueiredo, Son of late Arlindo
Chairman Michael McCaul Power demand at record high amid warmer nights Email:
Joao Joaquim Figueiredo Aged
40 years, service 3. Mrs. Vania
arrived in Himachal Pradesh’s Marissa Fernandes, Wife of Mr.
Dharamsala on Tuesday to (E-TENDERING MODE ONLY) Albino A.O. Figueiredo Aged 32
meet Tibetan spiritual leader
PTI HEAT WAVE SWEEPS STATES FILE No. F.40/3/GSUDA/24/Eol/2024-25/406 years, service 4. Mrs. Maurishca
Mary Figueiredo Daughter of late
Dalai Lama. Dated: 18/06/2024
NEW DELHI � Maximum temperatures ranged from 44 to 46 degrees Arlindo Joao Joaquim Figueiredo
Aged 30 years, service 5. Mr.
Apart from McCaul, the ����� ����� ���� �������� ��������� ���� ���� ������� ���
delegation consisted of six
Large parts of northern and Celsius in many parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Gwyn Boris Gracias Son of Mr.
eastern India remained in the available on our website Bonifacio J.R. Gracias Aged 35
more prominent US Congres- Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and some parts of north Madhya years, service 6. Miss. Marion Anna
grip of a sweltering heat wave Notice Inviting Tender for rendering Consultancy
sional members namely Nancy on Tuesday, driving power de-
Pradesh, south Bihar and north Rajasthan Figueiredo, Daughter of late Arlindo
services for the work of:- "Re-construction/ Joao Joaquim Figueiredo, Aged 27
Pelosi (Speaker Emerita), mands to record highs with renovation of market at Tisk, Usgao in ward no. 07 years, student All residents of H.No.
Mariannette Miller, Gregory warmer-than-usual nights and some parts of north of air conditioners and other
29/B, Olavaddo, Carmona, Salcete,
of Usgao- Ganjem Village Panchayat" Goa
Meeks, Nicole Malliotakis, Jim further exacerbating people’s Madhya Pradesh, south Bihar cooling appliances amid the V/S
McGovern, and Ami Bera. The Bid security:- Rs.25,000/- 1. Devina D’Cruz Olavaddo,
distress. and north Rajasthan. Delhi, relentless heat wave has led
delegation is on a two-day visit The India Meteorological facing a severe water crisis, re- to the record rise in power de- Last date of submission of online bid is 04/07/2024 Carmona, Salcete Goa. 2. Mrs,
Violeta Teresinha Lucy Fernandes
here and will meet the Dalai Department (IMD) said heat corded a maximum tempera- mand. IMD o�cials said high upto 17.00 hrs. Detailed tender notice may be seen on alias Violeta Teresinha Lucy D’Cruz
Lama on Wednesday morning, wave to severe heat wave con- ture of 44 degrees Celsius over minimum temperatures or �������������������������������������� 3. Mrs. Gelberta Goes Major in
o�cials said. age, landlady 4. Mr. Sebastiao
ditions prevailed in parts of �ve notches above the normal. warm nights are exacerbating D’Souza Major in age, retired 5.
A�er arrival at the Gaggal Uttar Pradesh, south Uttara- The minimum temperature in the impact of the deadly heat. ���� ����� �������� �������� ���� ����� ��� ���� ������� Mrs. Marcelina D’souza, Wife of
Airport here, McCaul ex- khand, Himachal Pradesh, the city was 33.8 degrees Cel- High night temperatures Mr. Sebastiao D’souza, Major in
Secretary, GSUDA. age, housewife Both residents of
pressed enthusiasm about the Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, sius, at least six notches above are considered dangerous be-
visit and said, “We are excited DI/ADVT/208/2024-25 Olavaddo, Carmona, Salcete Goa 6.
Punjab and pockets of north what is normal for this time of cause the body does not get a Mrs Filomena Magdalene D’Souza
to meet His Holiness the Dalai "Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene" Alias Filomena D’Souza Major
Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, the year. chance to cool down. Increas- in age, housewife 7. Late Ofelia
Lama and to talk about many Jharkhand, Bihar and the Jam- The national capital’s peak ing nighttime temperature Perpetua Barreto Dias Wife of Mr.
things, including the bill which mu division. Maximum tem- power demand on Tuesday is more common in cities be- ����������������������� Agnelo L.C.F.L. Dias, (through her
passed by Congress basically peratures ranged from 44 to 46 a�ernoon reach 8,647 MW, cause of the urban heat island
legal heirs) 20a) Mr Rajiv Dias, Son
of Mr Agnelo L.C.F.L.Dias, Major in
says that the United States of degrees Celsius in many parts the highest ever for the city. e�ect, in which metro areas age, Service 20b) Mrs. Rohini Dias
America stands with the peo- of Punjab, Haryana, Chandi- According to o�cials, cooling are signi�cantly hotter than Major in age, service All residents
ple of Tibet.” garh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, load due to the increased use their surroundings.
of Olavaddo, Carmona, Salcete
Goa. 8. Mr. Josce Comenio Luis
MUNICIPAL COUNCIL alias Josce Luis, Advocate Major
in age All residents of Ankur Luis,
Carmona, Salcete, Goa 9. Late.

KANCHANJUNGA ACCIDENT PONDA-GOA Beaventure Figueredo Resident of

olavaddo, Carmona Salcete Goa
10. Government of Goa, Executive

Railway unions rally behind deceased

PMC/TRY/SOPO/686/2024-25 18/06/2024 Executive Engineer, Work Division
VI(Roads); P.W.D, Fatorda, Salcete
Goa .....Respondents

driver, say unfair to blame before probe

WHEREAS in the above
���� ������ ������� ������ ���������� �������� ��� ������� ��� mentioned case Advocate for the
������ ���������� �������� �������� ������� ������������������� Appellants has prayed that the
������������������������������������������������������������������ appeal against the Order dated
15/09/2023, passed by the Inspector
������������������������������������������������������������� of Survey & Land Records, Margao

Train services restored �������������������������������������������������������������� in Demarcation Case No. 5/ISLR/

PTI on the part of the Railway tions) was clear and there was DEM/SAL/CARM/47/2023.
��������� ����� �������� ����� ����� ����� ��� ����� ������ ������ ���
Board to say that the driver no train in between,” he said. AND WHEREAS, Notice to the
NEW DELHI overshot the red signal which at accident site in WB ��������������������������������������������������������� respondents were sent by post
through Registered A.D. and some
Various railway employee caused the accident,” Shiva DRIVER’S FAULT? ����������
KOLKATA: Train services on of the notices have been returned
unions have objected to the Gopal Mishra, general secre- The Railway Board admit- both the up and down lines at TENDER SCHEDULE un-served with the postal remark.
railway ministry’s initial re- tary of All India Railway Men’s ted on Monday that there was Rangapani near West Bengal’s ��� ����� ����� ��� �������� ��� ������������� �������� �� ������ ��� AND WHEREAS, the applicants
prayed in his application dated
sponse to the West Bengal Federation (AIRF), said. “My a signal failure between the New Jalpaiguri station were �������������������������������������������������� 11/06/2024 to this Court for
train tragedy when it prima advice to the Railway Board is Ranipatra Railway Station fully restored on Tuesday, ������������������������������������������������������������� substitute service of notice by
������� publishing in local newspaper.
facie blamed the driver of that in such cases, instead of and Chattar Hat Junction be- a day a�er a goods train ���� ��������� �� ��� ���������
the goods train that hit the blaming any sta�, they should tween which the accident took rammed into the Kanchanjun- ��� ���� ����� ��� �������� ��� ������� ��� ����������� ��� ����� ����� ����� ��� �� ��� ����� ���� �����
Kanchanjunga Express from wait till the probe concludes. I place. The Board also said the ga Express from behind, killing ������������������������������������������������������������ publication since you have been
cited as respondent in the above
the rear for the accident. don’t think that the driver was station master of Ranipatra 10 people. ������������������ case. You are hereby summon to
Ten people, including the solely responsible for the acci- gave the goods train driver Electrical traction was ���� ���� ������ ���� ������ �������� ���� ��� ��������� ����� ���� appear in this Court at Margao in
��������� ��������� ������ ���������� ��������� ������ ����� ���� person or duly authorized agent
driver, lost their lives and 40 dent,” he said. written authority to cross all restored at the accident site on 28/06/2024 at 11.00 a.m. along
were injured in the accident Mishra referred to various red signals. However, the driv- and trains with electric loco- �������������������������������������������������������������� with the documentary evidence on
near New Jalpaiguri Mon- operating norms and ques- er was supposed to move at 10 motives have started plying ������ ��� ����� �������� ��� ������� ����������������� ��� ������� which you relied upon. If you fail to
attend, the matter will be decided in
day. The employees’ unions tioned why the driver was km speed with a one-minute on the stretch from Tuesday ���������������������� your absence.
said that squarely blaming authorised to cross all red sig- stoppage at each red signal, a�ernoon, Divisional Railway Given under my hand and seal
the driver, who is not alive to nals in the section when there it added. According to the Manager of Katihar S Kumar ���� �������������������������������������
(Yogiraj P. Gosavi) ���� June, 2024.
defend himself, amounts to was a train in between them. Board, he didn’t observe the said. He said that trains were Sd/-
making him a scapegoat for “The authority to cross the speed restriction and hit the moving through the accident ������������������� Seal (Ritesh R. Naik) (Maya K. Amonkar)
the systematic shortcomings red signals should have been Kanchenjunga Express which spot with speed restrictions, ������������������ ������������������ Superintendent of Survey
& Land Records
of the Railways. given only when the section was waiting at one of the de- following repair of the tracks ��������������� ����������������� Margao Goa
“It was highly insensitive (distance between the two sta- fective signals. and other components.
mail us at >>

IN ASSOCIATION WITH log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

In four days, investors' wealth has risen by �10.29 lakh crore
Fitch ups India's FY25 GDP
Briefs Sensex, Nifty and Midcap growth forecast by 20 bps
hit fresh record high levels
NEW DELHI PTI growth at 7 per cent, S&P Glo-
India oilmeal NEW DELHI bal Ratings and Morgan Stan-
exports fall Fitch Ratings on Tuesday
ley project growth rate of 6.8
per cent. Moody's Ratings and
31% on year PTI raised India's growth forecast Deloitte India estimates India's
MUMBAI Mcap of for the current fiscal to 7.2 per GDP to grow at 6.6 per cent in

Benchmark Sensex closed BSE-listed cent, from 7 per cent projected

in March, saying elevated con-
2024-25 fiscal.
The Indian economy grew
above the 77,000 level for the
first time, and broader Nifty
firms hit sumer confidence will drive
spending, besides increased
8.2 per cent in the last fiscal
(2023-24), with a 7.8 per cent
scaled a fresh peak on Tuesday fresh high investments.
Fitch expects
expansion in March quarter.
as key equity indices stayed on In June update to its global Fitch said purchasing man-
India's oilmeal exports in the record-breaking run The market capitalisa- economic outlook report, inflation to decline agers survey data point to con-
May fell 31% on year to powered by a rally in index tion of BSE-listed Fitch said it expects inflation to to 4.5 per cent by tinued growth at the start of
302,280 tn, according to majors ICICI Bank, HDFC firms hit a new record decline to 4.5 per cent by end the current financial year.
data released today by The Bank and Infosys. high of Rs 437.24 lakh of this year and RBI to cut pol-
end of this year and It said signs of the coming
Solvent Extractors' Associ- Besides, renewed foreign crore on Tuesday amid icy interest rates by 25 basis RBI to cut policy monsoon season being more
ation of India. Overall oil- fund inflows amid a firm trend an optimistic trend in points to 6.25 per cent. interest rates by normal should support
meal exports in May fell in global equities boosted in- equities where the BSE "We expect the Indian econ- 25 basis points to growth and make inflation less
owing to a drop in the ex- vestor confidence, traders said. Sensex maintained the omy to expand by a strong 7.2 6.25% volatile, though a recent heat-
port of rapeseed meal and In a range-bound session, record-breaking run per cent in FY24/25 (an up- wave poses a risk.
castor seed meal. Sensex and Nifty settled at peak of 77,366.77. ing the day trade. and hit another lifetime ward revision of 0.2 pp from "We expect growth in later
their new closing all-time high As many as 2,167 stocks ad- "The Indian market touched closing high level. the March GEO)," Fitch said in and 6.2 per cent, respectively. years to slow and approach
NEW DELHI levels amid intense demand vanced while 1,836 declined record highs again and is grad- The positive trend in its global economic outlook re- Fitch's estimates for FY25 our medium-term trend esti-
Le Travenues for realty, consumer durable
and utility stocks. Rising for
and 147 remained unchanged
on the BSE.
ually expanding the gains
achieved following the na-
equities took the market
capitalisation of BSE-
port. Investment will continue
to rise but more slowly than in
are in line with that of RBI
which earlier this month pro-
mate," it said, adding growth
will be driven by consumer
shares zoom the third straight session, the The NSE Nifty went up by tional election. It is responding listed firms to a new recent quarters, while con- jected Indian economy to ex- spending and investment.
over 78% 30-share BSE Sensex climbed 92.30 points or 0.39 per cent to positively to the upcoming record high of Rs sumer spending will recover pand 7.2 per cent in the Consumer price inflation
308.37 points or 0.40 per cent hit a record closing high of budget, which is anticipated to 4,37,24,261.40 crore with elevated consumer con- current fiscal on the back of has only edged down since the
Shares of Le Travenues to settle at a new closing peak 23,557.90 for the fourth straight strike a balance between (USD 5.24 trillion). fidence, it said. improving rural demand and start of the calendar year, with
Technology Ltd, which op- of 77,301.14. During the day, it session. It rallied 113.45 points growth and populism," said In four days, the inves- For the fiscal years 2025-26 moderating inflation. annual inflation at 4.7 per cent
erates travel booking plat- jumped 374 points or 0.48 per or 0.48 per cent to hit the new Vinod Nair, Head of Research, tors' wealth has risen by and 2026-27, Fitch projected While the Asian Devel- in May from 5.7 per cent in De-
form ixigo, on Tuesday cent to hit the fresh lifetime all-time high of 23,579.05 dur- Geojit Financial Services. Rs 10.29 lakh crore. growth rates of 6.5 per cent opment Bank (ADB) estimates cember 2023.
ended with a huge pre-
mium of over 78 per cent
against the issue price of
Rs 93. The stock started
the trade at Rs 135, rallying
45.16 per cent from the
Too premature to Direct tax mop
up rises 21% to
‘Ministries have started accepting Central banks
plans to add
issue price on the BSE.
Later, it zoomed 74.18 per shift RBI policy �4.62 lakh cr quarterly applications for PLI claims’ gold to their
cent to settle at Rs 161.99.
stance: RBI’s Das
NEW DELHI Certain quarters of PLI beneficiaries have urged the reserves in a
Says any form of adventurism has
departments for timely disbursement of claims year: WGC
L&T bags Net direct tax collection grew
21 per cent to Rs 4.62 lakh PTI has been disbursed to PLI IANS
'significant' to be shunned crore so far this fiscal on NEW DELHI beneficiaries, which is about 5 CHENNAI
orders PTI higher advance tax mop-up, per cent of the total estimates.
MUMBAI the income tax department Several departments have In 2023-24, the figure was Rs Nearly 30 per cent of 70 cen-
Larsen and Toubro (L&T) said on Tuesday. started accepting applications 6,800 crore, the official said. tral banks surveyed have said
on Tuesday said its Build- The Reserve Bank of India The first instalment of ad- for disbursements of incentives Earlier the scheme guide- they plan to add to their own
ings and Factories (B&F) Governor Shaktikanta Das on vance tax, which was due on under the production linked lines stated that applications gold reserves within the next
vertical has secured Tuesday said it is "too pre- June 15, showed collections incentive (PLI) schemes on a for incentives can be sub- year, a World Gold Council
multiple orders in the 'sig- mature" to change the monet- rose 27.34 per cent to Rs 1.48 quarterly basis to fast-track significance as certain quarters mitted after the end of the fi- survey said.
nificant' category. The ary policy stance and the apex lakh crore. This includes Cor- clearance of claims, a senior of PLI beneficiaries have urged nancial year to which the claim According to WGC, the
orders have been secured bank has to shun "adventur- poration Tax (CIT) at Rs 1.14 government official said. The the departments for timely dis- pertains. Annual claims can be views in favour of the yellow
from clients in Hyderabad ism" approach on the rates lakh crore and Personal In- department for promotion of bursement of claims. submitted only once and metal from the reserve man-
and Mumbai, the company front. come Tax (PIT) at Rs 34,470 industry and internal trade The PLI scheme was an- within nine months of the end agers persist despite two suc-
said in a statement. The Speaking at broadcaster ET crore. The net direct tax col- (DPIIT) has suggested others nounced in 2021 for 14 sectors, of the financial year. cessive years of record central
company did not disclose Now's Leadership Dialogues ‘Will not be lection of Rs 4,62,664 crore (as also follow the same practice. including telecommunication, In February, economic think bank purchasing and the gold
the order value. here, Das said the Reserve surprised if FY24 of June 17) includes CIT at Rs "In many departments, we white goods, textiles, manufac- tank GTRI (Global Trade Re- price hitting new all-time
Bank is monitoring the high CAD less than 1% 1,80,949 crore and PIT (includ- have started accepting turing of medical devices, search Initiative) flagged the highs in 2024.
NEW DELHI trading volumes in the futures ing Securities Transaction quarterly applications. Others automobiles, speciality steel, slow progress in the disburse- The 2024 Central Banks
of GDP’
Amazon and options segment along
with Sebi, but any action on it RBI Governor Shaktikanta
Tax) at Rs 2,81,013 crore, the
CBDT said in a statement.
also, we are telling them to do
except in some cases, where
food products, high-efficiency
solar PV modules, advanced
ment of sops under the
schemes and suggested the
Gold Reserves (CBGR) survey,
collected data from a record
Fresh will be taken by the markets Das said he would not be Refunds amounting to Rs they are finding it difficult to do chemistry cell batteries, government to simplify the 70 of the world's central
expands reach regulator. surprised if India's current 53,322 crore have also been is- like food processing, where the drones, and pharma, with an criteria to expedite the grant of banks, the WGC said. Accord-
He also said that there is a account deficit for 2023-24 sued in the FY 2024-25 till numbers are small," the official outlay of Rs 1.97 lakh crore. incentives and push domestic ing to the report, reserve
Amazon India on Tuesday possibility that the current ac- (Apr-Mar) were to come in June 17. said. The development assumes So far, only Rs 9,700 crore manufacturing. managers indicate that they
said it has expanded its count deficit for the March at less than 1% of GDP. "I are looking to gold to help
full-basket grocery ser- quarter, scheduled to be an- will not be surprised next mitigate risks and prepare for
vice, Amazon Fresh, to nounced next week, will come week when we publish our further political and econ-
over 130 cities like Ambala,
Aurangabad, Hoshiarpur,
Dharwad, Una, and Suri,
below the figure of 1.2 per cent
for the first nine months of fis-
cal year 2023-24.
current account deficit
numbers," he said. "This
year it could be lower than
Power Min asks utilities to be on high alert omic uncertainty globally.

among others. The service

includes a wide range of
wet and dry groceries.
For the first nine months of
the fiscal, CAD moderated to
1.2 per cent of GDP, from 2.6
1%. So, the current account
deficit looks very promis-
due to rising demand amid heatwave Gilts recoup
per cent of GDP in the cor-
responding period a year ago
gion has been experiencing
high electricity demand due to
June 17, 2024.
It was made possible by im-
losses on FPI
Akme on the back of a lower mer-
chandise trade deficit.
necessary tools to contain
volatilities in the future. As The power ministry on Tues-
a prevailing heatwave since
May 17, 2024, the ministry said
porting 25-30 per cent of the
region's power requirement
buys despite
Fintrade IPO Amid talks of increased in- part of its reserves diversifica- day said it has asked all utilities in a statement. from neighbouring regions, it rise in US yields
opens today flows after the country's inclu- tion strategy, it will continue "to maintain a high state of Despite these challenging said. "All utilities have been ad-
sion in global bond indices, the adding gold. The RBI is con- alert and minimise forced out- conditions, the ministry said, vised to maintain a high state INFORMIST
Akme Fintrade (India) Ltd Governor said the Reserve fident of the economy growing ages of equipment" amid heat- northern region where Mon- the highest ever peak demand of alert and minimise forced MUMBAI
on Tuesday said it has Bank of India (RBI) will keep at its projection of 7.2 per cent wave pushing electricity soon is yet to arrive. of 89 GW in the northern re- outages of equipment," the
raised nearly Rs 38 crore on building reserves to act as in FY25, Das said. demand, especially in the The country's northern re- gion was successfully met on statement said. Government bond prices re-
from anchor investors. The covered all losses and ended
company's Rs 132 crore little changed as foreign port-
IPO comprises a fresh folio investors continued to
issue of 1.1 crore equity
shares. The issue, with a Infra, realty to get �15 lakh cr in investments till March 2026: Crisil buy gilts despite a rise in US
Treasury yields, dealers said.
price band of Rs 114-120 For most of the day, trade was
apiece, will open on June PTI capacity and 25,000 kms of Investments in the energy drivers in these three sectors that FY24 saw auctions of 35 dull as the market lacked firm
19 and conclude on June 21. NEW DELHI roads in the infra space, and sector will be focused on ad- remain strong, with regular GW and the pipeline now cues. The 10-year benchmark
real estate, the rating agency ding more green power in the policy interventions fuelling in- stands at 75 GW. 7.10%, 2034 bond ended at
NEW DELHI Infrastructure and realty sec- said. country's energy mix, while vestor interest," chief rating of- On the roads front, the 100.84 rupees, or 6.98% yield,
Falcon Tech tors are likely to get Rs 15 lakh
crore worth of investments till
"Investments in India's key
infrastructure sectors -- renew-
road investments will be fo-
cused on creating denser net-
ficer Krishnan Sitaraman said.
The government's targets on
agency expects 12,500 kms of
road building per year over the
against 100.81 rupees, or 6.98%
yield, on Friday. The 7.18%,
IPO to open March 2026, a domestic rating able energy and roads -- and works and realty investments renewable energy have led to next two fiscal years because of 2033 bond closed at 100.94 ru-
on June 19 agency said on Tuesday. real estate are expected to previous two fiscals to Rs 15 will be on residential as well as more auctions of projects and the need for improved physical pees, or 7.04% yield, compared
The investments will create grow 38 per cent in fiscal 2025 lakh crore," Crisil Ratings said commercial projects, it said. created a strong pipeline for connectivity for broader econ- with 100.91 rupees, or 7.04%
Falcon Technoprojects 50 GW of renewable energy and 2026 compared with the in a research note. "The underlying demand players, it said, pointing out omic growth. yield, the previous day.
India Ltd, has announced
its plan to go public with
an IPO on June 19, 2024. offgrid For most of the day,
trade was dull as
The company is aiming to the market lacked
raise Rs 13.69 crore at the
price of Rs 92 per share
through this IPO, with
Virat pips Ranveer to become most valued celebrity firm cues
shares set to be listed on PTI However, Kohli's brand top five celebrity endorsers for million in 2023. The market opened a tad
the NSE Emerge platform. MUMBAI value is yet to reach the levels the first time since 2020. The overall valuation of the lower tracking a rise in US
The issue size is Up to of USD 237.7 million seen in More than doubling of top 25 celebrity brands stood Treasury yields and crude oil
14,88,000 equity shares at Cricketer Virat Kohli has re- 2020, as per Kroll's Celebrity Khan's brand value has led to at USD 1.9 billion in 2023, prices, dealers said. The yield
face value of Rs 10 each. gained the top position to be- Brand Valuation Report 2023. other celebrities slipping pre- which was 15.5 per cent higher on the 10-year benchmark US
come India's most valued Riding on the success of vious spots in the list of top than the year-ago period. Treasury note rose to 4.30%
NEW DELHI celebrity with a brand value of films like Jawaan and Pathaan, brands. This includes Akshay Among the others in the top from 4.23% at the time the In-
CAI raises USD 227.9 million in 2023 but
remained short of the peak of
58-year-old actor Shah Rukh
Khan has jumped to third
Kumar coming in at fourth in
2023 with a brand value of USD
25, Jain said actor Kiara Advani
had a meteoric rise to rank 12,
dian market closed on Friday.
The yields rose after Minnea-
output USD 237.7 million in 2020, as place in the rankings with a 111.7 million from third in 2022, while Katrina Kaif debuted on polis Federal Reserve Presi-
estimate per a report. total brand value of USD 120.7 Alia Bhatt slipping to fifth from the list at rank 25. dent Neel Kashkari indicated
A jump of nearly 29 per cent million in 2023. The Badshah of fourth with a valuation of USD The firm said its assessment the central bank may not cut
The Cotton Association of in the overall brand value in Bollywood was valued at USD 101.1 million and Deepika Pa- represents the brand value of a rates until December, which
India (CAI) has scaled up the year from USD 176.9 mil- 55.7 million in 2022, which dukone with a valuation of celebrity based purely on their was later reiterated by Philad-
its projection for the lion in 2022 has ensured Kohli placed him at the tenth spot on USD 96 million at sixth spot in earnings potential from prod- elphia Fed President Patrick
country's cotton output in overtakes actor Ranveer Singh, the list. The firm's managing 2023 from being fifth on the list spot on the list with a brand value of USD 91.3 million. uct brand endorsements, in- Harker on Monday. A rise in
2023-24 (Oct-Sep) to 31.8 who slipped to second spot director for valuation advisory in 2022. Wicketkeeper-bats- value of USD 95.8 million while Salman Khan also moved up cluding full-fledged US yields narrows the interest
mln bales from 31.0 mln with a brand value of USD 203.1 services, Aviral Jain, said Khan man M S Dhoni, who an- retired cricketer Sachin Ten- one spot to become the tenth endorsements, purely digital rate differential between safe-
estimated in April, accord- million, the report by consul- is making an "incredible re- nounced his retirement from dulkar held on to the eighth most valuable celebrity brand and one-time campaigns, and haven assets and emerging
ing to a release. tancy firm Kroll stated. turn" into the league of India's cricket recently, moved up one place in the list with a brand in 2023 with a value of USD 81.7 website appearances. market debt.
IN ASSOCIATION WITH Wednesday June 19, 2024
mp Briefs SBI aims �100 bn infra UGRO raises
�1,265 cr as
Airports Eye Record
Profits in FY25
bond issue by mid-Jul
equity capital
SEIL Energy PTI Teji mandi
raises �250 cr INFORMIST state-owned lender had raised
The Indian airport industry
MUMBAI 100 bln rupees through a 15- UGRO Capital, an NBFC is set to soar in profitability
year infrastructure bond at a focused on MSME lend- this year. According to fig-
After raising funds in the off- coupon of 7.49%. ing, on Tuesday an- ures, Indian airports are ex-
shore market earlier this year, "Given it's SBI, rate would be nounced the successful pected to yield
India's largest lender, State finer. Most papers issued by completion of its equity approximately $1.24 billion by the completion of 100
Bank of India, is charting out public sector banks are being capital raise and the allot- in profit before tax in the years of India's indepen-
SEIL Energy India Limited, plans to borrow up to 100 bln traded at around 7.50% kind of ment of Compulsory Con- current financial year, dence in 2047.
a leading independent rupees through infrastructure level, so SBI's will be finer. vertible Debentures (CCD) aided by tax cuts.
power producer, has bonds in the domestic market Given where the lender sees and warrants worth Rs What's in it
raised Rs 250 crore in debt by the end of this month or by demand from, be it provident 1,265 crore. What's Happening? for Investors?�
through its maiden 5-year mid-July, sources aware of the funds or insurance companies, The company's board Paramprit Singh Bakshi, The success of the Indian
bonds issue on the BSE. development told Informist. the rate on its infrastructure had approved an equity Vice President of CAPA airport industry is at-
According to information "Yes, we are planning to bond will be at least 25-35 capital raise of Rs 1,332.66 India, stated at the CAPA tributed to contributions
available on BSE, the five- come up with infrastructure basis points over the 10-year crore during a board India Aviation Summit that from both government and
year bond issue (Non- bonds, but this might take in the current financial year. eral public and private sector government bond," another meeting on May 2, 2024, the profit per passenger is private sectors. While Air-
Convertible Debentures or some time. We are looking at Infrastructure bonds are is- banks had tapped the corpor- source said. Currently, the UGRO said in a statement. estimated to be around Rs port Authority of India (AAI)
NCDs) carry a coupon of either the end of June or mid- sued to finance long-term in- ate bond market to raise funds yield on the benchmark 7.10%, UGRO Capital received 256.1 (approximately $3.1) manages most of the busiest
8.45 per cent and would July. However, dates are not fi- frastructure projects. They through infrastructure bond 2034 government bond is shareholders' approval on by March 2025. Moreover, airports in the country, pri-
mature on June 18, 2029. nalised yet as the board has have a minimum maturity issuances to fund the growing 6.9867%. June 1, 2024. during this period, the vate companies like GMR
The bond issue was fully just given the approval. The period of seven years. In the fi- requirement for infrastructure The bank is in talks with "However, investor number of travellers using Airports manage Delhi's In-
subscribed through pri- amount might be 10,000 crores nancial year ended Mar 31, SBI development amid strong credit rating agencies to assign commitment to UGRO re- Indian airports is also ex- dira Gandhi International
vate placement, reflecting (100 bln rupees) but it has not had raised 200 bln rupees economic activity. a rating to its fresh infrastruc- mained robust. All inves- pected to increase. It is esti- Airport. Moreover, other
investor confidence. been finalised yet," a source in through two infrastructure Market participants expect ture bond issue, sources said. tors, except the ones who mated that a total of 404.9 private entities like Adani
the know said. bond offerings maturing in 15 the coupon for SBI's infra- SBI's previous papers were became ineligible for million passengers will Group and Fairfax India are
NEW DELHI This could be the first infra- years each. structure bonds to be lower rated AAA by India Ratings regulatory reasons, in- travel by air, with 81.1% also making significant con-
AI-powered structure bond issue by a bank In 2023-24 (Apr-Mar), sev- than 7.50%. In September, the and Research. vested full money in
UGRO," it said.
travelling domestically and
18.9% internationally.
tributions to this sector.

Copilot+PCs �������������
now available Increase in Airport According to the International

NTPC ropes in Macawber Beekay to

Numbers Air Transport Association, by
Microsoft on Tuesday an- Over the past decade, the 2030, India is set to become
nounced the availability of number of airports in the the world's third-largest air

supply green coal for power projects

its new Copilot+PCs - Sur- country has increased from passenger market, surpassing
face Laptop and Surface 74 to 157. Additionally, the China and the United States
Pro - which are the fastest government is planning in terms of passenger
Windows PCs designed regulatory changes to en- numbers. Not only that, but
for the AI era. The laptops PTI the waste-to-energy firm said treatment process called tor- Noida, 500 TPD in Bhopal and hance air connectivity in India is also the most
are available in four colour NEW DELHI on Tuesday. In a statement, refaction, which is carried out 400 TPD in Hubbali. This is in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. populous country globally,
options, starting at $999 Macawber Beekay Private Ltd in an oxygen-deficient en- addition to a similar project According to Union Civil and the demand for air travel
estimated retail price State-owned power giant (MBL) said it has "bagged three vironment, MBL said. bagged from NTPC in Varanasi Aviation Minister Rammo- continues to rise steadily.
(ERP) on NTPC has roped in Macawber NTPC's Green Coal projects in To supply the material, MBL earlier, the company said. han Naidu, the government CAPA India estimates that
and the Microsoft Experi- Beekay to supply charcoal Noida (Uttar Pradesh), Bhopal said it will set up three green It aims to complete the is preparing a 100-day ac- while there were 144 airports
ence Centre, the company (green coal) to help the energy (Madhya Pradesh), and Hub- coal manufacturing units hav- three projects by August 2025 tion plan to accelerate in India in 2019, this number
said in a statement. The giant reduce carbon emissions bali (Karnataka)". using municipal solid waste ing the capacity to treat 900 in engineering, procurement growth in the aviation sec- is projected to reach up to
64GB Surface Laptop (7th while generating electricity, Green coal is charcoal made (MSW) through a thermal tonnes per day (TPD) MSW in and construction (EPC) mode. tor and achieve the long- 350 by 2030, according to
Edition) with 64GB RAM term goal of 'Viksit Bharat' government figures.
starts at $2,399.99 in black
with a 13.8-inch display,
Snapdragon® X Elite (12
Core) Processor and 1TB
SSD Storage.
BLS E-Services to acquire Budget 2024-25: CII seeks PNB Hsg Fin to
raise �10K cr
Shivalik SFB
controlling stake in Aadifidelis steps to cut cost of business via NCDs

raises �100 cr
NEW DELHI and enhance ease of doing biz plethora of cross-selling op-
portunities while integrating

equity capital specialised loan processing PNB Housing Finance

Visa services provider BLS In- and distribution services into IANS logistics costs for businesses on Tuesday said its board
Shivalik Small Finance ternational on Tuesday said its the company's portfolio. NEW DELHI by phasing out cross-subsidis- has given approval for raising
Bank on Tuesday said it subsidiary BLS E-Services Li- Operating through a hub- ation of railway passenger Rs 10,000 crore from Non-
has raised Rs 100 crore in mited (BLSE) has signed an and-spoke model, with a pres- Apex business chamber CII fares by freight. Convertible Debentures
equity capital from a agreement to acquire 55 per ence in 17 states and union has in its presentation to the It points out that as high- (NCDs) to fund its business
clutch of investors like cent in Aadifidelis Solutions ondary) of about Rs 71 crore territories, ASPL's network of government ahead of the lighted in the National Logis- growth.
Lightspeed and Sanjay and its affiliates for an enter- with balance consideration 8,600 plus channel partners Union Budget, requested for tics policy, the government The fund would be
Nayar-founded Sorin In- prise value of about Rs 190 being deferred linked to the source loan enquiries, which the rationalisation of stamp phased out as it tends to in- should continue digitisation raised through NCDs on
vestments, along with par- crore. achievement of milestones in will align with BLSE's portfolio duty on land and phasing out crease the cost of production aiming towards paperless lo- a private placement basis,
ticipation from existing BLSE has entered into a de- 2024-25, BLS said in a release. of Business Correspondents- the cross-subsidy on power and makes Indian industry gistics to save significant time in one or more tranches,
investors Accel and finitive Share Purchase Agree- The acquisition will be an led citizen-centric last mile rates to "reduce the cost of less competitive than its global and cost. PNB Housing Finance
Quona. The bank plans to ment (SPA) to acquire the all-cash deal. The transaction banking services, the release doing business". rivals. CII has also suggested pe- said in regulatory filing.
use the funding to en- controlling interest in Aadi- will be completed in the sec- said. The CII presentation sug- CII has also suggested that troleum products and electric- The mortgage firm, PNB
hance its tech stack, fidelis Solutions (ASPL) and its ond quarter of the fiscal. Lagrange Point Advisors gests that states should be en- captive power plants (CPPS) ity should be brought under Housing Finance aims to grow
strengthen its team, and affiliates, a major player in Shikhar Aggarwal, Joint LLP, a Mumbai-based M&A couraged to rationalise stamp should be brought at par with GST to reduce power and lo- its loan book by 17 per cent
further develop the prod- India in the distribution and Managing Director of BLS In- advisory firm, acted as the sole duty. The apex industry the power sector for coal pric- gistics costs. with focus on the affordable
uct proposition as it con- processing of loans for corpor- ternational Services said that transaction advisor to BLSE chamber has also recom- ing, allocation, and transporta- Apart from reducing the segment.
tinues its journey to build a ates and individuals. the signing of a definitive for this transaction. Dua As- mended that cross-subsidis- tion. cost of business, CII has also PNB Housing closed the fis-
digital-first bank for the BLSE will make an upfront agreement with ASPL is a stra- sociates acted as legal advisors ation of power by industry to The presentation also suggested measures to "en- cal FY'24 with a loan book of
small business and under- investment (primary and sec- tegic move that will unveil a for the transaction. other user segments should be makes out a strong case to cut hance ease of doing business". Rs 63,000 crore.
served segment, the bank
said in a statement.

Vikram Solar Former Sri Lanka cricketer Housing rent growth moderates in top 7
bags order
Solar energy solutions
Muralitharan to invest �1,400 cr cities; avg hike 2-4% in Apr-Jun: Anarock
provider Vikram Solar on
Tuesday said it bagged an
order to supply 393.9 MWp
in beverages unit in Karnataka PTI
with the preceding quarter.
"In India, the second
solar modules for NLC PTI and manufacturing operations quarter of most years typically
India's solar project in Gu- BENGALURU are expected to begin in Janu- Average monthly rent for resi- sees rents increase more
jarat. According to a state- ary 2025. dential properties has risen 2- than in other quarters due
ment, Vikram Solar will Sri Lanka cricket legend Mut- He also said officials have 4 per cent so far this quarter to the commencement of
supply 393.9 MWp module tiah Muralitharan will invest a been directed to resolve minor compared with the January- the new academic year
to NLC India Limited at total of Rs 1,400 crore in issues related to the allocated March period across seven and the employment of
GSECL's Solar Park (Stage phases to establish a beverages land. major cities, according to Ana- new staff. This year, declining
2) in Khavda, Gujarat. This (soft drinks) and confectionery Patil further revealed that rock. rental value growth coincides
order brings Vikram unit in Badanaguppe in Cha- facture beverages and confec- Muralitharan has plans to es- Real estate consultant Ana- with substantial new housing
Solar's total PV module marajanagara district, accord- tioneries under the brand tablish another unit in Dhar- rock said that the growth in supply entering these
supply contract to the ing to Karnataka Large and "Muttiah Beverages and Con- wad in the near future. housing rent across the top markets," Santhosh Kumar,
Khavda Solar Park to over 1 Medium Industries Minister fectioneries." The project, in- The minister mentioned seven cities -- Delhi-NCR, prices across key markets in dard 1,000 square feet 2-BHK Vice Chairman of Anarock,
GW, the company said. MB Patil on Tuesday. itially planned with an that 46 acres of land have al- Mumbai Metropolitan Region these cities saw a 2-4 per cent apartment in Bengaluru's said.
The announcement came investment of Rs 230 crore, has ready been designated for the (MMR), Chennai, Kolkata, quarterly rise in Q2 (April- Whitefield rose by 4 per cent Anarock data shows that the
NEW YORK after Patil held discussions now been revised to a total of project, with manufacturing Pune, Hyderabad and Benga- June) 2024 to date over the to Rs 35,000 per month in Q2 top 7 cities are set to deliver
US Retail with Muralitharan, who met
him to discuss the project.
Rs 1,000 crore. It will be
further increased to Rs 1,400
operations anticipated to com-
mence by January 2025.
luru -- has moderated because
of improvement in housing
preceding quarter. The Q1
2024 saw rents in these mar-
2024 to date from Rs 32,500
per month in January-March
5.31 lakh new units in 2024 as
against 4.35 lakh units in the
sales rise In a statement by the Min- crore in a few years, he said. He also stated that officials supply. The data is based on kets rise by between 4-9 per this year. last year. This denotes a 22 per
0.1% in May ister's office, Patil said the The minister also noted that have been instructed to ad- average rent for a 2-BHK flat of cent quarterly against Q4 However, the rentals rose by cent annual supply increase
former Sri Lanka cricketer 46 acres of land have already dress minor issues concerning 1,000 square feet. 2023," the report said. 8 per cent during January- this year if delivery schedules
Consumers barely in- Muralitharan plans to manu- been allocated for the project the allocated land. "Average residential rental The average rent for a stan- March this year compared remain on track.
creased spending in
May from April as still high
inflation and high interest offgrid
Non-cash payment on e-com platforms rose over 58% in 2023
rates curbed spending.
Retail sales rose 0.1 per
cent in May, below the
pace that economists
projected, according IANS face), which enables mobile "This trend is driven by the across many APAC countries, The report highlights that in
to the Commerce NEW DELHI payments in real time simply rising smartphone and Inter- supported by rising Internet the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region,
Department. And April by scanning QR codes. net accessibility, increasing and smartphone penetration, the payment solutions such as
sales were revised down- India has witnessed the fastest The report highlighted that convenience of electronic pay- and growing acceptance of mobile and digital wallets have
ward - a 0.2 per cent de- jump in alternative remittance alternative payments are al- ments, and the proliferation of digital payments by mer- displaced traditional payment
cline, from unchanged. share for e-commerce pay- ready popular in countries like mobile and QR code-based chants," Gupta said. methods like cash and bank
Sales rose 0.6 per cent in ments in the Asia-Pacific China and India, and are gain- payment solutions," she added. She also mentioned that transfers on ecommerce pay-
March and 0.9 per cent in (APAC) region, from 20.4 per ing traction in other APAC In addition, the report re- with the convenience, speed, ments.
February. That comes cent in 2018 to 58.1 per cent in markets as well. vealed that cash-intensive and security they offer, According to the company's
after sales fell 1.1 per cent 2023, a new report has said. "While most Asian markets countries in the region such as coupled with high expected 2023 Financial Services Con-
in January, dragged down According to the data and are traditionally cash-domi- the Philippines, Malaysia, and growth in the overall e-com- sumer Survey, alternative pay-
in part by inclement analytics company GlobalData, nated, the adoption of alter- Indonesia, are also witnessing merce market in the region, ment solutions account for
weather. Excluding gas this jump can be attributed to native payment methods for a similar trend. "these payment tools are an- more than 65 per cent of the e-
prices and auto sales, re- the widespread usage of mo- both online and in-store pay- "Alternative payment sol- ticipated to further gain trac- Commerce transaction value
tail sales rose the same bile wallets, largely driven by ments is growing across many ing the West," said Shivani Payments Analyst at Global- utions account for the lion's tion and disrupt the consumer in China, the largest e-Com-
amount. UPI (Unified Payments Inter- markets in the region, outpac- Gupta, Senior Banking and Data. share in e-commerce markets payment space in the region." merce market globally.
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IN ASSOCIATION WITH log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Vastu Shastra for the

What triggers hormonal acne? What causes hormonal acne?
Hormonal acne in women is most Most breakouts All people have some
commonly triggered by: happen when the oil glands in the skin level of androgens, which increase during

main house entrance

Hormonal changes during become more sensitive to a group of puberty. The sensitivity towards androgens
premenstruation: Fluctuations in hormones known as androgens. These varies from person to person, and in some
estrogen and progesterone before androgens drive the enlargement cases, hormone sensitivity changes as we
menstruation can lead to increased of oil glands and increase the grow older. Additionally, lifestyle choices
The don’ts oil production and clogged pores, production of oil in the skin. can worsen acne conditions.
Don’t choose a
JYOTI S resulting in breakouts. Riddhi Roy
sliding door for your Poor diet: Consuming

main entrance door

Did you know?

high-glycemic foods
as it doesn’t comply and dairy products
he Hindu ormonal acne
with the main door can spike insulin
science of involves breakouts
structure levels, promoting tied to �uctuations in
Do not in�ammation
prescribes your hormones, typically
construct a

Hormonal acne
multiple and oil experienced during puberty.
bathroom anywhere production.
guidelines to make However, hormonal breakouts can happen well into
near the main gate.
your main door Sleep adulthood, and it’s most common in women.
Make sure the
house entrance Vastu deprivation: These breakouts are usually characterized

can happen at any age?

main door is not
compliant. Vastu Lack of sleep can by acne around the cheeks and jawline,
painted with dark
shastra is the science of disrupt hormone levels blackheads, whiteheads, or cysts,
colours such as black
structure that speci�es and increase stress, both oily skin, in�ammation, and
or dark blue, as the
the guidelines such of which can exacerbate sensitivity.
dark colours attract
as the placement, acne.
negativity. 1 Maintain a balanced diet 4 Use targeted treatments
structural design, Makeup use: Heavy or
Avoid the Low-glycemic foods: Opt for foods Topical retinoids: These can help unclog
colours along with placement of animal pore-clogging makeup can
that do not spike blood sugar levels, such pores and reduce in�ammation.
size. There is a lot to �gures, fountains, block pores, leading to
keep in mind before acne. It’s crucial to use
as whole grains, vegetables, and lean Benzoyl peroxide: This can kill acne-
Dos and status or any water proteins. causing bacteria and reduce oil production.
constructing your don’ts for main Always non-comedogenic
elements near the Reduce dairy intake: Some Salicylic acid: This helps exfoliate the
main door house products and remove
door house entrance choose a light entrance. studies suggest that reducing dairy skin and keep pores clear.
entrance as per makeup thoroughly
vastu coloured Avoid applying consumption can help minimize Hormonal treatments: Birth control pills
Vastu. Listed texture dull paints to the before bed.
There are multiple dos acne breakouts. or anti-androgen medications can help
here are a few theme or Stress:
and don’ts speci�ed by Vastu to main entrance, use Anti-inflammatory regulate hormones and reduce acne.
tips to make design for Elevated stress
gain utmost prosperity. Check bright and lively foods: Incorporate 5 Consult a dermatologist
your compound your main colours instead. levels can
out the below-mentioned foods rich in If over-the-counter treatments
wall gate and the
points to get a better entrance Most of you increase cortisol 3 Manage
omega-3 fatty and lifestyle changes are not
main entrance door. have seen people production, which stress levels
understanding of main acids, like effective, it may be time to
of the house vastu in turn can trigger Relaxation
door Vastu: Ensure placing a shoe rack �sh and seek professional help.
compliant. oil production techniques: Practice yoga,
the main entrance in front of the main �axseed, A dermatologist can
door is higher than entrance to keep dirt and in�ammatory meditation, or deep-breathing
which provide prescription
the other doors. away. However, it is responses in the exercises to reduce stress.
The dos can medications, hormone
If the main not recommended skin.
help reduce Adequate sleep: Ensure you therapy, or other
The main entrance must be well entrance has steps, then to keep the shoe in�ammation. get 7-9 hours of sleep per treatments tailored to your
lit, but make sure you avoid the red make sure the number rack in front of the How to manage night to help regulate speci�c needs.
colour. of steps is an odd main entrance as hormonal acne hormones and
Keeping a mirror in front of the Managing 2 Adopt a support skin
number. it may cause an
main entrance is not recommended Make sure the adverse effect on the hormonal consistent skincare routine health.
The main gate should open with a main door does not inhabitants. acne involves a Gentle cleansing: Use a mild, non-
clockwise movement. face directly to another The main combination comedogenic cleanser to avoid irritating the
The main gate should be properly house entrance. Even entrance is the initial of lifestyle skin.
oiled and not make any creaky noise. the shadow cast by point where cosmic adjustments, Exfoliation: Regular but gentle exfoliation
Ensure that the door accessories another entrance on energies and people skincare can help remove dead skin cells and prevent
are well polished as they will attract your main gate can be move, so it’s better routines, and clogged pores.
�nancial well-being. harmful as per Vastu. to make the main sometimes Oil-free moisturizers: Keep your
If the main entrance gate is You must keep a gate and compound medical skin hydrated with non-comedogenic
situated in the western direction, then doormat in front of the wall comply with treatments. moisturizers that won’t clog pores.
use a metal nameplate instead of a main door as it will keep the Vastu to block Here are Sun protection: Apply a broad-
marble plate. If the door is situated in the dust and negative negative energies some spectrum sunscreen daily to protect
the east or south direction then use a energy outside the and attract positive effective your skin from UV damage, which
wooden nameplate. house. ones. strategies: can worsen acne.

Spinal disc problem: Health Bene�ts: 4 Have anticancer


Pine nuts
Shivangi Karn
Polyphenols in

pine nuts have great

Types, symptoms and causes ine nuts or say, anticancer potential

chilgoza pine and may help prevent
nuts are one cell division, which
of the most is the main cause of
Symptoms and causes of nutritional cancer. According
to a study, dietary
spinal disc problems species of pine. They are
edible seeds of pine tree polyphenols in pine
Neha Gosh The symptoms of Symptoms of nuts may help reduce
fruit and are sweeter in
spinal disc problems vary degenerative disc the risk of prostate

taste. Some pine eaters,
based on their location Degenerative disc however, complain of cancer, lung cancer
xcruciating and speci�c type. symptoms include and other cancer types
bitter and metallic taste
pain in the back Symptoms of a pain worsening with one or three days after by inducing apoptosis
that restricts herniated disc sitting, bending, that helps remove
their consumption (pine
you from Herniated disc lifting, or twisting, cancerous cells and
nut syndrome). Chilgoza
doing even the symptoms differ among numbness and maintains balance
pines have a buttery texture
simplest of tasks? You individuals but generally tingling, leg muscle in the body. Also,
and are low in calories.
may be suffering from include arm or leg pain, weakness, and pain selenium in the nuts
They make for the best
spinal disc problems. numbness, tingling, and relief when walking, may also help reduce
healthy snack and are thus
Spinal discs are located weakness. running, changing the risk of cancer.
preferred by diabetics or
between each bone of Causes: Herniated positions, or lying people on a weight loss 6 Boost immunity 5 Reduce ageing 2 Prevent heart
your spine and act as a discs primarily result down. Severe pain The high content of minerals Ageing is diseases
journey. In this article, we
shock absorber for the from ageing. However, can last for days or such as manganese, potassium, the major risk Impaired vascular
will discuss the amazing
spine. Pain in your spinal they can also be caused months. calcium, zinc, iron and selenium in factor for chronic functions are linked to
health bene�ts of pine nuts.
disc is an indication by lifting heavy objects or Causes: Besides pine nuts may help boost immunity diseases, mainly increased risk of heart
Take a look.
or a warning signal
that has to be given
experiencing traumatic ageing, degenerative 1 Manage diabetes effectively. They help improve the due to chronic diseases. According to
events like falls or blows disc disease can Diabetes is mainly immune functions by increasing the in�ammation and a study, nuts such as
immediate medical to the back. These factors be caused by poor number of white blood cells which oxidative damage. pine nuts can improve
associated with increased
attention, as spinal place excessive stress on posture, frequent in turn, help �ght the pathogens and As pine nuts are vascular functions and
oxidative stress in the
disc problems can the spinal discs, leading to lifting, and obesity. strengthen the immunity. highly packed decrease the risk of
body. A study has shown
be corrected with herniation. Repetitive bending, that oral administration 3 Help with weight loss with antioxidant cardiovascular diseases
timely treatment. such as coronary
Symptoms of a sports accidents, and of pine nuts can improve A study has shown that compounds, they
pinched nerve traumatic injuries insulin resistance and ellagic acid, a naturally occurring may help improve heart disease. This is
A pinched nerve can also contribute to decrease fasting blood polyphenol in nuts, is effective in endothelial because they are rich
What are the complications of spinal disc problems? cause limbs to feel as the development of glucose by reducing attenuating obesity and related functions and in folate, magnesium,
When you experience if they’ve fallen asleep, this condition. These oxidative damage to the complications such as insulin reduce in�ammatory vitamin E, arginine,
problems with one or Impaired mobility factors accelerate the liver. Pine nuts can be used resistance, fatty liver disease and type biomarkers, thus potassium along
muscle weakness,
more of your discs, it can Muscle weakness degeneration of spinal as a potential therapeutic 2 diabetes. As pine nuts are also rich positively reducing with polyphenols
numbness, pins and
negatively affect your day- Inability to work discs. food item in the prevention in ellagic acid, their consumption the ageing factors and healthy fats
needles sensations, and
to-day life as mentioned Dif�culty sleeping Symptoms of and management of can help reduce adipose tissues and and associated (monounsaturated and
sharp, aching, or burning
below: Muscle pain and weakness spinal stenosis hyperglycemia. effectively manage obesity. cognitive decline. polyunsaturated fats).
pain that radiates outward.
Causes: Pinched Spinal stenosis
What are the types of spinal disc problems? nerves occur when symptoms vary by

The problems affecting your

spinal disc are of different types
Degenerative disc
disease: A condition that
excessive pressure is
placed on the nerves. This
pressure can be caused
location. Cervical
stenosis in the neck
can cause balance
Are homemade remedies
to treat UTI successful?
and they are as follows: develops with age, degenerative by injuries, obesity, and issues, neck pain,
Herniated disc: Also disc disease is common and certain illnesses such as loss of bowel or
known as prolapsed, slipped or affects the majority of the diabetes, thyroid disease, bladder control,

ruptured disc, it is one of the population. The condition or rheumatoid arthritis. dif�culty walking, and
most common issues affecting develops when the damage to Herniated discs and bone numbness, tingling, Since the start of the twenty-
ow are
your spinal disc. It is common your discs causes pain and is spurs are also common or weakness in the �rst century, studies have shown
in men and women ages 30 to caused due to low blood supplies causes of pinched nerves. hands, arms, feet, that many homemade treatments
treatments for
50, although they also occur in in your discs. or legs. Lower back happen to be just as effective as their
Symptoms of sciatica urinary tract
hospital treatment equivalent. A
active children and young adults Spinal stenosis: Located in Sciatica may cause stenosis symptoms infection distinct
and occurs when the inner, gel- the neck and lower back, spinal include back pain, study demonstrated in the Canadian
constant pain on one side from doctor prescribed
like material bulges out of a disc. stenosis causes pain due to the weakness in the feet Journal of Urology compared pure
of the leg and buttock, a medication? One treatment
Pinched nerve: This type pressure applied to the nerves and legs, numbness cranberry juice, cranberry extract
burning or searing leg uses antibiotics to kill the
of spinal disc problem is caused that travel through the spine. or tingling in the feet tablets, along with a placebo in one
pain, radiating pain down E coli which may also kill
as a result of a herniated disc. People over the age of 50 are at or legs, and pain or �fty urinary tract infection sufferers.
the back of one leg, sharp good bacteria present in
If you have a herniated disc in greater risk of spinal stenosis, cramping in the legs. Research workers were baf�ed
pain, and increased leg the body and hurt your
your lower spine, it can place but younger people are prone to pain when sitting. Causes: Spinal resistance system. The
at the century old urinary tract Alfalfa:
pressure on your nerve root, develop it as a result of congenital stenosis can be infection treatment. Here’s a list of Did you know that a healthy kidney function
Causes: Sciatica second treatment uses
which causes radiating pain spinal deformities, genetic caused by herniated natural methods to stop
three homemade remedies that have is vitally essential in order to �ght and to
can result from several shown to treat E coli.
shooting down the back of your diseases affecting bone and discs, overgrowth of the E coli bacteria from prevent urinary tract infection? An alfalfa juice
underlying conditions.
leg. muscle development or trauma. bones, and thickened sticking to the walls of concentrate may signi�cantly improve kidney
Degenerative disc
Sciatica: Similar to a Bulging disc: This condition ligaments. Tumors the urinary tract. Though function. Increased kidney functioning can help
disease, herniated discs
pinched nerve, sciatica is not is often confused with that and spinal injuries both therapies have been the body to get rid of the toxins by increasing the
in the lumbar region,
a medical condition itself, but of herniated discs. However, are additional causes. recorded as successful �ow of urine.
spinal stenosis, and
instead, is the symptoms of bulging disc is when you have spondylolisthesis are all These conditions methods, using homemade Zinc along with Unsweetened
another medical condition that bulges along the rear and side potential causes. These lead to the narrowing remedies for urinary tract vitamin C: cranberry juice:
affect your spinal disc such as portions of your discs, placing conditions lead to the of the spinal canal, infections can save you Ascorbic acid Drink unsweetened
degenerative disc disease, spinal pressure on the nerve and compression of the sciatic which can compress money and let you live a along with zinc helps cranberry juice on a
stenosis etc. causing pain. nerve, resulting in pain the spinal cord and far healthier life through to increase your regular basis to prevent
and discomfort. nerves. natural health remedies. immunity level and the E coli bacteria
Risk factors for spinal disc problems: Do you know what along with vitamin from clinging to your
Symptoms of a bulging disc simple homemade C, may help you �ght urinary and digestive
Ageing is a signi�cant Bulging disc symptoms include heaviness, treatments for urinary off a urinary tract tracts. During an active
risk factor for spinal disc weakness, dif�culty walking, a burning sensation, tract infection work? Many infection rapidly infection, you can
problems. Additionally, being numbness, tingling, and pain. Symptoms may people are concerned and ef�ciently. You drink from four to six
obese or overweight increases appear in different body regions depending on about natural health and ought to be capable glasses each day. The
the risk, as do certain illnesses the disc’s location. homemade treatments. of taking 3000 mg of ingredients in cranberry
such as diabetes. Engaging Causes: Bulging discs can result from ageing, People want a treatment vitamin C along with juice prohibit the
in physically demanding jobs which weakens the spinal discs over time. Neck that has been researched, three zinc lozenges microorganisms from
and experiencing traumatic and back strain, injuries, and genetic factors also documented and proven to each day throughout sticking to the urinary
events can also contribute contribute to the development of bulging discs. work. the infection. tract walls.
to the development of these These factors cause the discs to protrude, leading
issues. to pain and discomfort. Disclaimer: The Free Press Journal bears no responsibility for the content that appears on this page.
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IN ASSOCIATION WITH log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, 2024

Actor recalls his

first paid job in
the film industry

The A still from Munjya

(l to r) Filmmaker Ketan Mehta, Jackky Bhagnani, Vaibhav Kumareshwar,
Mohammad Kherandish, and others at the panel discussion

Global ambitions
‘PAN’ Pat in animation
The panelists CJ Desk

Rohit Bhatnagar something very heavy on you while shoot- shed light on he fourth day of the 18th Mumbai International Film

ctor Abhay Verma is receiving a
ing. It took a lot of hard work to do all of it. I
really had to focus on my body language, various facets of Festival (MIFF) featured an engaging panel discussion
with renowned personalities including filmmaker
lot of accolades currently for his even in Safed, I had to play transgender so I the animation Ketan Mehta, actor-producer Jackky Bhagnani,
horror comedy, Munjya. In an had to look like one. We shot the every scene Emmy-nominated filmmaker Vaibhav Kumareshwar,
exclusive chat with The Free thrice. A short guy had to cling on me film industry and and filmmaker Mohammad Kherandish, moderated by Munjal
Press Journal, the actor opens
up about his life before fame, working as a
through harness.
highlighted key Shroff, an animation filmmaker.
The panelists shed light on various facets of the animation film
junior artist in Super 30, working with the Q. Do you feel Munjya is a game changer in challenges it industry and highlighted key challenges it faces. Ketan Mehta re-
India’s first ever CGI artist and more. your career? marked on the limited international appeal of domestically created
Excerpts: A. If a person like Karan Johar, who has faces content, calling it a “vicious circle” plaguing the industry.
changed the coarse of the industry has mess- “When you are creating specifically for the domestic market it has
Q. How was it for you to shoulder the aged me and complimented me on my per- very little resonance outside the country and that is the problem, a
film on your own? formance, I don’t think so I can get a better vicious circle we are caught in.” said filmmaker Ketan Mehta when
A. I was a junior artist in Super 30 and validation than this. I couldn’t have asked for speaking about the travelability of content outside the
when I used to get 800 rupees per more especially coming from a small place domestic markets.
day, I used to learn so many things Panipat. Talking about the need for a global mind-
just by looking around. I used to get set, Mehta added saying “There are two
inspire by seeing those 200 people Q. Are you attracted to roles that are constraints as far as I can see, we haven’t
throughout the day. I don’t know how emotionally and mentally more draining? cultivated a global mindset and we haven’t
to put this in the most modest way, A. I am attracted to roles that people say, I triggered a global ambition…. Creatively
but I decided I would not do this for can’t do it. I feel the magic lies in how you do there is nothing wrong with us, we are the
long. I am meant for bigger things solely things and not in what you are doing. Now, I most creative civilization the world has
for the sake of Cinema. can take reference from my own character seen.” He also highlighted the
in Safed if I had to play a transgender some- high cost of money and the lack
Q. Go on… time in the future. of a sustainable distribution
A. I couldn’t imagine a junior artist like network for such content.
me could ever get a film like Munjya, a Q. After Safed and Munjya, do you have any Speaking at the engaging
film of that bigger scale and has India’s strategy to go forward? panel discussion actor-pro-
first ever CGI artist, it’s not less than a A. I agree, that I have got these films quite ducer Jackyy Bhagnani em-
miracle. It is out and out different ex- early in my career. Thankfully, the oppor- phasised on the
perience for any actor. I always wanted tunities given to me were very varied and differentiation of content
to be on the trend setter side rather on that has do with a lot of manifestation. To today, with theatrical and
the follower side. choose roles is a luxury in the industry. I OTT cum broadcast content
have a lot of creative hunger within me. Act- being bifurcated and the sort
Q. Did you attend any workshop to ing itself means to act different roles each of content being made to cater
perform with the CGI actor? time. to each medium.
A. We had extensive
workshops since I Festival Director Prithul
had to imagine Kumar with the
filmmaker Ketan Mehta


Pics: Varinder Chawla

Celebs were snapped Arora
as they were out and strikes a
pose as
about in Mumbai she heads

Thailand Shoot
out from a
yoga class
in Bandra

Fatima Sana
CJ Desk spotted returning from Goa after Shaikh

completing an intense action se- spotted
r NTR and Janhvi quence with Saif Ali Khan under outside a
Kapoor are set to challenging weather conditions,
clinic in Khar
shoot a melodious including heavy rain.
song for their up- Directed by Koratala Siva, De-
coming movie De- vara will unfold in two parts.
vara: Part 1 on Tuesday.
The song will be filmed in the
picturesque locales of Thailand.
This marks the first on-screen col-
laboration between Jr NTR
and Janhvi.
A few days ago, Jr NTR
was seen at the Hydera-
bad airport heading to
Thailand with his wife,
Lakshmi Pranathi,
and their children,
Abhay and Bhargav.
Earlier, he was

grand affair
Sonakshi-Zaheer wedding decor to
be in shades of ivory and white
CJ Desk Previously, the audio invite

for the couple’s wedding went
onakshi Sinha and viral. The invitation featured a
Zaheer Iqbal are set photograph of the couple amid
to make their rela- snow-capped mountains. The
tionship official on picture gave the impression of
June 23. a magazine cover and had

Sonakshi Sinha shares pic with Huma Qureshi; Ahead of their big day, it has
been revealed that the decor
multiple texts that read, “We’re
making it official! (Finally)”.
Zaheer Iqbal with his boys gang at his bachelor party for the couple’s special event at
the venue, will be in shades of
They also clarified that the “ru-
mours were true”.
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are ivory and white. The message commenced
all set to tie the knot soon. Ahead of A source said that while the with a voice-over by Sonakshi, Vicky
their wedding, both of them took to details of the menu and dinner “To all our hip, tech-savvy, and Kaushal Alia Bhatt
Instagram Stories on Monday night spread for the special day are jasoos friends and family who looks looks cute
to post new pictures with their close being kept under wraps, the managed to land on this page, dapper as she
friends. While Zaheer was seen cel- theme for the celebrations will hi”. Zaheer then added in audio as he spotted
ebrating his bachelor party with his be in shades of ivory and white. invite, “For the last seven years heads at a film
bunch of friends, Sonakshi was seen The source also revealed that that we have been together, all out from studio in
with her girl gang, which included arrangements are being made the love, joy, laughter, and a salon in Bandra
actor Huma Qureshi. to accommodate close to 100 many, many adventures have Khar
paparazzi in the lobby at venue. led us to this very moment.”
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log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, ����

Turkey beat Georgia in entertaining Mbappe comes o� with busted

nose as France sneak ��� win
match marred by fan violence AGENCIES


Maximilian Wober’s own goal
was enough to give France a
FINAL RESULT winning start to its Euro 2024
HISTORY campaign on Monday as it
›Turkey 3 (Müldür 25’,Güler 65’, SCRIPTED edged Austria 1-0 in its open-
Aktürkoglu 90’+7’) Georgia 1
(Mikautadze 32’) � Arda Guler scripted ing game, but Kylian Mbappe
history when he scored came o� late on with a blood-
ied nose.
AGENCIES the second goal for Turkey Wober diverted Mbappe’s
� Guler took possession cutback into his own net sev-
DORTMUND of the ball along the right en minutes before half-time
Teenager Arder Guler’s superb side of the mid�eld, in Duesseldorf to allow the
long-range strike helped Tur- French, one of the leading
key a victorious start to their
shifted to his left and hit contenders to win the tourna-
Euro 2024 campaign with a 3-1 a left-footed curler that ment, to come through a sti�
win over tournament debu- kissed the net, leaving test.
tants Georgia amid a fevered debutant Georgia gob- Austria has been much-im-
atmosphere in Dortmund on smacked The fans of Turkey and Georgia got into throwing proved under Ralf Rangnick
Tuesday. punches at each other before kick-o�, at and its pressing game o�en
Mert Muldur gave Turkey a � With the goal, he Westfalenstadion. made life uncomfortable for
deserved lead in the 25th min- became the youngest the 2022 World Cup runner-up,
ute, smashing a swerving vol- player to score on his FOOTBALL HOOLIGANISM who saw Mbappe leave the Kylian Mbappe of France holds his nose a�er receiving
ley past helpless Georgia goal- debut at a European �eld near the end a�er being medical treatment following clashing heads with Kevin Danso
keeper Giorgi Mamardashvili Championship �nals � Fighting broke out between fans of Turkey and Georgia hurt in a collision. of Austria during the UEFA EURO 2024 group stage match at
from the edge of the box. (19 years and 114 inside Dortmund’s Westfalenstadion ahead of the teams’ He had earlier failed to con- Düsseldorf Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Georgia, playing their �rst
days), surpassing the European Championship match vert a glorious chance that
major international tourna- � The brawling took place at ground level in one corner of would have allowed France to
ment, equalised in the 32nd record set by Cristiano win by a wider margin.
minute when Georges Mikau- Ronaldo in 2004, at 19 the stadium, with supporters seen throwing punches and
objects at each other as security attempted to intervene in
While Les Bleus were not at Mbappe to wear protective mask for
years and 128 days
tadze turned Giorgi Kocho-
rashvili’s cross past Mert Gu- pouring rain
their best, they will be relieved
to have emerged victorious remainder of Les Bleus games
nok, who should have done � The �ghting stopped when police o�cers in riot gear from the game a�er a build-up MUNICH: Kylian Mbappé su�ered a broken nose during
better in covering his near overshadowed by talk of poli-
post. jects thrown by supporters
came between them. A thick line of o�cers remained tics rather than football.
France’s 1-0 win against Austria at the European Championship
The 19-year-old Guler, com- in one corner of the ground in place, with some standing in the stairwell alongside The result leaves Didier on Monday and will have to wear a protective mask if he plays
ing into the tournament fresh before police stepped in to Georgia fans Deschamps’ team level on on at the tournament.
from a run of goals for Real restore order. three points in Group D with The World Cup winning striker had to be substituted after
Madrid, scored a�er 65 min- Violence broke out more On a chaotic day in West- midday. the Netherlands, who defeat- colliding with Austria’s Kevin Danso during the Group D match
utes, curling an unstoppable than an hour before Tues- phalia, water cascaded from Other Euro 2024 host cities ed Poland 2-1 in Hamburg on at Dusseldorf Arena and France coach Didier Deschamps did
shot into the top corner. Geor- day’s Group F game was the stadium roof seemingly in the region – Cologne, Dus- Sunday. not know in the immediate aftermath if the injury would rule
gia pressed for a late equaliser due to kick-o�, with Tur- on to fans amid a major down- seldorf and Gelsenkirchen France and the Netherlands
but, with Mamardashvili com- key eventual winners with pour in scenes similar to those – closed public fan zones on meet next in Leipzig on Fri-
him out of the rest of Euro 2024.
ing up for a series of corners, two brilliant e�orts either witnessed at Manchester Unit- Tuesday following the warn- day, while Austria faces Po- He was taken to a hospital in Dusseldorf and the France’s
Kerem Akturkoglu broke away side of Georgia’s �rst-ev- ed’s Old Tra�ord home last ing. land earlier the same day in Football Federation con�rmed the extent of the injury.
and passed into an empty net er tournament goal. month, which sparked fears Berlin. “He will undergo treatment in the coming days, without
in added time to make it 3-1. With Georgia threaten- kick-o� could be postponed. TODAY’S FIXTURES Austria had enjoyed some undergoing surgery immediately,” it said in a statement. “A
Turkey scored two goal-of- ing to nick a historic A storm warning in Dort- ›Croatia vs Albania, 6:30 pm IST impressive results coming mask will be made so as to allow the number 10 of the French
the-tournament contenders point late on, they sent mund earlier led to the clo- ›Germany vs Hungary 9:30 pm into the tournament on a sev-
and Real Madrid’s Arda Gul- their goalkeeper up for a sure of a fan zone in the centre en-game unbeaten run and
team to consider resuming competition after a period devoted
er underlined his burgeoning corner but Turkey broke of the city and a viewing area the team is on familiar ground to treatment.”
›On Thursday
talent but violence threatened and Muhammed Kerem in a park. during these Euros -- its coach Mbappé sustained the injury in an aerial collision when his
›Scotland vs Switzerland 12:30 face struck Danso’s shoulder. Images showed Mbappé’s nose
to mar their win over Georgia Akturkoglu �nished a The German Weather Ser- am IST Rangnick is from Germany
in the rain in Dortmund. wonderfully entertain- vice forecast severe thunder- and eight of its starting line- was bloodied and swollen and he was in obvious pain as Aus-
Punches were exchanged, ing game to make it storms in western and cen- ›Live on Sony Ten Network and up played in the German Bun-
Sony LIV tria goalkeeper Patrick Pentz signaled for medical assistance.
weapons brandished and ob- 3-1. tral Germany starting around desliga last season.

FC Goa sign Goa Velha SC down UC Sporting Clube appoint Savio IN SHORT >>
State sub junior & junior aquatic c’ships in July
Lara Sharma
THE GOAN I NETWORK Benaulim to enter semis Medeira as Technical Director PANAJI: The Goa Swimming Association will be organising State
Sub Junior and Junior Aquatic Championships on July 5, 6 and 7,
at Ponda Swimming Pool complex, Ponda. The selections for the
FC Goa an- Set to oversee club’s sporting operations and development Nationals will be done as per the State Championship perfor-
mance. Entry forms are available with SAG swimming coaches
nounced the MARGAO
at the swimming pools. Duly �lled forms are to be submitted to
signing of goal- Goa Velha SC emerged vic- THE GOAN I NETWORK
respective coaches on or before June 25.
keeper Lara torious over United Club Be-
Sharma on a naulim 5-3 via penalties to PANAJI
permanent book their spot in the semi- Sporting Clube de Goa an- GFA to hold U-17 girls selection trials
transfer from Bengaluru FC �nals of the Cana Benaulim nounced the appointment of PANAJI: The Goa Football Association will hold the selection trials
for an undisclosed fee. The Panchayat cup inter village Savio Medeira as the club’s for the U-17 girls on the following days from 3:45 pm onwards.
24-year-old has inked a mul- football tournament, at St new Technical Director. Duler Stadium, Mapusa, Bardez: June 19 and 20; King’s School
ti-year deal with the Club. John de Baptista football Medeira, a highly respect- ground, Sao Jose de Areal, Salcete: June 21 and 22
Expressing his excitement ground, on Tuesday. ed �gure in Indian football, Interested players should ttend all the days of the trials in their
about joining FC Goa, Lara Despite an aggressive start brings over 35 years of invalu- respective zones. Players born on or a�er 01.01.2008 are eligible
Sharma said: “I am thrilled from Benaulim, Goa Velha’s able experience at all levels of for the selection trials and should report at the venue with the full
to be part of FC Goa. The Club goalkeeper Pratik Kankonar the game to this crucial lead- playing kit to Coach Jonathan Faleiro.
has a fantastic reputation for stood �rm with a crucial save e�ective striking duo of Enosh ership role.
its style of play and passion- in the sixth minute to deny Jo- Goes and Cedran Rodrigues. “I am tremendously hon- Bhatto SC prevail over Novowaddo SC
ate fan base, and I can’t wait seburn Cardozo. Benaulim’s In the tie-breaker, Goa Vel- ored to join Sporting Clube de MARGAO: Bhatti Sports Club get the better of Novowaddo Sports
to start this new chapter of my persistence paid o� in the 13th ha SC emerged victorious with Goa as the club’s new Tech- Club 6-4 via the tie-breaker to enter the semi�nal of 9-a-side foot-
career with the team. minute when Nicholas Rodri- Sainath Kankonkar, Akash nical Director,” said Savio ball tournament, organised by Sporting Club Virabhat, at St.Alex
“During every break, I aim gues’ misjudged cross found Sanadi, Rishabh Madkaikar, Medeira. “This is an exciting Church ground, Curtorim, on Tuesday.
to win the upcoming season Keegan Fernandes, who head- and Francis Afonso convert- opportunity to work for an Novowaddo scored the �rst goal through Milagres Fernandes
and return home with pride. ed the ball into the net. ing their spot-kicks whileonly ambitious club determined with a neat placement before half time while Bhatti regroup
But this time, it feels even more In the second hald, Goa Nicholas Rodrigues and Ale- to reach new heights of sus- winning while nurturing tal- Medeira explained. “But our quickly and took control in second session and got the much
signi�cant. We have a strong Velha equalised in the 38th jo Fernandes were successful tained excellence. ent, and securing promotion long-term vision is to estab- needed equaliser through the boots of Marcus Peixeto.
squad that can show where we minute through Alme Fer- from the penalty spot for UC Medeira’s key objectives at to the I-League. lish Sporting Clube Goa as a In the resultant tie-breaker, Bhatti scored through Jovial Dias,
belongs and what we deserve nandes, who nodded in a low Benaulim. Sporting Clube de Goa include “My immediate focus is to dominant force nationally, Maven Dias, Macnal Dias, Tony and Aaron Dias while Novowaddo
to achieve. As long as I’m part cross from Akash Sanadi. Be- UC Benaulim’s Tino Fer- retaining the GPL title, estab- help the team retain the GPL with our players and coaches found the net through Alister, Frazer and Milagres Fernandes.
of FC Goa, this mindset will re- naulim’s e�orts to retake the nandes was awarded the man lishing a top-tier youth devel- title and achieve promotion representing India at the high- Macnal Dias was awarded the man of the match prize.
main unchanged,” he added. lead were thwarted by an in- of the match award. opment program that fosters to the I-League this season,” est level.”

Sandeep-Marvando to clash with FC Madras rope in Priolkar as U-�7 coach

Jesus-Sanjot in veterans �nals
CHARLES D’SOUZA that I was a long way o�, so I
THE GOAN I MARGAO told the coaches that I need-
ed more time for the knee to
FC Madras appointed former heal.”
India Junior coach Kanan Pri- The 47-year old was part of
Yug set to battle it out with Kavish in U-�� boys �nal olkar coach of the U-17 youth
team on a one-year deal.
then Sesa Sports Club in his
early days and developed a for-
Expressing excitement on midable partnership up front,
THE GOAN I NETWORK chair category �nals. He is his new role as FC Madras alongside former India inter-
set to compete against Mois- assistant coach Priolkar com- national Alvito D’Cunha. How-
MARGAO es Rodrigues, who narrowly mented: “I’m so happy to be ever, the stay at Sesa was short-
The Goa Table Tennis season beat Vishant Nagvekar 3-2 in part of the FC Madras family. lived, as the club shut down in
for 2024 o�cially commenced a gripping semi-�nal match. It is a big honour to work with 1999 and became a dedicated
with the highly anticipated In the Para Standing category, FC Madras.” to the football academy.
Ulhas Jewellers - BPS Major Alex Albuquerque will clash Priolkar who was a coach at However, it was when he
Ranking Table Tennis Tourna- with Chetan Salgaonkar for AIFF for four years now fought moved to Dempo SC for a cou-
ment 2024, marking the �rst the title. Albuquerque and his way back from some major coming years. We will have a thing that prevented him from ple of seasons, that he started
Major ranking tournament of Salgaonkar both achieved setbacks in his footballing ca- proper scouting and structure joining the India U-21 camp, his �rst partnership with Bibi-
the calendar season. convincing 3-0 victories over reer. program to bring more local earlier in his career; this was ano Fernandes, who is cur-
Fleev Andrade and Gopal “My vision is to have long- talents from Tamil Nadu. I to be the only occasion when rently the head coach of the
BPS MAJOR Naik, respectively. term goals, especially on de- have seen the structure and he was called up to the Na- India U-15 side. Having played
RANKING TT 23, with matches taking place face Jesus D’Costa and Sanjot In the U-11 Boys Quarters, velopment at the grassroot they set up a professional ap- tional Team. for Sporting Clube de Goa,
daily from 3 pm onwards at Sankalp, who secured a dom- top-seed Yug Prabhu dom- level. It’s more important proach and was impressed “My knee had recovered af- in his last �ve years of top-
The tournament kicked o� the Multipurpose Stadium in inant 3-0 victory against San- inated Ashank Dalvi with a for me to build a strong set- with their facilities” Priolkar ter the surgery, but I was yet to �ight football, Priolkar went
with the Veterans and Para TT Fatorda. ford Xavier and Praveen Gad. 3-0 victory and advanced to up for youth development explained. get back to full �tness. And we on to ply his trade in the local
events held over the �rst two In the Veterans Semi-Finals, The Para TT category also the semis by defeating Ishaan and grassroot. Every year we While under normal cir- did not really have physios to leagues.
days, while the Major Rank- the duo Sandeep D’Mello and saw thrilling matches, with Colaco 3-1. Kavish Dalvi also should bring more talent and cumstances he would have help us speed-up the recovery A�er he hanging up his
ing Tournament is set to com- Marvando Mascarenhas tri- the National Gold Medalist in showcased his talent, win- bring more players from our gone on to play a few more process back in those days,” boots, Kanan coached the
mence on June 18. All �nals, umphed over Leslie Noronha Para making a notable impact ning against Kaushik Nair and youth development program years, the forward was forced said Priolkar. “I had joined junior teams at Vasco SC, Bra-
spanning across various cate- and Anthony Mendes with by defeating Stany D’Souza Keder Nair to set up a �nal to the main team. That will into early retirement due to a the camp for the �rst couple of zil Football Academy, Cavelos-
gories, are scheduled for June a score of 3-1. They will now 3-0 to advance to the Wheel- clash with Yug. be our big vision in the up- recurring knee injury, some- days, but then I soon realised sim and Dempo.

log on to @thegoanonline The Goan E-Paper (Playstore/IOS) Wednesday June 19, ����

Pooran powers Windies to record Proteas look set to smash against

spirited USA in Super Eight opener
total, crush Afghans by 104 runs Match starts at 8 PM IST

South Africa will have no
room for error as their world-
SCOREBOX MATCH RUN class batters will be keen to
�ex their muscles against a
West Indies 218 for � With both teams as- spirited USA in their opening
5 (Pooran 98, Charles sured of a Super 8 berth, it Super Eight match of the T20
43, Naib 2-14) beat was the two-time champi- World Cup here on Wednes-
ons WI who displayed their day.
Afghanistan 114 The Proteas have remained
(Ibrahim 38, McCoy 3-14) batting might, amassing
unbeaten in the tournament
by 104 runs a formidable 218 for �ve, so far with their bowlers do-
with Pooran going on a ing the heavy li�ing in all four
PLAYER OF THE MATCH six-hitting spree during games.
Nicholas Pooran 98 (53) his 53-ball 98. It was the Playing three games on the
highest total for the hosts challenging New York tracks,
in men’s T20 World Cups. and one in Kingstown, South
Africa have not crossed the
PTI � In reply, Afghanistan 120-run mark even once.
succumbed to scoreboard
GROS pressure, managing just PREVIEW
Nicholas Pooran displayed his 114 in 16.2 overs
incredible six-hitting prowess Although their batting
as West Indies geared up for � Afghanistan had bun- performance is not a re�ection
the Super 8 with a dominating dled out their opponents of the team which possesses
104-run win over Afghanistan for sub-100 totals in their some big hitters like Quinton Reeza Hendricks of South Africa looks on during a net
in their �nal Group C match �rst three games but skip- de Kock, Henriech Klassen,
of the T20 World Cup here on per Rashid Khan’s decision Tristan Stubbs and David
Tuesday. Rahmanullah Gurbaz of Afghanistan catches out Nicholas Pooran of West Indies which was Miller. TEAMS
With both teams assured later given not out during the ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 match to bowl �rst here back�red But still the top order of
of a Super 8 berth, it was the at Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium, in Gros Islet, Saint Lucia. as Pooran put on a ruthless De Kock, Reeze Hendricks ›SOUTH AFRICA: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee,
two-time champions WI who display, hitting as many as and captain Aiden Markram Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich
displayed their batting might, as many as 8 maximums and opener Brandon King in the recover from the onslaught 8 maximums and 6 fours might feel the pressure to per- Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada,
Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
amassing a formidable 218 for 6 fours during his stay. second over but hosts scored as a�er pacer Naveen-Ul-Haq during his stay form.
�ve, with Pooran going on a Opener Johnson Charles heavily in the �rst �ve overs dismissed the Charles, Pooran South Africa survived by a ›USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson,
six-hitting spree during his 53- (43)Shai Hope (25) and and the last �ve overs. continued his hitting spree ghanistan never looked com- run against Nepal in their pre- Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish
ball 98. It was the highest to- Rovman Powell (26) also con- Pooran turned on the heat with Hopes and Powell play- fortable as they lost in-form vious game and with the likes Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk,
tal for the hosts in men’s T20 tributed with the bat as WI in the fourth over, collect- ing second �ddle. Rahmanullah Gurbaz (0) in of defending champions Eng- Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy
World Cups. posted the highest total of this ing 36-runs o� Azmatullah In the 18th over, Pooran the �rst over. land and hosts West Indies Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
In reply, Afghanistan suc- edition of T20 World Cup. Omarzai’s bowling - 6, 5NB, launched into Rashid, Zadran kept the scoreboard also in Group 2, the Proteas
cumbed to scoreboard pres- Gulbadin Naib (2/14) was 5WD, 0, 4LB, 4, 6, 6. It was the smacking him for three max- ticking but he couldn’t real- can ill a�ord to let up against group stage and is currently Co-host USA, who are an
sure, managing just 114 in 16.2 the top bowler for Afghani- joint most expensive over in imums and a four for a 24- ly take on the Windies attack USA. They would like to start the joint second leading wick- eclectic mix of eight Indians,
overs. stan, claiming two wickets in T20Is. run over. as Gudakesh Motie (2/28) and the Super Eight on a winning et-taker with nine scalps. two Pakistanis, a West Indian,
Afghanistan had bundled his 2 overs. The wicketkeeper batter During his innings Pooran McCoy struck thrice in two note. Nortje and fellow pacer Ot- one New Zealander, a South
out their opponents for sub- With the bat, opener Ibra- and opener Charles (43) took surpassed Chris Gayle (124 overs to put Afghanistan un- Ahead of the World Cup, tneil Baartman, have formed African and a Dutch, are in the
100 totals in their �rst three him Zadran (38), Azmatullah the hosts to 92/1 at the six-over sixes) as West Indies’ most der pressure. South Africa’s biggest concern a formidable pair, while Mar- midst of a dream run having
games but skipper Rashid Omarzai (23) and Karim Janat mark, the biggest Powerplay decorated T20I six-hitter. The Wickets kept tumbling was the woeful form of Anrich co Jansen and Kagiso Rabada quali�ed for the Super Eights
Khan’s decision to bowl �rst (14) tried their bit but it proved total in men’s T20 World Cup le�-hander was eventually due to scoreboard pressure as Nortje, but the star pacer has will also be eager to trouble in their debut appearance.
here back�red as Pooran put too huge a total in the end. history. run-out in the last over. most batters perished while turned it around with some the inexperienced USA bat- They have played an ag-
on a ruthless display, hitting Earlier, West Indies lost Afghanistan really didn’t Chasing the huge total, Af- trying for big hits. scintillating display in the ters. gressive brand of cricket.

Little hectic but we’re ready: Kane Williamson uncertain ICC warns associate
Rohit on Super Eight stage about his future in T��Is nations against
PTI way to start the second stage.
It clearly shows that everyone
PTI An all-format player who
is considered one of the
corrupt approaches
BRIDGETOWN wants to make a di�erence TAROUBA
greats of modern day PTI It is has been learned that
India captain Rohit Sharma and we take our skill sessions New Zealand will require an incident took place
conceded that the T20 World quite seriously,” he said. some time to regroup a�er cricket, Williamson has BRIDGETOWN
been the BlackCaps batting during the league stage
Cup’s Super 8 stage is going “There is something to their shock early exit from the The spectre of corruption in
to be a “little hectic” but his achieve in every skill session T20 World Cup, said skipper mainstay for over a decade. cricket continues to challenge matches in Guyana where
players are prepared for the that you do,” Rohit said on Kane Williamson, who was the game’s administrators but a former Kenya pacer tried
grind as there is “real keen- the mood inside the dressing non-committal regarding his one potential approach from a to contact a Ugandan team
ness” among them to do room a�er an undefeated run return for the 2026 edition of things land,” he added. former Kenya international to member multiple times from
“something special”.
Once we play our �rst game, in the group league stage. the marquee event. On New Zealand’s short a Uganda player in the ongo- di�erent numbers
India will open their Super The Indian team endured An all-format player who is campaign at the T20 Word ing T20 World Cup was dealt
8 campaign against Afghan- we are going to play the next hostile batting conditions considered one of the greats of Cup, the 34-year-old said “I swi�ly by the sleuths of ICC’s “It is not a surprise that
istan on June 20, followed by two in a span of 3 or 4 days. during the US leg due to the modern day cricket, Williamson think no matter what hap- anti-corruption unit. this person targeted a player
games against Bangladesh It is going to be a little hectic drop-in pitches used by the has been the BlackCaps batting pens, you’re always want to PTI has learned that the from the Ugandan national
(June 22, Antigua) and Aus- but we are used to all of this. organisers. mainstay for over a decade. win over minnows Papua New do more. incident took place during team. Associate nations, as
tralia (June 24, St Lucia). We travel and play a lot so Rohit said the ongoing New Zealand reached three Guinea. They �nished outside “But it’s been really the league stage matches in compared to the big teams,
“Once we play our �rst that is never going to be an Caribbean leg brings with it �nals with Williamson in the of the semi�nals for the �rst unique, a unique experience Guyana where a former Kenya are so� targets for corruption
game, we are going to play a sense of familiarity and his side -- the 2015 and 2019 ODI time in 10 years. Pace spear- for all the guys. The condi- pacer tried to contact a Ugan- but in this case the player who
the next two in a span of 3 or excuse,” team would look to make the World Cups, the 2021 T20 head Trent Boult has already tions have been challenging dan team member multiple was approached did the need-
4 days,” Rohit said in a video — Rohit Sharma, most of it. World Cup and the inaugural con�rmed that the ongoing I think for batters all around, times from di�erent numbers. ful by informing the ICC at the
uploaded by the BCCI. Indian cricket captain “We have seen a lot of World Test Championship �- T20 World Cup was his last. but it’s just about trying to Following ICC’s strict an- earliest,” a source told PTI.
“It is going to be a little games here, we have played a nal, which they won. William- “There’s a bit of time be- �nd a way.” New Zealand ti-corruption protocol, the Failure to report a corrupt
hectic but we are used to all on Monday with senior play- lot of games here. So everyone son led the BlackCaps in three tween now and then, so it’s re- were the last team to kickstart player reported the approach approach is an o�ence under
of this. We travel and play a ers like Virat Kohli and Rohit understands what one needs of those four tournaments. grouping as a side. And yeah, their campaign. They were to the ACU o�cials on site. the ICC’s anti-corruption code.
lot so that is never going to spending more-than-usual to do to get the result in our “When asked if he’d return we’ve sort of got red ball crick- out of contention for the Su- The development prompt- The other o�ences include
be an excuse,” the 37-year-old time in the nets. favour. Everyone is looking for the 2026 edition, William- et over the next year basically. per Eights within the space ed the o�cials to raise a red match-�xing, betting on the
added. “There is real keenness in forward and are quite excited son said: “Oh, I don’t know.” “So yeah, it’s back into of four days, courtesy back- �ag against the former Kenya game, misuse of inside infor-
The Indian team had an the group to go and do some- as well at the same time,” Ro- New Zealand’s campaign end- some international other for- to-back losses to Afghanistan player by informing all the as- mation and failing to co-oper-
extended practice session thing special. That’s a good hit said. ed with a facile seven-wicket mats and yeah, see where and West Indies. sociate teams about him. ate with an investigation.

Neeraj Chopra
claims gold at Gautam Gambhir interviews Indian women look to seal series
Paavo Games
for India head coach position against South Africa in second ODI
TURKU MET WITH BCCI’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TUESDAY Match starts at 1:30 PM in her last �ve outings.
India’s Olympic and world IST. Live on Jio Cinema Top-order batter Jemimah
champion javelin throw star PTI in Mumbai. Rodrigues, who returned from
Neeraj Chopra snared his The discussion, it is be- PTI a back injury that forced her
maiden gold medal at the NEW DELHI lieved, was focussed on the to sit out of the T20I series
Paavo Nurmi Games here on Former India opener Gautam roadmap he has in mind for BENGALURU against Bangladesh, too failed
Tuesday, returning to action Gambhir was on Tuesday in- the next three years, which India will expect their top-or- to impress.
in style a�er being laid low for terviewed by the BCCI’s Crick- will feature three ICC tourna- der batters to produce a tidier Rodrigues would like to re-
a month due to a niggle. et Advisory Committee (CAC) ments across formats. e�ort against South Africa in capture her 2023 form where
Chopra, who claimed the for the national team’s head There is an Apex Council the second women’s ODI here she made a couple of 80s
silver here in 2022, produced coach position. meeting on Tuesday evening on Wednesday in their quest and came close to scoring her
the winning e�ort of 85.97m The interview took place and it is understood that for an unassailable 2-0 lead in maiden ODI hundred.
in his third attempt to lead over a zoom call with both secretary Jay Shah will ap- the three-match series. Indian skipper Harmanpreet Kaur and coach Amol Muzumdar All of them, in fact, can
the �eld for a major part of Gambhir and Malhotra at- prise the members about the watch on during a practice session. take a cue from vice-captain
the competition, which also tending it virtually. coach selection process be- PREVIEW Mandhana, whose sixth ODI
featured 19-year-old German “Yes, Gambhir appeared for fore the �nal announcement outclass South Africa, but it In the last six matches, the hundred stood out for its stu-
prodigy Max Dehning who is the interview with the CAC. mality which could happen in is made. India have a 1-0 lead in their was not enough to paper over opener’s individual score- diousness.
the youngest member of the One round of discussions hap- the next 48 hours. The CAC is also interview- hand, courtesy a 143-run win some wide cracks in the bat- sheet reads: 1, 8, 0, 4, 1, 7. The Of course, the graceful
90m club. pened today. There is another The speci�cs of his inter- ing a few interested candi- in the �rst game but the win, ting department. The most 20-year-old will require a sub- le�-hander has been in good
Toni Keranen claimed the round expected tomorrow,” a action with CAC chairman dates for the North Zone selec- as comprehensive as it was, glaring of them is the contin- stantial score sooner than lat- touch in ODIs, as her last 20
silver medal with a best throw BCCI source told PTI. Ashok Malhotra and his col- tor’s position. also le� some questions un- ued underwhelming ODI out- er to cling on to her spot. innings dating back to Febru-
of 84.19m, while his compatri- Gambhir is believed to be leagues Jatin Paranjpe and The 42-year-old Gambhi re- answered. ings of opener Shafali Verma. Skipper Harmanpreet ary 2022 have fetched seven
ot and last edition’s gold-med- the only candidate who is in Sulakshana Naik were not cently guided Kolkata Knight The home side rode on Sm- Her last one-day ��y came in Kaur will also like to have a ��ies and two centuries and
allist Oliver Helander took the contention and the announce- immediately known. Both Riders to the IPL trophy as the riti Mandhana’s hundred and 2022, an unbeaten 71, against big score under her belt a�er was dismissed below 10 only
third spot with 83.96m. ment of his name is a mere for- Paranjpe and Naik are based team’s mentor. a �ne spell by spinners to Sri Lanka at Pallekele. notching up 14, 9, 5, 3 and 10 thrice.

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