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«…»______________ 20…р

План-конспект практичного заняття

з навчальної дисципліни
«Практичний курс основної/другої іноземної мови»
На тему «Toxic relationships»

Дата проведення заняття … ….. 20.. г

Група ________ курс __________
Ларіна Єлизавета Михайлівна (Ф.І.О. студента) 51 група 5 курс
Оцінка: ______
Підпис викладача __________
- формування вміння читати і розуміти тексти різних жанрів; вміння зафіксувати і
передати усно інформацію; вміння здійснювати усне спілкування; вміння розуміти
на слух.
- оволодіння новими ЛО та навичками розуміння текстів рівня B2.
- розвивати пам'ять, навички перекладу, мислення, вміння працювати з
інформацією, навички усного мовлення, логіку.
-виховання естетичного ставлення до навколишньої дійсності, явищам, культурі,
суспільному житті; розуміння важливості оволодіння ін.мовою; виховання
толерантності, колективізму, активності, працьовитості)
Планований результат:
- освоїти і відпрацювати нові лексичні одиниці з даної теми
- вміти чітко висловлювати свої думки, швидко усвідомлювати нову інформацію
- вміти розуміти текст та перекладати його.
Формування універсальних навчальних дій:
- формування відповідального ставлення до навчання, до співпраці з викладачем і
- здійснення регулятивних дій самоспостереження, самоконтролю, самооцінки та
саморегуляції до подолання перешкод у процесі комунікативної діяльності
іноземною мовою.
- нові ЛО;
- формулювання власної думки, здатність аргументувати і координувати її з
позиціями партнерів у співпраці при виробленні спільного рішення у спільній
- вміння відповідати на питання.

Основні поняття:
Toxic relationship, Emotional impact, Psychological abuse, Gaslighting, Cyberbullying,
Red flags, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Emotional health, Toxic behaviour.

Форми роботи:
Індивідуальна, спільна, фронтальна.
ноутбук, підручник, роздрукіки.

1. Організаційний момент (5-7 хв.)
- привітання,
- приведення студентів до готовності співпрацювати,
- повідомлення цілей заняття.

2. Мотивація навчальної діяльності (7-10 хв.) – (мета – необхідність

настройки слухового та артикуляційного апарату на ін. мові
- Мовленнєва зарядка (бесіда, обговорення поточних подій, погоди,
розучування римівки, вірша, прислів’я, фонетична зарядка….)


- робота з новими ЛО. (15 хв.)
- читання та переклад тексту. (30 хв.)
- визначення основної думки тексту. (5 хв.)
- завдання з новими ЛО по тексту. (20 хв.)
- обговорення теми тексту. (10 хв.)


1. Повідомлення та пояснення д/з. (2-3 хв.)
2. Підведення підсумків
3. Оцінювання

План-конспект уроку «Toxic relationships»

1. Організаційний момент
T: Good morning, everyone! ! How is it going on? I am glad to see you all today.
(We will talk a little bit about what's going on in their studies, the weather, etc.)
First of all we will check your Home-work.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання

Home-Work was page 34 - Glossary from 2-nd part of the book. (They had to translate
the words and their meanings into Ukrainian and make a sentence with each new word.)
T: So let's start with you, Maria, read as usual one by one - word, explanation,
translation, and your example sentence and then the next.
T: Okay, you're all doing great.

3. Ознайомлення з метою та темою заняття.

T: Today we are going to read about toxic relationships with relatives, friends or even
partners. For today, It’s really important to know how people need to communicate with
other people. Which type of communication is normal and which is really bad. So you
can protect yourselves from this toxic communication.


1. Робота з новими ЛО.
T: Okey, we are going to do exercises with new words which will be useful in our theme.

Еxercise 1. Match the term with the correct definition.

1. Self-worth: Knowing you're as valuable as a whole pizza with extra cheese – even
if nobody offers to share.
2. Self-esteem: The personal "like" you give yourself every morning when you look
in the mirror.
3. Red flags: Little signals that yell, "Abort mission!" about people, situations, or
too-good-to-be-true sales.
4. Vulnerable: Feeling like an open waffle cone without ice cream – fragile and
ready for any "aww" moments.
5. Well-being: The state of feeling so good that even Mondays feel like mini Friday
6. Manipulation: When someone cleverly convinces you to agree to spring cleaning
instead of going to a party under the guise of "weekend plans."
7. Cyberbullying: The internet's version of "poke a friend and get instant bad karma
in return."

New words
1. Demeaned - принижений
2. Undermines - підриває
3. Threatened - погрожував/під загрозою
4. Apparent - очевидний
5. Insulted - ображений
6. Victim - жертва
7. Steady - стійкий
8. Self-worth and self-esteem - самоцінність та самооцінка
9. Digestive issues - проблеми з травленням
10.Weakened immune function - ослаблена функція імунної системи
11.Disturbances - порушення
12.Subtly - тонко/непомітно
13.Vulnerable - вразливий
14.Struggle - боротьба
15.Prone - схильний
16.Occur - траплятися
17.Thrive - процвітати

3. Reading and translating (30 хвилин)

T: Please, Artem, read the first paragraph.

S: *reading*
T: Ok, and translate please.
S: *translating*
T: Ok. Who wants to read the next part?
S: *reading and translating*

A toxic relationship is one that undermines your well-being—emotionally,

psychologically, and sometimes even physically. These relationships can exist in various
contexts, from friendships to romantic partnerships, and even within families. It is
characterised by behaviours that leave you feeling unsupported, misunderstood,
demeaned, or attacked. Basically, it is an interrelationship where the bad consistently
outweighs the good, and your overall welfare is threatened. Identifying toxic dynamics
early is crucial. The longer you stay in such a relationship, the more it can impact your
mental and emotional health.

Recognizing toxicity allows you to take steps to protect yourself and seek healthier
connections. Physical or verbal abuse is a clear sign of toxicity, but psychological abuse
is not as obvious. Alongside persistent criticism and attempts to isolate you from loved
ones, constantly being blamed and made to feel guilty about your or somebody else’s
actions are behaviours to watch out for. According to many, however, what makes
toxicity apparent in a relationship are frequent situations of consistent disrespect, where
you don’t feel appreciated or are even insulted.

Toxic relationships can have far-reaching consequences on the victim’s well-being on a

mental and physical level. Living in these emotionally unhealthy conditions leads to a
steady decrease in self-worth and self-esteem. Lacking energy after interactions and
experiencing depression, anger, or tiredness are only some of the negative effects that
such relationships can have on an individual. Physically, the stress and anxiety
stemming from toxic dynamics can lead to a range of health issues, including digestive
issues, weakened immune function, and sleep disturbances.

The list of toxic behaviours is long, but the most damaging patterns in a relationship can
be categorised depending on the type of effect these behaviours can have on others. One
of these categories is ‘behavioural
control’, which includes strategies employed by individuals to influence and dominate
others to achieve personal gain. This can be obtained either through controlling and
forceful measures, such as aggressive behaviours, or through subtly shaping the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviours of others by lying or bending the truth. This is a form
of manipulation – known as gaslighting – in which facts are changed or withheld to suit
the toxic person’s interest, causing you to question your own senses and thoughts.

Another category of toxic behaviours is ‘emotional impact’, which is determined by

how individuals experience and react to emotional signals, whether they be positive or
negative. It refers to the effects of emotional experiences on thoughts, feelings, and
behaviour, which can range from positive emotions like happiness to negative ones like
sadness or fear. This category is relevant especially for those who deal with past
traumas or insecurities. These individuals are considered vulnerable as they may
struggle to set limits, express needs, or protect themselves from harm, making them
more prone to exploitation by others. Identifying and dealing with your weaknesses is a
good starting point to build up your ability to bounce back emotionally.

In today’s interconnected world, it’s essential to recognise that toxic behaviour isn’t
limited to face-to-face interactions but can occur through digital mediums, affecting
mental and emotional health just as profoundly. In the virtual world, where
cyberbullying, online harassment, and forceful control through technology are some of
the toxic tactics that thrive on popular digital communication platforms, establishing
personal space and addressing red flags as they occur might not be enough to protect
yourself against all forms of toxicity. Being mindful of online content, verifying
information before accepting it as truth, and curating online spaces to prioritise
positivity and healthy interactions can help limit exposure to toxic content.

4. Визначення основної думки тексту.

T: Now let’s decide what is the main target of this text.

S: *telling smth*

5. Завдання по тексту (20 хвилин)

Exercise 1. Read the sentence pairs. Choose where the words best fit in
the blanks.

1. Demeaned / Undermines
Constant criticism often __________ an individual's confidence.
She felt __________ by the unfair comments made during the meeting.

2. Threatened / Apparent
It was __________ that he was unhappy with the changes.
The employee felt __________ by the manager's harsh tone.

3. Insulted / Victim
The __________ of the scam reported the incident to the authorities.
She felt __________ when her ideas were dismissed without consideration.
4. Steady / Self-worth and self-esteem
His __________ improvement in performance impressed his supervisors.
Building __________ is crucial for mental health.

5. Digestive issues / Weakened immune function

Chronic stress can lead to __________.
Poor nutrition may result in a __________.

1. Demeaned / Undermines
Constant criticism often undermines an individual's confidence.
She felt demeaned by the unfair comments made during the meeting.

2. Threatened / Apparent
It was apparent that he was unhappy with the changes.
The employee felt threatened by the manager's harsh tone.

3. Insulted / Victim
The victim of the scam reported the incident to the authorities.
She felt insulted when her ideas were dismissed without consideration.

4. Steady / Self-worth and self-esteem

His steady improvement in performance impressed his supervisors.
Building self-worth and self-esteem is crucial for mental health.

5. Digestive issues / Weakened immune function

Chronic stress can lead to digestive issues.
Poor nutrition may result in a weakened immune function.

Exercise 2. Take the reading test.

1. The writer describes a toxic relationship as...

a.a long-term relationship where the people involved feel unappreciated.
b.a connection which is constantly dominated by negative experiences.
c.a romantic bond in which each party feels threatened by the other.
d.a family that lacks support and understanding between members.

2. According to the writer, one of the most obvious signs of psychological abuse
a.a constant feeling of loneliness and isolation. intense fear of being physically harmed.
c.repeated occurrences that show lack of respect and appreciation.
d.continuous unjust accusations of being at fault in any situation.

3. Which mental effects of a toxic relationship does the writer mention?

a.The inability to have a good night’s sleep.
b.The gradual loss of confidence in oneself.
c.The lack of financial independence.
d.The need to avoid emotional connections.

4. What is the purpose of ‘gaslighting’?

a.To influence an individual by making them doubt their own perceptions.
b.To control someone’s behavior by using threats.
c.To dominate a relationship by reacting in an aggressive manner.
d.To manipulate people’s thoughts and feelings by making them feel guilty.

5. What is the first thing you should do to develop emotional resilience?

a.Recognising and working on the areas that make you vulnerable.
b.Becoming more determined about getting what they need and want.
c.Identifying what behaviors cause unwanted or unhappy emotions.
d.Keeping yourself safe with the help of family and friends.

6. What does the writer imply about the issue of toxic interactions online?
a.Despite their efforts, digital platforms are unable to deal with it effectively.
b.Introducing boundaries as protection against it is as effective as in the real world.
c.Relevant mindful content is more accessible and widespread nowadays.
d.Their impact on the victim’s well-being is equal to that in real-life relationships.

1. b) a connection which is constantly dominated by negative experiences.
2. c) repeated occurrences that show lack of respect and appreciation.
3. b) The gradual loss of confidence in oneself.
4. a) To influence an individual by making them doubt their own perceptions.
5. a) Recognising and working on the areas that make you vulnerable.
6. d) Their impact on the victim’s well-being is equal to that in real-life


T: Homework for the next lesson: learn new words from the text and find some pairs of
synonyms. You all did a great job, all of you who reported and did your homework - 5,
those who didn't - send us a photo of your homework later. Good luck for all! See you

Find some pairs of synonyms.

For example:
Undermines, weakens
Well-being, welfare
Emotionally, mentally

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