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1. What are the things that you significantly learned from the

- Upon reading the article, “Economic and Identity” by Akerlof and Kranton, I have
learned that the identity of an individual can affect the economic outcomes. Wherein
there are some happenings that are being caused by a person’s sense of self. I have
learned that the identity of a person may cause problems and issues such as ethnic
and racial conflict, gender discrimination, political economy, household division of
labor and more. From the reading, I learned how to include identity into economic
models of behavior that were tackled in the article. It also made me realize that our
identity model of behavior begins with social difference. On how people are different
with their culture, beliefs, ethnicity, race, religion, and gender. Wherein the economic
decision that a person will make may be their choice of personality or character to be
in the future.

2. What are the things in the article that are still unclear to you?
3. What questions that you want to ask about the readings?

- There are a few things that are still unclear to me that made me question some
things that I read in the article. In the modeling of identity, the fourth example of
identity-related behavior which indicates that some people may choose their identity,
but choice be proscribed for others. Why does other people are prohibited or cannot
choose their identity when “Gender Identity” is all about the feelings of a person of
whether their view or perspective of their selves are female or male. The fourth
example is unclear to me of how a person is being proscribed to choose their
identity. Another thing that is unclear to me is the first reason on how the concept if
identity expands economic analysis. It implied that identity can explain behavior that
appears disturbing or destructive, and the reason for this behavior may be to
strengthen a person’s self of self or to soothe a diminished self-image. If the self-
image of a person is declining, how does a maladaptive or self-destructive behavior
strengthen or sooth the sense of self of a person that is already in a terribe.
Condition. In the poverty model, it is also unclear to me how individuals could choose
between Green or Red, but could never be a ‘‘true’’ Green because they can never
fully fit the ideal type, the ideal ‘‘Green,’’ of the dominant culture. A lot of things is still
unclear to me about the readings, but I was able to understood most of the readings
in the article.

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