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Paper 2

May/June 2023

Question 3

Q3a)i) Terracing

ii) 1. Contour ploughing

2. Crop rotation

3. planting crops/ vegetation

4. reducing grazing of animals

b) Surface Run Off is slowed and decreased.

Evaporation is increased due to large surface area.

c) A: Transpiration

B: Precipitation

d)i) 1.8 m

ii) A is added into the experiment for comparison.

iii) From this investigation, it can be said that the average growth in trees of Group B was the highest and
that weed removing is the best treatment for trees. Adding fertilizers is also useful as Group C trees’
were the 2nd tallest. Moreover, trees in Group D almost had no effect; their trees were the shortest.

iv) 1. The students can repeat the experiment again

2. The students can use different tree species.

3. Moreover, the students can use different soils.

e) Afforestation can help reduce atmospheric pollution by a great extent. When new trees are planted,
they act as carbon sinks. The trees or plants will photosynthesize, and reduce the concentration of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing it. In addition to this, this will also reduce global warming
as more carbon dioxide will be absorbed by the trees. Trees will also reduce particulate matter in the air
around them by trapping it.

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